Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartpots

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

So keeping a bubble stone in the organic nutes raises ph? Please teach me about this.

I have seen this happen with water once and thought nothing of it except that I had to add some PH down.

Sorry if this is a dumb question. You are in soil right?

Definitely not a dumb fact many people don't know that when using Organics you should stray away from harsh PH adjusters....

The reason in a very short version that bubbling raises ph is this... (usually occurs within 24-72 hours)...

The beneficial bacteria that are in your organic nutrients multiply as they feed on the carbo's you add (molasses or others) and basicly excrete usable nutrient...

For example... you have typical N that is in organic fertilizers in the ammonium form which is NH4+ or a positivly charged ion (acidic) and the bacteria will convert this to NO3- which is a negativly charged ion (alkaline). The more this conversion takes place as well as the faster the bacteria population grows, this cation/anion exchange is what raises the PH over time..

This is the cut to the point version of it, because by no way I am a chemist or anything, and I'm sure I may be a little off with my explanation...but this is the very same reason that with organic shouldn't have to use any PH adjusters...

Also an additional tip...

the addition of humic and fulvic acids opens up the "threshold" for macro and micro nutrient absorbtion... so even way below or above the normal 6.5ph goal we all have...with addition of fulvic and humic acids...the plants can uptake these macro and micro chelation...even at extreme ph's...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

^^ thanks for the detailed explanation. Great post.

So the air bubbles increase the rate of this process due to oxygen or the mixing or both?
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Day 52 flowering, Dec 30th....

Well everything is looking good except something very weird is happening to my OG101 under the 600w HPS light.... this morning when looking at the ladies I noticed that quite a few of the fan leafs had a bunch of Yellow/White spots on the leaves almost looking spotted...

I did a lot of google search combination but have not come up with what is wrong with the girls.... the soil PH was checked with my soil probe and sits at about 6.7ph so soil ph seems to be ok...

I've ruled out thrips because I first off haven't seen any thrips, and I look very carefully at the ladies daily, as well as the spots are not the same as thrip damage... I am thinking that it may be some kind of plant infection, genetic disorder or unknown....anyone????

Here are the photo's for today..

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

You have a spectacular garden! Lots of weight! Looks like a bed full of Buds!! Great Job!!! :Namaste:
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Looking good Icemud, are there spots on the underside of your leaves aswell?

I would diagnose this as one of 2 things ph out of wack, Spider mites be VERY thourgh in your search and be sure to check underside for eggs would hate for you to miss them and have somthing alot more serious on your hands.

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Looking good Icemud, are there spots on the underside of your leaves aswell?

I would diagnose this as one of 2 things ph out of wack, Spider mites be VERY thourgh in your search and be sure to check underside for eggs would hate for you to miss them and have somthing alot more serious on your hands.


The spots are only on the tops of the leaves, and they are not indentations but more of a chlorophyl loss or pigmentation loss in the plants.... I have checked for all types of pests including spider mites with a 30x lupe... nothing actual mites....

also nothing flys off when the plants are shaken, blown on or disturbed....

I believe it may be a ph issue...this morning I flushed the soil with 5 gallons of distilled water...PH was a little high at 8.2 so I lowered the ph using only Humic acid, since it is great for chelation, opens up the PH absorbtion spectrum... after adding humic acid...watered plants with 6.5ph 050ppm water......

I tested the run off and they ph was quite low...came out at only 5.9-6ph so I think that the PH was a little low for the girls to be uptaking the proper nutrients...which would make sense with a cal/mag lockout which this looks similar to.... I am hoping that with the flush they look better....

Today they didn't look hopefully it was some kind of shock from a low ph....

Otherwise im still clueless...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

OK at first sight it does look like spider mite or PH problems if after you have stabalised your PH and problems continue there is one other thing it could be..

I think your plant could have contracted Mosaic Virus for which there is no known cure. The virus can be transmitted by insects or maybe something you have come into contact with?
You can still grow your plant but expect reduced vigour and yields unfortunately. Compare the pics below of a leaf with Mosaic Virus.


Edit: another pic

I hope its PH problems my friend.

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Thanks Godspeed for trying to help out...much appreciated.... I saw about the mosaic virus but I've seen that before, and its different that what my plants have...its really a oddity that I couldnt find after hours of searching google, images and gardening forums... I am really hoping that it is a ph related it doesn't seem to be any worse and seems to have stopped in its tracks...the only thing that sucks is where the leaf's turned white, the trichomes turned dark..almost black... Hope it corrects itself after the flush... if not I may just have to pull early on this one...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Day 53 flowering...

Switched out my CMH today for my 400w Ushio HPS to help thicken up the left side of my tent...seems that my OG101 on the 400w side still hasnt even produced hardly any amber/orange hairs and barely any trichomes... Not sure if the CMH is just taking its good old time to ripen these ladies, which I have confirmed and read they can do...but I wanted to switch to HPS to speed up the ripening process slighly...overally if I had a bigger area to grow I would just let the CMH do its thing, but I don't want this side lagging too much behind because then It will postpone my next grow...we will see...

Other than that not much to report today...


OG101's 600w HPS side (ones with the leaf spot issue)

OG101 on 400w CMH side...very slow developing..

Kali Kandi

Holy Grail OG

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Happy New Years everyone!!! hope everyone had a safe one to ring in the new years...

Today is day 54 of flowering....looks like these babies still have at least a good 3 weeks or so...none of them are showing cloudy or amber trichomes at least 3 weeks...some I am guesing more towards 5 weeks...

Well the leaf spotting I hope is related to ph lockout but really not too sure... Flushed the soil again today... Can't pick up the plant to flush it properly, so I mixed up 4 gallons of distilled water, ph adjusted it with Humic acid as well as added some hygrozyme to help break loose the salts that may be clouding up the soil... Measured PH going int was comming out in the overflow was 5.8ph with a ppm higher than 2000ppm...must have really needed a salt leeching.... Well hope this helps...figured since all my ladies are fed the same...might as well flood the gave them a pretty decent watering, focusing mainly on the OG101 with spots... Hope that this helps..

Put my CMH back in today...decided that even if it is taking longer for them to mature...the buds are getting really fat and large on that side of the figured CMH would be the best fit...

Other than that...removed some dead leaves today...not too many but just the worst ones to prevent any issues with rotting or disease...

Here are today's photo's

Full Tent view:

Holy Grail OG's


Kali Kandi



OG101 600w HPS with leaf spotting..


OG101 400w CMH side... slower maturing... very little scent yet...low trichome production..

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Hey everyone...snapped a few photo's this morning as my lights were firing up...Caught some before the HPS came on so the color is much more natural... would have taken more but the other lamp fired up after I just snapped these photos...

The ladies look pretty good today, the flushing I do believe helped tremendously. With a 2000+ ppm overflow spilling out of the pots, I am almost certain my problem came from lockup... wasn't sure about flushing before flowering or during stretch but next round I will certainly flush inbetween periods in the cycle... and possibly even mid flowering...

I clipped a smaller Holy Grail OG bud yesterday to quick dry it and see how she tasted and how strong she was....WHOA...with still at least 3 more weeks or more to go on her, pulling early with a quick dry (hung in front of my heater for a few hours) she was extremely skunky tasting with a very strong OG chemical/fuel taste and an extremely heavy indica type high... I felt her right behind my eyebrows after just 1 hit...and mind you, this is still a few weeks premature as well as quickdried...I am absolutely amazed and if all goes well, she is going to be a killer plant...

Here are the photo's for this morning..

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Those buds make my mouth water. The frost on those are delightful.

I am having similar spotting on my Vanilla Kush. I have flushed and thrown more K at them. It helped one, but the other seems worse... Go figure.

Hope you figure it out. ...for us both... :)
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Those buds make my mouth water. The frost on those are delightful.

I am having similar spotting on my Vanilla Kush. I have flushed and thrown more K at them. It helped one, but the other seems worse... Go figure.

Hope you figure it out. ...for us both... :)

Man, it seems like just my effected plant is getting worse and worse... more and more of the "sugar leafs", don't know the scientific name for them... but more of them daily are getting spots, turning brown and the trichomes are turning black....I really am starting to think that this may be some kind of plant bacteria or virus but have not found anything to promote a certain yes or no...

I don't know if it was healthy for the plant to do, but I started trimming off a majority of the browned/spotted leafs, because I don't want them to mold or rot and cause other issues... I noticed that the trichomes on all effected areas were black and when you rub your fingers on the "dead areas" the smell was instead of good OG kush, more of a rotted unpleasent smell... The buds themselves still smell amazing and with close inspection to many leafs today, still no sign's of any pests...

I am completely stumped and will watch her over the next week to see what happens, If she gets worse, I may have to pull early, which wouldn't be a total loss but definitely not the full potential I wanted to experience out of these OG101's....

I know that in the soil of this plant, and not the others...there are springtails crawling around and hopping around...I examined them with my 30x lupe and am pretty sure that they are in fact springtails and not root aphids or other types of pests...I read that springtails actually are beneficial to the roots because they burrow deep carring mycos to the lower roots as well as eat the bad I don't think this is the cause...but I was thinking that maybe they spread some kind of disease to my plant as well....????

If you find out what is causing this, please let me know and I will do the same...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Boy is my mouth watering right now! I skimmed through your journal icemud and I must say I really like your scrog.

I would sit here and ramble more but I need to hit the sack.

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Your scrog is coming along amazingly. I love those big calyx, tell that to a women and get slap. That's odd thing happening to one of your plant, with spots on the leaves not sure what it is really if it isn't pest, could be pH, however the buds are still developing nicely.
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

THough I have seen the spots before, I have never seen trichomes turn black. This would have me concerned.

A google of "black trichomes" turn up little that is useful or knowledgable other than to say they are dead trichomes.
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Your scrog is coming along amazingly. I love those big calyx, tell that to a women and get slap. That's odd thing happening to one of your plant, with spots on the leaves not sure what it is really if it isn't pest, could be pH, however the buds are still developing nicely.

Thanks Twelve12...much appreciated with all the hard work put into these ladies!!! I figure if worst comes to worst with the sick one, at least i can still harvest and get a pretty decent 2oz or so from her, and I've test dried her already and whoa, even with mostly clear trichomes, she really packs a punch already...!!

I am leaning towards either a ph issue, hot spot in the soil, or some other type of bactera/fungus/virus infection in the soil...but hope to have her corrected..well see..
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

THough I have seen the spots before, I have never seen trichomes turn black. This would have me concerned.

A google of "black trichomes" turn up little that is useful or knowledgable other than to say they are dead trichomes.

I googled it as well and came up with little also.... I have searched and searched for anything related, the closesest I came was a few different types of soil related fungus issues, but nothing exactly fitting the description either...

Well I will keep trying...debating to give one more pure water flush or to just let it dry out...I know that microheards need oxygen and do not flourish in saturated soils so i think i am leaning towards letting it dry out...and just supplementing with foliar feedings..

wish me luck...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Well today is Day 56 of flowering, Jan 3 and so far so good with the girls, with the exception of my OG101 which is getting pretty bad...

My OG101 on the 600w HPS side is still killing off sugar leafs at a quick rate... not much effect to any of the lower fans or lower bud sites, only starting from the tops...

I am going to let the soil dry out for the next few days and hope that the problem corrects itself, but seems to be getting worse every day. I gave 2 foliar feedings to her today, some humic/fulvic acids and i believe microblast that had been mixed up for a few weeks, just sprayed the lower foliage, none of the large cola's because I didn't want to burn the buds under the HID's as well as didn't want to prevent mold...

Hopefully this will buy some time while the soil dry's out and the microbiology starts correcting the soil ph with increased oxygen....

I am going to wait and see.... if all else fails I will give her a large dose of distilled water and H2O2 to kill off everything in the soil and begin rebuilding my good microherds, but that is somewhat last resort...

As far as all the other plants, they seem to be doing pretty well and really starting to fatten up quite a bit and swell...

My XJ-13 is showing very little white pistil's and is really gaining density, but the trichomes are still very clear....

My Kali Kandi is getting close, still showing mainly clear and very little milky trichomes as well as most white pistil's have disappeared and the calyx's are swelling a lot.. they are by far my frostiest buds...completely covered in trichomes... I quick dried a small nug yesterday on my wall heater and smoked it.... Very very sweet but yet funky skunky OG taste, incredibly smooth for even a quick dried nug...and very heady, uppity, but more trippy high... this is going to be a killer plant...

My Holy Grail OG's are absolutely stunning...I definitely am considering running these again in the future...large bushy, fast growing plants that are hardy as can be, except they do not like heat at all....even at 78F at light level, 81F in my canopy they are showing stress, unfortunatly not much else can be done to lower the temp...Still covered in trichomes....they love LST... Fat clusters of dense, thicker than a shotglass nugs everywhere...and still clear trichomes... these are supposed to go 10+ weeks..

My OG101 on the 400w CMH side is finally starting to form more trichomes as well as developing its first amber pistil's. This one I believe was a few weeks behind the other's due to the heavy stunting when the clone was transplanted. The nugs are very large and dense under the CMH, much larger than the ones on the 600w HPS side, but not nearly as far along...(probably because of the stunting). I am so far very impressed with the size of the nugs and think that overall, even though the CMH is taking longer, will produce much better medicine overall...just by looking at the buds...

Well Here are the photo's of today...shot right after the lights turned off..

Full Tent Views..

OG101 (sick one) 600w HPS side..


Kali Kandi


Holy Grail OG

OG101 400w CMH side

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Day 57 flowering....

I decided today after looking at my OG101 that she still was not yet correcting whatever is wrong with her, so I decided to go ahead and give her another flush to leech out any additional salts as well as assist the ph correction. I mixed up 5 gallons of distilled water, mixed in 40 ml of Hygrozyme, 10ml of Liquid carboload and used some PH UP to bring the solution to 6.8ph. I know that the use of PH up and PH down are frowned against in organics, but without correcting my soil, I am afraid I am going to lose this one, so I decided the benefit's outweigh the rest. After checking the runoff, the ppm's were still really high, 1500+ppm and the ph was very low, still around 5.9ph so I know that this soil flush was much needed. After flushing for a while, I managed to get the run-off ppm down to the 800ppm range and ph around 6.5 so I have a feeling that this time I may see some improvement.

I also decided to flush my Kali Kandi because she too was showing yellowing and stress so I figured that if 1 of my plants soil's were off, the rest most likely were too. I flushed my back Holy Grail OG as well, runoff was around 1400ppm and ph was at 6.2 so she was due, and I also flushed my XJ-13 which the run off was testing higher than 2000ppm and the ph was as low as 5.6 which was way too low for a good finished product.....

Really glad that I flushed all of them today...lesson learned, around day 20 of flowering next time, I will do a total flush to "renew" my soil....

Here are the photo's for today..

Full Tent views.

OG101 600w HPS side..(sick one)

OG101 400w CMH side


Kali Kandi

Holy Grail OG's
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