GeoFlora Nutrients Discussion Thread

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Thank you so much @GeoFlora Nutrients
I really appreciate you taking the time. It's EXTREMELY rare to find a company like yours that is so willing to help people. You have a customer for life! I will be spreading the word to everyone I know.

I'm off to my hydro shop... :smokin:

Hey @GeoFlora Nutrients
I have an idea for a 3rd product from you. What if you made a different BLOOM product? It would be like the BLOOM you make now, but it would have all of the additional ingredients in it that you've recommended to me here, like the PK booster, the Terpinator (I think it's just more K, right?), and even the extra cal-mag for us growers that use RO water. And keeping in mind that most growers will be using either Fox Farms Ocean Forest and/or Fox Farms Strawberry Fields, with some extra Perlite mixed in. The goal here would be for the customer/grower to be able to grow REAL top-shelf bud with ONLY your products. Nothing else! Period. And this new product would be called: MEGA-BLOOM. If I were you, I would keep the current BLOOM product for growers who like to irrigate with city water from the hose, and the MEGA-BLOOM would be for the growers who want the best-of-the-best and don't mind the extra cost of using RO water. Think of this as a "Cadillac" or Ultra-Premium product.

This way, we growers don't have to buy all these other products, nor be bothered with all of the mixing and PHing of these other products. You get more money, we get ultra simplistic feeding methods. It's a win/win! And once you've perfected the recipe, you can give me a 25lb bag of this MEGA-BLOOM.
Whadayasay? :smokin:
@CBDbud glad we could help!

As for MEGA-BLOOM, I think our owners are happy with the VEG and BLOOM formulas as-is, but I'll be sure to pass on this idea for you! ;)

@Emilya makes a good point, you can definitely get all you need out of our current products to grow some fantastic buds, but we like that Geoflora is compatible with a lot of other nutrients and supplements for those growers who may have had a plant-stress problem or just want to try them out!
I have a question @GeoFlora Nutrients. I ordered a new bag of BLOOM to finish out the comparative grow and immediately noticed a change in the size of granules in the bag. Its not much, but it seems like my new bag has a slightly finer grind to it.

Is this just an anomaly with my bag maybe being kicked around a few more times by FEDex or has something changed? It did seem to sink down into the soil a bit better.

Here is a picture of the old mix that has been fairly consistent since I started using Geoflora, and the next picture is the new stuff just received.

sorry these are not focused any better than this... low light at the desk got me. I think you can see what I mean though.

@Emilya I'm going to double-check with our production team to be sure, but as far as I know nothing has changed in our product formula or with the granulation process. My guess is that this is just some normal variation in granule size due to the bags being from different batches!
Does this apply to large plants generally, since your feeding schedule goes by pot size rather than plant size?
Good question Shed! I went up a little with my big outdoor girl. From 3 cups(measured for hole size) to 4 just because she's big now. I'm wondering and watching closely to decide if she's going to need more. So far no. She's had one flower feed at that rate and I'll work some magic in soon.
@InTheShed @StoneOtter Thanks for the question guys! It really depends on the plant and how hungry it is. We recommend starting with the feed chart directions by pot size, but if the plant shows some deficiencies when it gets bigger, you can always throw more Geoflora on at the two week interval or feed a bit more frequently, since you don't have to worry about nutrient burn with our product. Good rule of thumb is to always listen to what your plant needs first and foremost rather than following feed charts to the letter.
I have a question @GeoFlora Nutrients. I ordered a new bag of BLOOM to finish out the comparative grow and immediately noticed a change in the size of granules in the bag. Its not much, but it seems like my new bag has a slightly finer grind to it.

Is this just an anomaly with my bag maybe being kicked around a few more times by FEDex or has something changed? It did seem to sink down into the soil a bit better.

Here is a picture of the old mix that has been fairly consistent since I started using Geoflora, and the next picture is the new stuff just received.

sorry these are not focused any better than this... low light at the desk got me. I think you can see what I mean though.

Hey @Emilya, I checked with my team and we've had no changes to the Geoflora formula or production process. The slight variation in granule size that you're seeing between the two bags of product is indeed due to regular variation between different batches of product. They have the same formula and use the same tumbling process to turn the ingredients into granules, but sometimes with organics things just form up a little bit differently.
Just wanted to do a quick share of my @Weed Seeds Express Girl Scout Cookies that has only received @GeoFlora Nutrients since the beginning. Nothing else. She's planted in a raised bed with the width of roughly a 25 gallon fabric pot. So that is how I decided how to measure the amount of fertilizer for thus plant. Knowing that she's a buffet crazed hungry diva, I increased her bloom feed to 30 gallons. Today was her 3rd top dress of Bloom!

Also, another outdoor beauty that has only received GF from the beginning. This is my super duper top-secret bonsai design. That's why I'm covering her up!

If you want a sneak peek, then check out my journal a little later. I need to get today's update posted up. If not, no worries. I will try and remember to post some of the final shots in a couple weeks here.

For me personally, I made the decision to just commit to the GF process and see how they turn out.

In the tent, all the plants have received GF in the soil and @Sierra Natural Science SNS209 & @Terpinator in the waterings.

Today was the first bloom top dress for the ladies inside! This pic is from this morning. I'm looking forward to getting some pics tomorrow after they have enjoyed their drench.
Any reason you decided to go with Terp inside and no Terp outside? Also, wouldn't you be more likely to have pest problems outside than in?

Enquiring minds want to know!
:passitleft: :bravo:
I always enjoy reading your logic and thought process Shed. Thank you for asking and glad you noticed. It's on purpose. I wanted to do my own comparisons with various factors. One of them being Terp inside but not outside. I would like to see if I can distinguish the taste difference for myself.

I am by no means an expert or even experienced enough to consider myself a connoisseur. I do however want to approach my grows as though I'm growing the finest buds possible. I want to start fine tuning my nose and instincts if that makes sense. Bare with me...I'm a little baked.

Your next question is also excellent because I wanted to see how the plant responds to pest pressure with ONLY foliar applications versus in the drench. So far, the SNS209 foliar is doing amazing! I see signs of pests but none that are alive long enough to cause more damage! That's a game changer for me!
It will be hard to compare inside with Terp to outside without
??? Help me understand. I'm thinking of a taste difference between the two. You don't think it will be distinguishable or one will be far superior than the other hence leading to a non-comparison?
I meant hard to compare from a scientific standpoint. They're grown under completely different conditions (besides the fact that they're not clones).
Ahhhh...both fair points. Nothing too technical or scientific about my comparison. No need in my mind to get that concerned about the difference. But generically speaking regarding the taste. There should be some differences wouldn't you think? If I were going to get that technical, then yes, it would have to be under more scrutinized care and standards. That is understood.
There should be some differences wouldn't you think?
I would think there would be differences just based on epigenetics alone (nutes being constant), seeing as how they are being grown in completely different environments. I feel like the first test would be to just grow two of the same phenotype of a variety (if clones aren't available): one in the tent and one outside and both with the same nutes, and see if you can tell the difference there.
I would think there would be differences just based on epigenetics alone (nutes being constant), seeing as how they are being grown in completely different environments. I feel like the first test would be to just grow two of the same phenotype of a variety (if clones aren't available): one in the tent and one outside and both with the same nutes, and see if you can tell the difference there.
Yeah, that makes complete sense. Firstly, I need to be able to also get through some of these grows without problems. Another factor I didn't consider was the obvious stress and stall they experienced a few weeks back. That outdoor plant never experienced that. That could potentially sway the results alone. So yes, a difficult comparison indeed. I'll just stay focused on keeping them healthy and primed for a good blooming stage.

Another thing I'm trying to consider is if it is worth investing in a larger container of Terpinator instead of getting it in 1L bottles.
Checking in Geoflora. I want to show off what Geoflora did for my outdoor plant! She ended up about 8 x 8 feet in ground. My hole was 3.66 cu ft. Started of with 3 cups of veg./2 weeks. Went to 3 cups of Flower. As she got so big I changed the amount to 4 cups and every week the second half of flower. Some additional flower boost was used.

Checking in Geoflora. I want to show off what Geoflora did for my outdoor plant! She ended up about 8 x 8 feet in ground. My hole was 3.66 cu ft. Started of with 3 cups of veg./2 weeks. Went to 3 cups of Flower. As she got so big I changed the amount to 4 cups and every week the second half of flower. Some additional flower boost was used.

But...but...HOW?!? That gorgeous girl is spectacular. I need to get better with my pest management. I want to grow plants like these in my garden. Thanks for the inspiration Otter!

Oh...and I bookmarked that flower boost post. Thanks for that too.
No they dont dude , and have no plans on having one any time soon from what i was told.
@GeoFlora Nutrients do you happen to have a UK distributor or any UK availability? Did try to search and couldn't find anything.
I’m copying this here because I’d like to make sure @GeoFlora Nutrients sees it, as well as anyone else looking for information on their products:

Okay so, @GeoFlora Nutrients i have some questions.

1) I see that your nutrients are made with a whole list of the “usual suspects” for soil amendments. Does this mean your top dress is a combination of bacterial and fungal foods meant to be made available by soil biology?

2) is the biological addition to your nutrients sufficient to supply soil with the minimum recommended biomass of 300ug/g of bacteria and fungi?

3) I notice also that your nutrient system supplies no predatory organisms (Protozoa, nematodes, micro arthopods), what is the mode of nutrient cycling that takes place with your nutrient system if no predators are present?

4) your listed organisms are only about 4-5 species of very similar bacteria and 4-5 species of very similar VAM fungi, do you have recommendations for driving biological diversity up?/do you make a product that provides bacterial diversity in the thousands or tens of thousands of species and a product that provides saprophytic fungi?

I’m just trying to understand how to better use your products, thanks!
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