First Outdoor Grow

Quick update! plants are doing good, poored some salt around it today so now its a snail deathtrap:) Look how nice they look in the morning when its very humid in the air!! almost look frostyyyy:)
Quick update! plants are doing good, poored some salt around it today so now its a snail deathtrap:) Look how nice they look in the morning when its very humid in the air!! almost look frostyyyy:)

You need to make a watering ring like a little ditch inside the infamous circle of death.....DO NOT GET THE SALT WET SO IT leaches into the soil!!!!!!!!!!! It will kill that plant fast! It's lookin good, it'll gain some color in a few days! You may have issues if it rains!
You need to make a watering ring like a little ditch inside the infamous circle of death.....DO NOT GET THE SALT WET SO IT leaches into the soil!!!!!!!!!!! It will kill that plant fast! It's lookin good, it'll gain some color in a few days! You may have issues if it rains!

the salt is about half a meter from the roots so i think i will be ok, but if i got some sparetime i will but some sticks or some so it will be kinda like a fence:) just did not have time:)
Corry's Snail and Slug bait works good, I also use it. I would be a little concerned about the salt, especially since the top feeder roots will horizontally stretch out looking for water, if the salt dissolves into solution and travels into reach of those roots, you could have some serious issues.

Just my two cents ;)
okey guys, the salt worked and i am happy i put it there!! will remove it and replace with a fance kinda shit when i got the time but im really glad my plant didnt get eaten up by another fuck*ing snail:) and my question for this update is: is it normal for the pistils to grow this slow? the flowering must be done in october orelse its getting too cold, will she make it in 1,5 month??:scratchinghead: also some stems are getting purple or something after some time, does this mean anything?
I am glad to hear that the salt helped kept that bugger away, I too would be very cautious with the salt though. I am as newb as it gets, but I would think as the days get short she will go into full flower. Pistils will shoot out at all the nodes instead of more new growth. Does she seem to have stopped stretching? Mine are acting exactly the same way, I think we are actually at just about exactly the same stage. I keep thinking they have stretched and then they do it again, so I am pretty lost too. But as long as they are healthy I don't worry too much. I really can't speak as to 1.5 months being enough time, I am sure there are a lot of factors, like the strain, temps, length of days and lots of things I don't know. If you can make it out there every day you could force it by making the days shorter. RelaxedLester does this with amazing results. I have read that purple can be a phenotypic trait, from colder night temps, or from a nutrient deficiency - like a micro-nutrient deficiency. In my very humble opinion I think you have a slight nitrogen deficiency because the lower leaves are looking slightly yellow, and the brown spots may be a sign of a calcium deficiency. Maybe this link can help.Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial I would not be overly concerned as the leaves are a 'source' on the plant and will naturally yellow and die off as the plant grows and especially when it goes into flower. I am sure others can chime in on these points. Overall things are looking very happy and the new growth looks to be a vibrant green. Keep up the hard work, and be careful with that salt! Very nice update friend.
I am glad to hear that the salt helped kept that bugger away, I too would be very cautious with the salt though. I am as newb as it gets, but I would think as the days get short she will go into full flower. Pistils will shoot out at all the nodes instead of more new growth. Does she seem to have stopped stretching? Mine are acting exactly the same way, I think we are actually at just about exactly the same stage. I keep thinking they have stretched and then they do it again, so I am pretty lost too. But as long as they are healthy I don't worry too much. I really can't speak as to 1.5 months being enough time, I am sure there are a lot of factors, like the strain, temps, length of days and lots of things I don't know. If you can make it out there every day you could force it by making the days shorter. RelaxedLester does this with amazing results. I have read that purple can be a phenotypic trait, from colder night temps, or from a nutrient deficiency - like a micro-nutrient deficiency. In my very humble opinion I think you have a slight nitrogen deficiency because the lower leaves are looking slightly yellow, and the brown spots may be a sign of a calcium deficiency. Maybe this link can help.Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial I would not be overly concerned as the leaves are a 'source' on the plant and will naturally yellow and die off as the plant grows and especially when it goes into flower. I am sure others can chime in on these points. Overall things are looking very happy and the new growth looks to be a vibrant green. Keep up the hard work, and be careful with that salt! Very nice update friend.

Thank you! you cleared some things out now:) i thout when pistils started growing it was going into flower but i see now the have grown 2 nodes since the pistils first started.. and i will remove the salt asap, but its going to be sunny for some days now i though "why not" and it turned out to be a lifesaver as the snail was on his way for a meal of his life. But not on my watch:blunt: anyways, thank you for stopping by and clear things up! :peace:
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