GreenSmurf's Back With LED, DWC, Multiple Strains

Congrats on that. Wifey showed me Q-carbo awhile back and it worked .

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Good luck greensmurf, let us know how it goes

Thanks, thats the same product I picked up. I had good luck in the past with it as well. Last time I smoked was Tuesday night. Giving me 6 days without any use. I'll wake up @ 8am tomorrow, start the detox drink, and self test at home before I go just to be safe.
Hey smurf you ever do any bubble hash with your trim?

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Great question! I have done the research but never completed the task. I would love to try it with dry Ice, however I don't know where to purchase dry ice and I don't have the screens.
Hey Greensmurf! How did the pee test come out....pun intended.

Hope you did alright on that and are steadily employed now.


So once again I apologize to my followers, thanks for checking in on me. I have not been active on the site lately and will get caught up. Still Job searching.

The QCARBO20 with the 5 pills did not work for me. I was clean for 6 days prior to using the drink with the exception of trimming my harvest I had no other contact. Followed directions on the bottle and kept drinking water after. Tested within 4 hrs after using the drink.

*usage prior to testing* 1g 3-4 times a day while unemployed.

I do have another opportunity that looks promising and no dt required. It's amazing to think that if I use this medicine I can't work in a call center but I can work handling millions of dollars by hand. SMH.:scratchinghead:

I "420 schooled" the hr person who told me normally they have to recind the offer and I can't reapply for 1 yr. I even asked for a contact that I could email to change this policy. If someone chooses an "alternative Medicine" to heal their bodies they should not be judged negatively.
We are all curious to know GS! Hope all is well and swell still waiting on that smoke report but expect that's still at least a week out

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Smoke report is something I'm never really good at...
um I put it in my pipe and smoke it, exhale, Cough, Cough some more, get lightheaded, and melt into my bed/couch. Lol j/k

So it has a great smell in the jars. Taste like some great Cheese bud I had a long time ago. It has really nice dense, tightly formed, top nugs, that are loaded with trichomes. It leaves me feeling very medicated. I prefer my White Widow over the Swiss Cheese in terms of taste.
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

You can use the Report feature found at the bottom left of every post and we'll move it for you right away.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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