Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

Good evening GT and friends! We are rolling ;)into the weekend (a long one for some). For me, I wanted something that gets me into gear.

So, today we have the house special of White Widow two ways.

I hope everyone has a fantastic night. Also, still looking for ideas on improving joint rosin spreading. I'm thinking a low heat surface of sorts below the paper maybe a pre heated silicone mat and a spatula of sorts.

Here’s my WW 177 mg 00 capsule 7 hours of buzzing .
I’d take that capsule and hit the doobie at the same time. :cheesygrinsmiley: :love:

You guys rock!:headbanger:
That way you don’t have to wait for 45 minutes for the capsule to hit you but 90 minutes later your maxed out buzz is so intense who cares what’s going on around you for the next 7 hours. I wished I could hit it but don’t want to start back coughing! If weather permits gone fishing this evening.
That way you don’t have to wait for 45 minutes for the capsule to hit you but 90 minutes later your maxed out buzz is so intense who cares what’s going on around you for the next 7 hours. I wished I could hit it but don’t want to start back coughing! If weather permits gone fishing this evening.
Have fun! I wish I was fishing too!
I kicked my own ass again...doh! :cheesygrinsmiley:

For an old crippled dude I’m getting strong AF! I can now do 4 perfect pull-ups (as perfect as I can) with a pronated grip. No swinging or kipping and with full range of motion (all the way up and all the way down). This is a huge accomplishment for me. Not too long ago I couldn’t do one push-up, much less a pull-up. I like it!

Get off the couch beeyotch!:love:
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