CFIT - Potted Outdoor Grow - Bag Seeds - Two Varieties


I'm pretty sure it has female preflowers but they need to develop a bit more to be sure. Don't know how much taller it will get in a 3 gallon pot or when I should try to make it flower or if I should go buy a 5 gallon pot and transplant. It requires significant nutes and more water than expected, of course it's pretty hot here this time of year. Also it seems to really like used coffee grounds amended to the top inch of soil.

Had worsening problem with lower leaves yellowing, rotating Jack's Classic with a couple supplements seems to have helped the situation. It's hot and she likes water, the 5 gallon cloth pot dries out fast so there's plenty of opportunity to experiment with nutes.



Another ongoing challenge, every morning when I put her outside tops are yellow like she has nute lock, then after a couple hours in southern sun and heat she's all green again. The heat must force her to take up more nutrient-rich water that somehow overcomes whatever it is she's unhappy about. Started epsom salt yesterday but this morning the yellow is back and two hours later tops are still yellow, it hasn't gone away like it normally does by this time.




Asleep three nights ago

Honestly I don't see anything wrong with her. :hmmmm:

I'm using a 15 year old digital camera and it's not registering the color yellow very well, also electronic displays don't always show colors accurately or at least my monitor doesn't. Tops were a lot more yellow than indicated in the photos, here I'll try to compare the yellow morning with the green afternoon although it still isn't as obvious as in person


Yesterday morning the tops were pretty yellow and it wasn't going away in the sun and heat like it normally does. By noon I decided I had given her too much epsom salt the day before so I flushed some of it out and by 4:00pm most of the yellow had turned green. This morning the tops aren't as yellow as yesterday, as a matter of fact they look pretty good. Some days are great, other days we have these little problems I try to jump on right away before they turn into big problems. Of course by reacting too quickly I could be causing more problems, I haven't found the balance yet.

This photo isn't my plant but it better-illustrates my situation


It's not an uncommon thing, I see it in lots of photos to varying degrees but it isn't good. Some mornings all my leaves are healthy green and I want to see that every morning. Still have a lot to learn.
From time to time I get purple or red leaf stems, might be a feature of the strain or she might need more nutes. She gets nutes regularly, I hesitate to think she needs more.



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