My First Time Growing

Wow, the party went to all kinds of kissing going on in here and I missed it! :rofl:

I'll throw a late one in here....


Hi Smokey, I'm so happy to hear you are getting a bubble cloner! How many clones can you do at once in it? Mine has room for eight, that's just enough for me. I'm cutting a couple more today now that the veg girls have spread out a bit. (well....a LOT. LOL)

Can't wait to see how things go with it for you.



I'm not sure yet, A good friend is giving it to me. As soon as I have it, I'll let you know how many it does. I too, am looking forward to using it. But, just now, I figured out my room for plants and need to slow down a little, I have 3 in the upper bookcase and 1 bigger one in the lower (all feminized). The tent is only for flowering now, so I'm gonna have to keep an eye how many plants I have room for. If I can afford it in the future, I'm seriously considering turning that closet into another grow area for vegging. But first I'll need to have saved enough for another large light (That's the part that will take a long time - and I'm NOT asking for any donations, If I can't afford it on my own, I don't need it), The ventilation I can do with a couple of fans as long as the plants all smell like the ones I have now, My wife says she can't smell anything in my room and I have no filtration or odor control in the bookcase top or bottom at all. Sorry it took so long to answer your question, I had a long night last night and slept late.
I should have mentioned the lights being 4', never crossed my mind. They also make 2' models in 2 4 and 6 bulb fixtures. But like these guys said I wouldn worry with it if what you have works for you. I to am on a low budget. And the thought of clones scared me @ first because there are many many different ways to do it. After tons of research, I figured the peat pellets and cloning powder from wally world for 7 bucks, and clear solo cups to be the best route for me. And so far it has, I've successfully rooted 5/5 cuts so far. And it usually takes 5 days in a dome, misting twice a day for me to have roots big enough to put them in soil. If you have access to YouTube there are some good how to videos on cloning any way you choose to do it on there.
If you get a chance check out the clone I'm flowering in my journal now. It's grew almost out of control on me in less than 27 days.

I quoted Jonwayne because I thought it would add the signature, Is anyone else having a hard time hitting his page thru his signature? I tried to go to it but keep getting a "server not found" error. I don't know if it's just on my end because it shows what looks like a good URL. His message is a few above these last messages.
I'm not sure yet, A good friend is giving it to me. As soon as I have it, I'll let you know how many it does. I too, am looking forward to using it. But, just now, I figured out my room for plants and need to slow down a little, I have 3 in the upper bookcase and 1 bigger one in the lower (all feminized). The tent is only for flowering now, so I'm gonna have to keep an eye how many plants I have room for. If I can afford it in the future, I'm seriously considering turning that closet into another grow area for vegging. But first I'll need to have saved enough for another large light (That's the part that will take a long time - and I'm NOT asking for any donations, If I can't afford it on my own, I don't need it), The ventilation I can do with a couple of fans as long as the plants all smell like the ones I have now, My wife says she can't smell anything in my room and I have no filtration or odor control in the bookcase top or bottom at all. Sorry it took so long to answer your question, I had a long night last night and slept late.

Measure out the closet and then check into the T5 units. You can get them with 2 bulbs, 4 bulbs...8 bulbs... I have a T8, and it could fit in one of my closets with no problem. My closets are fairly large though.

Just a thought. :thumb:
Measure out the closet and then check into the T5 units. You can get them with 2 bulbs, 4 bulbs...8 bulbs... I have a T8, and it could fit in one of my closets with no problem. My closets are fairly large though.

Just a thought. :thumb:

I never even thought of that. Wow, That's an excellent solution to the problem! I will talk to the wife and seriously think about that. This is a big closet and will still share part of it with some clothing (partitioned off), but that shouldn't be a problem. It's a pretty big closet, that's one of the reasons I'm thinking about it. It's also already painted in a flat white. Thanks for the idea! That would solve the lighting problem right away.
I quoted Jonwayne because I thought it would add the signature, Is anyone else having a hard time hitting his page thru his signature? I tried to go to it but keep getting a "server not found" error. I don't know if it's just on my end because it shows what looks like a good URL. His message is a few above these last messages.

Jonwayne's signature is a little off. (he doubled up on the https: https: or something like that )

The link is: Jonwayne's 1st and 2nd(ongoing) grow
Jonwayne's signature is a little off. (he doubled up on the https: https: or something like that )

The link is: Jonwayne's 1st and 2nd(ongoing) grow

Thanks Radogast, I found it by searching but I think he dropped the : that comes after the https in his URL. But thank you for looking, I was going to post that I found it, but had to take care of something for the wife and then forgot. Sorry to make you go looking.

I quoted Jonwayne because I thought it would add the signature, Is anyone else having a hard time hitting his page thru his signature? I tried to go to it but keep getting a "server not found" error. I don't know if it's just on my end because it shows what looks like a good URL. His message is a few above these last messages.

the link is still not working....:circle-of-love:
I sent Jonwayne a PM about it 16 hours ago - I hope he doesn't feel picked on !

Same here, But I told him that I just wanted him to be able to get more people on his journal. Hopefully he will understand that we just care about him and his journal!
My helper just gave me a hand and I got my light raised about 8-9" by taking out the hangers altogether (Thanks to Emilya's idea). But considering I noticed one of the stalks that had the ribbon around it must have grown (Like Canna said, it would still grow) enough to bend it almost 35 degrees sharply, I unhooked the ribbon and stood it straight back up and after the light got raised I still have 7" between the bud and the light (I know it should have more) until it's healed up and I can do a more gentle combination of LST and twine, to lower it back down (I use big loops in the twine to go around the stalk leaving a LOT of room for the stalk to grow to the size of a small tree), But I'm going to give it at least a week or two to heal before I even try bending it at all. I will post pics after dinner, just wanted to post this while I was thinking about it.
I thought I'd posted these pic's already, But I must have forgot to hit post. The 1 question I have is, when I look closely at my buds, They don't seems to have any frost building up on them. Can it be seen with the naked eye or thru a magnifying glass? Here are three pic's I took thru the magnifying glass and just don't see anything building up on them. It may just because I don't have a powerful enough magnifying glass. But here are the pics:


I just don't see anything building up and they have been in flower since 2/16/16. Is this normal, or did something go wrong? Remember I'm still new and have never seen a finished bud yet. Thanks for any advice or info on this!
My helper just gave me a hand and I got my light raised about 8-9" by taking out the hangers altogether (Thanks to Emilya's idea). But considering I noticed one of the stalks that had the ribbon around it must have grown (Like Canna said, it would still grow) enough to bend it almost 35 degrees sharply, I unhooked the ribbon and stood it straight back up and after the light got raised I still have 7" between the bud and the light (I know it should have more) until it's healed up and I can do a more gentle combination of LST and twine, to lower it back down (I use big loops in the twine to go around the stalk leaving a LOT of room for the stalk to grow to the size of a small tree), But I'm going to give it at least a week or two to heal before I even try bending it at all. I will post pics after dinner, just wanted to post this while I was thinking about it.

A 35 degree sharp bend is no big deal to healthy plants like yours. Once it's bent, if it's in the right place, I, personally, would keep it there.
A 35 degree sharp bend is no big deal to healthy plants like yours. Once it's bent, if it's in the right place, I, personally, would keep it there.

Thanks Radogast, I just got worried because it was a sharp bend and looked like it snapped. It's still attached, But I'll let it be the way it is now then, I did straighten it to help it heal faster and it's still under the light since I raised it but won't screw with it anymore for awhile.
Also Smoke alsays make sure you girl is very well hydrated before you start bending on her... it will make all the difference in the world...:circle-of-love:

Whenever I do any LST or bending it's always a few hours or more after watering them. This one happened without me even touching it (I think it just grew farther than the ribbon would let it), It's had a ribbon gently pulling it over for the last week or so and I just noticed it today. But thanks for the tip!
Thanks Radogast, I just got worried because it was a sharp bend and looked like it snapped. It's still attached, But I'll let it be the way it is now then, I did straighten it to help it heal faster and it's still under the light since I raised it but won't screw with it anymore for awhile.

As long as there is no open wound where you bent it, we call that "supercropping."
Higher stress training rather than Low Stress Training - but you can't undo the stress once it happens, which is why I would leave it nce it is done. IF it is in the right position.

If you can see daylight through a break in the stem, then she would appreciate being bandaged or splinted just like an open wound broken bone on a human.
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