How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Hi all,
I just ran the first gallon of tap water through the MegaHome water still.


{{pauses to rinse vinegar from SS still}}

I have to say, I don't think I'll EVER drink my tap water again!

The still auto turns off, and leaves a moist 'mud' when cool again. We drink this stuff. That's gross, people.

Next got it...oil.

Thank you so much, light my path! Confidence feels so........what is it?

Now, this is good reading. LOL It's going to be very interesting to see what I get at the bottom of that distiller when I do some softened water in it. We'll see just how well that softener works, or doesn't....

Making oil today too Johnny...Good luck! :thumb:
My understanding of the basic curing process is that it breaks down chlorophyll's and increases potency in addition to changes in the terpenes and such. There is lots of information out there and here about the curing process and why it's done. for smoking it

I don't know why you couldn't use the bud once it's truly dry from hanging, but you might be sacrificing a little bit of the potency of your oil?

Let's see what others pop in with as well.
Interesting question to discuss for sure. :)
Even in the introduction to this thread, Tim says that the drying is mostly because of the moisture content causing longer decarbing.

Here is a post from Cajun as well:

( when a member asked about fresh cut buds)

Don't put it into the freezer. That will create chaos with fresh bud.
The oil will be only as good as the flower. You're call: cure/dry or just dry.
If just drying, put it on a tray in the oven at 100°f (no hotter or you lose terpenes & oils) for an hour. This will not affect your potency, bud, oil, ect.
Grind it up & recheck the moisture. If still wet, back to the oven for 15-30 mins.
Note that this is NOT decarbing.
Unless you're in a hurry, I'd dry it well by hanging for at least 3-4 days, then jar it up & burb it.
For oil, I wouldn't cure over 2 weeks.

Whatever type you choose, don't get bud rot/mold.

I think when Cajun said this will not affect your potency when talking about drying it in the oven, he was talking about what the potency of the bud is at that time.

Correct me if I'm wrong Mr. Cajun dude. :)
I'd just say it like this... If you are out of oil and/or don't have the time to properly cure the material, just make sure it is dry and make your medicine. I have done it both ways and never noticed a difference in the cured and dried flowers. I have made oil just after drying when I was out. A couple weeks later I made it with the same plant, but it was cured two or three weeks. I didn't notice any difference. But that just might be me.

For my butter, I always quick freeze the material after harvest. No drying time. Immediately after cutting the sweet leaves and popcorn buds I put a pound of butter's worth of the material into a vacuum bag and right after vacuuming and sealing it I put it in the freezer. When making the butter I never thaw it out, I just put it into the boiling water and butter mixture. When done there is no difference in dried and frozen. Never need more than one piece of toast in the morning after tacking. Frozen and vacuum sealed it lasts quite a long time.

Hope this helps.

In my experience I've never noticed a difference between dried vs. cured except when it comes to smoking - well cured bud smokes better like a fine cigar (I'll usually take best bud or two from ea harvest and cure them for as long as possible for smoking purposes). I typically hang for about 3 days and throw into paper bags for a few more days before going to freezer - again when the stems snap instead of just bending is usually a good indicator and when the buds break up easily. I usually break them up as I put them into jar to go in freezer with rest of stuff including strainer, alcohol, masher, funnels, and jars. I let everything sit in freezer overnight before pouring alcohol over dry frozen material and mashing.
This question is from Altainta:

More question for step 2

Hello.. As process is complete till the filtering .. Now i want to provide heat to it but i have few question...


1) What is the temp of electric cooker on LOW and HIGH ? it will help me in processing the material on hot plate or induction ... i guess it is min 100 F and max 180 F am i right ? it is only for evaporating the alcohol ?

2) What exactly should not reach above 250 f the CANNABIS OIL inside the double boiler or the OLIVE OIL in the double boiler. As per the image it is clear that the INSIDE of the CANNABIS OIL should not go above 250 F so obiviously the outer (OLIVE OIL) will be more than 250 F.. Am i right ?
Hi Altainta and Fanny...

I'm not clear what you are asking in #1 above. I don't know the settings on the equipment.
The alcohol boils at about 170 deg F. Anything slightly above that temp will boil it off pretty fast, but the wash (alcohol) temp will not go much above 170 deg F until most of the alcohol is gone, then the temp climbs to the target 245 deg F as it decarbs and settles down to a peaceful, serene black liquid. Always use a fan. Always outside.
The oil (CCO...what we are making) should NOT go above 250 deg F. Above 290 deg F it'll start smoking and produce much thicker oil. Not good .. don't let the oil go above 250 deg f while boiling off the last of the alcohol and decarbing. You are done when all movement stops at 245-250 deg F.

Did I help?

Tim's service today 1:00
repost from Oilers United thread:

Still News:

I washed 2+oz of GG bud with about 1.75 lt of KleenXtract. All in freezer over night, with two 3 minute washes.

I'm 10 minutes power on the still with my wash. Rapid boil already. Alcohol pouring, not dripping, out the nozzle. Seems too fast for my comfort.;lo0 <---cat type after the period...I don't know what it means, do you? Wink--meowMEOW

I will turn the still off, wait a few, then open and inspect. I 'm at half the expected return. 30 minutes now. Off and waiting to cool a little. Stream of alcohol lasted abt.12 seconds after power off. Dripping and slowing, stopped at 2 min.
Lifted lid...light green liquid, about half left, my 80% mark on the glass collection carafe looks close to accurate. Power back right away, stream of distillate (alcohol) within 1 min.
Slight smell of alcohol within 5 feet...none at 8-10 feet. Inside the open door, vent fan (large) pulling air in the door and out the roof. Dedicated fan on work.
45 min mark. 3/4 expected alcohol return. Power off for inspection.
VERY close...a few more minutes is all my nerves can handle!
A few more were a few too many, but OK...half a half cup. Like to stop at just under one half cup and go to hot plate. Left the timer to continue so no exact time....45 looks good especially if I don't stop the still to look-e-loo.
1/2 cup ss measuring cup in ss bowl of olive oil on hot plate.
Let olive oil get too hot...CCO tops out at 280 deg F. at end of decarb. Alittle too hot ...oil will be thick.
Two syringes: 6+ grams (ml) and 3++ grams (ml) for a total of 9+++ grams (ml) of.....

Tim's GorillaGlue Memorial CCO​

Recovered about 1.25 of 1.75 liters solvent after washing out still and outside of syringes with recovered solvent.
Love it already!

Cudo's to WildJim and Cannafan for showing me how.
That's great that you got that oil done with your new money saver Johnnycake! I think your smell of alcohol may have been lingering from lifting the top off it for the Look-i-loo.
I had no smell during the whole distiller process.
Next time you make the oil, I'll bet you won't smell it.....

Did you have to mix some grape seed oil in it to get it into the syringes?

I got the oil into the 2 syringes OK while it was hot, but after they cooled and I wanted to split the oil into 3 equal syringes, it was quite thick and took more than a few seconds to push out 3 grams (ml) to a third syringe.
It's the worlds most potent medicinal plant extract...God's Gift to humankind (how to say that without 'man' in there? PersonHood?).
Even thick, it's a life saving miracle of nature! PTL

By the way, dogs (cats soon) respond to the oil, medicinally, just like people, so far....great news for us dog and cat staff!

I make my dogs treats and I add a small amount of cannabutter to each batch... It doesn't mess them up or anything but I think it has helped their coats and digestion,,, My little grow buddy dog had terrible intestinal issues that were quite unpleasant for all in the room with him and that completely stopped after he was put on the daily treat... He still gets his leaves every once in a while too... My little girl doesn't like being buzzed so she never eats the leaves.....:circle-of-love:
Altainta, in response to your question on the Oilers United thread I wanted to bring my answer over here where it belongs.

It's the CCO that shouldn't go above 250 F. Higher than that and you're cooking the cannabanoids instead of decarbing.

I was rushing to get checked out of the hotel when I caught that post and honestly thought we were having that conversation here.

Thanks for catching it Canna. :circle-of-love:
repost from Oilers United thread:

Still News:

I washed 2+oz of GG bud with about 1.75 lt of KleenXtract. All in freezer over night, with two 3 minute washes.

I'm 10 minutes power on the still with my wash. Rapid boil already. Alcohol pouring, not dripping, out the nozzle. Seems too fast for my comfort.;lo0 <---cat type after the period...I don't know what it means, do you? Wink--meowMEOW

I will turn the still off, wait a few, then open and inspect. I 'm at half the expected return. 30 minutes now. Off and waiting to cool a little. Stream of alcohol lasted abt.12 seconds after power off. Dripping and slowing, stopped at 2 min.
Lifted lid...light green liquid, about half left, my 80% mark on the glass collection carafe looks close to accurate. Power back right away, stream of distillate (alcohol) within 1 min.
Slight smell of alcohol within 5 feet...none at 8-10 feet. Inside the open door, vent fan (large) pulling air in the door and out the roof. Dedicated fan on work.
45 min mark. 3/4 expected alcohol return. Power off for inspection.
VERY close...a few more minutes is all my nerves can handle!
A few more were a few too many, but OK...half a half cup. Like to stop at just under one half cup and go to hot plate. Left the timer to continue so no exact time....45 looks good especially if I don't stop the still to look-e-loo.
1/2 cup ss measuring cup in ss bowl of olive oil on hot plate.
Let olive oil get too hot...CCO tops out at 280 deg F. at end of decarb. Alittle too hot ...oil will be thick.
Two syringes: 6+ grams (ml) and 3++ grams (ml) for a total of 9+++ grams (ml) of.....

Tim's GorillaGlue Memorial CCO​

Recovered about 1.25 of 1.75 liters solvent after washing out still and outside of syringes with recovered solvent.
Love it already!

Cudo's to WildJim and Cannafan for showing me how.

Very nice post..
can you pm me the link where you got the distiller from ? and any advice over the distiller shopping for this perticular task ?
Hello friends, I'm looking at making some cco for my own use and have started gathering supplies in preparation.
I'm based in the uk and I'm stuck on extraction alcohol. I have found 3 options that I am able to order online and I'm looking for an opinion on which, if any, I should use.

This is the one I thought was best...

This doesn't state food grade?

And then there's this...

Thanks in advance :cco:
Isopropyl alcohol and its metabolite, acetone, act as central nervous system (CNS) depressants.[24] Symptoms of isopropyl alcohol poisoning include flushing, headache, dizziness, CNS depression, nausea, vomiting, anesthesia, hypothermia, hypotension, shock, respiratory depression, and coma.[24] Poisoning can occur from ingestion, inhalation, or skin absorption; therefore, well-ventilated areas and protective gloves are recommended.

Around 15 g of isopropyl alcohol can have a toxic effect on a 70 kg human if left untreated.[25] However, it is not nearly as toxic as methanol or ethylene glycol.

Isopropyl alcohol does not cause an anion gap acidosis (in which a lowered blood serum pH causes depletion of bicarbonate anion) unlike ethanol and methanol. Isopropyl alcohol does, however, produce an osmolal gap between the calculated and measured osmolalities of serum, as do the other alcohols.[24]

Overdoses may cause a fruity odor on the breath as a result of its metabolism to acetone, which is further metabolized to produce the nutrients acetate and glucose.[26]

Isopropyl alcohol is oxidized to form acetone by alcohol dehydrogenase in the liver.[24]

The biological half-life of isopropyl alcohol in humans is between 2.5 and 8.0 hours.[24]

Isopropyl alcohol is denatured for certain uses, in which case the NFPA 704 rating is changed to 2,3,1.

Food Grade?
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