Northern Lights x Widow - Just Over A Week From Seed To Sprout

Hey guys hope to find you all safe and well today!!:)
Man, im still FROFFIN' Over the Burg. but the growth of this new plant is making me smile again..
I have a new TOY:):) Im doing something like a defoliation & minor LST job to KIKSUMASS, and hoping to see some more positive results..
So far ive trimmed off 4 fan leaves and the new shoots underneath are growing thick and fast! Im going to start a tether soon, and im hoping it may act similar to Cindy, but this time i think it will produce less cola's but im hoping to have less primary cola's but the ones that grow i hope will all have large cola's like Cindy s 2ft ones, but without wasting 3 or 4 branches with small growths..
ANYWAY.. IM OFF TO WATCH 'JAR HEADS' James.. Wot u doing?

A story... A man fires a rifle for many years.. And he goes to war. And afterward, he turns his rifle in at the Armoury, and believes hes finished with the rifle, but no matter what else he may do with his hands,love a woman, build a house, change his sons diaper.. His hands remember the rifle..
Oh my goodness me Smokem, I really don't know what to say my darling. I am absolutely gutted for you, I truly am. I too have been a victim of robbery and it still shakes me now. I do hope that you are able to rectify what has happened in the best way for you and your family.

Don't worry, like has been previously said (I'm sorry, I've forgotten who! :bigblush:) Cindy will poison em with a Manganese deficiency. She won't let em win.

I am sending you the biggest, squishiest and fluffiest hugs possible. Lots of love my friend :hug: :love:
if it happened to me their would be hell to pay, still got friends in some very high places, its what happens when you live in places like i have lived, id be making sure i set traps, id rig up electrics so they got a nasty shock, id fill stuff with acid and have it placed so it would fall on them, but im pretty lucky where i am, its all covered with cams, i got a camera outside my front door on 24 hour record, so anyone coming in and out im aware of, its all recorded in 2 different places so they take my laptop or desktop then they wont have won because its all still stored on other devices, so my pads well protected.

but if i did get robbed id make sure they was punished, if its someone you know then more fool them,

its only a matter of time before you fined out who it was, people talk and stuff gets out, so it might not be next week or next month but sooner or later someone will slip up, they always do, and its usually the person you least suspect,

having some pit bulls also helps, i got a huge staff and he wont let anyone past the door, i remember when my sister opened the door without knocking and my dog jumped up and went mental, he just about got out the door in time, she now knocks and waits for me to open the door, god help anyone who comes in with my dog here, he aint fussy he will take a chunk out of anyone, im pretty sure he would hold the authorities off for a while, enough time to do what i need to anyway, plus my door is tough and would take some putting through, i remember when someone above me was raided, the police where their for 3 hours before they got through the door, they used their ram but because their is not much room between the door and the wall it dont give them much of a swing, so it took them ages to get it, the bloke was sitting on his balcony laughing his head off, he knew they couldnt get it, they did but by then he had nothing of interest, a complete waste of time and they had to pay to replace the door and all the bricks they knocked out trying to remove the door frame,
Yeah I had a look at your bud GIG!! Looking good thus far my friend... A little longer id imagine but WELL ON ITS WAY:)
If im taking a sample to try, i usually semi-quick dry it - ill hang it in front of a heater a few feet away on low heat, it does take a few hours ( around 8-12 ) pending on how big, I KNOW ITS HARD WHEN YA GOT NUTHIN, but ITS WORTH THE WAIT!! Id rather wait a bit longer for a good smoke than waste my bud! My smoke is always usually fairly good, no Leafy Chlorophyll taste, you can taste and feel the bud close to what it would normally be like.. I ALWAYS USE THIS METHOD..
If your nug is already giving you a STONE feel from it, THATS AWSUMNES!! ALL GOOD!!! I hope that it gets stronger and so chunky ya have to chop it with TIN SNIPS:) Thanks for stopping by again mate.. Take care and will chat soon bro. Smokemup..
:thanks: Thank you Fluffy:):)
Yeah it really sucks that after all my work i lost 2/3rds of Cindy.. And it still ELUDES me why they would have left my 2ft buds?? As they weighed over 6.5 oz dried just the 4 buds, but they took all my 1ft buds and smaller..
I am kind of at ease atm after this, as i have caused so much paranoia around here everyones acting strange, all really quiet.. And ive got a $300 bounty out for info on who was involved.. Wont take long til i get a bite i think?? So yeah, im sitting tight for now, until i re establish my house s security camera system as the hard drive was stolen, so i need an improved one, then ill have some more piece of mind as it will send direct footage to my phone if anything happens..
And so now ive had to go through with keeping 1 of my 2 seeds that i sprouted, as i wasnt sure if id grow 1 if i got enough from Cindy, But now as i only have 6 oz it forced my hand a bit, so ive had to grow out 1 seedling - I kept Big Bird - But renamed her to KIKSUMASS..
Im going to try a slightly faster grow with this plant and im going to be doing a little LST to it to try achieve a good harvest a little faster.
But knowing me ill get into it and think AHH STUFF IT, LET HER GO!! But i really wanna try do it and have a break for a bit.. Ill start a new journal soon, and introduce you all to KIKSUMASS:)
Thank you for your condolences Fluff, and i hope neither of us have to experience it again!! Hope Ruby is doing well:) High fives for her for me, and what are your twins upto, Hope theyre performing well for you too!! Later Chick, Take care. Smokem...
:):) Hey DonPaul.. Thanks mate!!
Yeah well i want to wage a war - but my targets are around innocent people so things will be done in time, and i still am to find all involved so im just a waiting..
That was the problem with my security camera, i didnt have an off site storage device, so when they took the hard drive they took the lot. For the moment, im buying a new recorder - with live feeds to my phone , and it will be mounted on the underside of my Redgum entertainment unit so firstly, they will have to locate it and then remove it.. Im hooking up sum spycams in the house also, ive found some wonderful things recently, so i plan to have 4 outdoor cams, and at least 6 indoor cams, 2 in each room of entry. Some spycams are mad.. Very deceptive - there were DOUBLE ADAPTER - power point connector camera's:):) MAd.. Who d think of a double adaptor?? So over the next month ill be back to SECURE HOUSEHOLD... The perps will be punished bro. I have 2 loyal ppl handy who will make sure im still standing if any drama happens.. So thats all good, But i plan things different to some people, i dont like to just bash em and let em go. I like to cost them the the same amount of $ i lost with damage to their stuff. Then i like to make them paranoid - about everything and one, then when its time - HIT EM UP..
Cheers for your post mate, good to kno some one else feels pissed off at the actions of these skunks.. Take care Don, Hope youre well, have a good one mate. Thanx again bro!! Smokemup...
Well Guys.. Its nearly that time to complete this journal.
Theres not much more i can add to it other than how the smoke will taste after curing for a few more weeks, Which i will do anyway:)
So ill finish up soon with a few pics of Cindy from start to finish and what she did for me,in soil,indoor - with just a couple extra weeks and some basic LST.. I KNOW SHE d HAVE GIVEN ME OVER 8oz for certain..

NO,NOT A MAPLE LEAF! A Sativa I think!! Very broad leaves.
Her first sets of Fans removed..

HOPE YOU ALL LIKED MY NEWEST Lil PROJECT:) She s looking to have some good shape thus far.. By removing the fans over time, her primary branches are coming out nicely, she has some solid stems which is a good sign also, all looks healthy i hope..
Ill start a new journal after wrapping up this one or add it to my signature or whatever i have to do so you all can see it, Im sort of excited again:)HOPE I GET SUM MAD BUDS N THEYLL BE STAYING MY PROPERTY UNTIL I CHOOSE TO DECIDE OTHERWISE!!!
Thanks guys, youre all champs! Take care hope youre all TOKIN ON STRONG;) Later everyone, Smokemup n Kiksumass..:thumb:
Yup That is an indica....
Indica it is... Yes, She is looking good, As im unsure on exact strain - was told Big Bud - Is BB an Indica strain?? If not well i know its not what i was told.. But she s very perky each day, she s had her first dose of Seasol Powerfeed with N,P,K.. The soil is 100% organic HUMUS, Cal/Mag, and some regular Pot Mix ( same as i always use ) with a little Slow release Osmocote.. Aerates well and isnt really compressed.
So i m keen to see how this plant will grow. Over the next week ill see what she s doing and make a choice as to what i may do to her training wise. Its not an AUTO Gig, just regular plant bro.. Are Indica s the larger growing strains or sativa??? As if Indica s are larger, ill flower at 2.5ft -3ft,-NO MORE THAN THIS!! I know my spaces limits now if the plant blows up in size so i gotta make the correct choices for it..
Thanks for the help guys!! :thanks::thumb::420: Smokemup Kiksumass
Looking good smoke that was how Emily was , actually hung a 1lb. Weight off the top of her after a section of Tue bucket was cut to get it to pull the top down , turned out to to be male bit it was lifting Tue weight, :)
Hey OG. How you been bro??
Thank you for stopping by.. So howd you find it ( if it Emily was an Idica ) growing wise?? Was it a fairly hardy growing plant, If they DO grow a little shorter and bushier than a Sativa, then im off to a flyer! .. :):) THIS IS GUNNA BE MAD!!.... This may change things a little then how i go about growing her - Hmm:hmmmm::hmmmm: As i have sort of plotted her course somewhat already, THOUGH - I dont know exact strain - AGAIN!! - As she s been responding, ive been reading her, and i am quietly confident that this will be a very solid bud producing plant..
If I go with the "extreme" version of what im planning, She will partly resemble Cindy s Setup... Just a few less Primary branches if possible.
But im going to try stretch her a bit over the next week, and ill see how she is looking then:) I have a good feeling about this, HOPING I WONT HAVE ANY MORE PROBS?? Least its keeping my mind occupied from other drama's.. STUPID - PAYPAL!! Grrrrr X( Could Kik Some Monkey ass all up the street man.. Seriously, which company, makes a payment for something after finding out the account that i wrongly used was closed?? Would ve been good if they emailed or something to let me kno instead of later going to buy something and finding out theyve bought it and now i owe money for sumthin I decided i didnt want once i was first told the account was closed. I thought theyd not pursue a purchase without another account or anything listed other than the one they knew was closed???
Oh well screwed again.. LOl.. SUCH IS LIFE.. Well anyway guys, as i said, ill probably close this journal and link it to my new one if i can, IM NOT COMPLETELY COMPUTER LITARIT:) So ill prob end up deleting both journals and be left with my Signature or some shit!!
Alrighty then - TAKE CARE GUYS,& hope all of you are Havin' A Good one:woohoo::woohoo:
Be Good or Good At It.. Smokemupm8 n Kiksumass... AHH I LOVE SAYIN THAT:):) cya guys..
Hey ya smokey. Do us all a favor and find those thieves and do something super dirty to em please.

As for surveillance you just gotta have the cameras hooked up to your computer using a battery pack (incase they cut the power it still records) and have the video feed auto record to a online storage. You can also set it up to send a link to your phone 24/7 on top of that.

Its all really easy and cheap to do nowdays. Did I let on that I REALLY FUCKING HATE THIEVES? Catch these fuckers please!!!

I hope your now indica plant turns out to be a female and gives some good buds. It'll be hard to beat Cindy but give it your best shot bro :).

As for me I am just chillen, trimming up the last of my "Bubba Larry OG Kushastic Lemon Surprise". Then hoping my 7 plants outdoors dont die on me in this cold and fill up nice.

Cya Smokey.
JIMMY C!! Hey my man.. Glad to see youre all good in the hood:)
Yeah - we share a similar passion for hating thieves, IM RETIRED THIEF!! So now it pisses me off when it happens cos i dont do it to no one anymore and havent for over 14yrs. Im still trying to source evryone involved as it seems to be a tangled little web of deciept happening here!
Im buying stuff to help with my finding of who helped with it..
Yeah my new lil girl i am fairly happy with so far.. She is looking to have good form, so her growth i hope should give me a good yield. As i said im hoping for about 7/8oz again:) SORRY - ITS MY MARKER!!
Welll bro, I do hope youll have some luck with your plants, maybe buy some lil mittens for them so their hands dont get cold:):) Thank you for dropping in mate, and ill be in touch soon as i do sumfin bout this problem too k!:thumb: Be cool.. Smokemup..
Hey OG. How you been bro??
Thank you for stopping by.. So howd you find it ( if it Emily was an Idica ) growing wise?? Was it a fairly hardy growing plant, If they DO grow a little shorter and bushier than a Sativa, then im off to a flyer! .. :):) THIS IS GUNNA BE MAD!!.... This may change things a little then how i go about growing her - Hmm:hmmmm::hmmmm: As i have sort of plotted her course somewhat already, THOUGH - I dont know exact strain - AGAIN!! - As she s been responding, ive been reading her, and i am quietly confident that this will be a very solid bud producing plant..
If I go with the "extreme" version of what im planning, She will partly resemble Cindy s Setup... Just a few less Primary branches if possible.
But im going to try stretch her a bit over the next week, and ill see how she is looking then:) I have a good feeling about this, HOPING I WONT HAVE ANY MORE PROBS?? Least its keeping my mind occupied from other drama's.. STUPID - PAYPAL!! Grrrrr X( Could Kik Some Monkey ass all up the street man.. Seriously, which company, makes a payment for something after finding out the account that i wrongly used was closed?? Would ve been good if they emailed or something to let me kno instead of later going to buy something and finding out theyve bought it and now i owe money for sumthin I decided i didnt want once i was first told the account was closed. I thought theyd not pursue a purchase without another account or anything listed other than the one they knew was closed???
Oh well screwed again.. LOl.. SUCH IS LIFE.. Well anyway guys, as i said, ill probably close this journal and link it to my new one if i can, IM NOT COMPLETELY COMPUTER LITARIT:) So ill prob end up deleting both journals and be left with my Signature or some shit!!
Alrighty then - TAKE CARE GUYS,& hope all of you are Havin' A Good one:woohoo::woohoo:
Be Good or Good At It.. Smokemupm8 n Kiksumass... AHH I LOVE SAYIN THAT:):) cya guys..

Hey smoke check the start of my journal Emily is there, now dead and called Emillio, lol. Probably should have saved some pollen , but that is in the past, have grown that type of indica before and nice and stalky very good under growth and they like lst so that is a good thing , You will be happy with her she will pay off.
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