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So shed an update on my experimental noob oil XD

Plant matter has dried to a crisp, and bubbling has come to a a near stop. Very dark liquid. Turned it off
So yeah, I’m very confused myself with the temperatures. I’m guessing once all the moister evaporated the temps finally rose passed 211. As for the time? Well shoot it could have been between 1-2 hours.. yes two cups of coconut oil. But the last time I checked it was still very bubbly, like boiling. And that was like an hour probably, now it’s like barely any bubble like a few micro bibles is it.
But I kept it on high from 7 last night to 2 am. And turned it back on high at 10 and just turned it off at 3
I personally don't buy the "no bubbles decarb complete" method, as no one has ever shown me any science behind it. Either way, let it cool in the fridge or on the counter overnight, and run it for 8 hours tomorrow around 180º.

Before you do, dip in a teaspoon, let it cool, and lick it clean. Wait a bit (no smoking in the meantime!) and see if you can feel it....for science!
I basically just left it alone, would stir it a lil every hour I was gentle with my stirring as I didn’t wanna break it up. Pick up the pot and give it a good swirl mostly, having the oil run back and forth over the surface of the pot lol by pot in this instance I meant cannabis.
But yes I am going to try cool it down and separate the oil from the plant in the pot with water. By placing some metal over the plant to hold it in place and add idk maybe a quart and a half water? Any thought?
Stop with the water would be my thought. Strain it with a regular strainer to get the stems and leaves out, and then strain that with cheesecloth, and squeeze. Then squeeze some more. Then get your bigger friend to come over, wash his/her hands, and squeeze. Put it in a clean vise and squeeze.

When you're done, if you still want to try the water bath thing, put the plant matter in a pot of boiling water and cook a lot of it off. When it cools, see what you get. But don't do the whole batch that way.
Welp, I couldn’t wait for it to cool all the way down, it’s warm to the touch but not hot. Found a lil spoon that holds 1 1/2 ml. So me and my buddy downed a dose each will see how this goes lol
Eh, this waiting. Ben about an hour and 15 minutes, not to sure if I feel anything yet, Besides impatient. doing another 1 1/2 ml
...we worked our selves up twice yesterday, about whether to cut our vacation short...the second time, we pulled the pin and booked a flight for the 25th...10 days earlier than our original departure date, and had to pay dearly to do so!...a truly stressful decision!...I can't help but think we're jumping from the frying pan to the fire...we've got zero confirmed cases in Mazatlan, and only 53 confirmed cases in Mexico thus far(looking at Spain/Iran...things can change quickly...we couldn't afford to stay a significant amount more time without tapping into retirement saving's, which have obviously taken a hit...
...Scary times for sure!...what is also concerning, read an article about long lineups for firearms and ammunition!(in the US)...some serious shit potential!...take care everyone!... :Namaste: ...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:
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