CC’s #4 Multi Strain Coco Grow Feat: Mars TS 3000 For Bloom

Yea if only seen good about the SP line too. I went from hps onto mars2 line lights but had bad reliability with both my units so I went back to hps and just now on my current grow I started it with the ts1000 and for what about 100watts of electric it is incredible. So uv noticed increased harvests too? That's my end worry that this light may veg well but flower poorly. Time will tell I guess I'm about a week into flower now. Please stop by if you get a moment. Dont no how to attach a tag lol
I came from cheaper blurples that didn’t have the coverage they advertised so I’m not real sure about HPS. I have noticed really good density of nugs in the 2x4 with the SP250 all throughout the plant even the lowers. Under the TS I’m still trying to get that dialed in just right as far as brightness, and what my girls can tolerate as some of the lower stuff just doesn’t seem to get as solid but again I’m still trying to get that one dialed and have seen great results with other people using the TS. I’ll swing by your journal :)
Edit I tried to swing by your journal but the link in your sig took me to an abandoned one. I’ll see if I can find ya!
Here’s what I found
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the lights. Il probably use my ts1000 as a veg light next time and go with the 3000 or the 250 for flower. Yes sorry that sig is years out of date lol.
Heavenly. Thanks for supplying my link
At some point today I'm going to read this grow from the beggining
Absolutely no problem :) Thanks for stopping by!
Need some advice
Day 51 of 12/12 and Day 45’ish of flowering
Supposed 9 week flower time

The Big Bud has started getting purple leaves and purple stems, starting up top, and she just looks like a sad monkey. Other symptoms are buds are definitely not that of the description as they are still pretty small, and she looks like she has too much nitrogen with the claw but also starting to lighten in color at the same time :hmmmm: I always always always water to run-off, PH in veg 5.8-5.9 and PH in bloom 6.0-6.1 and have a triple check system for the PH to ensure I am always pouring in the correct PH. They are all on 5.3gr/g MC, no one else at this point is showing the same symptoms. Temps never go below 68 or above 79, RH mid to low 40’s. I’ve made no changes and this just started. Kinda stumped as from what I’ve read it kinda resembles Phosphorus deficiency but doesn’t totally match the picture :hmmmm: Didn’t bump up the MC because of the claw but I could definitely be wrong.I’ll try and get pics of the rest of the gang and a normal update on here tomorrow.Thank you for stopping by and I’m up for any suggestions.
So what your seeing is the plant fading. That purple will be genetic or due to the environment. I'd be giving her more food, around 6g's for now. Don't worry about the clawing this late into the grow as it's most likely old N damage or not related to excess N at all.
So what your seeing is the plant fading. That purple will be genetic or due to the environment. I'd be giving her more food, around 6g's for now. Don't worry about the clawing this late into the grow as it's most likely old N damage or not related to excess N at all.
:thanks: !!!! You truly do rock for really reals :theband: that’s what I was hoping for :love::love:
Thank you again :morenutes:Hope all is well on your side of the world:hug::love:
Thanks Candy!

All is well over here. More importantly I hope you're back up to 100% or close to it. Enjoy your night Candy! :hug:
Thank you, fever free for 24 hours now :love: I hope you enjoy the rest of your night too!:hug:
Like Mr S said, just a little fade setting in. Shes getting ripe!! So glad to hear you’re feeling better!! :love: :hug:
:thanks: means a lot :love: I hope all is well on your side of the states! Stay safe and well chicka!:love::hug:
I totally missed this grow. I was impressed with your other grow so I’m glad I found you last minute. Plants look great candy!
What size pots did you do these in?
glad your feeling better too;)
I totally missed this grow. I was impressed with your other grow so I’m glad I found you last minute. Plants look great candy!
What size pots did you do these in?
glad your feeling better too;)
:thanks: Shotta! :love:Happy to have ya here no matter the timing :ciao:I’ve got the ladies in 5gallon fabric pots.
Looking good over here !!
Thank you Jack! :green_heart:Nice to see ya swing by!:ciao: I need to hop over to your end of the world and see how the forest has been doing:yummy:
Not much have a few in dwc took a break on my ebb system for a run since amazon won’t deliver my coco eny time soon miss my forest doe
Not much have a few in dwc took a break on my ebb system for a run since amazon won’t deliver my coco eny time soon miss my forest doe
I checked it out and the girls look great! You’ll get your Forrest fired up again in no time! I love a good DWC run. Crazy how everything is being affected right now...I did and inventory check of anything I might possibly need and I think I’m all good for right now..but may go get another bag of Promix if the hydro shop is even still open..
She might show all kinds of pretty colors before shes finished...gettin' close!
Thank you and you’re right she just may show some pretty colors as she ripens :love: Getting excited for harvest!
Hydro shops closed over here
Dang Jack that sucks but it’s definitely understandable at the same time. I just checked mine and they are closing on Tuesdays and Thursdays for right now so I better get on it while I can!
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