InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I think they use a lot of different polymers. This shit is in everything even our drinking water. The most wonderful chemical we put in our water is aluminum chloride. Liquid aluminum. Makes bindings with all bio stuff in the water then add polymer to enlarge and speed up the process... and yes there are health warnings on the barrels. :)
I think they use a lot of different polymers. This shit is in everything even our drinking water. The most wonderful chemical we put in our water is aluminum chloride. Liquid aluminum. Makes bindings with all bio stuff in the water then add polymer to enlarge and speed up the process... and yes there are health warnings on the barrels. :)
They spray aluminum in the skys put it in the water and in vaccines. And we wonder why everyone has cancer....
It's fun when you read 98,5% other ingredients... wounder what that is. Probably something really healthy. :)
"Other ingredients" is really another way of saying inactive vs active ingredients. There are two active ingredients in this (the second is the one Norcali was talking about...not good to drink concentrated, okay?). The rest is whatever they need to add to make the active ingredients work for you. Like the rest of y'all mentioned, diluting with water to a strength that is workable by the consumer, surfactant (like dish soap in home-made bug sprays) to keep everything in suspension, thickeners, preservatives, etc. Anything that isn't involved in root development would be the "other." It's seen on almost every liquid you buy that isn't edible where they list the ingredients.

They spray aluminum in the skys
Chemtrail conspiracy theory?
Quick Wednesday update because work.

I discovered my pH pen need calibration and it was pretty far off! Between calibrating and watering the big'ns I was 20 minutes late :eek:.

Here is the clone box this morning but I am not throwing anything out yet. I spray the "leaves" twice a day and the box is around 75% RH. AK on the left, Sour G on the right:

Here is the Sour G in the Solo cup, also sprayed twice a day and the dome is cracked all the time:

Here are the planted AK clones. The one from the cloninator with the fishbone roots is on the right. On the left is the one from the clone box that I probably planted too early. I spray them both twice a day and hope things are happening down below on the left.

Sour G has a layer of yellowing leaves, all around the same height. I pulled them off to see if it continues.

Sour G and AK clone got flower nutes today for the first time. Into a gallon went the following array of bottles:
½ tsp Armor Si
4 ml cal/mag+
¼ tsp Open Sesame
1 tsp Tiger Blooom
2 tbs Big Bloom
4 tsp Terpinator

Gotta run! TTYL :).
This is new to me because in swe or maybe the whole eu all products must have declared origin and the precise table of contents.

Hope your clones cheer up for you. :thumb:
Thanks Crazy!

Just by way of example, here is the ingredient list from neem oil for sale on Amazon:

This shows up everywhere.
This is new to me because in swe or maybe the whole eu all products must have declared origin and the precise table of contents.

Hope your clones cheer up for you. :thumb:

Exactly! Should be like that everywhere! In Australia there’s something in the law about if it’s less than a certain quantity they don’t have to declare it at all - so all sorts of things get buried in that ‘other ingredients’ :rolleyes:

Looks like the cloning thing is gonna get sorted for you one way or another SHed - although I thought you were trying o do it without buying anything else... did you every try just the aloe approach? I’m assuming yes since you have tried everything :)
Exactly! Should be like that everywhere! In Australia there’s something in the law about if it’s less than a certain quantity they don’t have to declare it at all - so all sorts of things get buried in that ‘other ingredients’ :rolleyes:

Looks like the cloning thing is gonna get sorted for you one way or another SHed - although I thought you were trying o do it without buying anything else... did you every try just the aloe approach? I’m assuming yes since you have tried everything :)
I didn't try the aloe approach for a few reasons. I like repeatable results and I can't measure aloe. Also, I don't want to add anything organic into the water that might create slime. Then what I'd be buying is some anti-slime product! This stuff was cheap and got good reviews when I went looking for something to put in the water instead of ½ an aspirin.
I want to switch gears for a minute and talk about my dad and his assisted living facility if I may.

Since his traumatic stay at Cedars-Sinai hospital, he has started refusing his medications more often than not. Nothing he takes is keeping him alive but he is no longer taking his THC/CBD on a regular basis and the caretakers think that is changing his attitude about other things as well. Also, the CBD may have helped with the general pain of being 93 because he's complaining more about things hurting than he used to.

So I have an email to his medical marijuana Dr to write an order to allow him to take his meds in cookies or brownies (he loves his chocolate!). If he doesn't start back on the capsules soon I may be getting into the cookie-making business :). That's a cup of butter every time so I'd be getting a lot more use out of my MB2e machine.

Second item of note is that I got a request for a meeting from another resident in the facility (on the assisted living side, not on the dementia side). He had heard from the head of nursing about what I'm doing for my dad and wanted to hear about it and ask for recommendations.

I met with him last night after visiting my dad. Turns out his wife is starting to lose her memory (nothing like my dad currently, but maybe like he was 2 years ago). She forgets what she had said a few minutes earlier and has also begun to lose interest in exercising, which they say is helpful for memory (exercising, not losing interest!).

I took what I have learned here in the knowledge threads, a lot of the research I did for my dad when I was getting started on the capsules, as well as the extensive research that @Lady G2HM has done for her brain health, and gave him a brief summary of the science along with some recommendations. He seemed genuinely interested (and very with-it for 91 himself!) and he asked that I write down the basics, which I did. I mentioned that CBD plays a big part in brain health and healing and the entourage effect which would mean add some THC in there as well. I mentioned that a mild sativa with high CBD might help his wife feel like exercising again and that the CBD will moderate the THC so she won't get high if that's not what she's looking for. I mentioned capsules vs edibles vs smoking vs vaping (and I recommended edibles or capsules for their long-acting effects). And since every dispensary is different, I had to mention MedMen because they are the only place resembling a chain here in LA where I'm pretty sure you can get quality selection and service. The smaller stores seem to just have a bit of this and a bit of that, and it probably won't be there next time you go.

I hope he takes some of my recommendations to heart because I believe his wife will be well-served by getting some high CBD sativa-weighted hybrid strain. Even if they start with straight CBD oil that would be a good thing though she'd be missing the entourage effect.

They spray aluminum in the skys put it in the water and in vaccines. And we wonder why everyone has cancer....

I love me a long toke out of a fresh new aluminum pipe from china with a 'brass' screen. Hell of a buzz.

Shed-excellent job with the care people!
Help them all you can, you may be the only one to help her now.
Nice job on helping others with what you already know. It's very time consuming when your there in the moment looking for help. It sucks
I love me a long toke out of a fresh new aluminum pipe from china with a 'brass' screen. Hell of a buzz.
Shed-excellent job with the care people!
It's really nice helping others. Your a good man!
Thanks all! I really felt like I was paying it forward to be able to help this man and his wife. And you gotta talk up the positive power of this plant any time you can.

Nice edit nobody ;).
All that advice you gave that fella for his partner sounds spot on SHed. He’ll walk in to a dispensary far more informed than most people (and probably the staff too unfortunately). Poor woman being hassled to exercise when she’s old and loosing it a bit - prolly wishes everyone would F off and leave her alone! But you’re right that the right oil with some nice sativa terps and CBD should actually perk up her mood a lot - and then you can ust become active automatically, without having to think about it as exercise, hey. Good of you to take the time Shed. :hug:

the caretakers think that is changing his attitude about other things as well. Also, the CBD may have helped with the general pain of being 93 because he's complaining more about things hurting than he used to.

I’d say both of those are definitely true. If I stop the CBD microdosing (its a 2:1) my pain levels increase a lot (over the course of about a week) and my general mood suffers too, so yeah - the attitude thing. Hopefully the chocolates and cookies will work if the doc is agreeable to the form of administration.

Thanks for keeping us informed about it. It an honour to know what’s going on for you on this very personal level, and also really helpful for any of us who may find ourselves in similar positions at some time.
I’d say both of those are definitely true. If I stop the CBD microdosing (its a 2:1) my paint levels increase a lot (over about a week) and my general mood suffers too, so yeah - the attitude thing. Hopefully the chocolates and cookies will work if the doc is agreeable to the form of administration.
Thanks Amy! It felt nice to be able to be helpful.

My dad is on 1:1 3x a day and had been off them for a little over a week so your experience lines up with his. They have been opening the capsules and putting them in his food lately, so he's not getting the full dose but is definitely getting something. I'm thinking maybe I'll give them some 0 capsules for food as they hold more than the 00's I give him to take whole.

Marijuana docs will do pretty much anything you ask here. I just need to get his attention! I'd prefer to stick with capsules though as it's a heck of a lot easier than baking :).
Newty’s and Preston’s chocolates look interesting... I would have thought that the capsules are pretty fiddly. That’s why I haven’t done them.

So shifting tack a bit - but not that much;) I experimented last night and this morning, #inspiredbynewty, with my dosing. I usually tack (under the tongue) but last night I used my high THC sleep oil in a hot chocky in the early evening and it was great, really relaxing and very pain relieving :thumb: Then this morning I took my second CBD dose in my cup of tea. This was all risky because in the past I’ve thought that i got a bad response to THC in edibles (apparently the THC converts differently when you ingest) . Well last night I didn’t get any of that, and it’s been an hour now since the 2:1 CBD:THC dose and I think I like it. I remember Sue saying it may have been the terp profile in the other oil that gave me a bad response (heat rate jump, unpleasant tightness in solar plexus - which can be connected to an adrenaline response) so I’m going to keep experimenting with this. Last night’s hot chocolate was awesome. SO I have newty to thank for getting me into experimenting wiht it a bit more (her morning canna coffee :D:p) ... One day soon I’m going to make some canna-chocolates.
Newty’s and Preston’s chocolates look interesting... I would have thought that the capsules are pretty fiddly. That’s why I haven’t done them.

So shifting tack a bit - but not that much;) I experimented last night and this morning, #inspiredbynewty, with my dosing. I usually tack (under the tongue) but last night I used my high THC sleep oil in a hot chocky in the early evening and it was great, really relaxing and very pain relieving :thumb: Then this morning I took my second CBD dose in my cup of tea. This was all risky because in the past I’ve thought that i got a bad response to THC in edibles (apparently the THC converts differently when you ingest) . Well last night I didn’t get any of that, and it’s been an hour now since the 2:1 CBD:THC dose and I think I like it. I remember Sue saying it may have been the terp profile in the other oil that gave me a bad response (heat rate jump, unpleasant tightness in solar plexus - which can be connected to an adrenaline response) so I’m going to keep experimenting with this. Last night’s hot chocolate was awesome. SO I have newty to thank for getting me into experimenting wiht it a bit more (her morning canna coffee :D:p) ... One day soon I’m going to make some canna-chocolates.
That's good news! Funny you brought it up here because when you mentioned tacking in your thread I was wondering if you were using oil under your tongue or something closer to CCO (the RSO video is my first exposure to the term "tacking" but that's with those tiny sticky specks). I remember seeing (what I think was) a Green Flower video where they said that sublingual oils or tinctures aren't really an absorption method, and the THC isn't processed until you eventually end up swallowing it. Might be different for something of the concentration of CCO but I won't swear to any of this!

If it's true though, maybe it's possible that keeping it under your tongue slows the amount getting into your stomach all at once and therefore moderates the negative effects you've felt? I have also heard that suppositories bypass the liver and the first conversion of THC in the blood.

Good for you to keep experimenting and pushing past your comfort zone to find new and better ways to get the meds working for you! :welldone:
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