Arteekay's Second Grow - Autos & Feminized - Mixed Strains

Do you think you'll try washing your buds? I'm Reading a lot of the old threads about it and it seems like everyone who tries it never goes back to "unwashed" bud.

I don't think we can avoid it much longer honestly. For starters we have the three massive floating hair generators, otherwise know as 2 cats and a dog. I can't take a nug pic without later seeing the hair, damned near every time.

We need to get a couple more 5 gallon buckets anyway for our bubble bags, so it really only makes sense. I'm thinking we'll give it a try with half of Jaybiz's Crown Royale, if I can convince him.

And of course, a huge :welcome: to :420: and my journal. Make yourself right at home and if you have any questions, concerns or critiques, please have at! :)

I don't even know what that is. I've seen it here and there but never looked in to it.

I gotta do something about the hair, it's driving me to smoke, with makes me grow more, where I see more hair. I need off this merry-go-round. :;):

You wash your produce before you eat it, yes? What wouldn't you wash your buds before smoking or ingesting or vaping or making into medicinal oil? The process is swift, painless, enhances the cure and leaves the buds tasting better. There's no harm to the bud (we've had it tested) and you get rid of all the dirt and crap that sticks to the resin.

Try it once, look at the water after you're done. You'll never look back.

Bachelors, not a lot of fresh produce comes through this place. heheh. But I get your point and I'm convinced to at least try it.

And welcome Crombie, to the :420: community, and to arteekay's thread. He'll welcome you himself, I just find it impossible to pass a new member without offering a friendly greeting. I do hope you're finding everything to your liking. If there's ever any way I can help you, please seek me out and ask. I'll leave you in arteekay's capable hands. Look into that budwashing more closely now.

There's a good reason we all chose you as our MotY, proven once more here.

These capable hands found a seed in the bottom of the bowl after jarring up my Jack Herer. Now i don't mind getting a free seed, but this has to mean we both missed at least one nanner.

Not happy about that at all... Grrr.

SCROG looks awesome, R2 still acting up. D2 looking good. You got your hands full I see, I know the feeling. Good update.

We won't be putting a pre-harvest auto into the photo tent again. We're just hoping Jack didn't fertilize the Crown Royale, that'd suck after 90+ days.

Beautiful garden guys. Love the journal. Hilarious. :biglaugh:

Thanks N4x4G, unless of course you're just another personality the rest of the me's don't know about yet.


Thanks Sue, yea that's the same example I read from Doc Buds thread(s) and I completely agree about the hygiene aspect of it. I'd definitely try it out when I start my first grow. I'm just at the point right now of absorbing as much information as possible and haven't noticed that arteekay & Jbiz have tried it yet as I know those boys would document the shit out of

Thanks for the welcome!

A first time ever grow? That's awesome if so! Hope you start a journal, we'll ALL be there to advise and support you right from the very start.

We just started on Halloween of last year, but didn't sign up here until we were about two weeks into vegging our first autos. We would have killed them slowly via growing directly on a cold basement concrete slab, instead we have already harvested 9 plants thanks to everyone (and of course most directly my big brother Shiggs).

It happens quickly once ya get started, nothing like you'd expect for watching grass grow. :)
There's no denying it, you two are going pro weather you like it or not. Keep up the great work.


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March 31 Update. Crown Royale is 92 days old, Revolver 2 is 28, Dark devil 2 is 17, and Lemon Skunk is 13 days old. CR is now 42 days since her flip to 12/12.

CR is 11-15 inches below the Spider x4, Temp is 79 and RH is 50% at the canopy, 78 and 54% at the top.

Temp for LS and R2/D2 peaked at 87 today with RH at 38% during lights on. They are on an 18/6 schedule and R2 is about 22 inches from the light, D2 is 23, and LS is 24 inches away.

  • CR was soaked using 6 liters with 30 ml each of DNF Bloom A+B, 7 ml of GO CaMg+, and 1.6 g of DNF Bloom Fortifier at 997ppm and 5.7 PH.

We may have a problem. Seed found!

We've been drying our Jack Herer auto in the tent for four days. She's crispy dry today so we decided to jar her up and check her humidity. Once we got the total weight (230g so far, but that'll fall of course) we jarred her up and found this:


Erg!!! Can't imagine this'll be the only one we find, and what's more disconcerting is neither of us noticed any nanners when we were harvesting, trimming, manicuring or jarring her up.

Not only that, she's been above our mid-flowering Crown Royale.

Ah well, too late to do much about it now, onto the next generation.

Our Second Dark Devil is 17 days old, hasn't had anything but tap water so far, and it seriously dark green and has suffered for water more than the rest. Nowhere near as healthy looking as our first one was at the same age. Ah well, maybe she'll have spent the time building huge webs of roots.

Debated heavily whether I was going to top the Lemon Skunk Auto, in the end I decided to just do it. In for a penny...

Family pics:

LS (7.2 lbs, down from 7.8 after watering yesterday):

Lost her head:

D2 (6.6 lbs, down from 7.8 yesterday) I'm going down to re-evaluate her after this post, she needs water:

R2 (14.8 lbs, down from 17.8 yesterday) Using 3 lbs a day consistently now. She's clawing a bit as well, went a bit heavy on the grow nutes last time:

This is kind crazy to me, she's 1.25 inches tall at her topping.

CR (19.8 lbs down from 21.8 yesterday, 32.6 lbs after watering tonight) Hopefully not spending her time building Jack Herer Crown Royale crossed seeds:

Back in the tent:

It's good to see that not every grow is stellar. I too fight with plants that I have grown before. It seems that you feed every watering like I do, it's easy to over feed that way. I'm at the less is more stage but have seen under feeding spots on my AK, or its, root bound in a #3. Nice to know I'm not alone with issues on my grow. Sorry about the seed. My sour threw nanners but I have no seeds in any of my flowers. I'm sure your CR is fine. I did not see any burnt hairs showing seed sites.


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Everything is looking lovely as always there rtk and jbiz love how the crown is looking its looking like one hell of an afternoon once shes ready to be picked :thumb: maybe one of these days ill be at where you guys are just got to get back into the swing of things :thumb:
Starting to get that scrog fever. I have some purple Malawi seeds that I will drop when I have room...or maybe a twister scrog...
You guys ever think of doing a whole tent half pipe scrog?

Do it! I'd love to see your mad skills at work on a scrog! I have thought about it but two things keeping me from it right now. 1) working on perfecting the skill and grow in size from there 2) we don't have the lights to pull that off... Yet
Rifleman if your butt is hurting I think you are tending to the scrog incorrectly!!! Use your hands! :rofl:

I need 10 ft ceilings where I can raise her high enough so I can stand. She's so short I've been in the floor on my back trying to clean out the underneath scrub growth, so I guess there is butt and back hurt. :biglaugh: It's just aggravating to my lazy style to actually Have to work at it. :)
I need 10 ft ceilings where I can raise her high enough so I can stand. She's so short I've been in the floor on my back trying to clean out the underneath scrub growth, so I guess there is butt and back hurt. :biglaugh: It's just aggravating to my lazy style to actually Have to work at it. :)

I hear ya on the bending over etc but that's one reason we built ours 2x2 and attached to the pot. I can lift her out anytime and work on her but CR is also a smaller plant and needs to be too fit this one .. Pretty sure yours will have twice the harvest but that is also relative to the veg time too of course.
April 1 Update. Crown Royale is 93 days old, Revolver 2 is 29, Dark devil 2 is 18, and Lemon Skunk is 14 days old. CR is now 43 days since her flip to 12/12.

CR is 11-15 inches below the Spider x4, Temp is 79 and RH is 47% at the canopy, 78 and 49% at the top.

Temp for LS and R2/D2 peaked at 86 today with RH at 38% during lights on. They are on an 18/6 schedule and R2 is about 22 inches from the light, D2 is 23, and LS is 24 inches away.

  • LS got 1.5 liters of bubbled tap water at 170ppm and 5.7 PH

We waded through a pretty epic session with a friend tonight, dabs and huge joints and vapes. Ate late and got to the girls late. And now not posting my daily update until after 1:30am. Erg.

Our Second Dark Devil perked up a bit today. She's just so bushy, nothing like our last one. I'll have to either cut off her lowest node, or remove the fan leave above it tomorrow.

Our second Revolver got spread out a little wider. Besides a little clawing, I think she's turning out great.

Family pics:

CR (28.6 lbs, down from 32.6 after watering yesterday) 4 lbs in a day is the most she's ever done:

R2 (11.6 lbs, down from 14.8 yesterday):

D2 (8.4 lbs, down from 9.6 after watering yesterday):

LS (6.4 lbs down from 7.2 yesterday, 9.6 lbs after watering tonight):

Back in the tent:

Much better, R & D 2 are looking well. CR is going longer then expected? 92 days is thai stick area (it's not but anyway). Great update, good to see Jbiz on this thread too.


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So, how you guys doing tonight? Dab'in is something I steer clear of due to the phenomenon of the "next day". Hope you two bounce back well.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
So, how you guys doing tonight? Dab'in is something I steer clear of due to the phenomenon of the "next day". Hope you two bounce back well.

We picked up a nail for the new bong last week some time, so we've been dabbing for a couple days already. Haven't had a next day problem so far that I've noticed.

BUT.... tonight I guess I dropped the nail into the bong a little too tightly, once it started to turn red there was the unmistakable "ping" of the glass cracking.

Still works, but obviously now needs to be replaced. Tomorrow's project as we can't be without, so we'll have to overpay locally. :)
I broke my bong, I'm pipe only. My job got hard to do when I was hitting the bong. Now that I have far to much meds I was killing close to an ounce every few days with the huge bowl. Quarter ounce loads will keep you attatude adjusted far to long for my liking. I've also noticed my highs lasting far longer off my meds then store bought goodies.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
April 2 Update. Crown Royale is 94 days old, Revolver 2 is 30, Dark devil 2 is 19, and Lemon Skunk is 15 days old. CR is now 44 days since her flip to 12/12.

CR is 11-15 inches below the Spider x4, Temp is 79 and RH is 44% at the canopy, 78 and 46% at the top.

Temp for LS and R2/D2 peaked at 88 today with RH at 31% during lights on. They are on an 18/6 schedule and R2 is about 22 inches from the light, D2 is 23, and LS is 24 inches away.

LS (8.2 lbs, down from 9.6 after watering yesterday):

D2 (7.6 lbs, down from 8.4 yesterday) She's just so different than our last:

Opened her up a bit more:

R2 (9.6 lbs, down from 11.6 yesterday):

CR (25.6 lbs, down from 28.6 yesterday):

With CR ending within the next three to four weeks, we decided to pop another photo. Hopefully our first Purple Kush:

Wow! That DDA looks beautiful. I'm paying closer attention this time because it's almost time to start my next one.

I always leave here shaking my head in wonder.
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