New to growing 8 darling in process


New Member
I'm new to this, started 8 little darling from bag seed 7 are doing well 1 just a miget. I'm about 6 weeks into my grow,m and, they are between 12" to 15" tall. Things started a little slow because my temps were a bit on the low side because I'm in the north country and the price of heat! Things have picked up here lately, and I will post some picture of my friends, as soon as I can figure out just how to do it! I built a grow box for my beroom closet, mostly to beat the problem of heat. It's 24" w x 18" d x 4" h lined with tin foil and using cfl's for light with comp fan, the grow box. I started nutes about 2 weeks ago, and will be moving them to new grow room in basement, where I converted a storage room 4' w x 10' L x 8' h, I will be using 2 - 4' flo fixture with 2 agr 40 w and 2 40 w cool white tubes, might have to add some cfl"s, but will wait and see about that part. I have converted an old central vacuum system to handle oder control by venting to the outdoors thru a garage outlet that I piped to attic vent. I am hoping that 50% of my little darling are ladies and will post some picutres of all as soon as I can figure out how! If anyone has a clue or can post a link on how to post pic's to this thread I would love the help!!!!

PS thanks to all the folks here I would not be having the luck I have had without all the information I have found here, hats off to all you great folks!!!
Links below are pic's of my small closet grow cabinet and of my 8 little darlings and a seperate pic of 2 of the best looking of them, there is only 1 that I really don't expect much from. The rest look about the same as the the 2 in the seperate pic, but vary in size a little.I will be transplanting them to 4gal containers at the end of next week sometime, and moving them to larger, converted storage room in basement. The room will be finished in couple of daysI will post again after transplanting and move is complete.

Thanks to evryone whos been posting here at 420 mag, I did a lot of reading here since I started, grow is going much better than I hoped because of all the information, I absorbed!!



looking good man.........start the jornal on here and one in a book you wright in everytime you do something, like there daily really helps keep track of stuff, specialy when the killer smoke is around......i forget all kinds of stuff...LOL....i'll be watching man........and the help you get is amazing to say the least...........PEACE
ah well, things here took a turn for the worst, the wife and I are going to be divorcing, and I didn't want to give her anything to use against me so I destroyed the little darlings!!! I almost cried but had to be smart about it! While I was doing it, she said, I wouldn't do that but the old saying, there nothing like a women scorned, kept me from believing her! I will start over once the dust settles! soon as she is out of the house!

Thanks to all for the encourgaement and help!

Life without harmony isn't life
right on brother....been threw a slew of those devorces myself....good looken out for yourself.....she wont!.......good luck and see ya soon, give me a shout when you start back up.................PEACE
Well I could not stand it, the fact that I had them, almost ready to change into flowering stage that I said 2 hell with it, just germinate dome more seeds and they are just breaking ground today 3 up already day ,2 put 6 in, after soaking the seeds1 in a couple days I will post some pic's. Just had to start over, she has no clue about them but even if she finds out about them, I'm not gonna sweat it, she is still living in the same house, and the legal problems if she runs her mouth, will be hers as well, but even thing is under lock and key so dam the torpedos and full speed ahead!!!!!!!
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