How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Morning Canna,

Just wondering when your going to catch a break. Also does it seem like things happen before christmas? LOL about Mums, can't get up and walk away, that there is funny :) Going to be some physical therapy going on, that is when she will start walking away. Got 6 weeks to master the dosing :)

Mo thinks when things like these happen this is how we spend our vacations and things will never change. Think its true :) Please tell your Mother 'hello' from Mo and I 'after she learns to tack of course' :) and give our best for a speedy recovery.

@Dennise; We are family Dennise. It has been a journey for all of us, more for some. Sharing our medical problems and helping/curing them has not only changed our lives but has saved them, not to mention the concentrated oil never ceases to amaze us at its healing qualities. One just needs to come aboard, learn and change your life around. One great thing about the concentrated oil, its amazing how it changes your life around, mentally and physically. So its 'hop on the bus gus, make a new plan stan :) :)

Hey Dennise,
That's the kind of rant we like! LOL
I'm going to be in the same boat shortly trying to get my Mom to tack the oil as soon as she is out of the hospital from the second broken hip this year! She fell on Thursday morning and mucked up the first surgery really bad. And her arm/wrist broke too. She's going to be in a lot of pain and I want to keep her away from that Norco and all that other crap as much as possible. Doc won't let her walk this time for 6 weeks, so she can't just up and walk away from me. ;-)

Take care and we look forward to you getting this in gear too.
Make a new plan, Stan You don't need to be coy, Roy Just get yourself free. Hop on the bus, Gus You don't need to discuss much. Just drop off the key, Lee and set yourself free........ Canna I hope you Mom is feeling better and that she will come around to your way of thinking... You have a way of persistence and she obviously has seen what it has done for you and your x... You and your Mom are certainly in my thoughts and prayers... Isn't it amazing how the roles turn around the older we get... It's like we become the parents... I kinda thought it blew but guess it is the nature of things.......:circle-of-love:
Thanks for the well wishes you all! We'll get through this, hopefully with as little pain as possible.

Which brings me here for a reason. Mom suffered an attack with her gout last night, so she literally got no rest after that surgery.
I have read testimonials that the oil helped the issue of gout, one lady said it was gone within 5 hours.
I am not all that familiar with gout, only have heard people complain of it, but don't really know what the whole story is about it yet.

Question is, have any of you had success with yourself or a patient using the oil for Gout?
I would love to have that as another pro tacking point for her, not just for pain.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Edit: I had her agreeing to tack the oil a while back, but she just wouldn't take the necessary time to follow the regimen. This time, she will not be able to be too busy so it's a good opportunity to get her committed to it. She knows she felt better when doing it before, but you know how people are about not remembering and then the whole thing just slides out of mind. ;-)
Hi Cannafan; a friend of ours has gout. This wasn't the main reason for the concentrate, however, he hasn't had a gout issue since starting the oil. It took him six months to realize this (brain has to catch up with the oil). Taken correctly of course. Rule of thumb on the concentrate. There is not one aliment we have came across which it hasn't helped/cured. Keep in mind some things just take longer to get there. In our opinion it is all gland related. The oil heals those and everything improves health wise with a grain of rice a day. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the well wishes you all! We'll get through this, hopefully with as little pain as possible.

Which brings me here for a reason. Mom suffered an attack with her gout last night, so she literally got no rest after that surgery.
I have read testimonials that the oil helped the issue of gout, one lady said it was gone within 5 hours.
I am not all that familiar with gout, only have heard people complain of it, but don't really know what the whole story is about it yet.

Question is, have any of you had success with yourself or a patient using the oil for Gout?
I would love to have that as another pro tacking point for her, not just for pain.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Cannafan; a friend of ours has gout. This wasn't the main reason for the concentrate, however, he hasn't had a gout issue since starting the oil. It took him six months to realize this (brain has to catch up with the oil). Taken correctly of course. Rule of thumb on the concentrate. There is not one aliment we have came across which it hasn't helped/cured. Keep in mind some things just take longer to get there. In our opinion it is all gland related. The oil heals those and everything improves health wise with a grain of rice a day. Hope this helps.

Thank you Motoco, that helps. I was up there this afternoon and she told me she has been taking some cheap Sam's club version of Glucosomine {{Groan...}} for her gout. I have to get her off that crap, who the heck knows what's in that???

They are also putting her on blood thinners again, she lost a lot of blood during surgery and they are watching that pretty close. Will the oil interrupt coumadin (warfarin) that you know of?
Sorry about all the questions, but these two drugs are new to me in regards to her taking them and I want to be sure I'm not messing around where I ought not to be.

Side note, my Pops said he will help keep her on the regimen this time if she decides to do it.
Make a new plan, Stan You don't need to be coy, Roy Just get yourself free. Hop on the bus, Gus You don't need to discuss much. Just drop off the key, Lee and set yourself free........ Canna I hope you Mom is feeling better and that she will come around to your way of thinking... You have a way of persistence and she obviously has seen what it has done for you and your x... You and your Mom are certainly in my thoughts and prayers... Isn't it amazing how the roles turn around the older we get... It's like we become the parents... I kinda thought it blew but guess it is the nature of things.......:circle-of-love:

Well aren't you and I just taking a trip through nostalgia lately? Desiderata, 50 ways to leave yer lover, etc.
I've been singing that ever since I read it today. :)
Thanks Motoco. And I did tell her you and Mo said Hi. She is totally aware of my "oiler" family. She said "Hi ya, and thank you" back. :)
Speaking of how it might interfere with the 2 drugs your mom is now taking.... ummmm..:scratchinghead:.. I take... wait I have to count.....13 pills a day plus insulin...:blushsmile: Ya think this is going to be a problem..:straightface:.... 4 for blood pressure and my heart, 1 for hormones, 3 for neuropathic pain, 4 for pain, 1 for panic attacks.. and more if I'm having a panicy kind of day....:trance: Now that doesn't include the prn meds and the meds I absolutely have refused to take from the beginning.... the psychotropics... They still prescribe them.... I just don't take them..:thedoubletake:... Anyway how do I do this and know how to come off my drugs and not have a heart attack in the process...:confused:.. Just thought I should ask...:skeptical:.....:circle-of-love:
I know this is going to sound like a BS question but I am for real and if the answer is yes it would be awesome.... I have 1 really old time friend here that I just found out was here not to long ago.... I did hair with her in the early 80's.... That is terrifying.... She turned out to be the best hairdresser I have ever known... Me... Not so much... Any how she married a Pediatrician and he works in a practice in the big city closest to here. Still a day trip to go see her... back to story... I went to see her for a haircut the other day and her dog has a brain tumur and they are doing the palliative care thing and trying to keep him here till after the holidays so her kids can get home and say good-bye... Would this work on a dog? Even if it is advanced could it possibly still work? I think I have enough trim from defoliations shoved in the freezer to get a small amount and wound so be willing to give it up if there is even a chance it would work and I know she would be willing to do whatever needed if there was a chance... I know it is just a dog but it is a very special dog??? What do ya think????
I know this is going to sound like a BS question but I am for real and if the answer is yes it would be awesome.... I have 1 really old time friend here that I just found out was here not to long ago.... I did hair with her in the early 80's.... That is terrifying.... She turned out to be the best hairdresser I have ever known... Me... Not so much... Any how she married a Pediatrician and he works in a practice in the big city closest to here. Still a day trip to go see her... back to story... I went to see her for a haircut the other day and her dog has a brain tumur and they are doing the palliative care thing and trying to keep him here till after the holidays so her kids can get home and say good-bye... Would this work on a dog? Even if it is advanced could it possibly still work? I think I have enough trim from defoliations shoved in the freezer to get a small amount and wound so be willing to give it up if there is even a chance it would work and I know she would be willing to do whatever needed if there was a chance... I know it is just a dog but it is a very special dog??? What do ya think????

Good evening weed Dennise. I wouldn't even hesitate giving the dog oil. I'm sure it would at least help him in his final days if not cure him. I have a friend that has been giving it to his best friend for a while now. He was suppose to be dead a couple of weeks after he started and it's been at least two months and he's still running around. Hope it works for your friends friend.
Thanks for the reply guys... It is a large dog probably about 75 lbs so I don't think over dosing is near the worry as with a little bitty yorky. I have a Min PIn with type 1 diabetes I have to give 2 shots a day to and I may start tacking with her and she will have to be a much tighter controlled amount as she is only 9 lbs but if it will improve her quality of life and possibly lengthen it too I will certainly dose her but we will start with poor old Baxter.... I'm pretty sure we are to late stage to really hope to cure him but if we can make his time here a bit longer and better that would be awesome.... thank you all so much.....:circle-of-love:

I've a friend with gout using nothing but the oil. He makes a linament too. I'll pm the ingredients unless you guys want it too.
Receptors CB1 and CB2 protect cartilage & reduce inflammation from kicking in when the cytokines start up. CB-receptors regulate prostaglandin and nitric oxide metabolism (gout).

Edit: Ah, I thought so. He's making a MBM-type of tincture with Indica/CBD & adding vegetable glycerin. His method looks to be from the 70's. He doesn't even strain it.
But hey, it stops the pain. Make a tincture in the machine & add glycerin or similar to it for a "salve" consistency.
Not much to add to the awesome advice, but know that PETA endorses the use of cannabis to treat animals.
There's an entire movement in veterinary medicine shifting to cannabis as a 1st line treatment for animals.

The Greeks gave it to their horses...

I've a friend with gout using nothing but the oil. He makes a linament too. I'll pm the ingredients unless you guys want it too.
Receptors CB1 and CB2 protect cartilage & reduce inflammation from kicking in when the cytokines start up. CB-receptors regulate prostaglandin and nitric oxide metabolism (gout).

Edit: Ah, I thought so. He's making a MBM-type of tincture with Indica/CBD & adding vegetable glycerin. His method looks to be from the 70's. He doesn't even strain it.
But hey, it stops the pain. Make a tincture in the machine & add glycerin or similar to it for a "salve" consistency.

Hey Cajun, thanks a bunch. I did make some pain cream using Beemer Bill's recipe, she has some of that. The problem is I used way too much menthol in it and it has a very strong smell, like your body has been bathed in mentholyptus. LOL I'm going to make some tincture and some more cream, using some good trim.
Motoco said:

Its really easy to ween off meds using the oil if done properly.

This is so important. Don't try to quit these pharm meds cold turkey. The voice of experience here, quitting some of them cold turkey leads to some permanent side effects that you don't want to deal with. I promise. Weening off them is the safe way to do it, if you should decide it has to go.

Edit: Also, I just want to clarify that I did not get my Ex hubby started on the oil. That was one of his family members who is a grower. I ran into him a few months ago and we had coffee, the discussion came up about Medical Marijuana and he told me he had been using oil. That may have been what prompted me to get serious about it. I was totally surprised that he had agreed to use it. You never know.....LOL
Thanks for the insight cajunbro. Wish more would get the message. I for one cannot wait to see the pharmies take a dump on themselves when no one needs their poisons. And the concentrate their trying to patent, wouldn't touch it. No way I would ever trust these guys.

Mo and I make a cream/lotion for an actress. Pure cannabis oil mixed with grape seed oil (50/50 blend). We seen her after a couple of months. Her natural complexion was amazing. I asked if she was giving it to her competition, she said NO WAY! The only thing she mentioned was the smell. I have to agree, it smells like an exotic high grade potent 'dub' being fired up. Her Mom, Dad, all love the concentrate. Most impressive, she is very humble and down to earth. She blames the oil on this :)

Not much to add to the awesome advice, but know that PETA endorses the use of cannabis to treat animals.
There's an entire movement in veterinary medicine shifting to cannabis as a 1st line treatment for animals.

The Greeks gave it to their horses...
Good morning everyone. I make a tincture for a friend that has crohn's. I use harlequin with a little indica using glycerin and he takes it every morning and night plus he uses my cream, a little gross, anally with great results. I'm in the process of make my salve but without the menthol for him. He's been off his meds for it for over a year. Good stuff.

Now weening yourself off meds can be done. My wife weened herself off morphine and soma plus a couple of other nasty drugs. She was on 180mg of morphine sulfate a day. That was a tough job getting off it. Luckily the pharmacy we go to helped up out. They took the 30 mg pills and gave us 15mg for one month. That took it down to a dose that she could get off of without having some nasty problems of withdrawals. She has been disabled since 2004 but now is starting to get healthy. By the way our Cardiologist told us to get her off the morphine and try MMJ. OK stepping down
Morning beemerbill,

Great read compadre! Its been leaps and bounds for you and your wife. What an amazing turn around! You guys health will just keep getting better and better. Happy for you guys! Concentrate and a pill cutter are some awesome tools for weening off any meds. Cut down on the meds every four days and keep taking small boosters of oil. Almost effortless if you will.

Good morning everyone. I make a tincture for a friend that has crohn's. I use harlequin with a little indica using glycerin and he takes it every morning and night plus he uses my cream, a little gross, anally with great results. I'm in the process of make my salve but without the menthol for him. He's been off his meds for it for over a year. Good stuff.

Now weening yourself off meds can be done. My wife weened herself off morphine and soma plus a couple of other nasty drugs. She was on 180mg of morphine sulfate a day. That was a tough job getting off it. Luckily the pharmacy we go to helped up out. They took the 30 mg pills and gave us 15mg for one month. That took it down to a dose that she could get off of without having some nasty problems of withdrawals. She has been disabled since 2004 but now is starting to get healthy. By the way our Cardiologist told us to get her off the morphine and try MMJ. OK stepping down
Good morning all!

Well, sad to say that the plans for the oil for Mom have changed. We and the doctors decided that for her safety during the recovery and therapy she is going to be staying in a nursing home/therapy facility. Dad is not strong enough right now to take a chance on catching her if she falls. She's getting a hard cast on the arm this week, so that's going to be problematic to get her up and down with any kind of ease. I can't be there except in the evenings because of my job.
I cannot give her the oil while she's there for legal reasons, I don't want her in a bad position with medical staff or insurance companies and she is concerned with that too. It kills me that she will have to endure all of the pharm drugs during that time, but it is what it is.

I'll be ready and waiting to get her off them when she gets home! :cheer:

Now on to happier things, Congratulations BudNoob2 for your nomination to Member of the Month for November! :cheer:

Has anyone heard from him? Haven't seen him around in quite awhile now, sure hope things are okay!
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