Grandpa Likes To Squeeze Stuff: Solventless Extracts, Rosin, Pressed Here!

That looks killer @BobbyZ

What’s she taste like? Very nice.
I’m not really sure. I was a little hot on the hits. It’s different, but nothing memorable.
Let me go taste that again and report back... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Alaskan Purple. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Beautiful... I like how you trimmed the bag and I could see me getting a good C clamp keep it with the press great way to make pucks!! I been sampling what i pressed today and mine tastes how it looks a lil green earthy but thats what i put in. Yours looks like its gonna tastes awesome enjoy!!
Today I used the Decarboxylated Cheese Rosin to make hard candies for dosing my med's.
I used Wild Cherry Life Savors instead of Jolly Ranchers because was unable to find packs of one flavor in JR's. They work very well, and as I normally do I have left overs after filling the molds. During cleanup I scrapped as much as I could and got about 8 marble size pieces. Each marble is about two times the size of the cubes.
Straight out of the molds, big mistake on my part, sprayed the molds with an oil, after getting them out of the pan onto parchment. But they are very hard candy. The citric acid/corn starch/sugar should keep they from sticking together. They will be kept in the freezer.
20190728_211804 (2).jpg

These little candies are about 1/3 inch cubed. Can really see the oil on the cubes.

Here are a few of the cubes and the marble size pieces dusted.

The whole lot, 250, 45 to 50 mg of Decarbed Cheese Rosin per cube, that's is very close to what my gummies are.

I did two of the marble size scraps, did one waited about a half hour and the larger one and I am sit me down high, and it has taken me a few hour to write this. I think I will be this way for a tad bit longer. :)

Got to make a delivery to my son's friend who has late stage cancer but want to get off the meds they are killing her with.

Would like to add, The candies are very hard and dissolve slowly under the tongue. The taste of the Rosin is very strong and stays in the throat very long after completely melted.
Grandpa Tokin said:
How about weighing the spent material before you process with alcohol? Then weigh the yield. Would be nice to know what % is left behind from the press. And a big stack of them would give a reliable average.

This will be one of the FIRST things I do when I get some grows going and do some squishin! I'm a data geek and this is the only number that will matter as I process the pucks. Accurate dosing is important to me as I expect to share what I grow... I can't imagine telling someone that my capsules are around 20mg of THC when they are in fact 40 or gawd forbid UNKNOWN! lol

I'll also try to explain the yield calculations in a way that more people can understand and spread the knowledge far and wide. Thanks for bringing it up K!
This will be one of the FIRST things I do when I get some grows going and do some squishin! I'm a data geek and this is the only number that will matter as I process the pucks. Accurate dosing is important to me as I expect to share what I grow... I can't imagine telling someone that my capsules are around 20mg of THC when they are in fact 40 or gawd forbid UNKNOWN! lol

I'll also try to explain the yield calculations in a way that more people can understand and spread the knowledge far and wide. Thanks for bringing it up K!

The only way to accurately determine THC content is to test it. Cannalytics Supply has one that I've marked as my next major purchase.
Yep. So those of you with the in state resources should send in a sample of your squish. Then ETOH the pucks and test a sample of that. If funds allow, take a piece of each puck & combine & send in a sample of that. I have had some experience with testing stages. If anyone wants to do it and is unsure of the best way to make sure you get the answers you need, PM me. Testing is IMO is imperative if you do edibles. If you are just smoking it, then testing is not as important but it is the ONLY way you will know if your methods are maxing out your yield and not partially decarbing, etc. I can't get out of state to do ANYTHING at present. But if nobody does it, I will. But it will be a while. Only one of us has to do it & share the results. Any testing data helps fill in gaps. But the whole story told accurately would come from one source start to finish. That's how we did it in the thread Decoding the Holy Grail. I have already seen several of our old friends moniker's following here.

If I did it I would test > the bud >the squish > a combined sample of all pucks > the ETOH tincture of the combined pucks. This would tell you exactly where you are. That adds up to some bucks but if ya wanna know.... You could always make it a group effort. But it will have to be behind the scenes by PM or other.
The only way to accurately determine THC content is to test it. Cannalytics Supply has one that I've marked as my next major purchase.

I have the Cannalytics supply system

Works good once you get it figured out and dialed in. Takes a couple plates to get it dialed, so plan ahead when u order it or better hit me up

I haven't had good results with oils yet, but will try next run

Now I'm wondering about testing tossing...hmmmmmm
I have the Cannalytics supply system

Works good once you get it figured out and dialed in. Takes a couple plates to get it dialed, so plan ahead when u order it or better hit me up

I haven't had good results with oils yet, but will try next run

Now I'm wondering about testing tossing...hmmmmmm

Will do.
Hello Scorpio my old friend! Glad you are still active. I have the new tcheck but have not had a chance to play with it yet. If it works, it would answer a few of our questions. But I already know this- solventless is the way to go for the first pass extraction, no matter what you plan to do with it. Most will never mess with a press for a multitude of reasons. For those, there is still the EVOO/coconut extraction for edibles. But EVOO really doesnt help for smoking. lol
Hello Scorpio my old friend! Glad you are still active. I have the new tcheck but have not had a chance to play with it yet. If it works, it would answer a few of our questions. But I already know this- solventless is the way to go for the first pass extraction, no matter what you plan to do with it. Most will never mess with a press for a multitude of reasons. For those, there is still the EVOO/coconut extraction for edibles. But EVOO really doesnt help for smoking. lol

I still love my infused oil capsules for sure, but since I have the press I'll try it for some fun edibles but probably not oils, don't need stronger really in that aspect, but easier infusion in edibles does sound good
Got my Dulytek Rosin Filter Tube today, 200x2", 160 mesh
Guess I have no excuse not to press now.
That looks killer @BobbyZ

What’s she taste like? Very nice.
The description reads berries... but I don’t taste that at all.
Man I’m really having a hard time coming up with a description on flavor. Musky, maybe... but not putrid or offensive musk. A mild musk that lingers in the air more so than the palate. It’s a relaxing awake head with slight body high. A high that leaves you wanting more.:lot-o-toke: Probably pairs well with the fish and a chardonnay. :laugh:
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