Clonex question

Screwed. But never hurts to try. Honey and or aloe works also, so does cinnamon from what I've heard.

My clonex gel went bad, that's how I found alternatives. You could always try wrapping loosely with wet paper towel putting in fridge and cutting dipping planting tomorrow

You could make your solution, pre wet the hole with it, plant, water with solution. 🤞
Damn, I'm cheap. Just stick the clone in soil. As long as the mother is healthy, it should root just fine.
Lol. It's never been my most successful endeavor. I've been practicing more with cloning. With nothing my survival rate is super low. 1or2 out of 10. With clonex 6 or 7 of 10.
I have a decent aloe plant I'll give it a try, I have them in a glass of water now.

live plant aloe works better than nearly any gel if you are in soil or soil type media.

i hempy clone which is a super easy method with near 100% success if you wanna just do it lazy.

I use Clonex gel, and it will go bad (ineffective) if not refrigerated. I'm open to trying aloe... I have a little aloe plant. My cloning method is linked in my signature. I'm also interested in the perlite hempy method that Bluter uses... it may take longer, but it's low-maintenance.
So the way I did it this time, cut the clones off the plant, into RO water, make a second slightly angled cut under the water about 1/4" from the bottom, straight from the water to the fresh aloe guts and then right to the rooting plug. They are still alive, pretty green and don't smell like rotting anything so I think they are going to make it🤞.
The way I do it... take a cutting from the end of a branch, or from the top of the plant. Cut just below the lower node, leaving about 1/2 inch, as shown in the photo here. I use trimming scissors and sterilize them with a lighter. I then also trim off the lower big leaves close to the stem, and then clip the upper big leaflets in half. I leave the small leaves alone. Then I dip in Clonex, covering the whole node area well. And then into a 4" plastic pot containing pre-wetted mix of coco coir and perlite with a bit of nutes, and I use an old pencil (also sterilized with flame) to make a hole in the mix to accept the cutting, thereby not losing any of the Clonex by pushing the cutting into the mix.

So these are the clones I took last Weds minus the yellowing one that was a slip of the scissors about 2 weeks ago. I'm using Gatorade bottles for humidity domes. Should I snip the left over big leaves back further?
So these are the clones I took last Weds minus the yellowing one that was a slip of the scissors about 2 weeks ago. I'm using Gatorade bottles for humidity domes. Should I snip the left over big leaves back further?
Have a look at my method, here:
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