Queen's Garden of Green

Im so sorry to hear about your recent troubles.even when you get past all the mr wrongs, you still have to pass a few 'not quite right's before you find the one. And in the mean time, just remember that life is always shit, its the reason we love our plant so much, we can just lock the door light up a fat one and everything is one shade better....and you still have us hon, for what its worth. and its not just words on a screen, youve touched hearts with your stories and there is genuine care and affection.
Im so sorry to hear about your recent troubles.even when you get past all the mr wrongs, you still have to pass a few 'not quite right's before you find the one. And in the mean time, just remember that life is always shit, its the reason we love our plant so much, we can just lock the door light up a fat one and everything is one shade better....and you still have us hon, for what its worth. and its not just words on a screen, youve touched hearts with your stories and there is genuine care and affection.


Please, life is not shit, it's what you do with your shit, either clean it up, or keep blaming others for shitting on you/it's your choice, you decide if life will continue to shit on your head/or to clean it off and keep going on, we all step into shit , but some of us decide to step out of it and clean ourselves off/grace
ok what happened? you can say or dont. I understand if you dont not my bizz

I guess telling what happened makes this another story, doesn't it? I am not here to bash him, he is and was a good man. What love I had to give was not enough and he wanted me to be in the image of him. He knew why I am the way I am but that was not good enough. He wants someone who pays attention to him 24/7 which means I can't be online here. I can't have any type of internet friends that are male or he thinks something is behind it. I have never cheated on him with anybody. I don't run the streets, I stay at home because my motto is anything I can do in the streets I can do in the comfort of my home. So we had an argument yesterday and he decided to walk out which is not the first time he has done this more like the 4th time. I told him the last time when he called himself walking out that it would be over, my heart is not a revolving door where he can come and go when he decides to have a tantrum. He decided to give me an ultimatum, which never works with me. So he made his choice and I made mine. I may be hurt but I am not bitter. I was very independent before he came along and I will continue to be. Honestly, I am not trying to replace him with anyone else which is what he always seems to think. I wish him the best.

Hey Queen. I have been super busy lately but have caught up. Sending you all the positive vibes i can muster. That is so much for a person to deal with. Health and personnel. Usually you only have one at time. Good luck and hang in there.
Take care of those plants. be with you!

Hey MS, thanks I could use those positive vibes for sure. Indeed I am being hit both ways by stress but I will do my best to overcome it. Right now my health is what is most important to me. My sugar has started crashing again, hard to deal with at the moment because I don't have anything to raise it. It's about the end of the month when I get low on groceries so I just have to try to ride it out til I get paid next month. I don't have anyone to ask for help, never have.

Im so sorry to hear about your recent troubles.even when you get past all the mr wrongs, you still have to pass a few 'not quite right's before you find the one. And in the mean time, just remember that life is always shit, its the reason we love our plant so much, we can just lock the door light up a fat one and everything is one shade better....and you still have us hon, for what its worth. and its not just words on a screen, youve touched hearts with your stories and there is genuine care and affection.

At this point, Gig, I have given up looking for the one. I don't believe there is one for me so I will settle with being single and alone. I was very independent before him and I will continue to be. I wish I had a fat one about now. Thanks for your kind words and it's great to know that there is someone out there who cares.

Please, life is not shit, it's what you do with your shit, either clean it up, or keep blaming others for shitting on you/it's your choice, you decide if life will continue to shit on your head/or to clean it off and keep going on, we all step into shit , but some of us decide to step out of it and clean ourselves off/grace

I am not sure how to take that. I guess because I am a bit emotional right now that I am taking it a bit personal. To a degree I agree with what you're saying but one thing not to get twisted, I don't blame people for my shit. I know how to own up to my mistakes and am woman enough to admit them. I have never blamed anyone for my shit. While others point the finger at me for their shit.

let's talk shit

And I can talk shit with the best of them....

I tell what I believe... Shit happens....................................On a regular basis.

Speak on it my friend. You ain't lying.
It looks like you decided to clean yourself off and keep moving on, good for you, don't get stuck in the stink, only we can clean ourselves off and keep going, I've been there, and sometimes I still smell the shit, but I know it's coming from my ass and no one elses/grace
Wow! just popped in to see your babies and dayam!!! Holy Smokes QT I am sorry to hear your having a rough time. I am really sorry to hear also you are having a tough time managing your sugars. If you can get some Lifesavers they really can be lifesavers ... just one when you are crashing (I know you want to eat 'em all but just one) one roll can last a while.

I hope you have a nug to smoke when you read this and just kick back and feel the good vibes we are sending

Queen, I have a nice fattie for us to share, so lay back, relax, and forgive me for speaking my mind, it's what I do best/grace (Passes a nice big Fattie to the Queen)/grace

P.S., I gotta go check my panties, I think I stepped in something, forgive me for the stink/grace
Nothing to forgive Grace. Like I said I am emotional right now so I am all over the place. Thanks for the kind words Buckshot but right about now I don't even have 2 pennies to rub together. I am on social security.
I guess telling what happened makes this another story, doesn't it? I am not here to bash him, he is and was a good man. What love I had to give was not enough and he wanted me to be in the image of him. He knew why I am the way I am but that was not good enough. He wants someone who pays attention to him 24/7 which means I can't be online here. I can't have any type of internet friends that are male or he thinks something is behind it. I have never cheated on him with anybody. I don't run the streets, I stay at home because my motto is anything I can do in the streets I can do in the comfort of my home. So we had an argument yesterday and he decided to walk out which is not the first time he has done this more like the 4th time. I told him the last time when he called himself walking out that it would be over, my heart is not a revolving door where he can come and go when he decides to have a tantrum. He decided to give me an ultimatum, which never works with me. So he made his choice and I made mine. I may be hurt but I am not bitter. I was very independent before he came along and I will continue to be. Honestly, I am not trying to replace him with anyone else which is what he always seems to think. I wish him the best.

At this point, Gig, I have given up looking for the one. I don't believe there is one for me so I will settle with being single and alone. I was very independent before him and I will continue to be. I wish I had a fat one about now. Thanks for your kind words and it's great to know that there is someone out there who cares.

Speak on it my friend. You ain't lying.

Gawd Dammit... I had one like that. Jealousy and possessiveness has no place in a true relationship. Just remember this: I don't know you from Eve, but you've got a friend in me, in all of us, here at 420Magazine. This, to me is more than just some crappy grower's forum. It is truly a place we can go to get support for anything we need. Yes, it's centered around weed, but our lives do not revolve around cannabis. It is a part of it, yes, but that does not make the whole person, y'know? That's why we're here, because we can't get help/support for our hobby/passion/gardening anywhere else that is as positive and uplifting as this place.

We love you Queenie, you already know that. Not the way he hopes we do in order to make his decision proper in his mind, but, we do in our own way. Though you may be single, you're never alone, my friend, and as far as I'm concerned, you never will be... The 420Magazine members here are not going to let that happen.

So, knock the shit off your shoes, take a few steps beyond where you stepped in it, and walk on... Don't look back, look to tomorrow, and live for today as if nothing happened yesterday. You've both made your decisions, now live up to them. Be proud of your decision; it was the best, in my opinion. It was hard for me to deal with at first when I made the same decision a few years back, but I'm a better, and happier person for it, and I know you will be, too.

Like jandre said, I have had one too. In fact I'm divorcing her right now. Zero security. I could NOT notice another woman and still be accused of checking her out! Total craziness. Walking around looking at the ground because if I look up all hell breaks loose, especially if there is another woman within eyesight. Oh yeah, just try to watch TV. With the sex sells thing on steroids you can't NOT look at a scantily clad woman.

Single is not so bad. Actually I prefer it. Join the club. I do what I want, when I want.

It hurts. You grow. It's like training your plants. This just happened to be HST (High Stress Training) for you. Explode your root growth then reach for the stars, young lady.
Gawd Dammit... I had one like that. Jealousy and possessiveness has no place in a true relationship. Just remember this: I don't know you from Eve, but you've got a friend in me, in all of us, here at 420Magazine. This, to me is more than just some crappy grower's forum. It is truly a place we can go to get support for anything we need. Yes, it's centered around weed, but our lives do not revolve around cannabis. It is a part of it, yes, but that does not make the whole person, y'know? That's why we're here, because we can't get help/support for our hobby/passion/gardening anywhere else that is as positive and uplifting as this place.

Yeah, I am tired of dealing with insecurities, that was why I was trying to get him involved with 420 in the first place. So, he could see for himself how nice people are. A few friends here (male) looked out for me, I explained who they were and all but for some reason he seems to think that males and females can't be friends without some type of sexual innuendo...One time I mentioned I think it was about Fish's johnson being baby soft due to using lotion. I forget how that even got started, I think it was in Fish's journal. I never heard the end of it and got read the riot act. I tried to explain that some of us joke like that.

We love you Queenie, you already know that. Not the way he hopes we do in order to make his decision proper in his mind, but, we do in our own way. Though you may be single, you're never alone, my friend, and as far as I'm concerned, you never will be... The 420Magazine members here are not going to let that happen.

Thanks, I love you guys too. And I appreciate all the kind words, Jandre.

So, knock the shit off your shoes, take a few steps beyond where you stepped in it, and walk on... Don't look back, look to tomorrow, and live for today as if nothing happened yesterday. You've both made your decisions, now live up to them. Be proud of your decision; it was the best, in my opinion. It was hard for me to deal with at first when I made the same decision a few years back, but I'm a better, and happier person for it, and I know you will be, too.

That's what I am going to try to do. I had to block him on the "book" because he just started invading my statuses, always trying to make me look like the villian or some selfish bitch. He wanted to come over because my sugar has been dropping low but I told him no. Then I had to hear the someone done me wrong song or every little thing he has done for me. If you do something for me, do it because you want to but I don't expect to hear about it later and have it thrown in my face. I'll have to end up unblocking him so he can get his stuff.
Like jandre said, I have had one too. In fact I'm divorcing her right now. Zero security. I could NOT notice another woman and still be accused of checking her out! Total craziness. Walking around looking at the ground because if I look up all hell breaks loose, especially if there is another woman within eyesight. Oh yeah, just try to watch TV. With the sex sells thing on steroids you can't NOT look at a scantily clad woman.Single is not so bad. Actually I prefer it. Join the club. I do what I want, when I want.It hurts. You grow. It's like training your plants. This just happened to be HST (High Stress Training) for you. Explode your root growth then reach for the stars, young lady.

Well for me, he wants to know what is my connection with anyone male. Have I had sex with them in the past. And me being the honest and sometimes too honest, I admitted to the ones I did have sex with. And some of them til this day I am still cool with and has as friends on the "book". So what does he do? He friends them or anyone I know just so he can try to keep tabs on what is being said. Or he gets mad if I comment on people's statuses and just like his or if I comment, it's not good enough because I don't write a whole book. I even have deactivated my page to only have complaints about that. The last time I did, it was , "you only deactivated it so you don't have to comment to anything I say". I am like wtf, I can't win for losing.

Or I have to hear I am not affectionate enough or I don't love him the way he loves me. I have to give him a kiss practically every 5 minutes and if I don't want to then I am being mean. Or because I don't like french kissing. Of course he knows the story behind that. I had french kissed someone one time and they literally slobbered in my mouth, BIG TURN OFF from french kissing. I know I have my issues but he doesn't seem to get it. I have been abused in my past physically and verbally so yeah I am a bit scarred in the area of affection. But like I tell him, I show it the best way I can but that's not good enough for him.
You wanna know what I told my ex? When I finally got tired of the needy, greedy, jealous possessiveness, I said that I went out, smoked a "J" with all of the girls in question and bedded them all at once. I got beat to hell, but it was worth it to see the look on her face.

"Serves her right," I thought, "for not trusting me and honoring that I'm half of the relationship." I was less-than in everything. I got spit on, slapped, kicked, punched in the groin, wine bottles thrown at me, run over by a car, hair torn out, and stabbed. I can't use my left hand because she severed my ulnar nerve, have short term memory loss because of several concussions, almost lost an eye, all because of jealous rage.

Believe me, you made the right choice.
You wanna know what I told my ex? When I finally got tired of the needy, greedy, jealous possessiveness, I said that I went out, smoked a "J" with all of the girls in question and bedded them all at once. I got beat to hell, but it was worth it to see the look on her face."Serves her right," I thought, "for not trusting me and honoring that I'm half of the relationship." I was less-than in everything. I got spit on, slapped, kicked, punched in the groin, wine bottles thrown at me, run over by a car, hair torn out, and stabbed. I can't use my left hand because she severed my ulnar nerve, have short term memory loss because of several concussions, almost lost an eye, all because of jealous rage.Believe me, you made the right choice.

Damn Jandre, that is some rage your ex had going on there. I never put my hands on him though he has had me to the point that I wanted to throw something at him but I didn't. Of course since I had blocked him on the "book" he proceeded to email me and once again throw up in my face everything he has done for me. Or to tell me that my friends online don't really know me so I make myself out to be the victim. Funny I thought he was playing the role of the victim? So, I have deactivated my book account until further notice, deleted my email so don't be surprised if he comes on here spewing his hate. He has done it before, contacting my friends, talking mad shit on me hoping that they will no longer be friends with me. If that's love, I sure as hell don't need it. His excuse is he did it because he was mad. I say when mad like being drunk, you speak the truth and show your true colors. For those here who had my email, I plan on creating another one and will PM it to you once I do.

Now he says he no longer wants his stuff that I can throw it away. Once I get my energy up I will do just that. I want all traces of him gone from my life. Sorry for the rant people and being so off topic. And for the drama but I am sure it makes a good read.
Damn Jandre, that is some rage your ex had going on there. I never put my hands on him though he has had me to the point that I wanted to throw something at him but I didn't. Of course since I had blocked him on the "book" he proceeded to email me and once again throw up in my face everything he has done for me. Or to tell me that my friends online don't really know me so I make myself out to be the victim. Funny I thought he was playing the role of the victim? So, I have deactivated my book account until further notice, deleted my email so don't be surprised if he comes on here spewing his hate. He has done it before, contacting my friends, talking mad shit on me hoping that they will no longer be friends with me. If that's love, I sure as hell don't need it. His excuse is he did it because he was mad. I say when mad like being drunk, you speak the truth and show your true colors. For those here who had my email, I plan on creating another one and will PM it to you once I do.

Now he says he no longer wants his stuff that I can throw it away. Once I get my energy up I will do just that. I want all traces of him gone from my life. Sorry for the rant people and being so off topic. And for the drama but I am sure it makes a good read.

That is a great idea. Throw his crap out as soon as possible. I would not want to be with a person like that ever. That is not love. Now you can start living again. Hopefully you are safe.
Hi My Queen, :love:

So sorry he turned out to be so childish and immature. Good riddance. What you thought was a man turned out to be a little boy.

You are better off alone. Actually you did best thing for both of you. He can go on slowly and painfully until he matures.

You on the other hand are already mature and are ready to share life with the male counter part of you. They are out there Queen. I dearly hope you some how bump into one.
I Love You Queen! :love:
You wanna know what I told my ex? When I finally got tired of the needy, greedy, jealous possessiveness, I said that I went out, smoked a "J" with all of the girls in question and bedded them all at once. I got beat to hell, but it was worth it to see the look on her face.

"Serves her right," I thought, "for not trusting me and honoring that I'm half of the relationship." I was less-than in everything. I got spit on, slapped, kicked, punched in the groin, wine bottles thrown at me, run over by a car, hair torn out, and stabbed. I can't use my left hand because she severed my ulnar nerve, have short term memory loss because of several concussions, almost lost an eye, all because of jealous rage.

Believe me, you made the right choice.
dam, I thought I was the only one here to get run over in a car by my wife!
thats another reason your my hero:)
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