Beateo's Winter 2015 Multi-Strain Indoor CFL Grow in Soil

Thanks, they are pretty. :) Cannagrapes....I like it! :) 18/6 is what I'm using for veg.
You should breed some cannagrapes man. Then we can ferment them into cannawine lol. Girls looking good as usual man. Are you on a 18/6 light schedule? Ever think of trying anything like GLR?

Thanks for the laugh man! :) :Namaste:
Happy Daze Beateo:) a quick funny story for you then i am outta here:)lol.....the very first one i grew back in the day i had no idea what to expect.....didnt research or anything....through a bag seed in some soil and started....i learned from a local shop abotu 12/12.....well when that thing started flowering i thought it was deformed....something was wrong:).....i was under the impression back then that it was leaves and that wsa it:)....i thought the bud was trash:)lol.....what a long way i have come:)....havent thought aobut that in a long time:)......Oh and just to throw my 2 cents in.....GLR is the shiznit labman:)....ok....nuff said:)....have a great day my friend:)

Thanks brother.
Ok... I have to tell all of you guys... I'm going to go look in the search so I know what the hell GLR is (probably something I already know?) lol
I feel so lucky finding this site when I did my initial research into growing ... I was on GLR from day 1 AND found the budwashing topic before first harvest, got my feet wet topping and LST-ing, SCROG-ed a little, and had a FLUX going, before my first harvest was even a fact. This site rocks so damn hard!

Great update Beateo .. glad you wont try that light .. might be cool for an extremely uneven canopy tho :p
GLR.....Gas Light Routine........12 hours lights on......5.5 hours lights off......1 hour lights on......5.5 hours lights off........the hour of light in the middle of lights off is to keep from is enough to hold it from flowering without adverse affects......saves electricity.....from my own experience the growth rate is the same....recently i have learned that if using it then feed flower nutrients about a week before switch to 12/12 and you will see pre flowers earlier than in 18/6 due to it building hormones due to the light schedule.......Skunny and Jinn see pistils in as little as 3 days after switch:).......hope this helps:).....
Thanks GD. Saved me from looking it up brother! :) I probably won't be trying that..... I'm kinda simple and best not over complicate stuff. lol Seriously I think that schedule would give my timer herpes or something.
GLR.....Gas Light Routine........12 hours lights on......5.5 hours lights off......1 hour lights on......5.5 hours lights off........the hour of light in the middle of lights off is to keep from is enough to hold it from flowering without adverse affects......saves electricity.....from my own experience the growth rate is the same....recently i have learned that if using it then feed flower nutrients about a week before switch to 12/12 and you will see pre flowers earlier than in 18/6 due to it building hormones due to the light schedule.......Skunny and Jinn see pistils in as little as 3 days after switch:).......hope this helps:).....
I wonder if GLR might work for vegging clones that have been under 18/6, but will go outdoors to something like 15/9. I'm looking for a safe transition from their original cycle to outdoors while growing them for a couple of months.
I was going to do GLR on my indoor grow B, but the plants had already started flowering outside and it didn't seem like they were going to revert to veg. So, I've gone to 16/8 (for stealth reasons) for now, and will go back to GLR in a couple of weeks. You can keep an eye on my grow to see how it goes....
GLR.....Gas Light Routine........12 hours lights on......5.5 hours lights off......1 hour lights on......5.5 hours lights off........the hour of light in the middle of lights off is to keep from is enough to hold it from flowering without adverse affects......saves electricity.....from my own experience the growth rate is the same....recently i have learned that if using it then feed flower nutrients about a week before switch to 12/12 and you will see pre flowers earlier than in 18/6 due to it building hormones due to the light schedule.......Skunny and Jinn see pistils in as little as 3 days after switch:).......hope this helps:).....

Gas Lantern Routine ;)

To my understanding, plants stay a little shorter due to GLR, which makes it ideal for SCROG or other bushy type training methods. I have not tested this tho.

I did not give bloom nutes ahead of time, and had pistils in a few days as well .. the 1 hour of light, barely keeps the flower hormone level low enough ;)
I wonder if GLR might work for vegging clones that have been under 18/6, but will go outdoors to something like 15/9. I'm looking for a safe transition from their original cycle to outdoors while growing them for a couple of months.

These plants do not care about the light schedule in veg. I toss 'em around from one schedule to another .. clones are under 18/6 now, they will transit from that to GLR once they get into a tent. Some will be taken out again, back to 18/6. None show issues with me fucking around like that.

Once in bloom, this becomes a different story,
Gas Lantern Routine ;)

To my understanding, plants stay a little shorter due to GLR, which makes it ideal for SCROG or other bushy type training methods. I have not tested this tho.

I did not give bloom nutes ahead of time, and had pistils in a few days as well .. the 1 hour of light, barely keeps the flower hormone level low enough ;)

You are correct sir...haha.....Lantern:)......i forgot that one:)lol........i have always fed veg nutes through the first week of 12/12 to aid with stretch and the vigorous growth.....mine always take from 10 to 14 days to pop any pistils:) WW i put into 12/12 a couple days ago had bloom nutes about 4 days prior to flip so i will see if i see a difference with it:)....
Yeah.. I started with 18/6 and will probably continue the veg cycle with that light schedule. That decision isn't a comment on this GLR system... I just don't see any reason to change from what has already proven to work for me. Not that it's a deciding factor but if I did switch, I'd have to buy a new timer to make that work....mine is a real cheapie.... on at ONE time and off at one time each 24 hours.
I made one late in veg attempt to get a few clones last grow that totally failed. I'm going to be more persistent with the cloning this grow!
I wonder if GLR might work for vegging clones that have been under 18/6, but will go outdoors to something like 15/9. I'm looking for a safe transition from their original cycle to outdoors while growing them for a couple of months.

caveat to my last comment about GLR and clones. I may have misinterpreted what I was reading. It seems that many have had good or possibly better success with clones under GLS. But, If you were taking clones off a mother already in flower I could see how it might be hard to revert them back to veg under GLR.
This is from a couple of weeks ago but I wanted to try myself before I said yea or nay.... Thanks for the photo of your ph meter Green Dreamz... I will likely try to find one of those.
PlanetJ..... you were 100% correct about the ph meter I bought.... TOTALLY a piece of Chinese made GARBAGE!! It reads whatever the hell it feels like reading and what it says the ph is changes from minute to minute in the same plant. There's no way it's showing correct ph!
Thanks to you both and everyone who weighed in on this issue.
In my humble opinion you should always have a reliablle ph meter around.......if you are having problems and dont know what else is going on then you will have a meter to check the range at might only be in .5 increments but in my opinon that is far better than guessing them damn colors on the strips:)lol....Beateo i had so many issues matching the colors....would even have my wife look to make sure and 20 buck is not bad to have an easier way to check it......i do agree with PlanetJ as far as ideally you want one that is .1 increments but now you know that.......use what you ordered until such time you find one that would suit you better but this one will work just fine for now and as long as it hits between the range then you should be golden:)....i dont know the range for hydro nutes in soil:) is a picture of what i use for my organic soil which it doesnt matter as far as the meter is concerned:)lol
i think it was less than 20 if i remember correctly, but it does read in .1 increments.......just showing you what i use:)lol......keep on trucking Beateo:)
This is from a couple of weeks ago but I wanted to try myself before I said yea or nay.... Thanks for the photo of your ph meter Green Dreamz... I will likely try to find one of those.
PlanetJ..... you were 100% correct about the ph meter I bought.... TOTALLY a piece of Chinese made GARBAGE!! It reads whatever the hell it feels like reading and what it says the ph is changes from minute to minute in the same plant. There's no way it's showing correct ph!
Thanks to you both and everyone who weighed in on this issue.

- and may I ask where you located it?price?
Thanks for asking :) As a matter of fact, they're growing really well so far. I'm considering changing my lighting early... reinstalling the splitters and going back to 2 bulbs for each girl. They're big enough now for the 2 lights to span across them and still be close enough to be of use. When it's all changed I will have anywhere from 300 - 400 Watts on each one. I'm not sure with the new setup if I'll be using any vertical lighting this time around or not?
I was totally not ready and not educated on the subject when I tried to clone the first time..... basically I cut a few leaves off and shoved them in peat pots. This time I have better knowledge and a good shop to buy everything I need. I am not sure when to take the clones.... I know NOW is way to early. I'll have to do some research on it. :)
Hey Beateo,

How are the ldies looking today?
- what do you think went wrong with your clones? And when will you start to take clones of your plants?
Good vibes to ur room*
I clone two ways atm .. I take a cutting, immediately move it to a glass of water, leave it there for 15 minnutes.
Cut at an angle, under water, after 15 minutes, just below a node.
Stick in soil or hang in water.

It might take a week, but they will all root.

Edit: It might help to leave the mother under 24/7 for a day or two before taking cuttings, and let her dry up a bit, and make sure she is not N-rich.

24/7 light will build up sugars (food for the cuttings), drying her up will make her shift attention to roots finding water and the low N level aids in rooting.
SAM, I couldn't think of what it was called :) Cloning/Rooting hormone..... That's what I didn't have last year. Like everything else, I'm sure it will get easier with practice!
My cloning ability was terrible then I bought some cloning/rooting hormone and every one has survived since then!

PlanetJ, Thanks! Your process seems like it should be sound. Q.: Is the "hang in water" for those doing hydro or is it like my wife cloning her spider plants? :) The 2 light schedules are something I have to address. One grow room... I'd have to partition space off to use more than one schedule at a time. So, for now, I won't be able to use 24/0 on a mother plant until some changes are made. Your advice to let her dry and not over feed N makes total sense... when cut she should be hungry & thirsty when transferred.
I clone two ways atm .. I take a cutting, immediately move it to a glass of water, leave it there for 15 minnutes.
Cut at an angle, under water, after 15 minutes, just below a node.
Stick in soil or hang in water.

It might take a week, but they will all root.

Edit: It might help to leave the mother under 24/7 for a day or two before taking cuttings, and let her dry up a bit, and make sure she is not N-rich.

24/7 light will build up sugars (food for the cuttings), drying her up will make her shift attention to roots finding water and the low N level aids in rooting.

wildwelshman, Never too late brother! :) Glad you decided to find a seat my friend... welcome.
OK I'm late for the party so I'll just slip in through the back door and take this spare seat.....every thing looking great mate
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