InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

WOW! Was it my imagination or did the 5 killer cookies look like healthier buds? Think it was the plastic bucket, cause I'll for sure go that route instead of the fabric pots....I like those, but when you can SEE proof like that, makes you wonder. GOOD JOBS!!!!
That was my Plant of the Month win for September of last year, and it was grown in a double plastic bucket with a layer of perlite at the bottom to hold the nutrients in a type of reservoir. It wasn't trouble-free but it did yield over a pound of cured flower in a total of 124 days, so it was well worth it in the end.

If you'd like to see the build for it, you can find that post here.
Thanks all for the good wishes and cheering me up! Unfortunately (unrelated to my dad so no one panic) let me tell you about my perfectly terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day...

Ok, everything is relative but still. I had a nice day planned. I got a pretty good night's sleep (thanks xanax!) and woke up ready to plant the AK-47 clone. After that I was going to move the autos out of the shed and into the sun, and then my wife and I were going out to look at fire tables and furniture for the back yard remodel.

I come down the hall and my wife is on the phone and she does not look or sound happy. Turns out my son and his friend got caught on a extra-curricular school trip with a vape and booze. They got kicked out of the program for the entire year (something that was supposed to look good on their college applications!) and the two of us immediately needed to drive up to get him and his friend. We were both incredibly pissed at him for blowing this opportunity, not to mention the fact that this is 220 miles each way!!! But before I left for the drive I figured I'd take a few minutes to plant the clone.

Every picture tells a story, don't it?

Ready for the big moment:


Check out the roots on this baby!


Just gotta add the soil and we're done...

20171111_093943.jpg's where the transplant goes sideways. I decided that maybe I should put the leaves in a plastic bag to keep them moist for a while longer and leave the soil open for air. And while getting the top in the bag, this happened:


WTF??? All those roots obviously were not very well attached as I was left with a stick. AGAIN! So I figured if I could get it to root once I could do it again, so I cut it shorter and into a peat pot it went:


And now it sits in the box with the Gold Leaf clones.


I hope it works...

Also, we had a long discussion with the 15 year old about making better decisions. That and he's grounded until new year's hanging out with friends, no phone. And he has to find a meaningful community service gig to replace the program.

Definitely not what I had planned.
GEEZ! You DID have a SHI*** day! Hope he does better.....those were some rotten years, glad mine is grown and gone now!
Damn that was a flashback! My son graduates from college in May and made Dean's List last semester. My how things change. :)
Congrats on Deans List! That's huge.
Damn that was a flashback! My son graduates from college in May and made Dean's List last semester. My how things change. :)
I’m sure it was the good parenting that made the difference Shedster. Unfortunately we can’t pick our parents but I think your son got lucky. CL🍀 :thumb: :welldone:
I read the start of that and was like hang on I must be a complete bastard (again) my mate has been having a shit day and I never even asked when we messaged earlier.
LOL all good here. Thanks for your concern though!
Congrats on Deans List! That's huge.
IKR? Second time he's made it, and this time he may actually go when they take the group picture for the school's website! :)
I’m sure it was the good parenting that made the difference Shedster. Unfortunately we can’t pick our parents but I think your son got lucky. CL🍀
Thanks Captain, and we did a fair job at guiding him from there to here, but he's made much better decisions since then and is learning to care about his future. Some kids need a longer runway to launch and we worked to give him that.
Remember when I said "nothing dead"? Woke up this morning thinking everything would be hunky dory. Last night I mixed up new foliar spray water with 3ml GrowBig and 3ml cal/mag+ and pH'd it to 5.2. Mixed up some nute water with cal/mag+ and Great White pH'd to 6.4. Got the warming mat settled in around 77°. Sprayed and watered and went to bed.

But AK-47 just took a dump last night!



Who knows what changed its mind between last night and this morning but it obviously is pissssssssed! Soil wasn't dry or anything and the Gold Leaf looks fine. Too much light? I don't think it's a hot spot in the heating pad but hard to know. I did raise each saucer off the pad though just in case but it seems pretty even to me. Anyway I'm treating it like it will come back to life for some reason.
It occurred to me in the middle of the night that I did not abrade either of the seeds in the sandpaper matchbox like I usually do, so I went to take them out of the water and do that, but the one-that-is-not-number-3 had split. I took #3 out and put it back in the fridge.


12 hours later and the split pretty much looks the same. Slow grower this one will be if it ever sprouts a tail.
YEA!!!! for the seed.....OH NO for the clone!
While I'm here, how about a proof of existence update on the two remaining autos in the tent?

Sure, what the heck, the cost is the same!

Queen G auto, day 93, 61 days since pistils (in a 5 gallon pot):

Queen G auto 2, day 85, 50 days since pistils (in a 10 gallon pot, upcanned from a 3 just before flower):

The QGa in the 5 gallon is drinking almost a gallon every other day, and the QGa2 about a gallon every 3 days. Still time left on these two.

Thanks for stopping by!

Burns ALOT of electricity!!
YEA!!!! for the seed.....OH NO for the clone!
I highly recommend you jump ahead to 2024. :thumb:
While I'm here, how about a proof of existence update on the two remaining autos in the tent?

Sure, what the heck, the cost is the same!

Queen G auto, day 93, 61 days since pistils (in a 5 gallon pot):

Queen G auto 2, day 85, 50 days since pistils (in a 10 gallon pot, upcanned from a 3 just before flower):

The QGa in the 5 gallon is drinking almost a gallon every other day, and the QGa2 about a gallon every 3 days. Still time left on these two.

Thanks for stopping by!


I highly recommend you jump ahead to 2024. :thumb:
Some nice chunkyness you have there 👍
Some nice chunkyness you have there
Thanks Absorber! It's hard to tell but those 8 tops on the QGa2 are starting to get some weight on them.
Love watching you LST from start to finish!
Thank you kitten, and I did a tutorial thread on that if you're interested in it all in one place:

I think your autos are doing great- lots of weed on those 2 little ladies..👍
And if I do this again next winter, I will probably do nothing the same. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I'll bet you could grow a helluva photo in there next year...
....just imagine schlepping involved... 😁
It's so sweet of you to look at that 98.7% brown plant and praise my green thumb!
Lmao! A crispy leaf or two won’t stand in the way of me seeing those big beautiful spears! :yummy:
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