InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

That DTF is gorgeous Shed! Hope that rot stays clear. I can tell you that my DTF withstood the fungus gnats and fungi better than all the other strains I had that caught that funk. Its realistically one of two plants I have going outdoors that actually has a shot to finish this year. The rest of them were either chopped or slowly succumbed to the funk. Hoping that its naturally resistance toward all sorts of 'funk' is high.
Single wire with insulation
Oof! Big difference in diameter between a ¼" dowel and an insulated 14 gauge wire. Maybe I was too hard on the poor roots.
That DTF is gorgeous Shed! Hope that rot stays clear. I can tell you that my DTF withstood the fungus gnats and fungi better than all the other strains I had that caught that funk. Its realistically one of two plants I have going outdoors that actually has a shot to finish this year. The rest of them were either chopped or slowly succumbed to the funk. Hoping that its naturally resistance toward all sorts of 'funk' is high.
Thanks Van! Saw some PM this morning so I gave it a 50/50 H2O2/water spray down. I really hope I can get this to the finish line cleanly. Maybe I'll move it into the shed at night and hurry the process a bit. It's still really pumping out the white pistils.
Ya that's some sexy girls
DTF and Candida are in my next grow for sure...but that may be awhile
Just start another grow room big deal ;).

Nothing grow-related this morning. Had an early Dr appointment to get to. :slide:
Just start another grow room big deal ;).

No my big football travel vacation in November so everything needs finished by then

Maybe January
I remember that too....

Getting the Pilot towable behind the RV when I get home from this I'll have lots of options for sure

And Dungeness crab season is good in months with an R, sooooooooooo
Anything is
San Diego got no football, well except the Aztecs, and USD, and I heard Cal State San Marcos has something going, oh and there’s a pro woman’s team. Oh and a couple bowl games but they’re in December.

Hey Shed do you remember which pheno of the Candida I got? I’m assuming it’s the lanky one. Whatever it is, it rocks. I’ve been mixing it 50/50 with others and it absolutely makes each strains unique highs stronger and last longer. Thanks man very unexpected but great effects!

I had to spray everything down with the Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide because I'm seeing signs of rot on my last holdout, the DTF :eek:.
IIP is rotting on the vine,
You can see the one rotten top on the AK, but there are more spots down under that I sprayed this morning.
Saw some PM this morning so I gave it a 50/50 H2O2/water spray down. I really hope I can get this to the finish line cleanly.
Dang! You are having some rotten luck with the weather this summer - so sorry to hear (and see). Good luck taking them to the finish line. :nervous-guy:
I was just starting the catch-up on your thread this second! Slowly getting back into gear with miles of pages to read.
Shit has been a bit wild over here. LoL
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