Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Thanks so much, VG.. :love:
I wouldn't count out the slower one either.
Me neither, she's got a home as long as she's alive..I think she's finally making her move, on day 19..
If she's like a lot of my autos, she could start flowering on it's good to hear that the Wookiees seem to take a bit longer...2 more weeks would sure be nice...
BTW...I just got a Goody box the other day.
:love: I got one awhile back too- I could grow nothing but autos for the rest of my life if I were so inclined...
There's like 6 or 8 strains besides the Wookiee that I need to try..
Your kid is a groovy dude. No doubt he gets it from you.
I have to agree with you there, he's pretty cool! His Mom raised him well- he mostly just got his stunning good looks from me...:rofl:
(and if you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you!)
Some call it "Root Pruning" and consider it a  good thing. :cheesygrinsmiley:
They'll probably get yanked out on transplant, so I hope they're not important ones...:hmmmm:
And, a couple pics of the girls while I'm here: (I made a new rez for the little one)
Both have been only wick-watered since day 1...
New rez.jpg

This one started to not like the seedling lights yesterday, so, this morning I put those lights away, and turned the Nextlight on @ 100 watts*, and raised the plants a bit. (*need a little extra "juice" because the light is 25" away)

And the little one said "to hell with a 4th node, I'll just grow some branches" -She looks
topped, but she did that all by herself..🤔
Self topped.jpg

That's about all today, Thanks for looking..❤️
Hey C Banger!

I live for your “good growing” lollll. It’s pathetic really. I’ve nearly produced my best looking CarCanopy yet and I’m desperate for a good girl. I’m doing a proper nute comparison with JG’s Bubba Kush. Like science! I think you will be happy with my carhooking.

Trala does Science

I think you will be happy with my carhooking.
They look damn good to me!
Shows what a difference nutes can make, too!
Look at you- all sciency and stuff.!..🤓
I have to agree with you there, he's pretty cool! His Mom raised him well- he mostly just got his stunning good looks from me...:rofl:
(and if you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you!)
What kind of bridge we talking bout here?

Babies look great.
What kind of bridge we talking bout here?
Babies look great.
Thanks, VG!
Your reputation precedes you!
I'd of waited for one more node, but apparently, it's not up to me with that one...:)
Will be interesting to see how they each turn out . :popcorn:
It really will- I actually don't have a clue about these 2- seems like one should be the star by now,
but they're both just sputtering along so far...I think the little one may end up in the big(4 gal.) SIP, but I'm glad it's not time to decide yet...
I hope everybody's Monday is a good one so far!

Time for a little Update on what's happening in the ol' box...

Not a lot, really..Both Wookiee autos are doing just ok, and they're both doing it very slowly...
On the left is the 13 day old, right is the 23 day old ...

The 13 day old, after putting out 2 nodes worth of weird leaves, might finally be getting herself straightened out...

I initially thought that those canoeing leaves were a reaction to the lights, but no, they just grew in curly like that, just on that node...

Anyhow, I hope she gets it together pretty soon...before she runs out of veg time...

And, the 23 day old Wookiee- I'm not sure what she's trying to do- she pretty much topped herself last week, but now the "stump" is putting out some odd, tiny leaves...the top 2 branches are growing ok, though, so I'm considering actually topping her again, to get rid of the odd growth..

Sounds like a losing idea, I know, but I did the same with an Alaskan Purple auto a while back, and it turned out ok...I dunno, got to think on that one a bit more...but I'll probably end up topping her..nothing to lose at this point...

I can usually tell by now if one is going to do better than the other- not so with these 2...
So I still don't know which one gets the "big"(4gal.) SIP when/if the time comes to up-pot...
The other one will go into the small sip (3 gallon)..
I'll probably be uppotting them toward the end of the week.....unless...

.... I stick these 2 outside in the ground, and just start another one....
that probably won't happen, but I have thought about it...:hmmmm:

Remember that one root that escaped out the bottom of the solo cup?
It's really loving it in the water..(a little Real Growers Recharge turned the water brown)

Tipped, so you can see the root/roots a bit better...I've already cut the hole in the cup bigger, so this root will fit out through it when I uppot-
I cut the hole bigger with an x-acto knife, and I was resigned to the fact that I'd probably cut the root off in the process, but it somehow survived..!. 🤔

I also can't overlook the possibility that my wick watering system isn't working well, and that's why they're both just doing "fair". I figured it was worth a try, but maybe it wasn't..and, them both being mutants didn't help either...

There you have it!

I hope they're both late bloomers, because they're sure pissing away their "prime time"...🚽

Thanks for having a look, I appreciate the support..:love:

I hope you're having a great week so far, see you next time...:peace:

the loser takes their chances in the smaller container out in the elements.
Or, worse yet, planted in the cold, cold ground...🕳️
I hope everybody's Monday is a good one so far!

Time for a little Update on what's happening in the ol' box...

Not a lot, really..Both Wookiee autos are doing just ok, and they're both doing it very slowly...
On the left is the 13 day old, right is the 23 day old ...

The 13 day old, after putting out 2 nodes worth of weird leaves, might finally be getting herself straightened out...

I initially thought that those canoeing leaves were a reaction to the lights, but no, they just grew in curly like that, just on that node...

Anyhow, I hope she gets it together pretty soon...before she runs out of veg time...

And, the 23 day old Wookiee- I'm not sure what she's trying to do- she pretty much topped herself last week, but now the "stump" is putting out some odd, tiny leaves...the top 2 branches are growing ok, though, so I'm considering actually topping her again, to get rid of the odd growth..

Sounds like a losing idea, I know, but I did the same with an Alaskan Purple auto a while back, and it turned out ok...I dunno, got to think on that one a bit more...but I'll probably end up topping her..nothing to lose at this point...

I can usually tell by now if one is going to do better than the other- not so with these 2...
So I still don't know which one gets the "big"(4gal.) SIP when/if the time comes to up-pot...
The other one will go into the small sip (3 gallon)..
I'll probably be uppotting them toward the end of the week.....unless...

.... I stick these 2 outside in the ground, and just start another one....
that probably won't happen, but I have thought about it...:hmmmm:

Remember that one root that escaped out the bottom of the solo cup?
It's really loving it in the water..(a little Real Growers Recharge turned the water brown)

Tipped, so you can see the root/roots a bit better...I've already cut the hole in the cup bigger, so this root will fit out through it when I uppot-
I cut the hole bigger with an x-acto knife, and I was resigned to the fact that I'd probably cut the root off in the process, but it somehow survived..!. 🤔

I also can't overlook the possibility that my wick watering system isn't working well, and that's why they're both just doing "fair". I figured it was worth a try, but maybe it wasn't..and, them both being mutants didn't help either...

There you have it!

I hope they're both late bloomers, because they're sure pissing away their "prime time"...🚽

Thanks for having a look, I appreciate the support..:love:

I hope you're having a great week so far, see you next time...:peace:

Interesting new growth. Have you noticed a recent uptick in your geiger counter radiation readings?
I dont know how to say this the right way, but here it is.

After many runs its just nice to see someone like yourself have a couple of mongs.

I mean that with no malice in my heart mate, god knows theres moments where things happening in the tent just make me want to tear my hair out, or have me questioning what Im looking at like WTF.

Just seeing someone as predictably awesome as yourself having a few stumbling blocks makes me reflect even the best are going to have their days and plants sent to test them. I got nothing but love for you brother, and if anyone can make these girls shine its you.

Thanks for not shying away from the unpredictable and just showing the raw process, its comforting to see that not every grow starts according to plan or expectation.

Normally wouldnt say something like that, only your grows and attitude continue to inspire, and this time has been no exception.
I hope everybody's Monday is a good one so far!

Time for a little Update on what's happening in the ol' box...

Not a lot, really..Both Wookiee autos are doing just ok, and they're both doing it very slowly...
On the left is the 13 day old, right is the 23 day old ...

The 13 day old, after putting out 2 nodes worth of weird leaves, might finally be getting herself straightened out...

I initially thought that those canoeing leaves were a reaction to the lights, but no, they just grew in curly like that, just on that node...

Anyhow, I hope she gets it together pretty soon...before she runs out of veg time...

And, the 23 day old Wookiee- I'm not sure what she's trying to do- she pretty much topped herself last week, but now the "stump" is putting out some odd, tiny leaves...the top 2 branches are growing ok, though, so I'm considering actually topping her again, to get rid of the odd growth..

Sounds like a losing idea, I know, but I did the same with an Alaskan Purple auto a while back, and it turned out ok...I dunno, got to think on that one a bit more...but I'll probably end up topping her..nothing to lose at this point...

I can usually tell by now if one is going to do better than the other- not so with these 2...
So I still don't know which one gets the "big"(4gal.) SIP when/if the time comes to up-pot...
The other one will go into the small sip (3 gallon)..
I'll probably be uppotting them toward the end of the week.....unless...

.... I stick these 2 outside in the ground, and just start another one....
that probably won't happen, but I have thought about it...:hmmmm:

Remember that one root that escaped out the bottom of the solo cup?
It's really loving it in the water..(a little Real Growers Recharge turned the water brown)

Tipped, so you can see the root/roots a bit better...I've already cut the hole in the cup bigger, so this root will fit out through it when I uppot-
I cut the hole bigger with an x-acto knife, and I was resigned to the fact that I'd probably cut the root off in the process, but it somehow survived..!. 🤔

I also can't overlook the possibility that my wick watering system isn't working well, and that's why they're both just doing "fair". I figured it was worth a try, but maybe it wasn't..and, them both being mutants didn't help either...

There you have it!

I hope they're both late bloomers, because they're sure pissing away their "prime time"...🚽

Thanks for having a look, I appreciate the support..:love:

I hope you're having a great week so far, see you next time...:peace:

Seen this with pesticides like aminopyralid sometimes twists like this sometimes it’s in the soil we buy and additives we use may be worth a check as this can affect certain nodes only at a time dependant in if the found trace amounts at that time
I also can't overlook the possibility that my wick watering system isn't working well, and that's why they're both just doing "fair".
Considering your level of expertise as a grower this is a logical assumption. New ways of doing things usually involve a learning curve. :)
I think they look lovely.

My favourite grows are the ones I’ve worked super hard for. It ain’t over till the fat lady sings!

And if it’s unacceptable in this day and age to say fat, swap it for big boned slow metabolism suffering lady.

I think they look lovely.

My favourite grows are the ones I’ve worked super hard for. It ain’t over till the fat lady sings!

And if it’s unacceptable in this day and age to say fat, swap it for big boned slow metabolism suffering lady.

I think 'lady' might be unacceptable as well. Not sure. Hard to keep up... :hmmmm:
Interesting new growth. Have you noticed a recent uptick in your geiger counter radiation readings?
Thanks, GB- They're finally looking "normal"- only took 3 or 4 nodes to get there...
After many runs its just nice to see someone like yourself have a couple of mongs.
Thank you, Deeve- Very true- and it would actually get a bit boring if there wasn't a glitch or 2 every so often..I get worried with autos, I always feel like they're on a deadline...
Seen this with pesticides like aminopyralid
Thanks, Pondwater! Only the 2 leaves got curly, so not a biggie...
New ways of doing things usually involve a learning curve. :)
True, GDB- and sometimes, we learn what not to do...although, I'm going to try the wick watering thing one more time with a photo or 2 before I declare it a failure.
It's fun to jump in the wayback and go for a ride!
It sure is! I've taken that ride quite a few times since I got into the Blueberry Hill- tbh, I forgot all about it till I found it in the bottom box in the closet (there's 3 boxes of weed in there)
I'd rather do okay slowly than badly quickly!
Thanks, Shed- 27 days in, I think they're finally acting normal...just in time for flowering...they're still pretty small, though....
I can certainly see why after all this time! :hmmmm:
it's funny- sprouting them was the easy part this time.🌱
My favourite grows are the ones I’ve worked super hard for. It ain’t over till the fat lady sings!
I didn't give up on them, so we'll see what the next 3 months does ...
I think 'lady' might be unacceptable as well. Not sure. Hard to keep up... :hmmmm:
How about "till the morbidly obese female human sings?"

Is "female" still ok to say?🤔

And, how about a couple pics ?

Both Wookiees went into their SIP's on Tuesday....smooth transplants, no droop or anything..and I managed to save that one 4" root growing out the bottom of the solo cup...

The little, older one (left) was topped on Tuesday (got rid of the funky stuff), and the younger one (right) was topped yesterday morning...I also noticed it's starting to flower @15 days old...🤔...

Oddly, the little 27 day old one is not flowering yet, so that's one thing that's gone
right with these 2 autos...Her training will start soon, the top 2 branches are about an inch long, so it's time to start messing with them...:)

So there they are- I have no idea what they're going to do from here on in..but
if they decide to do well, they're both in the right place to do it...

In other news- a short while after these are done, my daughter tells me that I'll be a grandpa for the third time- it's a boy!👶

Thanks for looking..❤️
And have a great rest of the week!
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