Closet Farmer OC+ Soil Grow - Easy Does It!

I am not sure if it was the edibles last night or if it is the hash I smoked this am. I have been soooo sleeeepy today. I slept half the day away! Laid down for a half hour nap that lasted over 4 hours!!
It is such a great taste and such a great high that it is easy to over do it. It is a true wake and bake and go back to sleep smoke! I am going to have to try and resist smoking this stuff till night time if I want to get anything done during the day!
I am not sure if it was the edibles last night or if it is the hash I smoked this am. I have been soooo sleeeepy today. I slept half the day away! Laid down for a half hour nap that lasted over 4 hours!!
It is such a great taste and such a great high that it is easy to over do it. It is a true wake and bake and go back to sleep smoke! I am going to have to try and resist smoking this stuff till night time if I want to get anything done during the day!

Who you love it! I would too! :circle-of-love:

Here is how my room looks today.

The Violator Kush is really starting to bloom nicely. I might have a new favorite!

OG Kush..

Tangerine Dream...

Moby Dick...
Who you love it! I would too! :circle-of-love:
I will have to bring a special puck with me when I visit!:high-five:

Made some *special* beans and taco filling last night for mom... then proceeded to sleep in till almost 10:30!

Your grow looks alot better without that royal pain in the hash
Pain in the Hash! LoL!! You are absolutely right. The grow room looks a lot better. I definaltely will be making more hash as soon as possible.

I like the sound of special tacos!Mom must be happy!:love:

I will have to bring a special puck with me when I visit!:high-five:

Pain in the Hash! LoL!! You are absolutely right. The grow room looks a lot better. I definaltely will be making more hash as soon as possible.

I like the sound of special tacos!Mom must be happy!:love:

LoL, couldn't resist. Mom really did like the beans and tacos... garlic, onion, jalapeno stir fried with green butter then dump in the black beans! Leftovers tonight!
Plants are looking great. I hope to be able to harvest at least one plant by the end of the month. So far I am happy with the results. Last feeding I gave them some liquid kool bloom. They seem to like it. I only gave half strenght because of the oc.

Here is the group photo...

Tangerine Dream...

Violator Kush...

Ak Sour...

OG Kush...

Moby Dick...

Purple Haze..

My little experiment...Moby Dick and Tangerine Dream Clones.

They all look great CF. :party:

I just had a ah ha moment! Maybe I'm sleepy, but it was like I just realized what strains you are growing. No kidding..the light Bulb just when off!
Every one of your strains are great!. Beware of Violator Kush! She will lock you to the couch! :Rasta:

They really look green and great! Can you say Bud Sites? Your heading for a monster harvest. :love:

Well, time to eat my ice cream and go to bed. I know, but it works for me!:circle-of-love:
I love those AH-ha moments...

I was sitting there last night checkin out the ladies wondering, what happened??? They used to be so much better off....


I have been blasting them with nutrients but I haven't given them a straight water feeding since I got the new :morenutes:!!! I haven't given them a break at all other than the flushing but even after the flushes I would run nutrients through at the end.

So once they dry, I'll give them straight water and see how much happier they get!!

That tangerine dream sounds really :yummy:

That AK Sour and Violator Kush look like their blowin up on ya!!:bravo:

I must have missed it, (realistically I probably forgot though, if you don't mind refreshing me), is the experiment straight from clone to flower? and how long have they been flowering now?
They all look great CF. :party:

I just had a ah ha moment! Maybe I'm sleepy, but it was like I just realized what strains you are growing. No kidding..the light Bulb just when off!
Every one of your strains are great!. Beware of Violator Kush! She will lock you to the couch! :Rasta:

They really look green and great! Can you say Bud Sites? Your heading for a monster harvest. :love:

Well, time to eat my ice cream and go to bed. I know, but it works for me!:circle-of-love:

Every single plant is doing great and I have put less effort in this grow than any other grow because of the timed release nutes.
I believe I should have a great harvest too. It will rival the harvests I used to get when I ran hydro. :yahoo::blunt:

Ice Cream before bed!! That does not sound strange at all. I wake up in the middle of the night and have ice cream and a bowl all the time!! :tokin:
I love those AH-ha moments...

I was sitting there last night checkin out the ladies wondering, what happened??? They used to be so much better off....


I have been blasting them with nutrients but I haven't given them a straight water feeding since I got the new :morenutes:!!! I haven't given them a break at all other than the flushing but even after the flushes I would run nutrients through at the end.

So once they dry, I'll give them straight water and see how much happier they get!!

That tangerine dream sounds really :yummy:

That AK Sour and Violator Kush look like their blowin up on ya!!:bravo:

I must have missed it, (realistically I probably forgot though, if you don't mind refreshing me), is the experiment straight from clone to flower? and how long have they been flowering now?

Ah Ha!! :idea:! Those are great moments. I wish I got them more often!!

It seems like less is more with nutes sometimes... I am not a expert grower but I do notice that the more I grow the more I realize that the amount of nutes is not as important as the quality and timing. I think I overnuted almost all my grows so far. Still had good results but I wonder how much better I would have had if I held back a little. :surf:

My experiment is just not anything that will break down any barriers in growing. I am just trying to see for myself how the clones root and grow. I am thinking in the future of filling the room with clones and doing a sog.
Believe it or not. I have never grown with clones. I have made many clones and have never lost one using the technique I use. It has always been for fun. The clones have always been given away to friends. These clones were taken from the plants that are flowering. It seems they took a long time to root. Now they are starting to perk up. They look kinda cool being so small and already having flowers! I am not sure if I am going to do this again though. I really like big plants and watching them reach for the sky! :partyboy:

"It seems like less is more with nutes sometimes... I am not a expert grower but I do notice that the more I grow the more I realize that the amount of nutes is not as important as the quality and timing"

^Sounds like something an expert would say:thumb:

I was so caught up in seeing what they could handle without burning that I wasn't even thinking they need to cool down some in that root zone.... Probably getting way too hot with :morenutes:!!

I like the sounds of a SOG but a 12 plant limit wouldn't make for a very good one.

I grew from clones last time and one seed, this time is seed and I like it way better. I may still mother a few to keep the strain going but only time will tell...

I have 3 clones going now that I have had in the flower room because it was the only locked door to keep them behind. I finally just pulled them out of the room to let them grow some roots and size. They are only about 5 or 6 inches right now and your right, they do look kinda cool with pistils!!! I am going to re-veg them and get them hopefully to a foot and 1/2 or so then put them back into flower. I was considering just letting them flower but without having enough time to develop roots they wouldn't make very nice buds!

"It seems like less is more with nutes sometimes... I am not a expert grower but I do notice that the more I grow the more I realize that the amount of nutes is not as important as the quality and timing"

^Sounds like something an expert would say:thumb:

I was so caught up in seeing what they could handle without burning that I wasn't even thinking they need to cool down some in that root zone.... Probably getting way too hot with :morenutes:!!

I like the sounds of a SOG but a 12 plant limit wouldn't make for a very good one.

I grew from clones last time and one seed, this time is seed and I like it way better. I may still mother a few to keep the strain going but only time will tell...

I have 3 clones going now that I have had in the flower room because it was the only locked door to keep them behind. I finally just pulled them out of the room to let them grow some roots and size. They are only about 5 or 6 inches right now and your right, they do look kinda cool with pistils!!! I am going to re-veg them and get them hopefully to a foot and 1/2 or so then put them back into flower. I was considering just letting them flower but without having enough time to develop roots they wouldn't make very nice buds!

I saw a hempe grow on this site. I forget the user name. The grower puts the clones in straight to 12/12. He was using the BPN nutes. Every plant he had big flowers and were covered with trichs. As I remember he got a lot of weight from his sog harvest.
I would grow with clones more too but I have so many great seeds. My local grow buddy likes only a certain strain. Every time he orders seeds. He gives me his freebies. I am getting a pretty good stock pile of seeds. If I ever find the perfect strain then I wouldn't mind doing a revolving sog. Or if I had more space to have another grow area. I could probably get 30 plants or more in my closet.
On the other hand. I really like the variety of growing different strains. It makes growing fun to have plants that behave differently. I like to have different types of smoke too. Makes getting high more interesting too.

Great job CF, them buds lookin' good!

All these OC grows in soil that are "low maintenance" are pushing me in that direction. I like the 2L DWC-H experiment I'm doing, and I think it's going well, but it requires daily babysitting or they run dry. How often are you watering in those airpots?/ Smartpots?
Every single plant is doing great and I have put less effort in this grow than any other grow because of the timed release nutes.
I believe I should have a great harvest too. It will rival the harvests I used to get when I ran hydro. :yahoo::blunt:

Ice Cream before bed!! That does not sound strange at all. I wake up in the middle of the night and have ice cream and a bowl all the time!! :tokin:

I told you we were Brothers :thumb:
I agree.. Variety is the spice of life!!!

I also want to try and find a couple different strains, one that is the highest quality and one that is high yielding. That way I can smoke on the big yielder a lot and save the high quality for night time!!!

I think I may have peeked in on that journal a few times. Sounds familiar but no idea even how long ago it was.
Great job CF, them buds lookin' good!

All these OC grows in soil that are "low maintenance" are pushing me in that direction. I like the 2L DWC-H experiment I'm doing, and I think it's going well, but it requires daily babysitting or they run dry. How often are you watering in those airpots?/ Smartpots?

I love low maintenance! That is what pushed me to oc too!

Lately I have been watering the airpots almost every other day. The smart pots I have is a 2 gallon pots. One is the AK Sour and the other has 2 clones in it. I have been watering these pots almost every day because they are smaller and hold less.

I am going to have to invest in a self watering system. Here is one that I am looking at.

It is called a water worm. It is not expensive and supposedly the plant sucks up water as it is needed. I would love to hear feedback from anyone that has used anything like this device.
I agree.. Variety is the spice of life!!!

I also want to try and find a couple different strains, one that is the highest quality and one that is high yielding. That way I can smoke on the big yielder a lot and save the high quality for night time!!!

I think I may have peeked in on that journal a few times. Sounds familiar but no idea even how long ago it was.

It was an impressive grow and I cannot remember the name of the grower. I remember that the little plants looked so strong that they were enterd in the POTM contest. It was not very long ago and I believe the grower is probably still doing the same system of 12/12 from clone.

I like the idea of a big producing strain that and a strong strain for different times of the day. I do not know what is wrong with me though. I always seem to go for the strong stuff no matter what time of day it is!! LoL!!

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