Candy Canna Multi-Strain In Candyland

Finally have some good news to report! :yahoo:Lil Blue Monster came up yesterday but her membrane was still on there pretty good. I gave her most of the day to work it off but she hadn’t so by the evening I gently took it off. By lights out she still hadn’t opened up so I called her day 1 today. I took these this morning and she has fully opened since then and I fed her 2gr/g MC. LOGC is on day 17, ATF & African are day 16, Afghani is on day 14, HG is on day 6. Looks like I’ll be mixing at least 2 different strengths but it all good because I’m just happy I’ve got girls to feed:love: I’ll be topping them when they reach 5 nodes down to the 3rd node then I’ll be topping a second time when each side has 4 nodes to the 3rd. The Nebula Manifold is what I’m gonna try and shoot for.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope y’all have a great night.:peace::love::Namaste:

Hey chica.

Sucks about the GSC. The rest all look great though. Glad that HG came up.
Mine was as slow as molasses to start but eventually caught up. Mine was in Hempy. She ended up to be about 5' after I supercropped her a few times.

Hope you are feeling better sweetie.:hug::love:
Hey chica.

Sucks about the GSC. The rest all look great though. Glad that HG came up.
Mine was as slow as molasses to start but eventually caught up. Mine was in Hempy. She ended up to be about 5' after I supercropped her a few times.

Hope you are feeling better sweetie.:hug::love:
Thank you :love: I’m feeling on the mend now that fever has passed. I told the guys to stay away from me from now on when they get the cooties. Thank you also for the sentiments on the girls and the heads up on the HG and I’m happy she came up too. I’m excited to watch these girls grow up! I hope you’re feeling better as well and you’re doing an awesome job with your girls and the closet build. Hope you have a great night and get some rest:love::hug:
Good Morning,Candy-!
Excellent job sprouting the little ladies, and they all look good!
17 days difference in their ages isn't too bad, and as they get a
little older it won't matter much at all...
Glad you're feeling better-being sick with anything right now is a bit scary!
Good Morning,Candy-!
Excellent job sprouting the little ladies, and they all look good!
17 days difference in their ages isn't too bad, and as they get a
little older it won't matter much at all...
Glad you're feeling better-being sick with anything right now is a bit scary!
:thanks: :love: It was a bit more work this time but got it did :love: Thank you for reInforcing the positive and your right that’s not a terrible spread looking at the whole picture. :high-five:Thank you on the sickers part too, once the fever broke my body didn’t hurt nearly as bad. It is a scary time to get sick, first you worry you may have it, then you worry you won’t be able to get even your regular care because of the shutdowns and social distancing. I’ve had one that sent a text message saying I needed to call about my upcoming appointment, I think it’s going to be virtual, which is fine. I do however see my rheumatologist in a few weeks for lab checkup and overall check up and I’m unsure of that at the moment. Sorry I didn’t see this message yesterday! I was scattered off and on here all day. :love: Always a pleasure having you stop by Carcass! Stay safe and well:love:
Sorry I didn’t see this message yesterday!
No problem...I'm here all week!
I'm kinda in and out all day,too...I've got to try and get at least as much done
around here now as I did before the lockdown.... :)
No problem...I'm here all week!
I'm kinda in and out all day,too...I've got to try and get at least as much done
around here now as I did before the lockdown.... :)
I can only imagine! :green_heart:We are just now finally going on lockdown, non-essential businesses were just given the orders, grocery stores are scarce and more shutting down. I’m fine with what I normally shop with as I always get enough to last a long time, it’s the other people’s I worry about. My hubby is bringing more of his guns and ammo back home from his moms house tho,(she has plenty of her own) we already live in a bad area with theft and home invasion not being completely out of the norm when things are normal. He works civil service on a military base and is considered essential staff so he will be working thru the lockdown. I’m not even going to say what a crap show that’s been for him, but I know he’s been worried about bringing anything home since there are several units on self quarantine and our numbers keep rising here in this town alone. Crazy times indeed!
My hubby is bringing more of his guns and ammo back home
My guns are always here, but a couple of them are loaded now...pretty sure I'm not going to have to use them, but they're ready if I need them- there's no kids in the house, so no danger of any accidents.
Things aren't bad around here yet, but I'd like to be ready for it if things take a turn for the worse.
Mrs.C. says I'm being a little paranoid, and that's ok, I hope I am- and we can laugh about that
in the future- but for now....this is what we're doing..
I feel for your husband-I went to the grocery store early yesterday morning, and I really didn't like
being "out there",and potentially bringing home more than the groceries....
Stay Safe,Candy& Family!
Happy to have ya here & :welcome: to the garden!
My guns are always here, but a couple of them are loaded now...pretty sure I'm not going to have to use them, but they're ready if I need them- there's no kids in the house, so no danger of any accidents.
Things aren't bad around here yet, but I'd like to be ready for it if things take a turn for the worse.
Mrs.C. says I'm being a little paranoid, and that's ok, I hope I am- and we can laugh about that
in the future- but for now....this is what we're doing..
I feel for your husband-I went to the grocery store early yesterday morning, and I really didn't like
being "out there",and potentially bringing home more than the groceries....
Stay Safe,Candy& Family!
I agree it’s better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it. :love:We are going on a final run early tomorrow morning just to get a few things we are out of or might need. I’m happy to hear y’all are well protected.:love: Stay safe to you and yours as well Carcass!
Goodmorning everyone! I hope y’all are staying safe and is well :love: My girls are movin along over here just doing the veg thing. LOGC day 21, ATF & African day 20, Afghani day 18, HG day 10, Blue M day 4. The Promix isn’t as dry as it looks I actually just topped up the containers yesterday so it’s the tippy top that’s dry.
I topped LOGC & ATF to the 3rd node as they had a good amount of the 5th node showing. I’m anticipating I will be topping African in the next few days. I am currently feeding LOGC, ATF, African, & Afghani 3gr/g MC, and HG & BM are being fed 2gr/g which I will be bumping up 1/2 gram on all here real soon.
I hope y’all have a great day! :peace::love::Namaste:

I was trying to edit my grammar error and it wouldn’t let me, all it did was duplicate the exact same post so nevermind this here.
Kids are looking great Candy! What's the name of the pink freaky looking fella?
:thanks: I’m tryin to keep them in line.:love: It’s called an ugly doll but I can’t remember her name so I call her pinky.
lol, OK an ugly doll. I'm not sure I understand why they call it that! :rofl:
Pinky's a great name... takes some of the ugly out :p
‘‘Twas the point of getting an ugly doll to make the girls behave, figured if she looks all crazy might make them listen. ;) No, but really was just random looking for something to help ones that need a lil lean help and happened by some of the cheap ugly dolls and in my cart she went. I could have went with my little pony but that was more than I wanted to spend.
Good afternoon I hope y’all are well and safe and having a good day! :love:
LOGC day 28, ATF & African day 27, Afghani day 25, HG day 17, BM day 11. I transplanted all yesterday but HG & BM. I have all the girls but HG & BM on 4gr/g MC and the HG & BM on 3gr/g MC. I also decided to switch up my training a lil bit. LOGC, African and HG will be the Nebula manifold and the others will probably be modified versions of that.

I topped African and removed the lower nodes on the 1st, her old leaves look like cocka but her new growth that was topped and now coming out looks good. I may have underfed her awhile back. But she’s good now
Thanks for stopping by and I hope y’all have a great rest of your day! :peace: :love: :Namaste:
I hope everyone is safe and well and having a good day! :meditate:
LOGC is on day 32 she has 3 full nodes on both sides with the 4th node really starting to show so I’ll be topping her for the last time on her next feed. I started training her with Vigaro training wire and it seems to be doing its job holding her down.

ATF on day 31 is the same as LOGC and I have started her wire training too.

Afghani is on day 29 and I’ll start her wire training in the next couple of days. Had 2 nodes working on 3rd.

African Meltdown day 31 she’s been a runt from the git, but she’s growing and her new leaves look good. She also has 2 nodes on each side working on her 3rd.

Himalaya Gold day day 21, I wish I would have taken a before pic but I was in a hurry when I topped her but she sure is a pretty one when she has a head :love: I almost didn’t want to top her. Anywho she’s set up for the manifold.

Last but not least there’s Blue Monster day 15. She has 4 nodes working on that 5th when I will top her.

And a spilt group shot of the girls

I hope y’all have a great one and thanks for stopping by:peace::love::Namaste:
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