Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

It looks like I had a power cable go bad that goes to the external HD I have everything stored on. So if I disappear don't worry, It's just hardware and hopefully not software issues. Solvable, but may take some time. Like trying to find the dang bookmark button in Chrome.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

It looks like I had a power cable go bad that goes to the external HD I have everything stored on. So if I disappear don't worry, It's just hardware and hopefully not software issues. Solvable, but may take some time. Like trying to find the dang bookmark button in Chrome.

Those cables do go bad Smokey, especially if they get plugged, unplugged and moved around a lot. My granddaughter went through three of them when she lived with me for a summer. LOL

We'll be here, and we'll be on your journal fussin' with ya too. Like I said before, you're stuck with us. :rofl:

Oh, in case you still need to know,
Bookmark button in chrome: Click on the very top right 3 lined icon. Scroll down to "bookmarks", then choose how you want to bookmark it.

Oh, also there is a white star in the URL box at the very end. Click on that to bookmark too. :)

If you already figured it out, I guess my fingers needed the exercise. :laugh:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

It looks like I had a power cable go bad that goes to the external HD I have everything stored on. So if I disappear don't worry, It's just hardware and hopefully not software issues. Solvable, but may take some time. Like trying to find the dang bookmark button in Chrome.

If one gets tired of dealing with the external nature of them, you can generally remove the HD from them and mount them as an additional drive in your desktop... if you own a desktop.
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Update on the outside plants.
The two Fast N Vast are still alive, the one that suffered the frostbite effects noticeably is looking pretty weak. And the pistils, buds have definitely stopped. She does have a seed or two forming though, and they seem to be doing okay. I might get SOMETHING out of her. So sad, I had a lot of money out in electricity for these plants before I had to put them out there. Ah and learn.

Here she is this morning, some of the bottom areas crisped up on the leaves and she has a semi-permanent droop. I'm going to bring her up near the house tonight, supposed to be a nice weekend. I'll see if I can get her undrooped.


Her buds, and one with a seed forming:



The one I pollinated appears to have seeds everywhere instead of just the branch I dusted. Apparently the pollen stayed active longer than I expected. But I expect to have quite a few seeds....I hope. :0


And the first clone went outside this morning in the little covey by the pond. It was well over due for a bigger pot, so in she went. This is a Blue Dream clone:


That's it for now. I'm heading off for a day of work doing scrub-a-dub/sand/polish some old mistreated guns. Beautiful pieces when they are cleaned up!
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

We should have one thread dedicated to posting links to current onsite sponsor contests so everyone can see them and get in on them.

Whatcha think gang? We could let the sponsors know to post to that thread as well when they start one on site, if the moderators approve of it.

Maybe there is one and I've missed it?
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Great idea. Although I have an abundance, I'd really like to win some seeds just for kicks.

Good to see you Canna. I've missed you. :ciao::hug::hug::hug::

Hi Magic Man. :) I would love to win just to be able to say "Guess what?"...."Guess what?" (Dennise will relate to that. LOL)
I figure the more participation in the contests, then the more contests the sponsors will put on and possibly get other sponsors to start doing them. :)

:ciao: :)
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Great idea Sista

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

I second the motion. :ciao: I was about to post a question about how everyone learned of these contests since I only seem to hear about the results.
Of course I used up any luck I had on the first Gorilla Seeds contest. :rofl: Dan
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Sista Cannafan has been the best source of hearing about any contest. :Namaste:

Hey Sista :ciao::straightface::laugh::hmmmm:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

:ciao: Brother dear. :cco:

Okay, two more clones got planted outside today. These are Custard Cream tops from the first attempts at grafts that didn't work out (I think) They were really really small and took some time to root.

They all look so tiny in this space:


The pond is within a few feet, and that area stays good and moist. It should be good, taking into consideration how the weed growth explodes every year there. I've been yanking out weeds a little every day to keep these kids clear.

There are actually two plants in this one, the little bitty one I didn't think would make it. She has actually survived, so I left it in the same rockwool as the other.


This one got a little light bleach, but she'll color up just fine.

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Is this year's bug and critter vs Cannafan UFC fight going to be broadcast here, or will it be a pay-per-view thing? Have the Vegas odds makers set a spread yet?

What are the plans for the screen house thingy you set up last summer?

The new season of Game of Thrones has nothing on this broadcast. Who will live and who will die?

:popcorn: :circle-of-love:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Is this year's bug and critter vs Cannafan UFC fight going to be broadcast here, or will it be a pay-per-view thing? Have the Vegas odds makers set a spread yet?

What are the plans for the screen house thingy you set up last summer?

The new season of Game of Thrones has nothing on this broadcast. Who will live and who will die?

:popcorn: :circle-of-love:


Well, Muskrat Sally is still in the area. She dug a new hole, but apparently has no interest in the new greens. I have some rolls of plastic mesh that was inside a king size mattress that I'm going to put around the plants tomorrow. It's fairly sturdy stuff and will keep out the smaller 4 legged critters. I have a plan on the deer issue, but haven't perfected it quite yet.

The Katydid youngun's have already started, surprised me that I found one so early the other day.
I'm going to make use of some of the SNS products this year and see if it helps.

The screen house will go back up, and something will go in there for sure. I have to do some major weeding in it first.
The problem in that area is the ground gets kind of dry, so the pots are almost a necessity.

I no longer have a wood chuck, I assure you. ;-) That's a major problem out of the picture.

I will not use any clay pebbles on the pots, I believe the squirrels and chipmunks thought those were acorns or some kind of nut to eat.

AND, I'm going to throw a few home grown seeds from the Tumble weed plant in a different area just to see what happens. Will probably do that tomorrow as well.

So, it ought to be fun, and of course I will broadcast here so no one has to pay to get in to see the fight. :laugh:
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Regarding the PM I just sent ya; they say 48 hours for delivery.

I'll check it directly. :)

Okay, I have another planter area that is also a good source of worms. This one is about a 5' x 4' planter with good rich black soil in it.
I figure let's triple the fun and go all out this year.
This is where I'll throw some of the home grown beans in. From what I saw today it will start getting actual full sun around 9:00 a.m. and will get dappled sunlight between 3:00 and 5:00. From there it will get pretty good sunlight till sunset.
This is also near the pond and on a slope. The soil was pretty moist in there and the worms were plentiful. Always a good sign.

So, ln that size many beans do you guys think I should throw in there? These SHOULD be fem beans, but one never really knows for sure. LOL

Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Homegrown beans? Plant a crap-ton and weed out the tight spaced ones and losers like they were lettuce. One every 6 cubic inches?
Re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & M

Homegrown beans? Plant a crap-ton and weed out the tight spaced ones and losers like they were lettuce. One every 6 cubic inches?

This will be a good opportunity to see if the greenish beans will sprout too. Actually, they aren't from the tumbleweed plant. They are from the SheHeShe that I did the colloidal silver project on.

I'll put a bunch of them out there.

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