Amy Gardner Of Eden v1.1: Outdoor 420 Featuring Star Pupil x WeaponX, PCK, Lilly & Purple Satellite

Nice Keltic. Zamadelica is also in my ‘interested in’ list. The cross morglie made of Zam and Panama is one of the prettiest plants - based on watching a few members grow it, in photographs.
I am going to see if finances allow me to get a Nova this summer. Seems a right fit for me.
I can’t recommend it more hghly. I had dismissed it for years becasue i decideD it was too spendy. Now, i couldn’t be happier! It is a perfect fit for me :thumb: I just splashed out on the infusion sleeve :D
Amy, what real benefits are you reading of when CBD is in higher ratio in cosmetics? I suspect we’re seeing more placebo effect than anything. I always remember greatwolf, who used high CBD oils to get off opiates, but that was internally. I still feel inadequately studied on the real world responses to CBD topically.

There’s no THC in the cosmetic/skin oils I’ve been looking at. (And I’ve simply been looking at products - not reading much ;) - we already know it works!).

I‘ve introduced CBD to this pain oil to see what it adds to pain relief. Dr Sulak recently mentioned seeing more and more clinical evidence that CBD enhanced pain killing i topicals. I think that was an insta snippet and i havent chased it up for deeper details.

I’m actually about to take his new CBD course... was supposed to start it a little while back, at the new year, but you know - weather events.... I’m really looking forward to it. Hope to start next week. It’s all self-paced - thanks doc :)

Regarding my skin oil research, there’s a little bit out there to read about the skin and CBD (but a long time since I did so) and it seems to be fairly widely accepted that CBD is really good for maintaining and healing skin, skin texture etc. I’ve only been researching by way of canvassing what strengths they are and 3mg/ml seems the consistent strength of cosmetics w CBD (no THC). That was in face oils, bath bombs, bath salts etc. I’m going to aim for about 6mg/ml and then dilute, so I can test a stronger batch on myself and for a couple of psoriasis sufferers I know. That’s the next project - made very easy by the addition of the Nova.

So Amy, you actually used a total of 85 grams of weed in your batch of 3 different materials. I assume the MB worked fine for you. Problem with your batch was 25g had only 4% THC and 34g had only 5% THC. As Shed stated, if it was all 16% THC you would have been golden.
BTW I checked my notes and I have White Widow at 19% THC. I got that number from Dope Seeds website. :Namaste:
Thanks Luiz - i knew it was all weaker, could have asked you all beforehand. ANd that might not have changed what i did!

I did lowball the WW THC% estimate. I wasnt sure it reached its full potential but it is surely potent, gets one super high. I guess we could rerun the calculations with a higher percentage for that one. Let’s do that! I’ll go back to what SS did by hand and see if I can recreate it for myself. It’s early in the day... should be ok!

All that said tho’, I’ve been making a topical for pain thats about 6-8mg/ml for more than 2 years and it really works, myself and many, many others say so - so there’s going to be nothing lacking in this oil. I’m still golden ;)
I suspect we’re seeing more placebo effect than anything. I always remember greatwolf, who used high CBD oils to get off opiates, but that was internally.
Be wary of suspecting placebo too easily. My partner doesn’t tolerate much THC at all (internally) and used CBD only (internally) and my THC topical to get off opiates after a lung surgery. :)
Speaking of the Nova, I recently made a topical with Sour Diesel and grapeseed oil in the Nova. I put 5g of decarbed weed into 2 oz of oil. My calcs came out to 14 mg/ml assuming the 26% breeder info for SD. I felt it works great.
I did lowball the WW THC% estimate. I wasnt sure it reached its full potential but it is surely potent, gets one super high. I guess we could rerun the calculations with a higher percentage for that one. Let’s do that! I’ll go back to what SS did by hand and see if I can recreate it for myself.
If we assume 19% instead of 16% your THC numbers change from 7.4 mg/ml to 8.2 mg/ml (pre decarbed weights) or from 8.3 mg/ml to 9.2 mg/ml (post decarbed weights).
Be wary of suspecting placebo too easily. My partner doesn’t tolerate much THC at all and used CBD only (internally) and my THC topical to get off opiates after a lung surgery. :)
I just wanted to add to this, for general interests’ sake. It was a very low dose too. The variation in amounts of cannabinoids that will be effective for different people seems to be massive - from trace elements to truckloads!

:reading420magazine: In other news. RAIN! Shed-tons of it :yahoo: 60mm so far and more int eh way. Came in nice and slowly over a day or so too so by the time the torrential stuff hit things were already wet. Hopefully it’s getting in!

I’ll quote myself from just now in the lounge...
A testament to the endurance of fire. We’ve been putting pout spot fires on our place since the thursday 23 jan fire day when some of our place got burned. Fires pop up again all over and at the edges once the wind gets above about 20kph, threatening unburnt areas. So we’ve been spotting and putting out with some help form friends when they can. Anyhoo, yesterday, after 50mm rain in the preceding 36hrs (some of it extremely torrential), there were still spots smouldering. During the rain they were steaming. Then later it was smoke again, not steam. Roots burning underground. Firegrounds are perilous places!

I’ll endeavour to get some photos of the plants if there is a break today. They’re coming along. I realised that because there hasn’t been a Brix foliar opportunity the raised bed hasn’t had an important component that it needs - the Snake Oil (it piggybacks on the Brix foliar). That’s important for this raised bed so even tho conditions aren’t ideal and they might get rained on later, I may Brix them this morning. It’s 640am now and I’m not sure we’re going to see sun so it probably doesn’t matter if it’s later. :hmmmm: The soil is going to be very wet tho’ so maybe it isn’t such a good idea - well, not so much a ‘bad idea’ so much as just ‘not really worth it‘, perhaps. I wouldn’t usually foliar when the soil is soakinG wet. Hmmm... maybe I won’t after all. Wait for the rain to dissipate. Seems i just cancelled out my own initial thought. Does that mean this post is now superfluous?

Sunday morning ...

:high-five: Enough now tho‘, okay!? :rofl: Hammering rain on and off here now and will continue all night we think. Gosh I’m glad were nowhere near flooding as even this is totally intense. Sending prayers to all those who are. :Namaste:

Nearly all the firegrounds are getting heavy, heavy rain so that’s about the best thing now.

No plant pics yet sorry. Last I looked they were heavy with water but looking a lovely green in amongst all the falling water.
:eek: so much water. 222mm since Friday (about 9”) and 168mm of that fell inside the last 20hours. Few leaks, nothing major. The wetlands are full to overflowing. I am now aware that this kind of rain on all the hardest hit firegrounds is not so great (too much all at once) - so the natural processes will have even more to deal with and rebuild as they try to repair and restore life to soil communities etc.

Must admit, as I looked out on nearly zero visibility from the torrential rain and 50kph winds, I wondered where all the recently homeless birds must sheltering!

One of our youngest kangaroos totally freaked out at one point in gusty sheeting rain. We realised it hasn’t seen even slightly heavy rain in it’s lifetime. Poor thing bounded out into the bush all by itself, while the older ones sheltered under our deck, like they do. It was lost for quite a while after that storm front.

Everything is relative and less rain feels like no rain now so I went out got wet to take these pics... because a had the very pressing need to post some PLANTS here!

The DBHBB raised bed...

ANd the little THC Bomb Auto in the veggie bed.

Handling the torrential ok so far! I have a hearty TP Drench made up ready to go. We’re set to get 5-10mm a day for the rest of the week, but may not get ant of that. I’m getting this drench into the soil now - in about 6-7L and the remaining rain can help is disperse into the soil. :thumb:
Looks great in your little corner of paradise, Amy!
I'm glad you're not in a flood prone area- floods are always bad, but much worse right after a fire....
Wow, so are we. :Namaste: The wetlands is full of water. Been amazing watching it fill up. No more fire threat from that direction!

Raised bed got a strong TP chaser today, just as the last of the rain, for the moment, was finishing. I’ll hopefully have a proper update tomorrow morning after i wake up to sunny skies. Even partly cloudy is ok, lol! They’re predicting scattered thunderstorms for a few days and I can live w that... scattered is fine, room for sun in between :D and electrical storms have magic water :hippy:
251mm in 3days. About a third of our yearly rainfall all at once.

Wow, the sound at times was magnificently loud! The kind of loud you can scream in and hardly hear it yourself :D

Really amazing how those all survived the apocalypse and are so happy and green now. Eden it is.
IKR :high-five: I couldnt be happier! :hippy:
Update: State of the garden - week 11 :yummy:

I still have a garden. This is truly a wonderful thing. Its continued survival remains precarious with the cyclonic activity still rocking us, but we seem to be distant enough from it’s projected path to remain safe enough. Just more rain, and it’s a slow moving system so is hanging around. Hopefully not too many more gale force winds (they seem less scary now that there not pushing fires around tho!) It’s raining again now and projected to get 50-100mm more over the next 24-36hrs.

:bongrip: Ahhh Bubba. The sound of gentle and steady rain. Even tho it’s too much all at once it is an amazing salve from the post-fire stress. The humidity and the mosquitoes were brutal at first, but once even more rain came and a new round of frogs came to life out in the wetlands, the mozzies dissipated a bit, phewf!

So - to the plants!

The custom HBB raised bed got a hearty Transplant drench (50ml + 5ml Tea) the day before yesterday. This morning, all the plants in there got a Brix foliar with Snake Oil. It’s raining again now so I’m not sure that will be able to do much with the soil staying wet, but we’ll see once things dry out. I can always give an extra dose of SO over the next few weeks.

A reminder/caveat that all the ones that are topped, were topped stupidly late. After the evacuations, when I realised they had all survived, I also noticed they weren’t really side branching (no surprise with the lack of light up to that point) so I tipped 3 of them in an effort to get some going. It’s worked but it’s left me some funky messy shapes that I would never be actually aiming for :laughtwo:

Purple Satellite
The wonkiest shape of them all. Almost a week ago I was worried I was going to end up with a “my favourite Martian” plant - only two single long-ass cola shoots coming out of top! So I super cropped one side, and then bent the other down to even them out (at Shed’s recommendation :thumb:). We weren’t sure at that stage if it was too far into flower/stretch for this to be of any benefit but it’s been pretty good! Worth it I think :)

This was it last Friday, the day after the SC and LST

You can see there’s a couple of spindly lowers trying to do something and a side branch at the back. I was hoping to get these to kick along a bit.

Here it is today :thumb:

And from the top - sort of. Sauga view doesn’t really work outdoors - everything lines up at angles to the sun!

That plants almost died from heat and caterpillar attack (munched stem) when it was young and it feels like I’ve got it back to some from of healthy - hopefully just in time for a robust flowering!

(@InTheShed I’ll drop that back in to the SC-ing thread after :) )

The only plant I didn’t top and she’s the most prolific brancher! I like to do this thing outside when I dont top a plant: a tip I got from @LED209 a few years ago to just lay the plant back a little bit, opening it up to the angle of the sun. WHen I do this - lots of side branches come reaching out forwards, at a 45º angle, toward the sun. Lilly likes it and while it is still a bit paler than the others, and more delicate, it is looking more and more spritely everyday.

Lovely Lilly, last Friday

And today

From above - lovely big leaves up top!

I think I can just see pistils in the tops today. Hoping it will get quite a bit more sturdy during the transition.

Star Pupil x Weapon X
This one hardly branched at all for ages but got something happening eventually. The shape is like a flat top at a 45º angle. I’m sure there will be adequate access to the sun (when there is any!) for the 6 colas it looks like I’ll get. They’re kind of close together in space tho‘, so I might have to get creative to keep them apart, airflow wise, later in flower. Odd shape - can’t do much about it now!

This strikes me as an incredibly excellent plant in terms of its genetics - it has a certain vibe about it. I am looking forward to growing one under better conditions some day!

Pakistan Chitral Kush
Another plant with a very nice vibe. I have a happy feeling about this one. Easily 6 decent colas coming in and maybe one smaller one. Looking forward to the tokes and the hash from this!

All together, in the garden, they look like this

I’m super happy with the colour and with the vigour they are now showing. In the mornings I can check them first thing out my window (if I stand up very carefully on the bed), and the last 2 mornings all of them, including Lilly, have been in fully electric, leaves-pointed-to-the-sky, posture. Its a happy thing to see first thing in the morning.

On the other side, here’s the real star of the show...

THC Bomb Auto - 43days.
We saw last update how well this one had done considering, not just multiple firestorms, but very very low levels of sunlight, for any plant, and lots and lots of heat, followed by very cold spells. This plant was born into this crazy situation (literally planted 3-4 days before the NYE firestorm) and is amazing me - esp. for an auto. It is planted in one of the raised beds we use for food - between some beans and some celeriac. Seems really happy. Just gets seaweed.

I’m really happy about it. It is by far my best auto so far :eek: Get. Out! - To say that in the middle of this particular summer is really something hey!

There are the other little stunted photos planted around it - I’ll include them next time maybe, but they’re coming along similarly to the others, just in much smaller ways :).

One of our large lizard/skink things has moved into the garden enclosure. We have some that live under our house and deck and folks will have seen one before in my previous journals, if you’d were there. I think this one is an offspring of theirs - they are still there. It’s made a home in a big ole underground tree root. It must be a real castle down under there! Critter of the week. Just sits and watches me a lot. I was just sitting resting when I took this. We were about 3’ from one another - having a chat :love: They catch and eat the Jack Jumper ants that I am allergic to, my best friend and protector...

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It is very nice to be able to throw out a more regular style update, where the plants are the most exciting things.
Thanks all for the visits and the company, and the general 420ness :green_heart:

True - that is a proper SaugaView® PCK was a little more pliable and had more growth gong on so I could do more with it.

Now tie those tops flat :).
Kidding right!? I’m not doing anything else to that now. It can stretch it’s lovely long Sativa arms wherever it wants, from here on out!
sky hooks
Yes... I’ve been thinking about that. There will be the installation of the rain shelter we made last year at some stage in the next few weeks - to keep the rain off during the latter half of flower. If Lilly needs it, i could hang ratchets hangers off it. I could also put in some stakes, which is what I did for CD-1 last season.
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