Mmmmick 288W LED Development SCROG White Widow

heheh, my typing is bad enough when I'm not medicated.
sorry about that, OMM.

line 2 should have ended with " I still can't make them fit my space when in the bags."

Shouldn't be any trouble popping them into the bags. I just don't want to transplant 16 plants into 3 1/2 gallon bags if I'm going to cull at least 7 of them for sure.

I added a t-fitting, 14" of 1/4" line and a valve that allows me to cut the minerals out or allow them, depending on which outlet I use to fill my jugs. So a shot of 22 minerals can be added to my feedings when desired or required. 15 bucks for parts and I paid for the option so I might as well try to get some use of it.

I always feel that I should have seen the hits coming, or that I caused them so I doubt I'll be canonized. Can't be a saint until yer dead, so I'm willing to spend another 30 or 40 years working toward it.heheh

Good! I understand now :) No kidding, 16 would be a little much.:grinjoint:

Your got that Ro Water just right now, good thinking. Just flip a switch.
Heading out in few minutes to by a Brita pitcher system. Consumer Guide gave it a best buy, so I'm going to give it a shot. Will be allot of refilling and pouring into a bigger container for storage. I least I'll have something where I don't have make trips out to buy RO water. Guess, I'll see what happens.
May you find those girls you need. :yahoo:
I've used Brita for years. You've got high PH water right?
I found Brita dropped my PH by .6 or more so it might be just what you need, if the effects are the same for you.
My water supply Ph was already low and the Brita lowered it below 6 before nutes so it didn't benefit me in the garden but I did feel the filters worked well for drinking water.
Hope it drops your ph with nutes into the sweet zone.

No new ladies today but the plants all got 2 gallon pots. Should have done it a week ago. Little growth in over a week, not surprising they are slow preflowering. A little fresh soil and stable water might make a lot if difference.
I've used Brita for years. You've got high PH water right?
I found Brita dropped my PH by .6 or more so it might be just what you need, if the effects are the same for you.
My water supply Ph was already low and the Brita lowered it below 6 before nutes so it didn't benefit me in the garden but I did feel the filters worked well for drinking water.
Hope it drops your ph with nutes into the sweet zone.

No new ladies today but the plants all got 2 gallon pots. Should have done it a week ago. Little growth in over a week, not surprising they are slow preflowering. A little fresh soil and stable water might make a lot if difference.

Great that you've used Brita for years. We've been using PUR for years and have two of their big 2 or 3 gallon containers. We drink one hell of a lot of water between us. It was rated about eight on the list. The Brita filters fast!

Here we are drinking the #8 water and giving the plants #2 water. I have my priorities just right!:grinjoint:

Your right, I have pH 8.0 water, so the Brita will help. It's going to cost me $8 a month now instead of the $60 I was spending and I don't have to drive now.

Were any of the plants root locked? Probably were. You should see some growth now. And maybe they will show sex soon now.

Light up one and enjoy your evening old friend.:cheer:
I think you'll have good results with the Brita. heheh, I'm willing to treat the plants to the good stuff. Brita will slow a bit as the filter gets some use but I found them to flow well. You won't miss all those trips to get water. I only did that for a couple of weeks and it was already getting old.

Yeah, they were all rootbound to the point of stagnating growth, no wonder they were reluctant to show. Actually had some browning of some roots in a few of the pots, beginning of root rot, no doubt. I'm glad I didn't wait any longer.

I think they'll come around quickly with fresh soil and a little sheep manure and bat guano plus worm castings. I've probably slowed these plants by 2 or 3 weeks with all the topping and LST, supercropping, bound roots etc.

Oh well, first run in the cabinet and with seeds so I should be able to tweak for better results next time around. This run is more about coverage than yield anyway.
Hey sisco, got all 16 repotted in 2 gallon pots and they perked right up and started growing overnight. Easily grew as much as they had in the last 10 days or more. Now a few more females presenting preflowers would be great.
I'll try to get a few pics up tonight.

I think I put a lot of those speed bumps in the way myself, so I try to use them as a learning tool and avoid the same errors next time.

Re Sainthood:

Saint of Me- Rolling Stones

"Augustin knew temptation
He loved women, wine and song
And all the special pleasures
Of doing something wrong"

I'd go for Augustin as a mentor.:thumb:
Ok got a pic of the 16 repotted and taking up too much floor space in my tent.

While waiting for the plants to show preflowers I left them in the 6" pots too long and they were all rootbound. Of course, being rootbound everything stopped so they weren't likely to show preflowers. Moved them all to 2 gallon pots with a little sheep manure, bat guano and worm castings. A couple of days later and they are all looking a lot better. The biggest WW female (right front corner) has grown at least 2" to 3" since repotting and all others are more than an inch taller. They've lost a lot of fan leaves while suffering through the ph problems but the new growth looks healthy.

The light is currently at 12" (30cm) and is providing good coverage with mylar in the tent. I'm not seeing any issues whatsoever with light performance, good coverage at reasonable distances and the plants seem to be very happy under it.

I will put them into the 3 1/2 gallon (13-14 liter) bags as soon as they show sex and move the screen into place at that time. I would have gone to the bags now instead of pots but I don't have the room for 16 plants in bigger containers.

The plants are in week 8 and small for their age imo but they have gone through some wild PH swings, fimming or double topping and bound roots. So I'm not surprised that they are behind the curve. All I can say is that I'll keep trying to sort out any issues that develope and attempt to eliminate them from my next grow. Still feel like a complete newb every time something screws up. But I still enjoy the grow, so bear with me. Some day I'll get a grow start to finish that I'm happy with.

Included the mood lighting pic this round just because I haven't used lights-on pics yet. Same shot with flash only, as well. And a pic of the plant that grew from the broken taproot. It's still tiny but it has all it's leaves, unlike it's big sisters, lol. 2"pot, heheh



That was a little unusual. Apparently you can't use three 6's in a row in a pic name or they get blocked and the pic won't come up. Had to add a comma between the 6's. heheh
Hi Crazy Horse, thank you.

I've got four females showing preflowers, the four plants on the right hand side. Three White Widows and one Mango, so far. Only need 6 minimum for this grow but I've had so many delays I sprouted 18 seeds to make sure I got enough to run with.
I've searched in a few areas and found nothing informative so I'll post the question.

What are the points all about? Can anyone link me to an FAQ or info of any sort? Thanks in advance for any info.
Man, Mmmmick, I can see the difference!:cheer:

Those plants now look really healthy. Good pictures too. If they continue like that your gonna have a full screen, big time. Cool about the light giving full coverage with mylar reflecting to the bottoms.
Quit worry about mistakes Buddy....they are part of the learning process...take my dumb ass word for it!:)

I have no idea what the points are. I'm hopping with a enough of them I can get a new BMW sports car. :cheer: Who am I kidding I couldn't get in out of it they are so low. :grinjoint:

Anyway....Looking good! :):):)
Hi OMM, thank you

They are coming along well now that they've got somewhere for new roots to go. Now a few more showing sex and I'll be all set. I'm tempted to go to flower now and scramble for a few weeks to get males out and still get some use of the screen. But I think I'll give them another week or two under 16/8 lighting to try to identify a few more females.

The whole points thing is a little curious. Maybe I missed the information popup that surely was provided, lol????

BMW?? I can't even get my old 280z out of my garage. Just as well, I haven't lost any license points in years.

re the runt, I don't why it looks so good. I guess the worst of the ph problems happened when it wasn't in need of water. Should be fried like the others were. I did repot after the pic was taken.

Thanks again my friend. I'm looking forward to your next journal, you must almost feel homeless without one.:thumb:
Hi OMM, thank you

They are coming along well now that they've got somewhere for new roots to go. Now a few more showing sex and I'll be all set. I'm tempted to go to flower now and scramble for a few weeks to get males out and still get some use of the screen. But I think I'll give them another week or two under 16/8 lighting to try to identify a few more females.

The whole points thing is a little curious. Maybe I missed the information popup that surely was provided, lol????

BMW?? I can't even get my old 280z out of my garage. Just as well, I haven't lost any license points in years.

re the runt, I don't why it looks so good. I guess the worst of the ph problems happened when it wasn't in need of water. Should be fried like the others were. I did repot after the pic was taken.

Thanks again my friend. I'm looking forward to your next journal, you must almost feel homeless without one.:thumb:

Hi Buddy, I would do the same, what's another few weeks at this point.:smokin: The little one might even be female. :) That would be so cool. :smokin:
I hear you on the driving points. Been years for me too.
Got a friend with 260Z that he hasn't driven for years. Beautiful car, but now that he's old, he rides a Hog. Go figure :grinjoint:

Gave some meds to a guy in need today. He's dying, it is such a shame. He only lives 10 minutes away for all these years I've been here and he and I would have been great friends. Old bugger has a white pony tail both front and back. Long hair with a pony tail and a beard with a pony tail with a cool ribbon on it. Was in Nam when I was. So it goes.

I have missed the explanation of the points too, if they ever did explain.

You are right, it feels odd without a journal, however I sure have gotten allot done around here. :cheer:
I guess your friend can still swing a leg over the hog but can't get low enough to get into the 260z. I can still manage that but can't spend much time bent over the engine. A few of my friends are into the hogs as well. I've never been a fan but whatever works for them. I figure my kidneys will last longer this way.

You never know whats around the corner until you get there, OMM. Shame he is on the way out but your gift should give him some comfort in the meantime. Just knowing that you're helping bring some relief is more than enough payment the way I see it.

My friends benefit from my crop as well, when I actually have a crop that is. They aren't terminal but athritic/rheumatic mainly. He has injuries from a long ago bike accident. She has rheumatism badly. They both do better when medicated naturally and I kind of feel like I've let them down by not having a crop to share lately. I know they understand but I also know they feel the pinch when they have to pay for it.

I caught your strain list for the new grow just a little while ago. Some great strains there, I'm really looking forward to watching them load up.
Productivity is over rated, lol.(just a little rationalization for my lack thereof)
Ok got a pic of the 16 repotted and taking up too much floor space in my tent.

While waiting for the plants to show preflowers I left them in the 6" pots too long and they were all rootbound. Of course, being rootbound everything stopped so they weren't likely to show preflowers. Moved them all to 2 gallon pots with a little sheep manure, bat guano and worm castings. A couple of days later and they are all looking a lot better. The biggest WW female (right front corner) has grown at least 2" to 3" since repotting and all others are more than an inch taller. They've lost a lot of fan leaves while suffering through the ph problems but the new growth looks healthy.

The light is currently at 12" (30cm) and is providing good coverage with mylar in the tent. I'm not seeing any issues whatsoever with light performance, good coverage at reasonable distances and the plants seem to be very happy under it.

I will put them into the 3 1/2 gallon (13-14 liter) bags as soon as they show sex and move the screen into place at that time. I would have gone to the bags now instead of pots but I don't have the room for 16 plants in bigger containers.

The plants are in week 8 and small for their age imo but they have gone through some wild PH swings, fimming or double topping and bound roots. So I'm not surprised that they are behind the curve. All I can say is that I'll keep trying to sort out any issues that develope and attempt to eliminate them from my next grow. Still feel like a complete newb every time something screws up. But I still enjoy the grow, so bear with me. Some day I'll get a grow start to finish that I'm happy with.

Included the mood lighting pic this round just because I haven't used lights-on pics yet. Same shot with flash only, as well. And a pic of the plant that grew from the broken taproot. It's still tiny but it has all it's leaves, unlike it's big sisters, lol. 2"pot, heheh




They look great to me, and yeah you need to put the topping and rootbound thing in the equasion.

I had a runt like that on my very first grow, I got a fat joint out of it in the end. :)
I wish you the best brother! Keep on:goodluck:
Thanks sisco.

I appreciate the wishes. I'll give the little one the best care I can until it's smokeable.:thumb:
Hi Wiz, it seems to be giving pretty good coverage and the plants like it.
They are all looking much better after a couple of days in their new pots. Now I've got ot scramble for space until they show sex. I don't want to start flowering until they show or it'll get real scary real fast in there. Getting tight already and they've got a lot of growing to do yet.
A lot of lower growth is getting started and the plants are too tight to allow it so I might have to rearrange the entire room until they show. But I'd rather deal with too much growth than not enough.
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