Grandpa Likes To Squeeze Stuff: Solventless Extracts, Rosin, Pressed Here!

So do you just fold both ends?

!/2" puck in 2.5" filter
20190508_120248 (2).jpg

Both ends are folded the same, had to use tape to hold it together.

Bit fuzzy but you can see how they are overlapped.
Naked puck 3.5g, pressed at 100C for 6 minutes, second press folded in half for 6 minutes also.... 0.72g return....

Just call me.... The Naked Pucker... Hahahaha!

Pucken Pantastic Day to you all..... :ganjamon:
Freshly charged battery, new Ceramic donut coil and a fresh batch of Cheese Rosin.

The perfect amount!
Freshly charged battery, new Ceramic donut coil and a fresh batch of Cheese Rosin.

The perfect amount!
I’ve got number two on the way.
That first pen I hid really well.:straightface:
Don't hunt but if I did, WOW!
I do like deer meat and get some from my son each year for making deer sausage. Use my grandfathers recipe for deer sausage, he was the butcher (and Polish, from the old country), yes we were immigrants, in a town of around 2,500 people in central Texas. There were 13 children in my dad's family, 11 boys and they all were great meat cooks and good cooks in general.
I should say that my son and I get together over at least two of his deer to do sausage, we do a large batch of Grandpa's sausage, and the second batch is deer, wild hog and hog mix, for the fat. One quarter straight and 3/4 jalapanio.
Damn now I am hungry!
The only way to accurately determine THC content is to test it.

For my dosing purposes I'm not going to spend $ on testing. Having a close estimate on THC content of the original bud and then performing yield calculations from there is perfectly fine and adequate for many, if not most home growers. Dosing is a topic touched on in most threads on this website, and I'm looking forward to removing some of the math anxiety some users suffer when faced with the task. There are many ways, not an "only way", to skin a cat :) yuck lol
The Naked Pucker... Hahahaha!

Love it, I'll be naked too when I start pressing... wait, um lol I'll not mind a tiny bit of plant material in my product :)

I'll do some testing but it may be that wrapping the puck will restrict the flow. Yields may be slightly better without, even beyond the small amount of plant material that will skew the result. -OR- wrapping will facilitate more even heating and pressure during compression resulting in MORE yield. I'll be raining spreadsheets at some point lol
Didn't you say that you had tried it?

I sure am trimming a lot of wasted length off my dabpress bags...

I cut the bottom seam off, then cut the resulting tube in half for a 7gm puck squeezed in a 30mm pre-press mold down to 20mm (3/4"). This way I get two tubes from each bag. I find the tubes easier to use than the bags. I think the bags are a legacy item from before the pre-press molds came into use.
Old Salt said: Yield or potency? I may be wrong, but I consider yield to be the ratio of the weight of rosin collected, to the original weight of the material being pressed.

Potency will be dependent on the starting material. Starting with flower that has 15% THC will not produce as potent a result as flower with 25% THC.

The yield for the two may be the same, but this is not always the case.
Well written. I completely agree...

I was referring to yield increasing due to better press designs and technique. BUT, we are circling the same question again. I need to go back & see how I posed the question earlier. But that's the thing> yes, the stronger the bud, the higher the yield. But is the yield stronger with stronger bud or just more of it??? That would imply that weaker bud would not only yield less but also have sap that contained less cannabinoids by volume of sap. Or, is it a little of both. To me, that's the primary need for understanding this puzzle. Frankly, I would think anyone involved in lab testing would know this answer without hesitation. Gee whiz, that's not a trade secret. Somebody speak up that knows.
Hey guys, I increased my bag potential and doubled their usefulness. It worked perfect if you pre squeeze those pucks tight. You can see how I cut the dabpress 160 bags so that there is still room to fold. The folds held perfect.

I just want to thank everyone on this thread for all the info - I am not even close to having read it all but what an education!!!
Just one quick question....
What ceramic heater should I use in my blocks??

You need them as long as will fit in your blocks, and 20 - 25W per cubic inch of your plates. You will also need a temperature controller.
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