McLoadie's Third Grow Journal

The only result so far from the R/O water is that the plants under he induction light seemed to like it better than the ones under the hps. A bunch of cuts under the t5 seem to like it too. I have some issues in the nursery with the mothers and I'm going to start working them into health cuz I'll be taking cuts as soon as I determine the best plants from my current grow. I'm slightly frustrated as I try to fine tune this run, I am narrowing down what the issue is that's causing the chlorotic leaves on the Yeti. I may have a magnesium deficiency which is hampering the plants ability to take up nitrogen. I hate to be trippin on this plant but I have to do something to try to push it further than I have in the past. I think that the mag may be locked out due to the high mineral content of my water............and naturally occurring salts. I hope I'm not overthinking this but I am systematically ruling out the simplest problems first, trying not to stress out my brain cell. I even took a look at George this morning, and he even hinted around that it could be a mag deficiency or lockout. So, this is what will happen, two tsp/gal Epsom salts in R/O water for two applications. I wonder if I unlock all those nutes at the same time it's gonna burn my shit!, I hate to screw up at this stage of flowering....let alone at any stage. Good weed everyone and a day in the weed patch is better than a day under the weed patch!:thumb:

Earlier this month my plants were going thru something real similar, not sure if you saw any of the pics I posted but if it's anything like what was up with mine? 5ML.'s of CA & MG per gallon of RO water tuned em right up and they look better than ever. The Epsom Salts only give emthe MG right? I need to go look at a carton but I think were fresh out. Keep up the work bro, I think your almost there where you wanna be my friend. Reps for the detailed journal and pics
Good weed McLoadie!

Hope the RO will help! It's almost like rain. As impatient as i am i tried to increase the nute even further my N-def-lilke OB gets. Some higher leaves went darker green, but lower canopy still looks like N def, there is no burn yet and all the leaves below the buds are yellowing. Yesterday i hit it with 2.2ec, will see - have to flush in a week or two anyway. Sounds so similar to your yeti, wonder what it could be.

Exact same symptoms I'm dealing with!
:ciao:Mc and Family:):circle-of-love:
Good weed everyone, I've been getting a little behind as I've been having some busy days. Here are the latest pics, no improvement and probably getting worse.

This is what I'm looking at;
1) I applied calmag periodically throughout these plants lives.
2) I gave an unscheduled application of triple sixteen to try to supplement the bloom nutes because of an obvious nitrogen issue.
3) I switched to R/O water in hopes that it may be an issue.
4) I checked the pH of everything....twice....sol is a bout 6.5-7.
5) I applied epsom salts at 2 tsp/gal.
6) All the teas that I've benn applying are full of bennys, and I've been giving a slightly reduced regimen of 3/4 tbsp/gal, which I have cut completely off until I see some improvement. I'm going to my best guess now, which is plain R/O water, if no improvement in a coupla days, I'll go back to my tap water. ANY, ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
quite possibly a Iron defincency:scratchinghead:potassium should give the needed Iron if thats what it is:)

I had a plant where that yellowing happened to me.

Within 2 weeks it was dead in the pot. When I inspected it, the roots had never developed. There were the same size as the root ball as when it was planted.
From what I have been reading Iron deficiency is rare. Looks like it starts by the stem and progresses to the whole leaf. It says high PH and to much magnesium can cause it. And from memory... Nitrogen deficiency starts at the tips and works back to the stem.

Are these old leaves that may be naturally getting yellow?

If not PH than too much magnesium? Just thinking out loud.... not really sure. The one think I can say for sure, considering PH is in balance, is that you have an imbalance. Now the hard part is figuring it out... I know not much help, but I am right there with ya.

Good Luck!
Exact same symptoms I'm dealing with!
Good weed Mcloadie. Must be something in the air cause I've got an unhappy plant with similar symptoms- she can't decide what she wants. She's too dark green (and clawed) on top and everything underneath is pale and or yellowing. I'll be following along to see what the RO water and epsom does for you. :peace:
A great Skunkday to you and young miss loadie Mc:circle-of-love:
don't worry you will get it figured out. wished I had some good answers for your dilemma.
Good Weed McLoadie!

Hope you will figure it out! The OB that does similar as your yeti got a nice load of N for a couple of feedings, i see some leaves are getting better below so it has some effect, but the higher growth starts to turn a bit too dark - seems like there is N def below, but the level of N that could save the canopy below does an N od on higher growth... reading back it sounds kinda weird, but still this is what i saw.
Maybe its too hot, and the plant tries to reduce transpiration? No idea what the hell is this. I know its 'normal' in late flower, but she did this from early flower on.

And a note to RO water - in my filter there are 2 taps, one has some salt added so it can be consumed by humans, while the other is so clean it washes any salt out of any living thing quick (~0.04 EC for me). I got Mg def on my lemon quick when i used the cleanest tap. I had to add a tiny Mg mono then, but ever since i use the salted tap when not feeding because it's way too clean otherwise.
:) 2046:)

Mornin fishy and crew!....I hear ya fishy, quite often we will overlook the most simple answer to our problem...or our plants problems....these plants are simply overwatered.....causing all kinds of deficiencies due to lockout.......let em dry out.........and start over....LOL....they'll be alright, yield may have suffered a little but we're only a little less than halfway through flower. I am still optimistic...the buds are still getting bigger!
good weed Mc and Young Miss loadie:circle-of-love:
glad to hear you may have found your problem:)
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