GHS WW & WRhino by Flyfishinrock

^ yeah, you shoulda seen me running around here!! lmao
got a ton of snow last night, so today I decided to make a 4 foot tall snow half-pipe so my old ass could do some boarding. I know that's not weed related, but this is; while shoveling the snow I decided to make a snow pipe. I took a stick and shoved it in at a 45* angle from two directions so they meet up, then loaded one side with a nug and shoved my face in the snow to hit it. was fun. lol Did this once before when camping and ran out of papers, snow tastes alot better than dirt, I'll-tell-you-what.:allgood:
The plants look better than ever, new pics soon as theres hairs or sacs.
Hydro-Hut has made a statement that the tents have been off-gased. I just got one really cheaply so i'll update if anything goes awry.
Hope everyone is doing well, and had a nice holiday season. Well the storm we had here toasted my computer, got her fixed now and guess its time for an update.
The plants from seed are doing well, they are just about to start their third week of flowering. Cant say they look like plant of the month participants, but they are making progress. They were getting salt build up and nut lock-out for a few days, I think it is taken care of now. The mazar is supposed to be a 6(yeah right) to 8 week strain but I'm not seeing that at all, unless its just not a quick starter. MIS #2 was a fem; ww#1 is a fem but she got powdery mildew, I will flower it out as long as I can control it but threw away the clones; WW#2 is my favorite in this grow but I cant decide if its going asexual on me, I'm thinking there are balls on the middle branches below the nugs, if so that will be devastating cause I'll toss em in a heartbeat. The ww's are budding well though :blushsmile: I'll put some pics up tomorrow after I do the res change.
lol i like the new smilies
Nice brother! Pics pics pics!
you crack me up doc ^^ lol:rollit:
alright here is some updated pics for ya, they are in order from date taken over the last two weeks or so.....
here is a clone being switched over to flower

clones fresh into flower

my hokey fan set-up


mis #2 stretchin a bunch, but not budding well yet

under the skirt of WW# 2

WW #2 was topped

WW #2 colas to be..


You can see the powdery mildew on ww#1, as well as some lockout signs on the others. I'm still trying to figure out the right strength of FF's nutes, was @ 100% now I'm using 75% of the online fert schedule. The mis clones are growing at least an inch to two inches a day, the WW#2 are not quite as quick to stretch maybe about 3/4 to 1 1/2 a day. I had to do a late LST type tie down on the big MIS to keep her under control, gotta love it!!:smokin:
Sorry about the fim plants, they turned out to be male so they were tossed.
Hope that gives you your fix Doc, thanks for looking in on me.
Hmmm, drop your fans lower and aim them upwards.. Not only will you be blowing cooler air from down low, but you will be blowing the heat away from them instead of into them... Looking good Fly....
Hey flyfishinrock, I thought you guys had enough rain and stuff up over there. The time I got the white powdery mold was due to I live 30 miles from the worlds most active volcano still going off. And when the tradwinds shift to the NNE I get blasted down here, this inturns creates the SO2 to Acid Rain. Ouch, it hurt us. Many of our lettuce farms and Protea farms have been destroyed due to the Acid rain, I use a standard mix of Hydrogen Peroxide at 2 ozs per gallon of H2O to spray on the plants. It helped, and eventually the good rain washed of 70% away. it was not a cure all though.
thanks for the advice Irie and Cherma, I lowered the fan and put a higher amount of peroxide in as I was only using an ounce/gal.:thanks:
Think I'm getting a bit of light burn on the mis so I raised the light about 4 inches, shes a lanky girl now. ;) I picked up some nice jamacian yesturday and am too lit to do this..............................................:popcorn:
HAHAHA nice man that was a nice fix for me. They look great those fatties are tall! How much height do you have in your room?

Jamaican.... Mmmhmmmm
I have a 7 foot tall tent, with about 15 inches being used by the res and trays. I have the light about 6 inches from the top with a 6" fan pulling the air from the hood. The MIS is about 40"' tall pulled down like it is, the WW's are 22". Temps max out at 74.6 right beside the hood and 73.5 in the middle of the canopy, i expect this to rise as spring approaches in a few months.
I seem to have a micro defi arrising, I'm getting a yellow stripe running from the tip of new leaf growth towards the petiole, Had to tweak the pic to see it but its easy to see in person, never seen this befor any know what it is?

I added some cal mag just in case.
I'm stoked, I'm in the process of acquiring a handful of chemdogs "double strawberry diesel"; I wonder what chocolate chunk would add to the flavor.......
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