Italian Outdoor Adventures - From Pure Indicas to Pure Sativas

Happy harvesting...
Congrad's on the harvest. You know next year I'm either going to add some Actinovate or some Companion to my soils when I make it up. You need to use this stuff acouple months before harvest in order to build up the microbial content before harvest. Suppose to work but then if everything worked as manufactures claim,,, wow all them things that will add ten percent per gallon of fuel,,, I should be producing gas by now...... Any caterpillars? I seen Lester remark 10,000 kinds of spores per then here in Oregon we must have 10,000,000. Kind of sickening, we got so much mold here it builds up on the weather stripping around windows and doors on the car. GL with the trimming. I had to leave the dehumidifier out it the office while my girls dried out. I try to keep that level about 45%. Once more congrad's on the harvest and Keepem Green
Thx guys! I was just cutting off last batch of Cotton Candy from the branches. It looks like she yielded a pound or so, but I have to weigh everything to be sure. Definitely different flavor fron the sweetness I got in July, much more pine terpenes. I have Orient Express to trim next, and I already smoked a sample. Nice old school high, warm and fuzzy sativa feeling, but without excessive speediness or being totally spaced out. Great spicy cherry wood smell. It really reminds me of Kerala Krush I grew last year, the same family.

As far as bud wormz are concerned, yeah I did have few of them drilling the stemz, but they didn't do much damage. In total it was a great season I have to say, and mold problems I had mainly with mentioned CC. She's a no-no for my climate.

Have a green one!
So I just smoked some Malawi Gold, guys. Only small bowl, a 5-day popcorn with sugar leaves and a tiny bit of hash that was on my scissors. Anyway, even that was incredibly potent, especially that this variety didn't really produce a lot of resin in flowering. Three medium tokes and I was really high. But the thing is that initially I didn't feel a thing, not even a rush, and only after 5-10 minutes my mind started melting. Weird stuff really, cause I cannot really say I ever smoked something that different, but I never even touched a pure sativa before in my life!

Well, high of MG in the first 1,5 hour is something of a shroom/acid rush that comes in waves, and is not extremely euphoric, but instead very trance-like, psychedelic with some light visual distortions. There is no body sensation at all! It's a pure head high, almost without a ceiling, I guess in a bigger dose it won't have a ceiling at all. U feel like you're floating in another dimension basically.

Very hard to concentrate on this one. Because I was trimming I was able to stay focused, but I wouldn't be able to do something more difficult. I was listening to some African music, and this weed really let me soak in it, and I mean completely. What I also liked about it is that it doesn't make you feel shaky like some hazes do, it's like crystal clear, although your brain feels 100% scrambled. Taste was very dry, close to Super Lemon Haze I'd say with a touch of orange on the exhale, and I stayed high around 2.10-2.30 hr. Also, there was no comedown at all. I'll have to explore this one a little bit more for sure, cause I still dunno what to think :lot-o-toke:

Stay green, guys :tokin:
Hahaha agreed Lester :)

Hey C, would you mind sharing a little more about how you make your hash if you haven't already? (I haven't seen every page of this journal - sorry if you have and I missed it haha)

Also great looking buds Conrad!!! Wow you're rolling in them! :love:
Yeah I cannot stop trimming and not that I really want to :)
As fat as hash is concerned I explained my dry sift technique, check Green Crack & Cotton Candy harvest in July, it's gonna be there. Recently I started using golden coffee screen, and I get finer kief. I also made some bubble hash yesterday, but due to low yield and loss of aroma I'm gonna come back to dry sift. I didn't smoke it yet.
Clean, pure dry sift is IT! The Holy Grail of cannabis IMO. I would really like to get into dry sifting, but to date I've never had enough to really go for it as the yield can be discouraging if you clean it well. It's my full intention to dedicate one plant each grow to strictly making hash from this point forward. Most likely bubble hash since I have the bags already. Thanks for the inspiration C!
To be honest after I yielded a gram of bubble hash from three ounces of trim with one pull I doubt I'll ever give it a try again unless I have at least half a pound of it to process. With good dry sifting technique u can yield 2-3 grams from half an OZ of good trim, and full aroma is still there.
Freshly trimmed Orient Express budz for your pleasure :) High is of A+ quality, and hash is just simply amazing :tokin: South-asian sativa comes through all the way, but goes along with a bit of indica, so it's never not gonna knock u off. Happy and euphoric with warm and fuzzy feeling. Not super-potent, medium range I'd say, but with such a great sweet/woodsy/spicy aroma which brings kind of exotic spice and sweet cherry together. Smoke is dry/woodsy with vivid cherry on the top. It's what I would consider old school, early 90's or even pre-90's smoke :passitleft:

Very nice looking buds!

You did a great job with that plant. :thumb:

Thx man :) Ididn't really do much except picking the right strain for my climate :) Genetics really speaks for itself here. On my all likings I think I either should try growing something with more Colombian or more Thai/Vietnamese/Kerala. We'll see.
Oh I do :hookah:
So I smoked a small bowl of Malawi this morning and went to check on Nanda Devi. It seemed very logical to me :) While drifting in a lovely way on this amazing sativa, now I can really say that this stuff is gentle and magical, it's like a Champagne of marijuana basically, although these budz still didn't dry enough to be fully appreciated.

I started inspecting whole plant for mold which I saw straight way, and I removed it where I've noticed it. Hmm, rainy week. But there wasn't a lot of it, and it was possible to remove infected calyxes by hand, cause they were just falling apart when I touched them. Good thing in a way I guess, which told me that it might be the time to look at trichs, which I did after I got back home with a branch, still on the buzz...

Yeah Malawi Gold is really psychedelic, now I can say it without any doubt. It's like this 30-40 minutes when acid is kicking in, and you feel a spiritual presence of the plant. Similar feeling I had when I smoked some salvia divinorum or u also get it on good dose of mushrooms :hippy: Still, very gentle high and not speedy at all. Euphoria is not the main theme here, although u can constantly feel it in the background. But u definitely need a good setting for it, and nature works as always. And I like these waves of energy she gives! They just come and go, come and go until they stop :) Yeah, there's a similarity to Orient Express here, but Malawi Gold is so pure in comparison. I never smoked anything like that for sure, and now for sure I will be smoking more :hookah: Other hazes or skunk hazes do not even come close in my opinion, at least not the ones I smoked. Super Lemon Haze is like poor cousin for example :laugh:

But well, back to Nanda Devi! Trichs are going amber, and pistils are dying, so she'll be taken tomorrow. I'm looking forward to this stuff. Smell is kind of tangy floral reminding me of lilac flower or something similar. She didn't produce a lot of resin, but I guess that's what u get from genuine stuff. Anyway, plant looks like that, and budz look like that :) Enjoy!




Have a green one :tokin:
Wow, THAT's a sativa! :cheesygrinsmiley:

It's fun to see it growing naturally outdoors. Fluffy Devi, my goodness!

And your description of Malawi jibes with the few experiences I've had with African sativa crosses - they were trippy and disorienting. :tokin:
Thx Gray :) Yeah, MG is definitely trippy although now I think that I took her a week to early, but it's a touch and go for me here. And I'm thinking that cause Nanda Devi is perfectly cloudy but with around 20-30% amber trichs, so maybe this mixture of clear and cloudy would settle also in MG case without much more going amber. That's a new thing for me, so I'm not sure. Anyway, something tells me that this charas plant will be a real bomb. I start seeing similarities too, they both finished wirh mostly floral notes!
good show my friend, good show! Everything looks great. Got any plans for what strains your going to do next? This is my favorite journal, going to be sad when the show is over lol. Happy harvesting!
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