Looking nice I bet it smells pretty good over there
Dude its starting to get funky.. The other day I went out with the family for dinner after defoliating two quadrants.. I had soo much resin caught on my forearms it was unreal.. Thankfully I wear gloves when I do, so my hands were clean. I scrubbed my forearms down with baby oil and then I took a shower and I still smelled like weed when we were out to eat. My wife came home and washed my coat because she said the scent was stuck on it..lmao
While at work I listen to a variety of things to pass time.. Of course music is one, but so is podcasts and books on tape.. Lately I've been listening to the newest George RR Martin book on the history of the Targaryens.. I've also been listening to a series of grow lessons by Rasta Jeff from the Grow From Your Heart Podcast.. I dont know if anyone else has heard of it, but Jeff is a very experienced and talented grower who explains practices of growing that is useful to the novice and the experienced grower alike.. I know that sounded like an advertisement, but seriously if you are a new grower I couldnt recommend it more.. His latest series takes you from selecting a space to grow in, to equipment, to seed/clone, through veg/ flower all the way up until harvest.. For journeymen growers like myself its a really good refresher and I always seem to get something from it.

I was listening to this weeks podcast and I started thinking about why I like clones vs seeds.. For me it boils down to a few things.. 1st and foremost being consistency. Most seed companies nowadays produce mainly F1s which are going to give you a wide range of pheno types.. Some people dont like the variation because of the inconsistencies but gold can be found in that varation. Anytime I have popped seeds it has been with the mindset to find the keepers and clone clone clone. 2nd reason being plant count. Similar reasonning to why people prefer female seeds to regs.. The one thing I wish clones retained was the seed vigor.. That cant be matched and if you are not careful your clones can degrade on you if they are stressed too much.. To be honest it is something I am worried about now.. You wouldnt think it looking at the plants now, but these ladies were in really bad shape during the summertime.. I may have a tendancey overstate problems in the garden, but I am not exaggerating when I say these things were almost to the point of no return.. I am really worried the Marrion Berry might not ever get back to were she was before and that hurts because when I pheno hunted her I knew in week 4 I had something special. She is the only plant I have ever had produce to sap bubbles! At one point I thought she could stand up to anything in the garden. Hopefully this was just a bad run with her and next round she will crush it.

Today I spoke with a grower who I respect about trading some clones and he has a really good collection of cultivars on deck so it might happen in the near future... I know a lot of newer growers come to this site to learn(I did) and I try to keep that in mind when I write posts.. If you are new feel free to learn as much as you can from me but I would recommend you look through this site. It shouldnt be hard to find someone with much more knowledge than myself.. I say that to say this. I dont care how well you know a grower or how good the skills of a grower maybe, if you accept a clone from someone treat it like it has been infected with something. Dont just judge it off of an eye test.. Whip out a scope out and look.. Even if you dont see anything quarantine that sucker and spray it with a pesticide.. The two I use(Captain Jacks, Nuke em) are easy on the plant but strong enough to eliminate most threats... If you dont make a habit of this it will bite you in the ass.. If Russets can sneak by and shut down a 30 a year Vet like Subcool it can happen to you and I as well

Thats it for me tonight.. Take it easy Mag
Flower Day 51
Veg day 55

Whats up Mag?? Hopefully everyones week has been great.. Things my way are going rather smoothly.. Veg is coming along nicely and the Flower tents are starting flush and finishing up.

As stated above things in Veg are coming along nicely.. The plants are basically growing upwards, however, if I see a middle branch starting to outgrow the outer branches I use my thumb and finger technique and bend it below the canopy. I really wish there was more interesting things to report, but I pretty much have the structure I am looking for and now I am just waiting for the ladies to get to the appropriate size. I may push flower back a week or two because I am looking for the plants to grow up some more before I clone them and then 10-14 days to recover and allow the plant to allocate the hormones properly.



I just started to flush last night. All in total my flowering plants will get 16 days of straight water. I will feed them at least once an entire 5 gallon bucket to help leach out any nutrients.. My last round I thought I could have done a better job of flushing and I like being in the whiteash gang, so this time around I want to take extra precautions to get everything out of the plants system. The stars of the show have to be purple punch and purple starburst. Both are finishing up nicely.. The Purple Punch makes me look like I am some sort of pro, but I assure you it is just good genetics. I have two main issues at the moment. I have found seeds in the 4x4(the CMH tent). There are a couple possible reasons for this.. I switched over from HPS to CMH around week 4, maybe the switch was the cause.. Also the night I switched I had a brain fart and left the timer in the on position, but I caught it within an hr or two of lights out. Also I feel the light was too intense for the distance between canopy and bulb. I noticed last week that the quality of the plants seemed to be degrading, so earlier this week I removed one of the bulbs and now the room is running at 315w vs 630w and the plants seem to love it.. I was also having temp problems... The room usually ran around 82, but last week there was a few days were the high was 86.. Now its a cool 75.. Desire and Putas breath seem to be affected the most and purple punch and future seem to be minimally affected.

The other issue is in the 4x8.. Three strains arent finishing well.. Marrionberry, Purple Punch, and desire leaves are crisping up it really seems to be effecting the yeild. Once again it could be a couple of issues.. I dont think it is due to over feeding.. If it is I wonder its from Mammoth P.. Week 5,6, and 7 the feeding chart wants you feed at 4ml and that is around the time when it started.. Last round I had two plants do the same thing and I didnt bump up my feeding regiment.. I think next round I am going to feed Mammoth P at 2.5 for those weeks and see how it goes.. Another reason could have been temps.. Two weeks ago I removed the bat wing that was focusing the light distribution directly below and causing issues on the parts of the plant that it hit and I turned the light back up to 1000w. The first few days everything seemed to be fine, but we had some unusually warm weather and my rooms temperature was about 86 for two days.. I dont think this is the cause but who knows.. All I can say is this issue is only happening in the 4x8 tent and not in the 4x4 and that is only difference I can think of between the two rooms. I wouldnt say this round is a total failure but I have a lot to learn from..



4x4 overhead

Putas Breath

Purple Punch 2.0


Flower Day 51
Veg day 55

Whats up Mag?? Hopefully everyones week has been great.. Things my way are going rather smoothly.. Veg is coming along nicely and the Flower tents are starting flush and finishing up.

As stated above things in Veg are coming along nicely.. The plants are basically growing upwards, however, if I see a middle branch starting to outgrow the outer branches I use my thumb and finger technique and bend it below the canopy. I really wish there was more interesting things to report, but I pretty much have the structure I am looking for and now I am just waiting for the ladies to get to the appropriate size. I may push flower back a week or two because I am looking for the plants to grow up some more before I clone them and then 10-14 days to recover and allow the plant to allocate the hormones properly.



I just started to flush last night. All in total my flowering plants will get 16 days of straight water. I will feed them at least once an entire 5 gallon bucket to help leach out any nutrients.. My last round I thought I could have done a better job of flushing and I like being in the whiteash gang, so this time around I want to take extra precautions to get everything out of the plants system. The stars of the show have to be purple punch and purple starburst. Both are finishing up nicely.. The Purple Punch makes me look like I am some sort of pro, but I assure you it is just good genetics. I have two main issues at the moment. I have found seeds in the 4x4(the CMH tent). There are a couple possible reasons for this.. I switched over from HPS to CMH around week 4, maybe the switch was the cause.. Also the night I switched I had a brain fart and left the timer in the on position, but I caught it within an hr or two of lights out. Also I feel the light was too intense for the distance between canopy and bulb. I noticed last week that the quality of the plants seemed to be degrading, so earlier this week I removed one of the bulbs and now the room is running at 315w vs 630w and the plants seem to love it.. I was also having temp problems... The room usually ran around 82, but last week there was a few days were the high was 86.. Now its a cool 75.. Desire and Putas breath seem to be affected the most and purple punch and future seem to be minimally affected.

The other issue is in the 4x8.. Three strains arent finishing well.. Marrionberry, Purple Punch, and desire leaves are crisping up it really seems to be effecting the yeild. Once again it could be a couple of issues.. I dont think it is due to over feeding.. If it is I wonder its from Mammoth P.. Week 5,6, and 7 the feeding chart wants you feed at 4ml and that is around the time when it started.. Last round I had two plants do the same thing and I didnt bump up my feeding regiment.. I think next round I am going to feed Mammoth P at 2.5 for those weeks and see how it goes.. Another reason could have been temps.. Two weeks ago I removed the bat wing that was focusing the light distribution directly below and causing issues on the parts of the plant that it hit and I turned the light back up to 1000w. The first few days everything seemed to be fine, but we had some unusually warm weather and my rooms temperature was about 86 for two days.. I dont think this is the cause but who knows.. All I can say is this issue is only happening in the 4x8 tent and not in the 4x4 and that is only difference I can think of between the two rooms. I wouldnt say this round is a total failure but I have a lot to learn from..



4x4 overhead

Putas Breath

Purple Punch 2.0



Looking great man. Are all the plants in the veg room quadlined?
So far what do you think of the quadline training. Do you think you will do it again?
Short answer is yes I do plan on doing it again. I really like the way the plants are structured and how even the canopy is and i am really intersted to see how the girls perform in flower. However I do have some concerns. Some strains are growing a lot slower than before. Two that come to mind are future and purple punch. I am not knocking the tech. there could be other reasons for the slower growth as maybe grower error, colder nights and deficiencies that seem to pop up out of no where. Also I have t5's as veg lights and I think if I had a stronger veg light i would get a lot quicker and stronger growth.
Flower Day 58
Veg Day 62

Whats going on Mag? Another week is in the books.. I am starting to get really excited.. Today is the 8th day of the flush and I only have 7 more days to go until harvest.. All of the flowers are ripening up and smelling funky.. I cannot wait to smoke my own flowers again.. Dont get me wrong I enjoy other peoples flowers, but there is nothing like smoking your own. The flowering room is on cruise control until the finish and the veg room is growing at a steady pace.. The ladies in Veg are much more thirsty this past week than before. A deficiency/lockout occured in the GG4, so I flushed it with clean water and hoping it will grow out of it.. In the past I've never struggled with any sort of lockout or deficiency especially with the Vegamatrix lineup, but here lately it seems like a new one pops up every other day.. Remember when I said I was feeling rusty, well...

So I dont have any final weights or anything, but I am pretty sure my highest yielding quadrant is from the 630 CMH quadrant.. I am really impressed with CMH lighting, but I dont believe I am going to be able to keep the temperatures in an acceptable range.. Most days the tent stayed around 84 degrees but it would top out at 86 and I feel like in that range the flowers start to have some negative effects.. A couple of weeks ago I removed one of the CMH bulbs and now I am pulling 315 watts and the temps are in the lower 70s and I feel confident that even in the summer the temps will stay below 81.. The next round I plan on running the CMH at 315 and hopefully I will end up with a decent yeild.. If I do I plan on converting my entire garden over to CMH.. If too much yield is compromised then my backup plan is to purchase a broad spectrum LED Kit and build one out and give it a test drive. I think that would make for some good journaling.

The theme to my mindset is cutting down production costs.. The cost of herb here has took a significant dip here in the last few years and its only going to continue.. The way I think about it is if I had some land I would run my 12 plants that I am legally allowed to grow and I would put them outdoors in 100-400 Gal smart pots early in the year and flower huge giant outdoor plants. Lets just say I average 5lbs off of the 12 plants.. Thats 60lbs of herb.. Even in you sell each pound for $800 thats 40K... This can and will happen especially since the governor is still allowing for caregivers to sell product to licensed dispensary's. If us indoor small basement growers dont adjust we will be priced out of the market, so lets start making cuts.. How can I get rid of the need for an A/C? How can I produce yeilds I am custom to achieving with as little power draw as possible??

let me stop rambling at get to some pics
4x8 Canopy..

4x4 Canopy

Putas Breath

Purple Starburst


Purple Punch 2.0
That canopy is THICK! Great job. Im a little late but I’ll follow along. Always up for a good grow show! I’m very sorry to hear about the family issues. That’s gotta be extremely difficult. It nice you can find a bit of an outlet with growing. Have a good weekend!
Whats up Mag?? Sorry for disappearing on you like that but life has been very busy. Between working 60+ hours, trimming, gardening, being a husband and a father I havent had much energy for anything else.

A lot has happened since my last update.. I will start with the harvest.. I took down everything on day 63 and a 12 hour shift. I tried to snap some photos but after I was done I looked through the photos and almost all were blurry, so thats why there wasnt any final pics. I took clones and continued to veg until roots were produced on the cuttings I took, but around day 10 or so my power went out and all of my clones died.. I really wanted to get my ladies into flower so I moved one plant of each strain into the 4x4 flowering tent and I put the other 10 plants in the 4x8 and flipped to flower on February 10th. The 4x4 tent still remains in Veg.. The clones I took are 14 days old today and only 3 have roots and they are baby roots.. I usually have some trouble rooting plants in the winter because of the low humidity and cooler temperatures, but this is something different.. In the winter I usually see roots pop between day 14 and day 21, but like 40% of my cuttings are either dead on the verge of death.. I've never had this happen before and TBH I am not exactly sure why it is happenning. The temps in my tent are stable around 75 degrees and the humidity ranges between 60 and 75%.. Thats pretty good.. I've rooted in worse and I know its not exactly ideal but why are they cuts just dying?? its frustrating, but I will keep on until I get it right.. I was planning to eventually run my tents on more of a perpetual harvest and I guess this is just forcing my hand..

As far as the last round goes I would give it a 6.5 out of 10. Dont get me wrong, what I did well I did very well, but what I did not do well was pretty fucking bad... The marrionberrys were not pictured much and there was a reason behind it.. When I harvested them they were pretty much dried out and over half way dead.. Again this is a first.. I've never had a plant die on me and I had basically 3 die on me before the chop..Why?? I mean it could have had to do with me over feeding the plants around week4 or 5 or it might have been the low level of humidity but again these are things that I have battled before and none of them have died.. Lets just say I am happy to be onto the next round..

Yield wise I was very disappointed.. I was hoping for between 3-4 zips per plant and so far I have averaged around 2.5 zips per.. If I could do the stretch phase of the last grow over again I would not have done the 3rd and final tuck. Hell I might have only done the 1st tuck and left it alone after that, but hindsight is 20/20 and I was expecting a pretty big stretch. Also I think I should have changed my bulbs before the last grow.. Hopefully this round will go a bit differently.

Quality is where I am the most happy.. Even the Marrion Berry came out well with all things considered... The seeds I seen where very minimal and taste of everything was great.. I will try to get some nug shots up later, but the desire and Future are already gone and I dont think I have any pics available..

Some pictures for your visual pleasure


4x4 still in Veg

Day 14 of flower

Undershot of mostly all quadlined plants.. I will clean this up on day 21


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For some reason I couldnt post anymore pics to the last post so here are some more

different angle of the canopy


My two smaller futures.. I will most likely put them on a 5 gallon bucket to even them out after the stretch is done

looking pretty good IMO


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Whats up Mag?

I know I am starting to sound like a broken book, but first let me apologize for slacking on my journal. My life has been pretty busy as usual, but a lot has happened since my last update so at least I have a lot to report.

Lets start in veg,
Last time I posted I only had 5 mothers in veg and nothing else. I attempted to clone 2 straight times and nothing was popping roots, so I decided to change up a few things. Usually I have a custom recipe I use in my cloner, its nothing fancy.. All it is Rhizotonic at 10ml a gallon ph'd to 5.5. I've used this simple recipe for a couple of years and had great success with it, but something was off so I went and bought Clonex water solution and mixed it according to the instructions on the bottle and 14 days later I had roots.. My cloner is a custom made 34 site cloner and I only needed 12 plants so I transplanted what I needed and took a couple extra for my friends and killed the rest.. The clones were transplanted 9 days ago and are looking great. I will post some pictures of them here soon when I start training.

My mothers are strong, healthy, and huge.. I need to either clone them again or trim them back because its getting out of hand.. I will say that vegging under CMH lighting seems to produce strong vigorous growth.

The flower room is on day 44 and I am taking them 70 this time. I am really happy with this round as it is one of the healthiest flowerings I've had in a long time.. I wish the buds were a bit bigger, but improving yields is something I am working at and in time I think I will be able to achieve what I am going for. This is will be my 4th harvest from a tent in the 5 years I have been growing.. Before I stopped growing due to the city inspection last April I previously built a 11x12 4K flowering room. Typically I harvested 5ft quarter pound plants but for some reason I have never been able to pull good yields from a tent.. I am considering doing another build but whats stops me is, that is a big project and with everything going on I like the simplicity of a tent.

I picked up some goodies as well over the last month or so.. I switched all my flowering lights to CMH.. I believe I will be able to eventually pull good yields with them and the quality the spectrum produces is a huge difference IMO.. Plus the power draw.. I mean I can run 4 flower lights and it will cost me 1260 watts.. Talk about a savings.. Did I mention I dont need to run an AC unit to cool the tents.. Music to my ears

The other goodies is additions to the seed bank.. Let me tell you I think I may have gotten one of the best deals of all of 2019. I bought two packs of Thug Pug Genetics and received one free, but the freebie came with 15 garlic butter seeds.. In all I received 49 Thug Pugs seeds for 160 bucks.. I bought Brunch Breath (MimosaXStudly) Sherbbreath(sunset sherbxmendobreath) and receive Mule Fuel(GMOx??) and garlic Butter(GarlicBreathxPBB). I am going to start my first hunt here in a few weeks so it should get exciting soon..

current seed vault

Mothers a week or so ago

Purple Starburst day 41

Furture day 41

Purple Punch 2.0 Day 41

Putas Breath day 41

bottom left is Marrion Berry, Upper left is Purple Starburst.. In the middle is Purple Punch and the right side of the picture is Future

Full Canapoy
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