Jandre2k3's Intelligent-Gro Testing: Phase 1

ummmm... Where I live, it's easy to grow, and get safely from dispensaries... Really good stuff, too. Of course there is the exception every once in a while, but the dispensaries KNOW it, and lower the price on sub-standard bud... Otherwise, the price actually went UP when it became legal for medical use because of TAXES... so... I think your statement is unfounded.
If we make pot legal and have no limits there will be no real money as it will be to easy to grow your own. I feel that in addition anyone growing in a legal country would have to lower the prices and that would cause a drop in quality as well. Only those who grow their own will take the time to grow great stuff.

You can tell Hillary Clinton I said that! ha ha

That's silly. You can grow your own salad but how many people want to go to that much trouble just to eat a salad? You can brew your own beer, has it put the beer industry out of business? Most people would rather just buy weed than have to grow it themselves and just like wine, the top shelf stuff will always be more expensive. Anyway I'm not willing to maintain the f'ed up status quo that ruins people's lives and futures and fuels drug cartel violence that murders THOUSANDS, just to protect the income of pot dealers. Evolve or die.

I see a new paradigm where growers openly grow for their friends and family. Where quality is maintained by friendly rivalry between growers over who has the best herb, not who has the most expensive car. And after Phillip Morris inevitably fails to turn weed into a cheap mass-produced consumer product, those growers will step back into the niche of producing the high-end product discriminating consumers will demand.
I love all the input from everyone. I never said anything close to what most people took it as. What I meant is when POT is legal not just medical I mead totally legal like beer or whatever it will not be the quality we see now. In fact I believe like beer after WWll it was lower alcohol and a lot less flavor in the US. After a very long time micro brew has come and is much better than any beer prior. Pot will do the same. Yes like it was said I too see people just for the challenge will grow some great stuff, and it will sell very well. It will not however be from gun carrying people or federal growers it will be from small quality people who care what they produce. The stuff that will be sold in say a corner store will be crap and so will be anything from a large grower.

It will however be good for all as nobody will go to jail or be shot over it.
I.E. Phillip Morris. :)

My point is that growers who care about quality won't be going anywhere because like you say, the mass produced crap will be... crap. My argument was with your statement suggesting that NO growers would still be growing for quality except for their own stash because prices would fall. Again, I say that's silly, look at wine to see the model herb will likely follow. :) The main difference is that the growers of schwag will no longer become millionaires.

One of the beautiful things about this plant is that it forces the grower to have a relationship with it in order to achieve it's best potential. Mass growers will not be able to achieve this. Imagine trying to re-tool a tobacco processing plant to handle herb. can't be done. Herb is too deilicate for that machinery. So it will always come back down to the smaller operations or large operations with a TON of employees manually tending and harvesting and trimming.

If nothing else, there's going to be one hell of a jobs boom! but like I say, I think there'll always be room for top-notch growers producing top shelf herb to make good money.
I agree with you totally. I will just be happy when the law is changed so nobody goes to jail and the cops haven't got any reasons to bust us pot heads. Like you said I see a lot of folks who love growing this stuff who will get a chance to work doing something they love. Right now I am disabled but not receiving a dime and sure could use a way to make some money. To bad that I live were I do as it will be quit a wile before we even have dispensaries.
Jandre2k3's Intelligent-Gro Testing: Phase 1


06/25 /2014
New Observations:

I have noticed that the LED set are already well into flower and are performing really well... This same strain, same nute strength, same substrate, Flipped to 12/12 on the same day, same everything except lighting are.... behind...

First, our LED set.

Now, our HPS set.

While there are flowers starting to form on the HPS set, they are nowhere near the level of the LED set. They seem to be a few days, to almost a WEEK behind the LED set.... It's weird, and very unexpected. This will require a sencond, and maybe a third comparison, using different strains, to see if this trend remains consistent.
Just a quick note: I have been playing around with a DS-200 LED lamp and found out something interesting. Using 3 different low cost light meters I noticed that normally when I measure a lamp FL or HID directly at the source and then at say 30" there is a significant light drop off. This is very normal for me using these light meters. I then tried the same with the LED light and made sure that there wasn't any difference between colors as expected other then at the very end of visible light spectrum. The amazing thing was at 30" the difference was almost nothing at all.

I had to share this and hope others will test their LEDs to see if it's similar in response to my experiment.

By the way the plants look great!
Wow Jandre, I'm stunned at the difference! I mean, I'm always happy when i see LED performing CLOSE to HID. I've never seen LED surpass HID like this before! At least part of that could be due to how much detailed tuning you put into determining the correct light distance. I've heard other LED users indicate that growth can slow greatly if this isn't adjusted just right.

Most of the head-to-head comparisons between LED and HID I've seen (especially on Youtube) are so incompetent due to HID users not grasping many important factors that are different with LEDs and just stringing them up and using them exactly the same way they're using the HIDs. And then saying: "look how much smaller the LED buds are! LEDs suck!

I saw one that was so mismatched that it was ridiculous. The guy was using 600w HID against a "300w" LED. As we know, that "300w" LED was probably actually drawing 200w or less. So yeah, it didn't produce the same yeild as the 600w...

Anyway, I'm glad to see you doing it right and the results, so far, are really exciting for this LED enthusiast! :goodjob:
Hey Jandrae!! Just caught up with the journal! Wow you have some monsters growing in your cabinet!

I was curious, maybe I just missed it somehow....

Were the plants under the LED and the plants under the HID vegged under the same light, or different lights as well?

What wattage is the HID that you are running? Whats the Wattage of the LED you are running?

Are the lights at the same height from the canopies or different heights?

Sorry if I am making you repeat this info if you already posted it, I just couldn't find it when I looked back a few pages. :)

Either way man, plants look amazingly healthy, bushy and I can't believe how different the grows under each light are!! Wow what a difference.

Very cool shootout/comparison you are doing! + rep for shizzle!
Wow Jandre, I'm stunned at the difference! I mean, I'm always happy when i see LED performing CLOSE to HID. I've never seen LED surpass HID like this before! At least part of that could be due to how much detailed tuning you put into determining the correct light distance. I've heard other LED users indicate that growth can slow greatly if this isn't adjusted just right.

Most of the head-to-head comparisons between LED and HID I've seen (especially on Youtube) are so incompetent due to HID users not grasping many important factors that are different with LEDs and just stringing them up and using them exactly the same way they're using the HIDs. And then saying: "look how much smaller the LED buds are! LEDs suck!

I saw one that was so mismatched that it was ridiculous. The guy was using 600w HID against a "300w" LED. As we know, that "300w" LED was probably actually drawing 200w or less. So yeah, it didn't produce the same yeild as the 600w...

Anyway, I'm glad to see you doing it right and the results, so far, are really exciting for this LED enthusiast! :goodjob:
:circle-of-love:Thank you! Yeah, I really wanted to find the correct minimum distance, just as I did with my HID/HPS. This, to me, would be the on;y true comparison between the two. Thanks for the Kudos, man, I really appreciate it.

Hey Jandre!! Just caught up with the journal! Wow you have some monsters growing in your cabinet!

I was curious, maybe I just missed it somehow....

Were the plants under the LED and the plants under the HID vegged under the same light, or different lights as well?
The ones now under HPS were vegged under HOT5 and Cool White LED. Total about 210w

What wattage is the HID that you are running? Whats the Wattage of the LED you are running?
HPS is 400w EYE Hortilux and LED is the Intelligent-Gro Intensity Series 342w LED Grow Light (GEN ONE)

Are the lights at the same height from the canopies or different heights?
Both Fixtures are at their respective MINIMUM DISTANCES fro the top of the canopy

Sorry if I am making you repeat this info if you already posted it, I just couldn't find it when I looked back a few pages. :)

Either way man, plants look amazingly healthy, bushy and I can't believe how different the grows under each light are!! Wow what a difference.

Very cool shootout/comparison you are doing! + rep for shizzle!
Thank you very much for the REP! And thanks for the Kudos!
She makes me feel kinda funny- like when we used to climb the rope in gym class.

And it's okay to covet the Harlequin strain. Remember the 2 bars of silver from a few months back?? I've been working on something about that....
that straight gives me a "captain happy"!!

ummmm... Where I live, it's easy to grow, and get safely from dispensaries... Really good stuff, too. Of course there is the exception every once in a while, but the dispensaries KNOW it, and lower the price on sub-standard bud... Otherwise, the price actually went UP when it became legal for medical use because of TAXES... so... I think your statement is unfounded.
i agree

That's silly. You can grow your own salad but how many people want to go to that much trouble just to eat a salad? You can brew your own beer, has it put the beer industry out of business? Most people would rather just buy weed than have to grow it themselves and just like wine, the top shelf stuff will always be more expensive. Anyway I'm not willing to maintain the f'ed up status quo that ruins people's lives and futures and fuels drug cartel violence that murders THOUSANDS, just to protect the income of pot dealers. Evolve or die.

I see a new paradigm where growers openly grow for their friends and family. Where quality is maintained by friendly rivalry between growers over who has the best herb, not who has the most expensive car. And after Phillip Morris inevitably fails to turn weed into a cheap mass-produced consumer product, those growers will step back into the niche of producing the high-end product discriminating consumers will demand.
i agree

I love all the input from everyone. I never said anything close to what most people took it as. What I meant is when POT is legal not just medical I mead totally legal like beer or whatever it will not be the quality we see now. In fact I believe like beer after WWll it was lower alcohol and a lot less flavor in the US. After a very long time micro brew has come and is much better than any beer prior. Pot will do the same. Yes like it was said I too see people just for the challenge will grow some great stuff, and it will sell very well. It will not however be from gun carrying people or federal growers it will be from small quality people who care what they produce. The stuff that will be sold in say a corner store will be crap and so will be anything from a large grower.

It will however be good for all as nobody will go to jail or be shot over it.
i think the average cannabis consumer is used to a certain standard of quality i dont see legality making ppl accept lower quality, i know i would not buy crap shwag no matter the price i would rather do without than smoke an owl pellet! and i have been that way all my life, im disabled too and every gram i use simply must be top shelf, my friend with cancer cant afford to intake anything less than 100% organic 5 star bud her life depends on it, i know most ppl i know wont touch crappo bud so the big commercial growers will have to produce good meds or no one will buy, thats my 2 cents anyway:rocker:

I.E. Phillip Morris. :)

My point is that growers who care about quality won't be going anywhere because like you say, the mass produced crap will be... crap. My argument was with your statement suggesting that NO growers would still be growing for quality except for their own stash because prices would fall. Again, I say that's silly, look at wine to see the model herb will likely follow. :) The main difference is that the growers of schwag will no longer become millionaires.

One of the beautiful things about this plant is that it forces the grower to have a relationship with it in order to achieve it's best potential. Mass growers will not be able to achieve this. Imagine trying to re-tool a tobacco processing plant to handle herb. can't be done. Herb is too deilicate for that machinery. So it will always come back down to the smaller operations or large operations with a TON of employees manually tending and harvesting and trimming.

If nothing else, there's going to be one hell of a jobs boom! but like I say, I think there'll always be room for top-notch growers producing top shelf herb to make good money.
damn man are you inside my brain!! i agree 199% :rocker:
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