Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Mmmmm... Flaaaaavorrrr piiiiie....

Norcaliwood said:
Looking good Jandre. I think it's great you are working on your own strains. Myself I have no sense of smell. Sight and smell is what ya need when trying to breed a strain. I have to use a smell chart to understand what I'm smelling. They work too. This is from Greenhouse Seeds. But you start in the middle and work your way out.
Keepem Green
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

HEY!! What about "Comforter Kush"?

y'know, the big fluffy-warm bed spread?

Maybe even "Komfy Kush"

40 Purple Winks?

HMS (helps mama sleep)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

yup i know the feeling J mom depends on my meds for sleep n pain,spiffy for migrainenpain,anxiety, and me well i need all the above! yeah im a wreck!, my seed/genetics list just expanded!my camp desperatly NEEDS a high cbd strain if the mushrooms look right today i may be harv'n the chemdog,9 weeks today green house claims nearly 2%cbd and half a percent cbn so i really want to get the timing right! found my digital microscope so i should be doing some xtremetrich shots soon!, wood is always coming up with useful stuff thanks wood reps if i can! and J u know ima put my rep love all up on ya as often as i can *winkwink* A1 u 2 :circle-of-love: i just love my :420: family
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Jandre i need some advice mate,

let me explain, im getting ready for bed and i always check on my seedlings and make sure they dont need watering etc etc, now i planted my 2nd sleestack cross skunk freeby from herbies 2 days ago, i looked and had to look again, then i looked again after wiping my eyes, mate ive got twins, i grow my seeds in a small seed tray, soil in each compartment and i put 1 seed in each, now for a minute i questioned myself and wondered if i put 2 seeds in that one by mistake, so i dug down and found 1 seed casing, 1 tap root and attatched to this 1 tap root is 2 plants, the 2 plants are about an inch high, look exactly the same, but they are both smaller than a normal seedling, even the seed leaf are curled the same way, they look exact copies of each other, both the same height, same stage of development, my other sleestack grew fine, its just this one is 100% a twin, is this something that happens from time to time, is it worth me growing it to see what happens or is it doomed to fail, they seem a dwarf of a normal plant, the stem is thinner, the leaves seem smaller and have no opened up yet,

but mate its a 100% twin, i took a few pics so ill put them on my journal when i get to my moms tomorrow, im been serious mate, 1 seed has turned into 2 plants, their about 2mil apart and both are identical, have you ever come across this or heard of it happening, i just need to know if its worth keeping it alive or will it produce very little, might be ideal for a scrog, problem is its sharing the same tap root so it will always be a dwarf i think, mate it shocked me, i never seen or heard of this happening before, im hoping you have come across this cuz its got me baffled, i got twins
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Xlr8, two....maybe three journals ago(for the life of me I can't find the post on it), and GodsTrichome (can't find the post on that one either) had twins both last year.

Hey, X, if you're around could you post your "Twins!" pic here for dp.p to see?
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Okay, so on the bubble cloner front, I got no roots at all... not even node bumps. It was only 4 cuttings, but 100% failure is disheartening. I've since foiled the outside to lightblock, and am bleaching the inside to get ready for the next try. I really don't want to go back to rockwool, as that medium is falling apart so much. However, if this next attempt fails, I guess I could always use rockwool in the netpots for some added strength. . . . *sigh* life sucks sometimes
Okay, so on the bubble cloner front, I got no roots at all... not even node bumps. It was only 4 cuttings, but 100% failure is disheartening. I've since foiled the outside to lightblock, and am bleaching the inside to get ready for the next try. I really don't want to go back to rockwool, as that medium is falling apart so much. However, if this next attempt fails, I guess I could always use rockwool in the netpots for some added strength. . . . *sigh* life sucks sometimes

Sorry to hear that you ran into problems.

You might want to check out my Turbo Klone Start to Finish thread for some tips on cloning using a machine. Lots of various things you need to monitor as well as the proper use of some special cloning related nutes etc. Most important is the PH of the reservoir as well as maintaining a stable reservoir temp of no lower than 67 degrees nor higher than 75 degrees F.

I usually get a 100% success rate or close to it with all my cloning sessions. The one documented in this thread was my first official run, but all subsequent sessions went pretty much the same way.

I've done over a dozen sessions since this thread was created with a bunch of different strains, and I always get good results by following the same basic plan I thoroughly discuss in this thread.

Check it out and see if you can apply it to your Bubble Cloner! ;)

P.S. I HATE Rockwool! I had failure after failure when trying to use that method to clone out my hard to obtain strains. Buying that Turbo Klone machine was one of the smartest decisions I have ever made! :)

There is also a link to this section in my sig.

Sent from my iPod touch using Forum Runner
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Okay, so on the bubble cloner front, I got no roots at all... not even node bumps. It was only 4 cuttings, but 100% failure is disheartening. I've since foiled the outside to lightblock, and am bleaching the inside to get ready for the next try. I really don't want to go back to rockwool, as that medium is falling apart so much. However, if this next attempt fails, I guess I could always use rockwool in the netpots for some added strength. . . . *sigh* life sucks sometimes

I have roots!
using kimmys method 2 of my 4 are rooting (saw roots first time yesterday)
to be fair the two that didnt root, i didnt expect to root. 1st was a big ass old stem from my indica that got damp off because i used vermiculite instead of perlite and it was inevitable. 2nd one was so tiny it would probably have been a record breaker if it got roots, that one died from the heat of my grow room, just too damn tiny to cope, its microscopic bud sites just dried up.

im off shopping today to see if my local store has more of my jugs yet....if it does ill take some more cuttings for a more extensive test of kimmys method.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I really want this bubble cloner to work. I've put some rooting solution into the water to encourage roots, and will slowly develop a method that works for my situation. Hopefully, that'll give me time to het my over abundance of vegging clones out and into flower after the jandre Kush is done. I was going to do a SCroG, but I think that with the veg time it takes to het it going from 9" clones, I'll just do another SOG and get those clones going that have been in my veg bin for too long.

38.5 days tracking Green Fluffy Bunnies Clone - GFB
38.5 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
38.5 days tracking Jandre Kush - Jandre
38.5 days tracking Plush Berry Kush Clone - PBK
38.5 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
38.5 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
38.5 days tracking Purple Widow Clone - P.Wid

75.1 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
75.1 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
75.1 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
75.1 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
75.1 days tracking Jandre Kush Clone - Jandre
93.9 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
96.3 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
96.3 days tracking Purple Mr Nice Clone - P. MrN
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Sorry to hear that you ran into problems.

You might want to check out my Turbo Klone Start to Finish thread for some tips on cloning using a machine. Lots of various things you need to monitor as well as the proper use of some special cloning related nutes etc. Most important is the PH of the reservoir as well as maintaining a stable reservoir temp of no lower than 67 degrees nor higher than 75 degrees F.

I usually get a 100% success rate or close to it with all my cloning sessions. The one documented in this thread was my first official run, but all subsequent sessions went pretty much the same way.

I've done over a dozen sessions since this thread was created with a bunch of different strains, and I always get good results by following the same basic plan I thoroughly discuss in this thread.

Check it out and see if you can apply it to your Bubble Cloner! ;)

P.S. I HATE Rockwool! I had failure after failure when trying to use that method to clone out my hard to obtain strains. Buying that Turbo Klone machine was one of the smartest decisions I have ever made! :)

There is also a link to this section in my sig.

Sent from my iPod touch using Forum Runner

Yeah, Aero, I've heard anyway, is quite a bit different from DWC Bubble cloner; I don't have any actual experience with either so I can't say from experience either way... I've applied the same pH, though I think that 67*F would be a bit too cold to encourage roots in DWC... the water's been holding stable at 74, though, so I'm not out of your prescribed range. We'll see what happens.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Yeah, Aero, I've heard anyway, is quite a bit different from DWC Bubble cloner; I don't have any actual experience with either so I can't say from experience either way... I've applied the same pH, though I think that 67*F would be a bit too cold to encourage roots in DWC... the water's been holding stable at 74, though, so I'm not out of your prescribed range. We'll see what happens.

I would think the basic condition of your cloning solution reservoir would need to be basically the same as what I shoot for with my Turbo Klone. That being PH and temperature.

Generally you want the PH in the reservoir water as close to 5.8 as possible. This is obviously lower than you usually want with a soil PH, but that is what Turbo Klone recommended and it definitely worked great for me.

The lower temps discourage stem rot fungus from attacking your cuttings, which can happen in a matter of days, so it is more advantageous to try to keep the water temp on the low end of the scale instead of the upper end. I try to keep mine in the 68-72 degree range. Just don't want it to get over 75 cause you will get a lot more stem rot problems which is the biggest issue I have seen with my cloner. Especially if the strain you are cloning takes longer than usual to root (for example: Blue Cheese can take up to 20 days to root), which means more time for your reservoir to get infected with molds and fungus.

That may seem like a long time, but the alternative would be Rockwool which failed to clone a single Blue Cheese cutting ever! ;)

Anyway...Just thought I would offer some suggestions since I have done a lot of cloning with my rig.

Good luck! :)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I would think the basic condition of your cloning solution reservoir would need to be basically the same as what I shoot for with my Turbo Klone. That being PH and temperature.

Generally you want the PH in the reservoir water as close to 5.8 as possible. This is obviously lower than you usually want with a soil PH, but that is what Turbo Klone recommended and it definitely worked great for me.

The lower temps discourage stem rot fungus from attacking your cuttings, which can happen in a matter of days, so it is more advantageous to try to keep the water temp on the low end of the scale instead of the upper end. I try to keep mine in the 68-72 degree range. Just don't want it to get over 75 cause you will get a lot more stem rot problems which is the biggest issue I have seen with my cloner. Especially if the strain you are cloning takes longer than usual to root (for example: Blue Cheese can take up to 20 days to root), which means more time for your reservoir to get infected with molds and fungus.

That may seem like a long time, but the alternative would be Rockwool which failed to clone a single Blue Cheese cutting ever! ;)

Anyway...Just thought I would offer some suggestions since I have done a lot of cloning with my rig.

Good luck! :)

Thanks for the well wishes, and the advice. Valuable stuff. Like I said, I already have pH and Temp in range, so now we just wait and see if clonex makes the difference in this set-up.

Anyway, here it is.
Xlr8, two....maybe three journals ago(for the life of me I can't find the post on it), and GodsTrichome (can't find the post on that one either) had twins both last year.

Hey, X, if you're around could you post your "Twins!" pic here for dp.p to see?

I never had twins, but Gods Trichome did. As Gig mentioned i did have the Jack the Ripper with buds on the fan leaves. My OG Ripper is growing these too - will be interested to see if any of the other JTR crosses have that. It also grew leaves with extra blades in funny/interesting places (almost like a second tier of blades). I think its actually a common C99 trait, which is in the genetics. Have you had that? I like Gigs suggestion - a twin with bud leaves! :)
You could always keep it simple, clone in rapid rooters. I cant remember the last time a clone failed for me, and its ridiculously simple, cheap and effective... I always planned on making a bubble cloner, but couldn't justify the effort when the rapid rooters (root riot plugs, same thing) worked almost literally perfectly every single time. Just a thought, but I'm sure you'll get the bubble cloner working great in no time. :goodluck:
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

You could always keep it simple, clone in rapid rooters. I cant remember the last time a clone failed for me, and its ridiculously simple, cheap and effective... I always planned on making a bubble cloner, but couldn't justify the effort when the rapid rooters (root riot plugs, same thing) worked almost literally perfectly every single time. Just a thought, but I'm sure you'll get the bubble cloner working great in no time.

There were two last year... I remember God's Trichome, and I thought the other was you... Now, I don't know.

My problem is this... Rockwool, and rooters fall apart. I am constantly spending money just to clone into something that will just fall apart. Ultimately I want to get down to ZERO of 1-time-use-only purchases, and that's why I am looking elsewhere for cloning, because I buy a sheet of cubes, and in a few months, I'm buying a new sheet. I want to be done with buying shit to throw away after only one use.

Reduce, Reuse, Re-purpose, Recycle.....DIY!
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