Good looking 👀 gals my friend 👍 CL🍀.
Thank you Cap :)
Carmen they look amazing and buds are getting very juicy! I know you will enjoy thrm🌸
Thank you Lexi :)

Sunday 12th February Update: - Flowers for 30 days
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I'll start with the Skywalker Kush Auto



She's done a lot of work to stay alive and make flowers. I like the sugar on the sugar leaf pic. I think her days are coming to an end? I am only seeing the odd white pistil.

To be continued.

Here's the bigger plant, The Red Russian XXL Auto. I am loving watching her do her thing. I have hardly needed to lift a finger this grow. Thank you to the swick club.






I hope everyone has had a good weekend and ready for a new week. Thank you for visiting and as usual, please feel free to make suggestions or ask questions.

Thank you Nev, I think they are pretty... the Skywalker is getting a little bigger but also looks closer to ripening? What do you think?

Oh Carmen! You’re getting some real sparkle going on. That RR has got some good bulking up to go and I wouldn’t want to rush the Skywalker either. She definitely looks like she will finish first but hang with them for now as this is like the cherry on the cake building now. :hug:
Oh Carmen! You’re getting some real sparkle going on. That RR has got some good bulking up to go and I wouldn’t want to rush the Skywalker either. She definitely looks like she will finish first but hang with them for now as this is like the cherry on the cake building now. :hug:
Thank you Nev, and the words of advice. I will watch and wait. I am enjoying my second auto run much more than the first. it's lovely to see you, and thank you for the :hug:

:welldone: getting them to finish at different times to make harvesting easier! :)

I'd say at least a week, and closer to three on RR.
Thank you Shed :high-five: I think you may be quite close to the mark. Let's wait and see what unfolds. I am glad to harvest them separately as they hang in an open cupboard in a dark room, and I have a feeling there wouldn't be space for two at once.
Thank you Otter! The RR smells very fruity and floral. I have great hopes for that one as a sedative. The Skywalker Kush has very little fragrance, even at this late stage. I don't hope for much, other than the possibility I may be pleasantly surprised.

Here are some glittery pics of the plants. I will being with the Red Russian and continue the SK in the next post.

The lighting is very interesting and posed challenges in the edit. I shoot in RAW to give me the most megapixels I can get from my camera and then I do the edit with Adobe apps. If you shoot in jpeg, the camera does the editing for you. I prefer to try to get the pics as close to what I see with my own eyes. However, I had daylight coming in the window, the LEDs from above and a fill in flash. The results are interesting colour contrasts, some of which are not visible to my eyes. For instance the yellow on the sugar leaves is far more pronounced in the pics than I am seeing. Then again, I have faulty eyes and this is a macro lens, so who knows.

Here are some shots of how the roots of my plants have infested the grow bag and swicky pads. You can see what I think are mycos? in the second shot.


#LovinSwickin #swick #subirrigation #autoflowering #roots #skywalkerkush #redrussianxxl #swicking
Carmen you have your plants just bursting with happiness. They are continually getting nicer every day now!
I also love those photos of the swicky roots peering out. Nature is so incredibly strange to look at sometimes. Your doing some great work on your plants.
Carmen, i’m happy your garden has continued to flourish. SK and RR look lovely, you always take such high quality photos.🌸I hope all is well😊
Hi Lexi, thank you and yes things are getting better health wise.
Beautiful camera work Carmen!
Thank you Otter
Carmen you have your plants just bursting with happiness. They are continually getting nicer every day now!
I also love those photos of the swicky roots peering out. Nature is so incredibly strange to look at sometimes. Your doing some great work on your plants.
Thank you Nev. You know I looked at the Skywalker today and thought, this is close. I don't think this one will go much longer. She doesn't appear to be drinking much, if anything at all anymore. All the pistils are curling inwards and now I just wait for a little bit of amber I think. I'm excited to have another harvest coming up, at least then I will have something to do with the plant lol. Right now it is a matter of just watching and waiting while the plants merrily do their own thing.
Thank you for the well wishes Shed! :circle-of-love:

A few trichome pics of the Skywalker Kush Auto (again with the varying light throwing colour off a bit) I think this will possibly come down on Sundayish, or maybe not, depending on the amber. There are still plenty of clear trichomes. I wonder how long it will take for them to cloud over. There are a few dots of amber here and there.


Nothing much to report on the Red Russian XXL. That plant is doing fabulously, starting to ripen now. It has a long way to go still.
Friday 17th February Update
Screenshot (376).png

Greetings. This time I will start with the SK, as I feel a take down is imminent, because I spotted one ant (I think ant) and then another, and I imagine that the ants are starting to bring aphids in. Thus far I have only spotted them on the SK.

I haven't seen anything nasty on the RR yet. I imagine that the insects are attacking the weaker plant first! At least that is what I hope.

I will put an ant trap near the plants immediately and go over my notes from Shed's integrated pest control methods posthaste.

What do you think of this? The plant has stopped drinking and smells like cat pee. I could wait for amber, but is it worth it?

Here are a few more shots of the SK's teeny, skinny budlettes, taken under the light and with fill flash.


The Red Russian XXL Auto seems to love life right now. Apart from a little bit of leaf damage which I think was caused by me dropping the light too low for 24 hours last week, she is merrily swicking away and throwing out white pistils.

What suggestions to prevent an aphid attack? The ant trap is now on top of the soil of the SK and will hopefully lure the ants away from the plant. The ants eat this honey coloured poison and take it to the queen for her to eat too.

I will have to do a bud wash when I chop the SK.

The first shot here is of the whole plant, followed by each of the four branches.
@InTheShed , My notes say that you recommend Spinosad, BT or insecticidal soap all over and then rinse off? Is that what you'd recommend for my Red Russian at this stage of development, to get rid of ants and aphids pronto? I have some insecticidal soap ready if it's a go, but please could you describe to me how I must apply it and rinse it off? Should I take the plant outside and spray spray spray until the stuff is dripping off? Should I then follow that treatment with a water rinse? I could use the hose with an attachment for that. What will the soap do to my soil?
A few trichome pics of the Skywalker Kush Auto
Your SKa is definitely getting close now. It’s in there where it’s becoming a personal choice of how you like your finish. I’ve also noticed on some of my autos under LED they haven’t always got a lot of amber on them. So I went by water intake and the retracting and color of the pistols.

What suggestions to prevent an aphid attack?
I’ve never had that problem growing indoors but that may change now as I found some tiny sugar ants in the grow room this week. I followed the ant trail to a window and placed a trap there. I’m hoping that works.

The Red Russian XXL Auto seems to love life right now.
She is definitely the Super Star of this grow!
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