How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Sure wish I lived closer to you Canna... I want this so badly but am scared to death... I honestly believe it would help and possible stop the effect of MS but the actual making of the oil scares me to death and knowing how to dose... I know I am a walking idiot at times and I know this is a pretty precise dosing.... Sure wish I lived closer Canna...:circle-of-love:

That would be so nice to be able to help ya out Dennise. We are all just so far away from each other. :-( I was pretty edgy on the oil process the first time too. After the first one was down, it got so much easier. The dosing part is pretty straight forward, knowing which strains to use for daytime and nighttime was the tricky part for me. LOL
Maybe next time someone makes the oil they can do a video? I've been thinking on that myself, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Ohhh that would be awesome... When I am able to see something vs reading it .... it seems to stick in my brain better.... I know if I can just get past the fear of the everclear I think I could do it but I have a large fear of blowing myself up... :thedoubletake:.....:circle-of-love:

Dennise I understand how it helps to watch someone do it vs reading about it. If nothing else after rereading go on youtube and watch some of the ones that are on there. Not telling you to use the methods but to understand it's not hard to do. Everclear is the best solvent to use. Even if a minute amount is still in there you don't have to worry about it being bad for you. Follow Motoco's instructions to the end and you will have a fantastic product.
Not when you take the oil properly my friend. Its the euphoria causing paranoia. Everyone's system is different. I know a gent that 'tacks' Indica for his daytime oil. He is so hyper, it works for him. I know a woman who doses daytime at nighttime, lol. These peeps are a minority, but, shows you how folks system can be so far apart. As things get repaired/controlled this can change.

Both me and my dad take the RSO the same way but the effects are different. Like you said it varies from person to person.
Dennise I understand how it helps to watch someone do it vs reading about it. If nothing else after rereading go on youtube and watch some of the ones that are on there. Not telling you to use the methods but to understand it's not hard to do. Everclear is the best solvent to use. Even if a minute amount is still in there you don't have to worry about it being bad for you. Follow Motoco's instructions to the end and you will have a fantastic product.

Yes, there are also videos on you tube that show how to make small batches of oil too. I have not seen them in their entirety as yet. Just keep safety in mind, Dennise. Don't do this on a glass patio table. ;-) You have looked at Motoco's pictorial I assume?
Thanks Bill and yes Canna just trying to get up my nerve and I guess to be honest to get really good oil I need to wait till my next harvest.... I have some trim in the freezer but I have no idea what it is even from now and I think some of it is mixed up from my defoliation of this coming harvest... It's all good sticky resin covered trim but better used in butter I think and what bud I do have I gotta admit I would be afraid to use on a first batch cause it would leave me just about out of vape....:thedoubletake: I haven't hardly smoked a joint or used the bong since I got the vape... I love it and between it and my baking it is helping with some of the aches and pains really well... so with all my rambling I guess part of my next harvest I am going to try this... Canna you know what a pain I am when I'm learning something I don't know so you might want to warn these guys to block me or something...:blushsmile:.....:circle-of-love:
Thanks Bill and yes Canna just trying to get up my nerve and I guess to be honest to get really good oil I need to wait till my next harvest.... I have some trim in the freezer but I have no idea what it is even from now and I think some of it is mixed up from my defoliation of this coming harvest... It's all good sticky resin covered trim but better used in butter I think and what bud I do have I gotta admit I would be afraid to use on a first batch cause it would leave me just about out of vape....:thedoubletake: I haven't hardly smoked a joint or used the bong since I got the vape... I love it and between it and my baking it is helping with some of the aches and pains really well... so with all my rambling I guess part of my next harvest I am going to try this... Canna you know what a pain I am when I'm learning something I don't know so you might want to warn these guys to block me or something...:blushsmile:.....:circle-of-love:

The fresh frozen trim is best for ice water hash production or budder. To make oil, you want dry material. I'm not sure if you could dry frozen material.
Done and replied Canna and Hiker I was thinking the same thing hence my reasoning behind waiting till my next harvest cause to be honest all my stash other than what I have out to use now is in vacuum sealed bags and is frozen so I don't even know how the bud I have now would do so I think for several reasons it is best to wait... Would cut my stash way tooo close... Possibly would not be as good using frozen buds (they were cured for over 2 months before freezing).... and it looks like my next harvest is going to be heavy for me......:circle-of-love:
oh wait.... you cured them, THEN froze them? That should work fine for oil afaik.

Sorry. I have only ever frozen fresh material for future hash making.
I've got several bits of material (kief, shake, seeded buds, etc) to test with when I finally get all the items needed to make oil. They are all cured, but I haven't frozen them yet. They just sit in jars waiting :)
Morning fsc,

You got a lot going on, your doing the whole show fsc. Mo and I know this is a hardship many don't understand. I can tell you exactly what has been going on with your darling husband. The issues has been his tacking, guaranteed. Bet he loves 'sloppy' doses (not stoned, but not clear headed) and this can explain exactly how he feels. Yep, hacking from the joints, spikes in blood sugar and blood pressure, especially with the meds. we hate go give up things we get spoiled on :) What he needs is a 'what for'. You have been busting your butt nursing him, growing and making his oil, cooking, cleaning, grocery store, laundry, all the chores, Dr's visits and the list goes on and on. All this hard work and effort can go down the tubes when not taking his oil correctly especially on these meds. Tacking correctly before the meds, no way. Tacking incorrectly on these meds is a serious issue. Won't overdose from the oil itself, but with man-made meds is entirely a different story. I'm so glad you mentioned this. Trust me, this is the main issue when he is dosing himself. No to mention when not taken correctly it is counter productive healing cancer or anything properly. You got it narrowed down with your last sentence. Time for some tough love fsc. I want to put up the 'happy face' but after all you have done, I would be pissed. It will do you good to vent also :) We love 'Red', he just needs a spank'n :Namaste:

ps - find his stash, its time he earned his treat :)

Today not so good. He has been throwing a temper tantrum all day. I gave up and gave him everything back. He has not even had one tack today. He would not do it himself and would not let me do it. He is breaking my heart. He is stubborn and irrational. The worst part is that I believe the radiation to his brain has cause most of this irrational behavior. Actually, I saw an immediate change in him after his seizures so there was some damage done then as well. He does not want to die but feels that is the inevitable. I was unwilling to go to this extreme before because he kept making me feel sorry for him. And to be honest, he is not fun to be around when he has nothing to smoke. But I agree it was time to try. Tomorrow I will get our best friends involved. His best friend is like a brother to him and knows him better than anyone. He will back me up and he has a way to get through to him when no one else can. I will not give up on him but I have to take a step back for a minute for my own sanity. I will get us back on track, there is no doubt in my mind. I just need a cooling off period. Will keep you posted. Thank you all for your advice, insight and positive support. It really does help. Today was an eye opening experience and I need to regroup with a different strategy that will come to me with a little time to think about it.
Peace and Love
Today not so good. He has been throwing a temper tantrum all day. I gave up and gave him everything back. He has not even had one tack today. He would not do it himself and would not let me do it. He is breaking my heart. He is stubborn and irrational. The worst part is that I believe the radiation to his brain has cause most of this irrational behavior. Actually, I saw an immediate change in him after his seizures so there was some damage done then as well. He does not want to die but feels that is the inevitable. I was unwilling to go to this extreme before because he kept making me feel sorry for him. And to be honest, he is not fun to be around when he has nothing to smoke. But I agree it was time to try. Tomorrow I will get our best friends involved. His best friend is like a brother to him and knows him better than anyone. He will back me up and he has a way to get through to him when no one else can. I will not give up on him but I have to take a step back for a minute for my own sanity. I will get us back on track, there is no doubt in my mind. I just need a cooling off period. Will keep you posted. Thank you all for your advice, insight and positive support. It really does help. Today was an eye opening experience and I need to regroup with a different strategy that will come to me with a little time to think about it.
Peace and Love

Oh this sounds so all too familiar to me. This was my ex husband during the 4 years of chemo/radiation and resulting bone marrow transplant. We had no knowledge of the oil back then, I wish we would have. He changed for the worse, his brain was affected by all of the treatment. They call it chemo brain, and it's real. He had given up, thinking that he was going to die, so he started doing crazy things and being just plain mean and cruel.
I believe you are doing the right thing by getting some help from a close person to him. You need a break, and a fresh approach.
I send all of my best thoughts for you, and for him. Get yourself settled, then you can get back in there and be your best.

I have to be honest. When I quit growing a year ago, this is where I was at (your husband's shoes). My poor awesome wife managed to get through it, but it was a close one.

When you face your own mortality, I believe your thought process goes into a self-grieving process. That added to chemo brain, as Canna said, is a serious multiplier.

Unfortunately, the person with the illness has to do it themselves. Anyone trying to help will get a hand bitten off.
FSC, you have to take frequent breaks & focus on nothing but yourself & your peacefulness at all cost.

Having a so called, terminal illness, will cause a grieving process for the patient every bit as intense as the surviving spouse will feel after the end.

Get in to counseling, therapy, groups, meditation... whatever it takes to make it.
Unfortunately, it is up to the patient to hold up their end of the bargain.

Stay on here too & vent to us. I was where you & Canna's partners are & still have to pull a self assessment frequently.

Hang in there. He's still there, he just gets lost in the darkness.

There's an awesome post about PTSD written by a member named Tassie Devil. It's about PTSD, but also is very applicable to chemo brain.

I've been on both sides & still am.

I had to write my 1st apology message to a special member on here just yesterday! The point is to read Tassie's PTSD post. It will translate your husband's seemingly insane behavior in a way you can use.

Finally, don't feel guilty about needing/taking YOUR time away from him. If it upsets him, you have to temporarily disconnect & go have fun for lack of a better example, bit get away & get away frequently.

(I woke up WAY to early & hope this makes sense to you)
Well, it makes perfect sense to me and I was up way too early myself. LOL
Great post Cajuncelt, it's good to read some first hand knowledge from the side of the patient for sure.

I just wanted to add that there is a happy ending to the story of the ex. Although we did divorce after it was all done, he is doing well and we remain friends. He started on cannabis oil that was provided to him by a family member about a year afterward. His quality living years after the bone marrow transplant was estimated at 3-5 max for someone his age. That was 10 years ago and he even had a bout with skin cancer during that time. I don't contribute any of the success of his living this long past the Doctors' estimate to anything but the cannabis oil, and I believe he is resolved on that too.
The oil works.
Done and replied Canna and Hiker I was thinking the same thing hence my reasoning behind waiting till my next harvest cause to be honest all my stash other than what I have out to use now is in vacuum sealed bags and is frozen so I don't even know how the bud I have now would do so I think for several reasons it is best to wait... Would cut my stash way tooo close... Possibly would not be as good using frozen buds (they were cured for over 2 months before freezing).... and it looks like my next harvest is going to be heavy for me......:circle-of-love:

Cured buds for two months before freezing, should be fine. What your feeling Dennise is normal. It came down to this for Mo and I, we needed to heal ourselves. Mo not as bad off as I was but close. It all depends on how bad you want to be healthier again. The explosions you hear/read about is from butane/co2. I have no knowledge of anyone using everclear/spirytus blowing things up (not saying it cannot). Everclear/Spirytus is so much safer and if caught on fire does not explode like butane/co2. Also its foolproof on the decarb as all the alcohol burns off. It really is easy, but like all things we haven't tried its a learning curve. Trust me, with this group of 'oilers' this will work.
Best advice; We all come to a crossroads with our health. It is something as we grow older we have to pay attention to. This would be huge for you Dennise; not only your MS but any/all aliments you suffer from. I just read a quote a couple of days ago and it hit home 'to live a long life you must be ready to die'. Different ways to figure it out perhaps and thinking about it, what does this have to do with the price of beans in Florida? lol Take a chance on this, it will change your life around.
Hi Guys,

First time in as long as I can remember Mo and I got sick (has to be a 'super' bug). We used a lot of oil yesterday and was much improved. Had to be a cold because I ate like a pig. Nothing like it would of been without the oil but I was doing booster every hour. I could of only imagined how it would of been with out the concentrate, wow. Feeling better today but missed doing some rearranging in the grow room as I'm getting ready to 'flip' to flower mode :). Hard to come to grips loosing 16 Harle-Tsu's (seed pods) but the remaining 4 are healthy as is the Sour Diesel. Not looking forward to the 12 week flower on the H/T but am looking forward to how high I can get the CBDs. I'll have my test meter by then (seemed like waiting a year on this).

Really nice to see our 'friends' gather to help Dennise. Oilers for the win :)
Morning fsc,

Thank you for the detailed info; just keep believing. I cannot say enough about your journey through all this. After Mo and I have raised three boys and a girl we are well versed in 'tough love'. What seems impossible can quickly change around. I am not excluding what you have mentioned about the side effects of chemo/radiation, I understand this. But I see the 'pouting' part loud and clear. I already know you have tried the tough love and the reasoning love. I also understand your backing off as their is a time and place for everything and you can only handle so much also. I think back to one of your opening statements, 'yes the chemo/radiation saved my Husbands life, but at what cost". Haven't seen many people in my life with your determination and will. Hopefully your Husband will turn the corner and realize that your saving his life. Mo and I just want you to know your an amazing person.



Today not so good. He has been throwing a temper tantrum all day. I gave up and gave him everything back. He has not even had one tack today. He would not do it himself and would not let me do it. He is breaking my heart. He is stubborn and irrational. The worst part is that I believe the radiation to his brain has cause most of this irrational behavior. Actually, I saw an immediate change in him after his seizures so there was some damage done then as well. He does not want to die but feels that is the inevitable. I was unwilling to go to this extreme before because he kept making me feel sorry for him. And to be honest, he is not fun to be around when he has nothing to smoke. But I agree it was time to try. Tomorrow I will get our best friends involved. His best friend is like a brother to him and knows him better than anyone. He will back me up and he has a way to get through to him when no one else can. I will not give up on him but I have to take a step back for a minute for my own sanity. I will get us back on track, there is no doubt in my mind. I just need a cooling off period. Will keep you posted. Thank you all for your advice, insight and positive support. It really does help. Today was an eye opening experience and I need to regroup with a different strategy that will come to me with a little time to think about it.
Peace and Love
What do you mean its 'dry'? Thick and gooey?

I think I have messed up my first batch.
The oil came out was a bit dry . I think the Decarboxylation process got messed up . It heated really fast :(
My material was literally exploding from the SS pan while I had put it on the coffee maker hot plate. Also, I didn't get any big bubbles but just few smaller ones.
What do you mean its 'dry'? Thick and gooey?

Not sure how to explain this but the material in the SS pan got divided into 2 parts after a while. Looks like the second part oil got heated much faster( not sure though) but it turned to be green colored dry(no tarpness/wet) material. However, the 1st part material kept on exploding for a while and then small bubbles started popping up. and as soon as they stopped(may be just before that) I stopped the process.
This 1st part material looks like the oil we want since it has that texture but the green part beats me.I wonder what was that.
P.S: The green part was definitely thick but looked dry. like a dry paste
Seems like the ss cup was on half the heating element and half off? The separation; seemed perhaps some material got through the filters? Excessive chlorophyll, plant wax? At the end of the decarb I take a cuticle pusher and stir to mix the top and bottom of the oil. Did you do a quick wash with frozen flowers?

Not sure how to explain this but the material in the SS pan got divided into 2 parts after a while. Looks like the second part oil got heated much faster( not sure though) but it turned to be green colored dry(no tarpness/wet) material. However, the 1st part material kept on exploding for a while and then small bubbles started popping up. and as soon as they stopped(may be just before that) I stopped the process.
This 1st part material looks like the oil we want since it has that texture but the green part beats me.I wonder what was that.
P.S: The green part was definitely thick but looked dry. like a dry paste
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