How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Seems like the ss cup was on half the heating element and half off? The separation; seemed perhaps some material got through the filters? Excessive chlorophyll, plant wax? At the end of the decarb I take a cuticle pusher and stir to mix the top and bottom of the oil. Did you do a quick wash with frozen flowers?
I think you are right it could be some material passed thru the filter(may be). No, I didn't use frozen flowers instead I bud washed the freshly harvested plants (in Baking soda & lime water) and dried them for couple days and then prepared the oil.
Now I have mixed that green material with rest of the oil still I can see the diff. Was it ok to mix ? else I can still try to remove the green part.
And by the way whats the idea behind stirring top n bottom of the oil.? For got mention I got around 10 gms of oil.
Since I extract a lot of plant waxes and chlorophyll I've become quite good at keeping it liquid. Even if you filtered it properly; high heat will create solids and mess up your output.

Try winterizing to precipitate more solids. It will purify your extract.
Hi Lab Rat. Hey, did you ever get the stuff I sent on CBD vs THCa? Thought it might be at least an interesting read for ya.

Welcome back Mr. Motoco! Are you & the Mrs better now? Ugh, both team members down is horrible.

FSC, we're all thinking about you. Sorry I hadn't been on much. This is a horrible time of the year for me...
I'm thinking about you all though.

Dennise, how'd the doc visit go?
If you don't mind can I also watch it while you are making since I'm no sure I think I have messed up my first batch.
The oil came out was a bit dry . I think the Decarboxylation process got messed up . It heated really fast :(
My material was literally exploding from the SS pan while I had put it on the coffee maker hot plate. Also, I didn't get any big bubbles but just few smaller ones.

The oil exploding from the cup has only happened to me once and that was when I made it for my husband to smoke. He asked me not to use the coffee filter and leave the small particles in it. Never again will I do it that way. It popped through the whole process and made a real mess during the decarb process. I had to stay with it and keep moving the SS cup to get through it. So my question would be did you filter it good??
Thanks for your support everyone. I will be back later. I need to have a talk with him and try to start tacking again.
People, if enough plant waxes or chlorophyll get extracted they will go through a coffee filter and it will seem like its perfectly filtrated but when exposed to heat solids will start being created out of the liquid. Too much heat and the oil will start "exploding".

Filter it once at room temperature and to winterize just stick your alcohol/oil mix in the freezer for 48 hours and pass through a coffee filter again while its still cold. Even though your alcohol/oil was filtered before, you will notice new solids getting stuck in the filter.

THC and CBD do not precipitate with the cold so it will only purify your oil.
fsc, this was my favorite part of your post

Last edited by fghtsmallcell; Yesterday at 11:19 PM. Reason: typo, typ and more typos lol

:biglaugh: :rofl:

I hope your hubby's friend can get through to him. My gender sure can be a stubborn lot :blalol:
The oil exploding from the cup has only happened to me once and that was when I made it for my husband to smoke. He asked me not to use the coffee filter and leave the small particles in it. Never again will I do it that way. It popped through the whole process and made a real mess during the decarb process. I had to stay with it and keep moving the SS cup to get through it. So my question would be did you filter it good??

Sharing your exp. really helped. I think this could be the small particles that didn't go the the filter as I'm not having a proper coffee filter here. I'll try to use a better filter next time.
Thanks again.
Too much heat and the oil will start "explode"

Winterizing is a great practice. Thanks for that. Though the parentheses help, but please refrain from using the "E" bomb on this thread.
No worries & thanx. Touchy subject I'm sure you can understand.
fsc, this was my favorite part of your post

Last edited by fghtsmallcell; Yesterday at 11:19 PM. Reason: typo, typ and more typos lol

:biglaugh: :rofl:

I hope your hubby's friend can get through to him. My gender sure can be a stubborn lot :blalol:

LOL, I didn't know if anyone else would catch that or not. As soon as I saw it, I shook my head at myself. Didn't feel like fixing another typo. LOL

He talked to his friend alone for some time and we are both feeling better. We really got nothing resolved but outcome is fine for now. We are both extremely anxious about the upcoming scan. It is hard not to think about.
Winterizing is a great practice. Thanks for that. Though the parentheses help, but please refrain from using the "E" bomb on this thread.
No worries & thanx. Touchy subject I'm sure you can understand.

Didn't think about the "E" bomb. Will use different term next time.
People, if enough plant waxes or chlorophyll get extracted they will go through a coffee filter and it will seem like its perfectly filtrated but when exposed to heat solids will start being created out of the liquid. Too much heat and the oil will start "exploding".

Filter it once at room temperature and to winterize just stick your alcohol/oil mix in the freezer for 48 hours and pass through a coffee filter again while its still cold. Even though your alcohol/oil was filtered before, you will notice new solids getting stuck in the filter.

THC and CBD do not precipitate with the cold so it will only purify your oil.

I have been following the instructions on this thread for winterizing and Quick-Wash Ethanol, aka QWET. It works good so will be sticking with this method. Just the one time I did not use the coffee filters and regretted it. It "popped" in the rice cooker a lot and was not comfortable with it. I should have stopped it right away and filtered it. But now I wonder if that would have even worked since it was already hot. I don't expect to have this issue again but if I do I will return it to the freezer and then filter. Thanks for the info. :)
Seems like the ss cup was on half the heating element and half off? The separation; seemed perhaps some material got through the filters? Excessive chlorophyll, plant wax? At the end of the decarb I take a cuticle pusher and stir to mix the top and bottom of the oil. Did you do a quick wash with frozen flowers?

Hi Motoco & others

I was able to create my first batch of oil (in second attempt though :( ) and I'm really happy about that except for the one thing that my oil during decarboxylation process didn't create big/large bubbles. The only bubbles that I got is small and tiny. I hope it's not a problem. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Since we freeze everything before we do the ethanol wash, would it work better this time of year?
It was ~10F this morning. I was thinking these would be great conditions for a QWET. :)
If everything is that cold, that will help to keep the water and water solubles as frozen solids, right? ie my alcohol/oil mix will be 'cleaner', right?
Good job! If only small bubbles sounds like some of the decarb was completed in the 'cook down' process.

Hi Motoco & others

I was able to create my first batch of oil (in second attempt though :( ) and I'm really happy about that except for the one thing that my oil during decarboxylation process didn't create big/large bubbles. The only bubbles that I got is small and tiny. I hope it's not a problem. Keeping my fingers crossed.
You all sorta take my breath away... 420 has seemed sorta like a group of friends to me from the beginning but ya'll are more like family....:kiss: You have definitely got me..:surrender:.. I won't say that I am not a bit nervous.. but I think it is more which of my issues is it going to address the most and how will I know if it is my sugars blah blah blah....:rollingeyes: We were talking about a certain poem Canna and I have been going back to it a lot in the last few days and I know this is the right thing to do and I don't even have to be dragged kicking and screaming but I do have to wait for my next harvest cause I don't have enough stash to do it till then.... even if I used my smoking stash there just isn't enough... for real there just isn't...:straightface: Everybody saw what i harvested from the summer grow but it was gone faster than I could trim her up...:high-five: and the AK flux girl was also grown outside and had outside thingys all over her and I didn't want to smoke her even after I did the bud wash so away she went....:blushsmile:... Soooo that just leaves my inside stash and it is dwindled to a frighteningly low amount....:thedoubletake: I have been a stoner for a very long time not to mention I have been making eatables for my med for a very long time and I like them quite potent so I won't have to eat very much of them due to my sugar blah blah blah... About 3 weeks.... That's it... I have my list of things to buy to make sure I am ready when my harvest comes but I'm gonna do it... for real... I am... It's time I finally put my money where my mouth is and quite bitchin' about all of it and take things into my own hands and get em' done. I know this in my head but getting my azz in gear is the problem hum.... I give my word when my harvest comes in I will make my oil and start to heal my body hopefully in ways my eatables have not been able to do.... Rant over ......:circle-of-love:
You all sorta take my breath away... 420 has seemed sorta like a group of friends to me from the beginning but ya'll are more like family....:kiss: You have definitely got me..:surrender:.. I won't say that I am not a bit nervous.. but I think it is more which of my issues is it going to address the most and how will I know if it is my sugars blah blah blah....:rollingeyes: We were talking about a certain poem Canna and I have been going back to it a lot in the last few days and I know this is the right thing to do and I don't even have to be dragged kicking and screaming but I do have to wait for my next harvest cause I don't have enough stash to do it till then.... even if I used my smoking stash there just isn't enough... for real there just isn't...:straightface: Everybody saw what i harvested from the summer grow but it was gone faster than I could trim her up...:high-five: and the AK flux girl was also grown outside and had outside thingys all over her and I didn't want to smoke her even after I did the bud wash so away she went....:blushsmile:... Soooo that just leaves my inside stash and it is dwindled to a frighteningly low amount....:thedoubletake: I have been a stoner for a very long time not to mention I have been making eatables for my med for a very long time and I like them quite potent so I won't have to eat very much of them due to my sugar blah blah blah... About 3 weeks.... That's it... Then skype it will be... I have my list of things to buy to make sure I am ready when my harvest comes but I'm gonna do it... for real... I am... It's time I finally put my money where my mouth is and quite bitchin' about all of it and take things into my own hands and get em' done. I know this in my head but getting my azz in gear is the problem hum.... I give my word when my harvest comes in I will make my oil and start to heal my body hopefully in ways my eatables have not been able to do.... Rant over ......:circle-of-love:
Hey Dennise,
That's the kind of rant we like! LOL
I'm going to be in the same boat shortly trying to get my Mom to tack the oil as soon as she is out of the hospital from the second broken hip this year! She fell on Thursday morning and mucked up the first surgery really bad. And her arm/wrist broke too. She's going to be in a lot of pain and I want to keep her away from that Norco and all that other crap as much as possible. Doc won't let her walk this time for 6 weeks, so she can't just up and walk away from me. ;-)

I'll send you my skype name in an email too. ;-)
Take care and we look forward to you getting this in gear too.
LOL Hiker,

Your correct on the outside temps, but also one has to be able to move their arms to do the QWET, LOL

Since we freeze everything before we do the ethanol wash, would it work better this time of year?
It was ~10F this morning. I was thinking these would be great conditions for a QWET. :)
If everything is that cold, that will help to keep the water and water solubles as frozen solids, right? ie my alcohol/oil mix will be 'cleaner', right?
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