Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Update time!
I was watching the 4 month old granddaughter yesterday- she was in a bad mood early on, but then she farted, pooped, burped and spit up, and she was a happy little lady after that...:cheesygrinsmiley:

Things are going well in the box- the Gealt.OG auto is taking to the training very well- like she was made for it-She started flowering yesterday, at 35 days old-
The Alaskan Purple was topped (above 3rd node) on the 6/3, at 12 days old- she's 18 days old today- she'll be quadlined.
Chem Dawg was also topped, 6/2 but on day 13- she's 20 days old today- that's all the training she'll get-
she's going outside in a week or 2 .( She's a photoperiod plant)

G.og left, C.Dawg bottom, APa right:

Side view, they're all pretty short, which is what I want. The G.og is already starting to stretch...

From a little different angle:

The APa is doing well...I think she's going to do ok with the quad training.
She's being fed 3g/MCrop/gal+3ml Silica Blast

And the Chem Dawg- she's been a little pale since day one,but slowly getting a little greener..
3.5g/MCrop/gal+3ml. Silica Blast:

The Gelat.og needs water today, she'll get 5g/MCrop/gal+4ml. Silica Blast
She's got a double bud on her- so my last 3 autos have all had a double bud on them..maybe it's an auto thing?

And that's about it for the indoor girls...

The outdoor girl is still funky- not really flowering,but also not really not flowering:hmmmm:
She's being fed 6gMegaCrop/gal+4ml Silica Blast/gal

The "buds" look odd....I may just harvest her, rather than waiting 3 or 4 months to see what she finally ends up doing- plenty of frost on her, so she'll be "good stuff"..there just won't be much of it.
More than enough amber on her to harvest now-in fact it'll have to be soon,or they'll all be amber...

another one of her "funny" buds...

I'll post up some harvest pics if I end up taking her down in a few days-I'm not quite sure yet, but that's probably what I'll end up doing.

And that's about all for this update-
Thanks for looking-
I appreciate the support!:peace:

Hope you all have/are having a great week!
Might be worth waiting.
It probably would be worth the wait, but that's a lot of schlepping between now and then ;)
I'm still thinking that over-if I wait, everything on her to this point will be wasted, because she's almost "too ripe" trichome-wise now.
She'll give me a couple ounces now, so I'll probably harvest soon and stick something else in her pot-
I've got a fem Northern Lights seed from last year I've been wanting to grow outside, and with the Chem Dog, that will be 2 that I'll have to schlep in and out, and that's enough...
It probably would be worth the wait, but that's a lot of schlepping between now and then ;)
I'm still thinking that over-if I wait, everything on her to this point will be wasted, because she's almost "too ripe" trichome-wise now.
She'll give me a couple ounces now, so I'll probably harvest soon and stick something else in her pot-
I've got a fem Northern Lights seed from last year I've been wanting to grow outside, and with the Chem Dog, that will be 2 that I'll have to schlep in and out, and that's enough...
Strange little buds! Hopefully they turn out to be crazy little nuggets of goodness. The ones I got from you are definitely doing some strange things. If I do get a male I’ll likely cross it with the gorilla glue AF and then maybe we will get something even more interesting, but maybe with a bit more stable flowering time...
And remember to keep a spot open, you have early Father’s Day gifts coming:meditate:
maybe we will get something even more interesting, but maybe with a bit more stable flowering time...
Gorilla Glue would be a great cross-the LRx is already a nice sativa(ish)high, the GG should make it even better!

you have early Father’s Day gifts coming
Sweet! I have a feeling a spot is going to open up real soon!
especially the Gelat.OG
Thanks,Beez !
It didn't hurt that she waited till day 35 (yesterday) to start flowering- that's just right for the quad training-
the branches reach the edge of the pot one day,and she flowers the next...I usually have to do some training after flowering starts, but not with this one- I wish they'd all do it that way, but most of them don't (or haven't so far)
I love it when that happens! Lol

Yeah, it's like a little miracle- one minute they're in a terrible mood, and
one messy minute later,they're happy as a clam:)
The mailman just dropped off my new gummy molds!
16 bucks from the zon- will make x75- 2.2ml gummies-the ones I use now are 4ml(bears) & 6ml(legos)
These will be just right for a daytime dose.
They're pretty heavy duty also- I thought they might be kind of cheap and cheesy,but they're good quality.
They come with 3 little droppers, which is kind of silly for making gummies (I use a squirt ketchup bottle)
But I can find something else to use them for.
That's all I wanted to say- time to make some more gummies!

(actually,time to barbecue, then make some gummies :cheesygrinsmiley: )

Aloha Carcass!!

Them gummy molds put the word awesome in the word fantastic!! :hmmmm: Fanawesometastic?

Anyhoo I’ve left my infancy days in the far rear view mirror but farting, burping, pooping and maybe puking (not in any particular order) is all still in my feel better tackle box now believe it or not!

Plants beautiful and happy as always.. looking at your Gelat-og I’m wondering if poking 8 plants in my little tent is gonna be a ass biting good time or bite me in the ass with no good time at all. Perspective is key I suppose!!

Hope all is blessed in carcass land!! aloha!!

After she poops... she’s looks around and is like, “ ahhh much better!” :laughtwo:
Hey, that's what I do too! (old habits die hard) ;)
but farting, burping, pooping and maybe puking (not in any particular order) is all still in my feel better tackle box
True - I used them more often back when I used to drink- any one of them helps you feel better, but if you get all 4 working for you at once, it's possible to achieve total total enlightenment...:Namaste:

I’m wondering if poking 8 plants in my little tent is gonna be a ass biting good time or bite me in the ass with no good time at all.
You'll make it work,one way or another! It might nibble on your ass a little,but you'll get 'er done!
I’m wondering if poking 8 plants in my little tent is gonna be a ass biting good time or bite me in the ass with no good time at all.

Yes. Yes it will. :D

Good to see you carcass. Plants are beauts. Alzheimer Disease sucks. Stay well and stay safe.
Hiya carcass! Nice little gummie molds you got there. No mistaking what kind those will be! :cheesygrinsmiley: That plant sure is a little weirdo, lol. I’d be like you, chop that puppy and move on to the next. You could always try a little tester. If it’s just amazing and knocks your socks off, it might be worth it to schlep it around longer, but if not - timber!!
True - I used them more often back when I used to drink- any one of them helps you feel better, but if you get all 4 working for you at once, it's possible to achieve total total enlightenment...:Namaste:

I’m hiiiighly enlightened right now. Getting in some mind food before work. Hard not to light up a fat j and not enjoy this view. Good morning carcass! Hope you have a blessed day!


:passitleft: :passitleft:
Good to see you carcass. Plants are beauts.
Thanks, Al! Great to see you!
That plant sure is a little weirdo, lol. I’d be like you, chop that puppy and move on to the next.
I've decided it's coming down on Saturday-I've already got 4oz of good sativa-ish from her mom.
(Like you, I prefer indica-ish) and I think I'll get a couple more ounces from her, all to be given away.
Nova's daddy loves it, so getting rid of it won't be a problem...
The Chem Dawg will take it's place out there in a week or so, along with something else (not quite sure what yet)
Hard not to light up a fat j and not enjoy this view.
Damn, Sunny- that's beautiful!
Our beaches are pretty boring- nothing but sand, and usually fog, for miles and miles....
I got the same ones :high-five:
Cool! - Darn good quality,right?
Better than the ones I got at the crafts store, which cost me 3 times as much....
I’m hiiiighly enlightened right now. Getting in some mind food before work. Hard not to light up a fat j and not enjoy this view. Good morning carcass! Hope you have a blessed day!


:passitleft: :passitleft:
Hey, that's what I do too! (old habits die hard) ;)
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but that’s a trick that sticks with you!! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Yes. Yes it will. :D

Good to see you carcass. Plants are beauts. Alzheimer Disease sucks. Stay well and stay safe.
Hey Al!! Good to see you! I seem to have stopped getting notifications to your journal.. I’ll have to swing on through when I’m all caught up in my notifications!!
hope you, your wife and kids are doing good!!

People pay big bucks, for that view! You are one lucky man! :high-five:

if your looking for a picture of lots of canola fields... I’m your man! I got you covered!!:cheesygrinsmiley:
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