Italian Outdoor Adventures - From Pure Indicas to Pure Sativas

That's what I heard, man.
Never grew this strain, man.
I always enjoy reading your thread Conradino. Cheers! Regarding drying and curing, I've always heard, and gone by the mantra that you want to dry and cure them as slowly as you possibly can without introducing mold, and monitoring/venting as needed to maintain a steady but slow cure as well. This alone can make the difference in schwag and top shelf.

Today there was a difficult day as I found some mold on few drying budz, and in two jars. I kept the window open in the last few nights, which probably pushed humidity above the safe level, and these are the results. I should have known better, cause it's beginning of October after all. In fact nights are getting cold and humid, and mold spores are in the air. Well, from now on I'll keep it closed at night.

Well anyway, I picked these moldy budz, only lightly infected fortunately, cleaned them with baking soda water, and left them to dry out on the sun for a bit. I also cleaned the jars with washing liquid. In the end only few budz were added to the trim and will be turned into hash, so no harm done actually, but I'll need to monitor things closely now as I don't want any more surprises.

Have a green one, guys :rollit:
Yea I have had that happen to me before. There are certain spores that remain inactive until the environment is just right, depending on the genus and species ya got. There is a type that is fuzzy and looks like trichome heads. I think those little white ones are more deceptive.

Were the buds washed (prior)? Those particular ones I mean.

Anyway, don't forget just in the air that surrounds us that we breathe there is said to be about 10,000 fungal spores per square meter.

It could very well be a fungus-world in the future, especially with the way the Earth is headed.
No, they weren't washed and I don't think I'll ever do it again to a healthy bud. The mold I got was typical white one which is quite easy to treat as heat kills it straight away, but I found borythritis on perfectly dry Trainwreck bud which I didn't trim wet so didn't notice it was infected. Yeah, sometimes you catch it before you jar your smoke which turns into dust when you touch it :) There's this upside to wet trim here, but anyway let's not forget that any type of mold can start feeding even on a crispy dry bud if it catches the spores. I saw it happen actually, so I agree that fungi never completely disappear!
Good news, folks. Mold didn't come back after this night, but I'm keeping a close eye on humidity of all the budz in my drying room. Another thing is that I can post total dry weight of Trainwreck. I yielded 167 grams which is 5.9 OZ. That's not much from one plant, so I guess we have to settle on it being non-commercial strain. Yeah, definitely small to medium budz at best, but rock hard like a good indica. High is typical uplifting/psychedelic sativa though with great clarity. Another upside to this strain is very good mold resistance and quick flowering. Smell after juzt few days of curing is a mix of lemon, vanilla and ammonia.

Ok, time for me to go and harvest rest of Cotton Candy, which should yield at least a 1-2 lbs dry from what I can see in my drying room.

Have a green day!
mold mold mold, ive been haveing a battle! used pm wash from npk, 6 liters and still mold (on the indoors) i give up though! oh and canna cure aswell lol.. i have all moldy buds in a jar, and thought i could use them or bubble hash?
Take them out immediately. Prepare baking soda solution and dump them inside whirling and shaking for a minute or so. Then leave them out to dry in good temp on a piece of paper or carton. If mold doesn't come back just use them for hash. I gave mine just a swipe with a moist cloth, but caught mold very early. If they already started to stink I'm afraid that hash is your only option. If they didn't you can still continue with curing.
I'm happy to say that Cotton Candy is a history now :)

Also made some dry sift hash from Trainwreck and from Pakistani. Small quantity yielded quite a lot, and they really get you high. Pakistani in this form actually reminds me of so called Black Afghan from the 90's, kind of black, hand-rubbed, extremely spicy and coughy hash that was really blasting, and sometimes tasted alsmost like burnt rubber. Yeah, good indica definitely.

But while I was chopping I also snapped some pics of Orient Express and Nanda Devi, which are the last ones, together with Malawi Gold, to still keep going. Orient Express will be taken on Wednesday, and Malawi Gold either on Friday or next week, cause I saw a lot of amber there today, also lot of clear trichs, but only few cloudy ones I'm afraid. Yeah, I think it's safe to presume that it's one of these that never go completely cloudy, and that really makes me think about what them sativa folks say often that u should take them when they are completely cloudy but never amber. Well, I guess it didn't happen here.

Anyway, the pics.

Nanda Devi with these purplish/pinkish pistils. They sprinkle like fountain water from of these calyxes. She's really something different:, but far from the finish:



Orient Express, which turned really nice and aromatic, and without smallest mold infection, which is important as this variety is ready by 1st/2nd week of October, so has an extreme pressure here as Summer is just changing into Autumn. VERY good calyx to leaf ratio as fan leaves are big and rather scarce. But the budz are smallish, even smaller than on Trainwreck. They are long and spear-headed. In the beginning I really expected here kind of bushy, but branchy indica pattern, but it turned out to be rather branchy, but very compact sativa. Very nice plant, and smells like a winner:






Ok, coming back to trimming. I am dry trimming now, and it's such a pain in the ass, but the buds are definitely better smelling.
Been raining for two days now. Temps are down to 65-68F during a day and RH is up to 80-90%. Took Orient Express today in one session today, and I'm really looking forward to smoking the sample from last week as smell is simply amazing, kinda tangy/spicy orange/liquorice. Bud rot was almost non-existent here, I mean I found two single calyxes infected in a whole plant. Budz as I mentioned before are not very big, but they are hard and as leafless as it gets, so chopping was a breeze here, cause it took me maybe 1,5 hr to cut/trim the whole plant. Yeah, very sativa leaning pheno, which only makes me wish I have the seeds of Vietnam Black :)

Here are the pics...


So now we have only two plants to take care of, but Malawi Gold might be coming down tomorrow or on Friday, cause I checked on her today and she really looks ready with around 60% orange pistils and budz that will go under their weight in few dayz. Smell is wonderful, something in the neighbourhood of spicy jasmine oil that just kills your senses, and like in case of Orient Express I found only single calyxes infected by grey mold till this point, which is really good considering regular Autumn weather that has come here in the last two-three days.

Ok, have a green one guys :tokin:
Those buds look great! and I'm sure they smell better :) Good job C! :passitleft: sorry about all the trimming. I'm getting lazy about trimming over here haha.. but hey at least you know you got a good harvest if it makes you that tired ;)
There's no end of trimming here. I have to do it wet and dry, and hardly can take any break... but the end is near :hookah:
I love following your grow Conradino. Man, I bet there was some concern with all the wet weather hanging around. I wish I had some vietnamese black seeds too btw.
I did very well that I harvested Malawi Gold today, cause when I got there there was a a bit of grey mold. I cut it out gently and got my sweet sativa home where she's drying now :) The pics:





Will look at the trichs today and tell u exactly where I caught her :Namaste:
Yeah Lester, that's the one also known as Chamba :) Potency is very stable in MW, and hits 24-27% THC. Smell is very original and I'll say it again, it's like spiced jasmine oil! Very soon I'll let u know how it feels to get high on this legend :hookah: Trichs presebt a mixture again: cloudy, clear and amber, but the last ones do not go over 10-15%.
Long shot indeed, but something can always be done :)
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