Paintedbudman's Hydroponic GDP Grow In New Tent And New LED Lights

Day 170 Day 4 of Harvest:

Day 4: 432g Wet dries to ~91g (3.25oz)

Total so far: wet weight - 1982g dry wt estimate 417g (14.9 oz)
Day 171 Day 5 of Harvest:

Day 5: 266g Wet dries to ~47g (1.68oz)

Total so far: wet weight - 2206g dry wt estimate 464g (16.6 oz)

YEAH!!!! JUST PAST 1 pound dry estimated!!!
Your estimate is still in the running. Currently I'm at 464 and I'm guessing maybe 6 to 8 more oz to go which in grams is 632 to 688g total. Here are a few pics. First with what is left to harvest and some of the buds still on the tree.

Day 172 Day 6 of Harvest:

Day 6: 69g Wet dries to ~14g (0.5oz)

Total so far: wet weight - 2275g dry wt estimate 479g (17.1 oz)

Didin't get much accomplished yesterday ..... other priorities
Day 174 Day 7 of Harvest:

Day 7: 159g Wet dries to ~34g (1.2oz)

Total so far: wet weight - 2434g dry wt. estimate 525g (18.75 oz)

2 more days of harvest, I think. The back corner was hard to get to but now is clearing out enough for me to walk (shuffle really) around the inside of the grow tent to get at it. there is quite a bit back there just couldn't get at it until now.
Day 174 Day 8 of Harvest:

Day 8: 507g Wet dries to ~105g (3.76oz)

Total so far: wet weight - 2941g dry wt. estimate 626g (~22.4 oz)

A little more yet to harvest, not sure how much, a lot of what is left is light fluffy crap. I usually through this out or give it to a friend who doesn't mind it. Like I said before this is the last day of harvest. From here on it is drying and curing. My standard is to dry at 50-60% RH for 1 week. I take my final weights at that point then the curing process starts. I'm not going to follow after I complete cutting other than to drop a final dry weight and to do a smoke report in about a month after the buds have cured up a bit. In short, I think that tomorrow I might call this journal essentially complete. I don't have all the final weights, but my estimates are pretty well established right now. Past experience says I'll be within 1% of the final dry yield so I 'll have a well bounded estimate.

BTW here is what is left of the girl!!

Day 175 Day 9 of Harvest:

Day 9: 71g Wet dries to ~~15g (0.53oz)

Total so far: wet weight - 2981g dry wt. estimate 636g (~22.7 oz)

I'm Done!! Pulled what I wanted off the girl and gave the rest to a friend.

This is the girl now .... sort of reminds me of the sad Christmas tree in It's a Charlie Brown Christmas.

I'll make a final entry later tonight then this journal is done. There will minor adds later for final "actual" dry weight (what is shown here is an estimate, but a good one) and a smoke report but the grow portion of the journal is complete!!
Well done great grow, deffo gives me summits to inspire me look what is possible when you get it right, so cant wait for smoke report made me smile with my poor W/W bless her, great grow awesome journal quality buds
Day 175 Day 9 of Harvest:

Day 9: 71g Wet dries to ~~15g (0.53oz)

Total so far: wet weight - 2981g dry wt. estimate 636g (~22.7 oz)

I'm Done!! Pulled what I wanted off the girl and gave the rest to a friend.

This is the girl now .... sort of reminds me of the sad Christmas tree in It's a Charlie Brown Christmas.

I'll make a final entry later tonight then this journal is done. There will minor adds later for final "actual" dry weight (what is shown here is an estimate, but a good one) and a smoke report but the grow portion of the journal is complete!!
Congrats on your harvest my friend. :ciao:
That was a Stellar grow. :welldone:
Hope your enjoying your weekend.

Stay safe :cool:
Fantastic grow and harvest PBM. Very well done and over 625g! It has really been a pleasure watching this grow. :welldone:
I'm heading out on a little 4 day vacation. When I return I will write up a little post mortum of the grow and say thanks to all of those who have followed the grow. and just tie up a couple of loose ends that I haven't had time for this week. Nothing substantial. Just a little final words on the grow and a big thanks to all those who have followed along.

I'm heading out on a little 4 day vacation. When I return I will write up a little post mortum of the grow and say thanks to all of those who have followed the grow. and just tie up a couple of loose ends that I haven't had time for this week. Nothing substantial. Just a little final words on the grow and a big thanks to all those who have followed along.

awesome well done my friend
Hi Paintedbudman.

Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

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