InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Just a little mini update from the desk of InTheShed.

First, I tipped the dome back a bit on the Candida cuttings I took on Sunday:

It will stay like that for 24 hours and then get tipped a bit more. I want the cuttings to get used to drier air so they will be forced to put out roots for their moisture rather than getting it through the leaves.

And if you're squeamish about bugs, don't scroll down...

These are the Sour G cuttings I took on My 15th, and I noticed that there were some bumps on the stems. I took a closer look and all the cuttings are loaded with aphids!

The wetness is 2:9 iso spray, which I will be using every morning for a week to test its effectiveness.

That's all folks! I hope you have a great weekend planned, whatever that entails. :ciao:
The wetness is 2:9 iso spray, which I will be using every morning for a week to test its effectiveness.
This is something you've been wanting to do, no?

I know you checked the Sour G! She good?
This is something you've been wanting to do, no?
I know you checked the Sour G! She good?
I have been wanting to test it someplace where it would be easy to see the results, and this certainly fills the bill. But I really should be testing the 1:9 since it seems like the 2:9 isn't great for trichomes. I happen to have the 2:9 on hand though I'm starting there for effectiveness in veg on aphids.

I've checked all the Sour G's (four total) and they all seem to have some bugs, but the STS one in the tent was worst. I keep spraying it with various bottles (neem and 2:9 iso because it won't be smoked along with citric acid) to make sure it makes it to harvest. The mother gets neemed and 2:9 iso, and the flowering (seeded?) two are just getting citric acid these days because I haven't mixed up any Safers lately.

Thanks for checking GDB!
I have been wanting to test it someplace where it would be easy to see the results, and this certainly fills the bill. But I really should be testing the 1:9 since it seems like the 2:9 isn't great for trichomes. I happen to have the 2:9 on hand though I'm starting there for effectiveness in veg on aphids.
Sorry to hear about the bugs!

I've sprayed ISO 2:9 a few times now with no ill effects. I'll keep it in the rotation for now. I alternate between Neem / ISO / Safers. Although the two Jack Herers are only getting Safers now.
it seems like the 2:9 isn't great for trichomes. I happen to have the 2:9 on hand though I'm starting there for effectiveness in veg on aphids.
I'd say you don't need to worry about trichomes this early. I'd rather go strong now, eradicate the problem, and then do lower concentration for the remainder of the rotation. Being cuttings, this a great test considering how much stress they are in already to try and make roots. I haven't tried the 2:9 ISO myself. On the list to try this season. Any chance it vaporizes caterpillars?!
I don't know a scenario where "fewer aphids today" is not a great thing. I hate those goddamn things so much.

I am getting the impression that for cuttings, it's essential to maintain a high RH, thus the domes? I never see you do all the dome stuff with regular seeds/sprouts. If I'm correct here, can you please explain why the cuttings require such high RH as displayed in your dome picture? Please and thank you!!1
Interesting that you still have some on the stems, I had thought because they were on a small easy to see area that they'd all be dissuaded after the first spray.
I was actually going for destruction rather than dissuasion! Either way I didn't think one spray would do it. Maybe the older ones are less susceptible? I'll keep y'all updated daily though. :thumb:
I don't know a scenario where "fewer aphids today" is not a great thing.
LOL right?
I am getting the impression that for cuttings, it's essential to maintain a high RH, thus the domes? I never see you do all the dome stuff with regular seeds/sprouts. If I'm correct here, can you please explain why the cuttings require such high RH as displayed in your dome picture? Please and thank you!!1
You are so full of good questions Jon! Different cloning methods have different requirements. You may notice that the perlite cuttings never get domes (hydro cloning doesn't require domes, and that includes hydroponic and aeroponic methods). Cuttings jammed into soil/ProMix/coco) need domes to keep the RH up while the stems work on developing roots.

The idea though is not to let them spend a long time under a dome at 99% RH, as they'll be happy as clams for weeks and never feel the need to send out a single root. Hence the slow introduction of drier air after the adjustment period.

This is the method of cloning I use when I absolutely have to have roots in less time than the weeks it can take for perlite, and I adapted it from @beez0404's method he posted here. I do a few things differently but the steps are the same.
I was actually going for destruction rather than dissuasion! Either way I didn't think one spray would do it. Maybe the older ones are less susceptible? I'll keep y'all updated daily though. :thumb:

LOL right?

You are so full of good questions Jon! Different cloning methods have different requirements. You may notice that the perlite cuttings never get domes (hydro cloning doesn't require domes, and that includes hydroponic and aeroponic methods). Cuttings jammed into soil/ProMix/coco) need domes to keep the RH up while the stems work on developing roots.

The idea though is not to let them spend a long time under a dome at 99% RH, as they'll be happy as clams for weeks and never feel the need to send out a single root. Hence the slow introduction of drier air after the adjustment period.

This is the method of cloning I use when I absolutely have to have roots in less time than the weeks it can take for perlite, and I adapted it from @beez0404's method he posted here. I do a few things differently but the steps are the same.
Thanks for the detailed and concise answer! You da' man Shed!! And that makes perfect sense. So do you gradually increase that angle on the dome to allow more air tomorrow and more the next day etc, and back it gradually into regular veg RH levels?
Exactly! Not big changes day to day (differently from the linked method), but a bit more until the dome is done.
Thanks! I get it. So let's say, for example, that someone in Oregon was going to send me a clone or three of White Truffle from Dark Heart Nurseries. Let's say he's sending them in those hi-tech mailing cups for pot clones that have an LED in them and all that. So when I receive them, in this example, I would take those clones and start them as you have begun your cuttings? Or in that perhaps fanciful example would you start them right in soil or coco? Or would it depend on your assessment of the existing roots when you opened the cup from the mail? Thanks!
Thanks! I get it. So let's say, for example, that someone in Oregon was going to send me a clone or three of White Truffle from Dark Heart Nurseries.
What a far fetched hypothetical, but hey, I'll bite! :)
Let's say he's sending them in those hi-tech mailing cups for pot clones that have an LED in them and all that. So when I receive them, in this example, I would take those clones and start them as you have begun your cuttings?
Most likely, if he didn't theoretically root them before sending, yes. Only times I might have gotten or sent one those were already rooted, in theory.
Or in that perhaps fanciful example would you start them right in soil or coco? Or would it depend on your assessment of the existing roots when you opened the cup from the mail? Thanks!
I'm guessing they will be in whatever theoretical media he uses, but as long as it's a solid medium I would leave it in the cup and top it comes in and begin the de-doming process with it in situ.
What a far fetched hypothetical, but hey, I'll bite! :)

Most likely, if he didn't theoretically root them before sending, yes. Only times I might have gotten or sent one those were already rooted, in theory.

I'm guessing they will be in whatever theoretical media he uses, but as long as it's a solid medium I would leave it in the cup and top it comes in and begin the de-doming process with it in situ.
Thank you! That also makes sense even with all the necessary hypotheticals. I have to find out the answers to those things from him, that's easy. Gracias.
Thank you! That also makes sense even with all the necessary hypotheticals. I have to find out the answers to those things from him, that's easy. Gracias.
I know X in Michigan ordered a dozen clones from Cali.
They sent them via courier in plastic tubes.
Rooted in rockwool still wet when they arrived.
He popped them under 24 hr light all were fine.:thumb:
Easy as can be.

Stay safe :cool:
It's Memorial Day, when we take the time to remember those who died fighting for the freedoms we have. Please do take that time.

I know you don't smoke but anywho
Thanks sb, back atcha!
I know X in Michigan ordered a dozen clones from Cali.
They sent them via courier in plastic tubes.
Rooted in rockwool still wet when they arrived.
He popped them under 24 hr light all were fine.
Easy as can be.
Thanks Bill! Theoretically, X sounds like he got exactly what he paid for, so that was a reputable place. Jon could possibly be getting his from someone he may or may not know, so this wouldn't be a business proposition which could add some hypothetical variables!

Sorry I didn't get to post the aphid pic yesterday, so here was yesterday before the 3rd spray:

Some more improvement. Here is this morning before the 4th spray:

And the other stems:

It seems to be working slowly, but I'll keep at it until we know if it works on aphids or doesn't!
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