Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Strains

Re: Arteekay's First Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Str

Brit was still damp on top, so we're going to let her dry out completely again, then take her out of her swick tomorrow and reassess. Likely we'll give one more feeding and look to start her flush of very weak nutes on Wednesday or Thursday. She's finally starting to get some hairs turning orange/brown and we can see her calyxes fattening up, and I kinda need her out of the tent soon for the other girls coming up behind her.

Jaybiz finished his spreadsheet, and we found out we frakked up the dates a bit on all of them when posting them to my journal. Brit is actually the worse, I had her 6 days off. She's actually 89 days today, so she's almost 13 weeks and will likely finish just after she reaches 14 weeks.

Still not bothering with weights, not much value this late really.

Brit (89 days old, weighed):

Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

I can pretty much guarantee you that trying Doc's Kit will hook you from the get go. I'm a rare case, but I was an LOS cultivator and I didn't go looking for the kit, it came looking for me. I have a perverse love of worms that leads to a love/hate relationship with the kit. I'm happier without conflict, so I'll run my soil through its three cycles and convert it into LOS.

I grew Carnival in that soil, and the blackest of my Dark Devil Autos, but I grew Buddha and The Bomb in LOS, so we're at a toss up.

I gotta look into this Carnival of yours, your Dark Devil was a spot on recommendation, so I'm not about to start questioning ya know! :)

It's been an awesome journey following your journal and seeing all them jars filled is well worth it. :thumb:

Thanks mb5200, it's been great having ya along for the ride. One more to go on this journal, then some final weights and it'll get moved to Completed Journals. That'll be very weird for me, like having a litter of puppies all given away to good homes.

This is amazing, rtk. Seriously, so many congratulations to you guys. Thanks for the tips about the foxtail tips, too! I figured they would go into the freezer for hash later ... I wonder, does super dark DD make purplish hash?

Thank you Glimmer, I looked back to find out when we met you, man it way early! Your support has been greatly appreciated.

As for the DD hash, you'll have to let us know! When you chopping down yours?

420Magazine is the best, isn't it? No matter what level you want to grow at, from hobbyist to pro, you can find the information and the mentors and teachers here. And, as important as the teachers are, you also find your fellow new growers, who very generously share in your triumphs and console you in your losses.

It's also a place just to share our love of this plant -- which many of us cannot do in our everyday lives outside our homes. Very empowering for us as individuals and for the free cannabis movement as a whole. It's hard to convince people, once they have successfully grown this plant, that it should be illegal or that cultivation of it should be allowed only by corporations.

Anyway, sorry for gassing on :) Congratulations on your jars and jars of bud and looking forward to Brit's chop!

Well said! I agree completely. This place is a unique and irreplaceable paradise.


Yep he was defending her.. Next time someone is getting cut! Him or her.. Doesn't matter to me hehehe

She's fat, but is gonna be fatter. Can not wait to find out her dry weight.

Check out Shigs Brix thread as well.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Finally dragged Brit out of the tent and her swick, mostly so we could work on better supporting her. She's just incredibly top heavy and her 1.5 gallon air pot is a tiny base for her to sit on. Not a fan of the string wrapped around her method of support, not precise enough for my tastes.

She got one last 75% strength DNF Bloom A+B and half strength calmag+ at 718ppm and 5.8 PH. We've decided her next feeding, likely tomorrow, will be at 25% for one or two feedings, then straight water until next weekend when we'll cut her down. Excited to have a finale planned.

First day out of the tent in a week or more:


Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

So top heavy you need to add support poles. This's a dilemma we'd all like to share with you. :laughtwo: She looks nice and dense too, always a good thing. Well done.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Look at Brit just a showing off! Top heavy women always need support! lol Oan, Klovenespon and Glimmer helped me figure out what has been going on with my grows. All this time I thought I purchased a 225W LED Grow light, when I purchased 225 LED Grow light. Meaning I only had 225 LED pieces and 10W of power. Ha! Lesson well learned and paid for. So, Whenever I can get another light. I'm going at it again. Until then Ill just salivate or everyone else's grows. Just thought you might want to know since you been there from the get go.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

If any experienced growers have room for another subscription, our friend H0bbyGr0wer89 could use some eyes on this journal. Grow is going well and she's looking ready to paint the town green, but there's some question about when to plan her finish.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

So top heavy you need to add support poles. This's a dilemma we'd all like to share with you. :laughtwo: She looks nice and dense too, always a good thing. Well done.

Yeah, she's a lot thicker than Candi, our last "big" gurl with the long colas. Of the two tops that resulted from the accidental topping, the primary one is the tallest and has been too close to the light for weeks. It's a bit cooked for sure, but I think it might've caused backbuilding to occur.

Can't wait to see her dried. :)


Lovely man really top work

Thanks man, the end is near!

Look at Brit just a showing off! Top heavy women always need support! lol Oan, Klovenespon and Glimmer helped me figure out what has been going on with my grows. All this time I thought I purchased a 225W LED Grow light, when I purchased 225 LED Grow light. Meaning I only had 225 LED pieces and 10W of power. Ha! Lesson well learned and paid for. So, Whenever I can get another light. I'm going at it again. Until then Ill just salivate or everyone else's grows. Just thought you might want to know since you been there from the get go.

I read that pretty much as it unfolded, think I liked/thanked a bunch of posts of the conversation but didn't really have anything to add. I'm just glad you got a reason for the trouble, I just couldn't understand it myself.

I'll be there for the redemption grow as well, something to look forward to. I'm so excited for you, please keep me posted! :high-five:

Looks great guys!!

Thanks JJ, if there is one thing that I can say for sure having grown two CKS Early Missus now, it's a strain that does very well with stress training, up to and including EST via light slam.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

My bad RTk, I see that you liked the comments.

Bah! No bad at all. Seriously I'm just very glad the issue was discovered.

I'm not expecting a full report yet but which jar do you keep reaching for the most? For me it has been the HK#3, my pineberry pheno.

Definitely the taller Northern Lights for a busier high and Rev for a full on too baked to move high. Trudy (Candy Cane) for before bed. She's not a couchlock high either, but I'm finding I like dropping out with her in my head.

To my utter amazement, my 70+ year old father asked to have some this past weekend when he was in to visit. He's officially known I smoke every day as of the summer before last, as I was tired of camping with the entire family for three weeks and having to hide it from him and my mom. He tells stories of smoking here and there with a cool uncle that passed away a few decades ago, but I doubt he's smoked more than an eighth in his entire life, and half of that with me. Decades old recovered alcoholic, but a true lightweight when it comes to the bud.

I showed him our grow just before Christmas, so he saw them all at at nearly full bloom and was blown away but very supportive, wondering when we'd be looking for his grandpa's recipe for the family home brew. hehehe

Anyway, I sent him home with a quarter of Droopy (immature Northern Lights), as she's a lighter high that dissipates pretty quickly. He's on some very serious pain meds for a myriad of bone and joint pains and arthritis, but is otherwise clear and reasonably healthy. He's hoping he can cut down on the meds, but he will not have my mother's support. As I've said elsewhere somewhere here sometime, she's a true believer in Reefer Madness, drug dealers give free samples through the fences of kindergarten playgrounds to get them hooked young, Nancy Reagan Just Say NO type anti-drug person.

I digress and will blame Candi, she's pretty damned good too! :rofl:
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Having an end in sight to the 1.5 gallon air pot is great, man are we tired of it. These will never be used for Cannabis again either. Maybe a tomato or pepper grow.

Brit was bone dry again, but slowing down a little bit on her water usage. We flushed through an extra liter of quarter strength nutes and will do so for the next 7 days, then a couple days of straight water, then onto the chop chop. Can't wait!

We grabbed a before water weight of 9.8 lbs, but didn't after.

Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

She's looking heavy brother your watering and weighing seems to do the trick, have you thought of tying cross strings through the gal for more support? I had to do that to my Straws.
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

She's actually pretty stable now since we added some stakes and whatnot yesterday. No floppies! :)
Re: Arteekay's 1st Grow - Sunshine #4 - Spider x 4 - Crop King Autoflowering Mix Stra

Thanks for the current smoke report. Sounds like there is something to live in each one. Brit is filling in so nicely I am glad you guys are giving her the time to run her course!

She's definitely slowing down on water usage now, so I think we've timed it pretty well. May not make it all the way to next weekend, but we'll try.

She deserves anything I can do for her, she's my special girl. :)
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