LA: Back From The Beyond

Setup and room is looking fine LA :morenutes:

I'm very curious on this new nutrient technology and thinking about it for the last couple of days.

I'm currently working with several vertical farm construction firms and providing them LED fixtures. Some of them are using the cylindrical tower systems and building big lettuce and strawberry grow facilities. Their number one problem is sprayer clogging. I am sure when they release these nutrients it will rock this market.

Please let us know when these nutrients get released. It is definitely a big leap in the industry. I would be interested in being a distributor of these nutrients for the Middle East region. I already got some big ass customers who might consider buying in big amounts.

Cheers :passitleft:
So, not sure if this is allowed as a post on here???? Sorry mods if not.

I'm done working daft hours away from my family. I normally drive 2.5 hrs to site and then work a 12 /14 HR shift with another long drive home. I do 70+ hours week in week out. I've missed 3 shifts in 7 yrs.

So I'm now looking to work full-time n the canna industry. Nowhere is off the table. It would take a bit of time to organise an emigration. Yet I'd do it in a heart beat.

So to one and all that read this, LA is seeking employment. Any and all help etc will not get forgotten
Best of luck LA! I can relate to the hours. I've been lucky enough to work from home for the last year or so but that is quickly coming to an end so I will no longer be able to spin around kn my office chair and open the tent. My hours are similar so I know how it goes. You have the skills so hopefully this is one of those times where preparedness meets opportunity. Plants are looking great in there.

I imagine watering takes a decent amount of time. Sorry I forgot, are there a lot of differences in strains and therefore need for multiple nutrient blends or is one mix doing it for the bunch?
Best of luck LA! I can relate to the hours. I've been lucky enough to work from home for the last year or so but that is quickly coming to an end so I will no longer be able to spin around kn my office chair and open the tent. My hours are similar so I know how it goes. You have the skills so hopefully this is one of those times where preparedness meets opportunity. Plants are looking great in there.

I imagine watering takes a decent amount of time. Sorry I forgot, are there a lot of differences in strains and therefore need for multiple nutrient blends or is one mix doing it for the bunch?
Cheers my friend

I've started to put the word out just tonight, so far a possibility in Canada lol.
Im hoping something pops up though, I've already sold plenty of hydro stuff, (albeit always for others benefit lol) So just maybe a brand I've helped may step up?

As for nutrients...... lol. I don't do separate feeding regimens. He'll I still don't pH or measure.

As I'm testing these new nutrients I try every extreme. Over feed, under feed, wide scale pH fluctuations etc.

Hopefully from the pics you can see I've had issues trying to get any issues lol.

So just 1 mix for over 30 + from seed with 5 strains
Setup and room is looking fine LA :morenutes:

I'm very curious on this new nutrient technology and thinking about it for the last couple of days.

I'm currently working with several vertical farm construction firms and providing them LED fixtures. Some of them are using the cylindrical tower systems and building big lettuce and strawberry grow facilities. Their number one problem is sprayer clogging. I am sure when they release these nutrients it will rock this market.

Please let us know when these nutrients get released. It is definitely a big leap in the industry. I would be interested in being a distributor of these nutrients for the Middle East region. I already got some big ass customers who might consider buying in big amounts.

Cheers :passitleft:
I'll be in touch. European release first, then US next year I believe.
So far I'm kind of blown away at how insanely hard it is to f up with these nutes
Very cool. They seem to love what they are getting. Funny you mention Canada. I moved here with my wife in January 2021 from the US and we love it here. I'm in Calgary if you are ever make it to these parts!
Hi LA, I'm a newbie grower and I read your fluxing article and gave it a try. Here is my humble little plant, I'm going to put it to flower very soon.

So, not sure if this is allowed as a post on here???? Sorry mods if not.

I'm done working daft hours away from my family. I normally drive 2.5 hrs to site and then work a 12 /14 HR shift with another long drive home. I do 70+ hours week in week out. I've missed 3 shifts in 7 yrs.

So I'm now looking to work full-time n the canna industry. Nowhere is off the table. It would take a bit of time to organise an emigration. Yet I'd do it in a heart beat.

So to one and all that read this, LA is seeking employment. Any and all help etc will not get forgotten

Brother just get a good VPN and a start a channel on YouTube for easy money :laughtwo: You are the one and only Light Addict :adore:

The serious part is I really feel sad about myself when I saw this post. I am also trying to step into the industry full time and even though things are progressing at a very fast pace, I'm still not totally in. The reason for my sadness is that I'm not ready to knock your door with a grow OP yet. Not all the time but I've thought lots of times about the possibility of working with you in any project.

I'll be doing LED business with Spain and several other countries. I can keep you informed if you think that can do any good for any of us. I'm also planning to sponsor the mag. this winter.

I wish our paths would cross in the future buddy :passitleft:
TC you are way to kind my friend. I've actually already started another YouTube channel up but already my content gets age restricted, so can't be used on here. Just like many other app platforms etc I get quietly blocked or banned. Seems I have some real haters out there lol.
I'll keep giving it a go but after a while banging ya head against tech giant biased systems gets old. Hence coming home here to 420. He'll all I want to do is share my passion for this awesome plant. Crazy world.... I just scrolled on a popular app, one that deletes my garden posts within 30 seconds. Yet I just viewed someone being shot in the head and it's got thousands of comments?!?!?

Hope we do get to meet one day chap
Hi LA, I'm a newbie grower and I read your fluxing article and gave it a try. Here is my humble little plant, I'm going to put it to flower very soon.

Awesome little girl.
So if you are thinking of flowering soon, raise ya plant closer to the light. Build 6 inch of vertical growth before flip. Lowering lamp or raising plant will help keep nodal spacing in check while she stretches. Also use my tip opening as much as possible during this phase
Hey my gaggle of green mean growing machines!

So just a tiny update on my wee little grow aid I've developed.
Now instead of being a grow aid, it has developed quite effortlessly into a complete grow system.
My product (if I can get it out there), is a training aid grow system that does it all. Yet no big bulky setup! Adaptable, modular and like no other system currently available; in either: looks, size or functions.
All CAD work is done, now I'm onto prototype printing and protection.
So, life is fun trying to launch an idea from the either into reality.
My costs per unit have dropped to a tiny scale, yet my upfront investment has tripled.
Yet I'll get there. Up to 10k is needed for my big outlay "mouldings." All else I've got in place lol. May even have the 10k from investor.
Yet whole system 10 pot, ready to rock, giving not 1 not 2 inputs but my system provides 4 separate beneficial inputs. I'll still once I've paid bulk for certain secondary input parts, be able to produce my product and retail it at maybe half the price of my nearest competitor.
I'm gonna launch this if it kills me. I reckon it's my shot, my one chance, so I've got to take it.
Keep an eye out as first place you will ever see it is here on 420 (once I'm a sponsor)

So, yep I'm working 70 hour weeks while trying to launch a product lol.
Life is a game you have to roll the dice with....
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