Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

The engines have started my dudes.

The good ship Klinger will soon be pulling away from the dock and heading full steam into brix territory.

400ish pages of high brix study: check

Permits and Fire Dept: check

Foundation laid, building ordered: check

Kits in hand: check

Giant brixboner in the other hand: double check.
The engines have started my dudes.

The good ship Klinger will soon be pulling away from the dock and heading full steam into brix territory.

400ish pages of high brix study: check

Permits and Fire Dept: check

Foundation laid, building ordered: check

Kits in hand: check

Giant brixboner in the other hand: double check.

For realz? Sounds serious, we need details man! :)
For realz? Sounds serious, we need details man! :)

In the sense that it is gonna be from the ground up, it will be epic, in the sense that it is a building, well, its sort of a glorified shed. Basically the biggest shed you can put in your yard in the city, gonna put a 10x16x12h barn in my buddies backyard. He doesn't even smoke the stuff, but has worked with me in other fields and wants to see what we can do!

On monday we rented a 2man post hole digger and sunk 12holes 8"x2', filled with a few inches of gravel then poured concrete into footing forms. Next week the shed company can come build on the foundation. It will take them about 4 hours to put up a semi-pre-done dealio. (all wood)

I'm going to put a small room in the front of the shed 4' wide with a loft for veg with a t5 or 2, then the bloom area will be 10x12, nice easy space for 2 4x8 tables, one kit 6 plants on each.

At the moment my best source and plan for genetics is one table of Master Kush and one table of Blue Dream. I am more committed to the source of these than the actual strain, so we will see what is growing when the lights turn on. The nice thing about these is that they will be clones from highly mineralized organic grown mothers that eat fish sprays. Like a super intelligent Ozark cousin.....
In the sense that it is gonna be from the ground up, it will be epic, in the sense that it is a building, well, its sort of a glorified shed. Basically the biggest shed you can put in your yard in the city, gonna put a 10x16x12h barn in my buddies backyard. He doesn't even smoke the stuff, but has worked with me in other fields and wants to see what we can do!

On monday we rented a 2man post hole digger and sunk 12holes 8"x2', filled with a few inches of gravel then poured concrete into footing forms. Next week the shed company can come build on the foundation. It will take them about 4 hours to put up a semi-pre-done dealio. (all wood)

I'm going to put a small room in the front of the shed 4' wide with a loft for veg with a t5 or 2, then the bloom area will be 10x12, nice easy space for 2 4x8 tables, one kit 6 plants on each.

At the moment my best source and plan for genetics is one table of Master Kush and one table of Blue Dream. I am more committed to the source of these than the actual strain, so we will see what is growing when the lights turn on. The nice thing about these is that they will be clones from highly mineralized organic grown mothers that eat fish sprays. Like a super intelligent Ozark cousin.....

Now we're talkin'

BTW, you can get more than six plants on a can easily get 10. I'd prefer 6 in fifteens, but Iusually run 10 in seven's just for the variety.
Now we're talkin'

BTW, you can get more than six plants on a can easily get 10. I'd prefer 6 in fifteens, but Iusually run 10 in seven's just for the variety.

Well I will have 2 kits cooked and 2 4x8 tables ready to go in about a month. Open to any suggestions, not sure how far the stuff will go obviously. I probably won't have enough dirt for 12 15's? Maybe try 10s and see how full they get? I don't mind having bigger pots and only filling 2/3 to start. Thinking I will do the max, 40lbs of worm poop per kit?

I'm actually just looking up Promix's data sheet. (I see ~60gal/kit per the HB instructions) The amendments are negligible in terms of mass. Its just the bale + 20-40lbs of worm castings. Any reason to do 20 or 30 and not 40?

6 in 15's with plenty of room to add and make sure I can veg 2 moms sounds like a good idear....

Also planning to make a couple brixmoms.

got a few weeks to finger it out....
Well I will have 2 kits cooked and 2 4x8 tables ready to go in about a month. Open to any suggestions, not sure how far the stuff will go obviously. I probably won't have enough dirt for 12 15's? Maybe try 10s and see how full they get? I don't mind having bigger pots and only filling 2/3 to start. Thinking I will do the max, 40lbs of worm poop per kit?

I'm actually just looking up Promix's data sheet. (I see ~60gal/kit per the HB instructions) The amendments are negligible in terms of mass. Its just the bale + 20-40lbs of worm castings. Any reason to do 20 or 30 and not 40?

6 in 15's with plenty of room to add and make sure I can veg 2 moms sounds like a good idear....

Also planning to make a couple brixmoms.

got a few weeks to finger it out....

Max castings is cool....use six 7 gallon pots for the first grow. That's what the kit is designed around. Recycle the soil, add more Promix, leaf material and so forth....then you'll have more soil, etc.
Thank you for making this beautiful smoke possible :cheer::thanks:


These Jamaican Chocolate are nothing close to what you can get here. I just had a bowl and this is out of this planet :circle-of-love:

I think the browning comes from the strain. The plant is just perfect.
My first kit grow is going well enough that I'm interested in purchasing either another kit, or in bulk if that is an option. I don't have the requisite post count to message you privately though.

Well, you should drop in and say "high" more often and share what you're doing with the know, participation and stuff.....:high-five: then you could PM. I'm definitely interested in seeing what you've got going.

Check your PM's!
I harvested a few days after I took those pictures. They are 12/12 from seed

:bravo: You could have let them go longer, I think but compared to what I saw down there where you live, those buds are the stuff of legend. LOL.

It appear that your soil was too high in K....if you're the dude from S.A. I seem to remember you are....either way, the buds have the look of one's grown in soil with excess potassium.

Assuming you didn't add anything or use compost or mulch or anything, it's likely due to the options you had for your base soil. The good news is that the plants have soaked up some of that excess K.

You'll want to add your trimmings, some more EWC and a generous amount of Roots! powder to your soil and let it recycle. The next run will be even better....just do the foliars every 2 weeks on that one and your K levels should be where they need to be after the second run.

Then you'll see some magic....and meet all kinds of interesting people, have adventures, etc. No bull. Just try it!
Doc, fantastic pics as always! I'm curious, how many ladies do you have going in your "garden" at anyone time? Seems like you've always got a batch about ready to harvest!

Good question. I'm feeling a bit wordy, so I'll give the long answer.

I usually make twice and many clones as needed and end up culling several a week simply due to no room. But I always end up with the best ones in the veg room and can also help my VP of gardening get his meds growing.

I usually have perhaps 30% more plants in veg than I can put into flower, which means I am culling really nice, nearly perfect vegging plants every few weeks....because I have no room for them in the flowering room. I often just cut 'em up and add to the rescue soil, sometimes I give them away, sometimes toss them in the bin. I'll often take clones of them before doing any of that.

So, what this means is that I always have plants, usually in groups of 4 or 5 that are ready to bloom the moment I harvest. Literally, I replace the harvested plant with a fresh one the minute I cut it down, so there's no lag time. I toss odd-balls in the mix every now and then, like Harlequin, or a new strain I'm trying like this Afghan, but mostly I'm putting down 4-6 at a time coinciding with harvest schedule.

Every now and then I cull an entire generation of vegging plants and simply re-clone them to stall the process a month or so if my timing gets off.

Also, every now and then I get an order to x-amount of something and if it means putting 9-10 plants of a certain strain in I can do that.

My medical card allows 90 does my wife's. We never get anywhere close to that amount, but I usually have 18-25 plants blooming at any one time. My small collective has the ability to legally grow several hundred, but I'm not at all interested in doing that at this time, because I'm still learning to grow.

When I feel like I'm hitting the top of my game, and have pushed my limits and exhausted all my resources for improvement I'll change my focus from 95% R and D and 5% production to perhaps 50/50, which means I'll be growing hundreds of plants...someday, but not any time soon.

Whatever I do let go has to be something I am 100% proud of! My helpers will confirm that I often toss harvested plants and/or buds in the trash if I don't like something about them. I won't give them away, because I don't want anyone thinking I grew that stuff....and I won't make hash out of something substandard, nor edibles.

I've definitely pissed off a few people who begged to have what I was about to throw away....and in all but one case I tossed it anyways.

I set extremely high standards and I'm focused on reaching those goals! That's how I derive enjoyment and fulfillment from this wonderful plant.
Inspirational doc! Love your dedication to such a high standard.

I might as well take this moment to thank you again. So much good things are happening because of all of this you've taught me (us). And I'm still no where near where I want to be and can't wait for the future.

Mahalo nui loa Doc Bud, this has and will continue to be the most interesting journey in my life!
Thanks Doc!
I just started my first (low brix?) grow today. Regardless, I've learned a ton from your posts on 420.
My first HB grow is likely to be this spring, outdoors, and a mix of our "herb-of-choice" and my annual veggie garden. I'm planning now to see what it might take (area, kits, mix of plants, etc.). Since I'll never be close to 100% Promix, is there any way to use the kit on my untested soil, or am I better off just winging it, trying to improve the soil and biota using the general principles?
This is likely a dumb question. I see person after person asking, "What if I do this?" I know the answer is usually, "No. Follow the basic kit instructions." In my case, I don't think I can w/o buying a ton of Promix, WC, and amendments/kits.
Thanks again Doc!
Thanks Doc!
I just started my first (low brix?) grow today. Regardless, I've learned a ton from your posts on 420.
My first HB grow is likely to be this spring, outdoors, and a mix of our "herb-of-choice" and my annual veggie garden. I'm planning now to see what it might take (area, kits, mix of plants, etc.). Since I'll never be close to 100% Promix, is there any way to use the kit on my untested soil, or am I better off just winging it, trying to improve the soil and biota using the general principles?
This is likely a dumb question. I see person after person asking, "What if I do this?" I know the answer is usually, "No. Follow the basic kit instructions." In my case, I don't think I can w/o buying a ton of Promix, WC, and amendments/kits.
Thanks again Doc!

We can always just test your backyard soil and go from there. It might take a couple seasons to get it where it needs to be, but you'd see improvement immediately as long as you're not a compost guy who just keeps adding compost all the time.

Definitely stop doing that, if that's the case. No manure's either.
Thats awesome Doc. Ill strive to be half the professional you are in regards to cannabis. I say that because I know nothing else about you. Great job and keep on keeping on :)
:bravo: You could have let them go longer, I think but compared to what I saw down there where you live, those buds are the stuff of legend. LOL.

It appear that your soil was too high in K....if you're the dude from S.A. I seem to remember you are....either way, the buds have the look of one's grown in soil with excess potassium.

Assuming you didn't add anything or use compost or mulch or anything, it's likely due to the options you had for your base soil. The good news is that the plants have soaked up some of that excess K.

You'll want to add your trimmings, some more EWC and a generous amount of Roots! powder to your soil and let it recycle. The next run will be even better....just do the foliars every 2 weeks on that one and your K levels should be where they need to be after the second run.

Then you'll see some magic....and meet all kinds of interesting people, have adventures, etc. No bull. Just try it!

Notes taken. Maybe the peatmoss was high on k, although its from southernmost austral place in the continent. I will do as you say for the recycle
:Namaste: and yeah its already a legend. I too think it could ve gone longet and the next batch will do for sure. Thanks again doc!
Hey guys! I am not ready to start a journal or anything so I thought I could post a pic or two of my progress or lack there of on this fine thread.. I pray I am not out of line..

Ken's Cut of Granddaddy Purple.
Moved clone from cloner to 1 gallon pot of Doc's freshly cooked kit soil. Sprinkled ROOTS! powder on clone roots and in xplant hole. Watered in with 1 pint ro water and 7ml transplant.

Still waiting for the clone to show drooping so I can water. When I do water I am not sure which route to take. I could do the 1/4 strength transplant? or the growth energy drench w/ tea and xplant per instructions? I'm not sure if it will be too soon for a drench. I also plan on spraying the brix tomorrow for the first time.

Take it easy..
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