Queen's Garden of Green

Oh oh, did I say the wrong name somewhere? If so a million pardons but I am high. That's my excuse and I am sticking with it...lol

i cant speak for everyone, but most of us you know, call a spade a spade. if i thought you were milking sympathy, you know im blunt enough to just tell you to get over yourself, lol...others may be much better at the diplomacy thing than me, but no less honest about their opinions.those of us that stuck around through thick and thin want..nay expect the real queen, not some wing clipped and edited version thats too uncomfortable to express honesty and cant be the real you with us.be yourself sweetie, its a win win. if your loyalists tell you your milking it, then you have to worry, but if anyone else has a problem, im sure they will be shown the door just as fast as the last two people. and will have a pack of guard dogs barking at them on their way out =D

Much appreciated, the last thing I will ever be is fake, that's just not me. And I will always be honest but also in being honest, I know that no one likes to hear someone that bitches constantly. Because then it gets to the point of, oh no, no that person again or what now. I have always appreciated your honesty, Gig. Same with Fish, don't want to leave him out..lol..

Hi Queen
I agree with all thats been said in here lately ...........Thats why we are all here together, many shoulders to lean on

That's what I love about this site, the respect we all have for each other.
yeah what Queen said!
Oh oh, did I say the wrong name somewhere? If so a million pardons but I am high. That's my excuse and I am sticking with it...lol
no you didnt queen, i was just cracking a joke at FC's posts recently...way too many words for me :rofl:

Much appreciated, the last thing I will ever be is fake, that's just not me. And I will always be honest but also in being honest, I know that no one likes to hear someone that bitches constantly. Because then it gets to the point of, oh no, no that person again or what now. I have always appreciated your honesty, Gig. Same with Fish, don't want to leave him out..lol..

I promise you i will personally tell you if we start to think what you prematurely fear we are thinking ;)

for myself, i felt like a real friend and not just some guy on a screen when you started having trouble with kingselflove. enjoy is probably the wrong word, but i appreciate your bad days as much as the good ones, and talking about it with you helps me survive my own life a bit better. i guess going through other peoples troubles with them on here and watching them come out the other side of it gives me faith that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, even if its a mighty long tunnel, lol.
i never got my free samples either,

What? You never got yours either, now that is making things look suspect with SNS. But since they're a sponsor here I figured they're trustworthy. If they're not giving out free samples anymore, they should let people know this.

Hi guys,

Sorry about the delayed reply to this but I just wanted to let you know that we have spoken to Ashley at SNS and she wanted us to let you both know that due to the extremely high volume of requests for free samples, it has backed them up quite a bit. She has told us to have you contact her personally and she will make sure you receive your samples within a few days. I just sent you her email address and phone number via pm.

You Know Your Highness, I Unequivocally Agree With All That GiG Has Had To Say These Last Couple Of His Posts, COMPLETELY!!! And You Will Not Have To Use Guard Dogs To Oust Someone, As A Member Of You Praetorian Guard, I Can Assure You, We Only Use Swords And Spears, And The Occasional Assault Rifle!!!:high-five: The Bugs Sound A Bit Pricey, I Think We Paid Like $10 For 2,000??? I Believe, But It Was Not Any Wheres Near What The Site Found For You Is Asking, So I'll Ask My Nursery Where She Gets Them From, And Maybe You Will Be Able To Go Where They Get Theirs For Them!!! Take Care Queeny!!! And GiG, SPOT ON MATE!!!:bravo: Take Care. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
You Know Your Highness, I Unequivocally Agree With All That GiG Has Had To Say These Last Couple Of His Posts, COMPLETELY!!! And You Will Not Have To Use Guard Dogs To Oust Someone, As A Member Of You Praetorian Guard, I Can Assure You, We Only Use Swords And Spears, And The Occasional Assault Rifle!!!:high-five:

ok you use your weapons, i like to sink my teeth in...oh wait, i dont have teeth any more, lemme have that spear would ya bro :rofl:
Now Now, Were Praetorian(ROMAN), And We Do Not Use Phalanxes, Try, FORM TESTUDO!!! Phalanxes Are Why The Greeks Lost Their Empires To The Romans, Just Not Tactically Sound Enough, Get Around To Their Flanks, And The Greeks Become Hamburger In A Phalanx, CHOP CHOP CHOP!!! Sorry, I Had To Say That!!!:high-five: SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
yeah what OMM said
Good morning Queen,
A shout out to fish cake ...He's got everyones back :high-five: Bummer bummer bummer ............I listen to npr all the time and especialy like Diane Rheem ........but I missed that show . Funny tho the candidates haven't said a thing about it or the failed drug war.
4 cities in my state are voting in Nov. to legalize small amounts but it sure is hard to find any info on it ..........
:420: is still the best source for news but I'm happy that Diane had a discussion on her show but bummed that I missed it
Have a great day Queen .....smile today for all your friends here in 420 ....we won't be able to see it , but we'll feel it :peace: :love:
Hi Queen
Me again I just went into NPR's site and read all of Diane Rehms discussion ..........It was very good even the people who are not really for Marajuana can see the waste of money, time and resources our wonder plant.
hi your majesty, did you send an email to sns about the free samples, i sent them an email last night and hopefully ill get my samples, problem is im not in the usa so it might not be that easy for me
You Know Your Highness, I Unequivocally Agree With All That GiG Has Had To Say These Last Couple Of His Posts, COMPLETELY!!! And You Will Not Have To Use Guard Dogs To Oust Someone, As A Member Of You Praetorian Guard, I Can Assure You, We Only Use Swords And Spears, And The Occasional Assault Rifle!!!:high-five: The Bugs Sound A Bit Pricey, I Think We Paid Like $10 For 2,000??? I Believe, But It Was Not Any Wheres Near What The Site Found For You Is Asking, So I'll Ask My Nursery Where She Gets Them From, And Maybe You Will Be Able To Go Where They Get Theirs For Them!!! Take Care Queeny!!! And GiG, SPOT ON MATE!!!:bravo: Take Care. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:

I usually always take Gig's advice into consideration. I thought the bugs sounded a little pricey too. I have to check out the link that someone posted here for me. Forgive me for not remembering who posted it at the moment, you know the drill...lol..But I am going to let you and Gig have your little bromance about spears and strategies...

My Queen .......Black Gold is very inexpensive so it will not cost you a fortune! Who are all these people in your journal?

What people? Seem like the same ones who are always here. I will take your word about the black gold.

yeah what OMM said
OK, Fishy, I get it. A thousand pardons my friend. I don't like the silent treatment..lol

hi your majesty, did you send an email to sns about the free samples, i sent them an email last night and hopefully ill get my samples, problem is im not in the usa so it might not be that easy for me

I did see what 420girl has said and will be emailing SNS shortly. I have to look on their site to see which ones I chose before.

Have a great day Queen .....smile today for all your friends here in 420 ....we won't be able to see it , but we'll feel it

Well, I don't know about a full smile but I can manage a smirk, I guess. Any day above ground is a good day in my book. Just could do without the added stress.

Funny tho the candidates haven't said a thing about it or the failed drug war.

Honestly, I haven't even tuned in to any of the debates. I have a problem with people lying to me. I am for Obama but I am also disappointed that he has been skirting the mmj issue. But I would rather have him in office than Romney.
I dont mean to be quiet but everyone has rediderated all those thing I could tell you just more better maybe I dontknow
but dont you ever forget that I gots ears and some semi pisspoor eyes if you rekon it will help.
cant wait till you pick your first pepper either!
Good Evening Your Highness, A Smirk Tis Better Than A Frown, ALWAYS!!! And FC, You Are GREAT With Words, And Do Not Ever Forget That!!!:high-five: Thank You Your Highness For Allowing Sir GiG And I To Have Our Fun!!! It Has Been Much Fun!!! GiG, All I Can To You Sir, On Your Comment About Chelone Formation For Spears, TOUCHE!!!:hmmmm: But Forming Gladius And Pila Formation Were Exactly What I Meant, As I Was Speaking To What The Romans Were Saying/Doing When Defeating The Greeks/Everyone(FOR AWHILE AS THE BEST INFANTRY IN THE WORLD). As In When The Greeks Were Forming Phalanxes, The Romans Were Saying Form Testudo, The Better Tactic. Sorry All For This Interruption Of The Queens Thread:adore:

Your Highness Have Not Been Out To The Nursery Yet, When I Do, I Shall Let You Know!!!:blushsmile: Take Care Your Highness. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.:thumb:
I dont mean to be quiet but everyone has rediderated all those thing I could tell you just more better maybe I dontknow
but dont you ever forget that I gots ears and some semi pisspoor eyes if you rekon it will help.
cant wait till you pick your first pepper either!

That makes two of us, the pepper that could doesn't seem to be doing much else. Have noticed some brown spots on her. One of the two peppers in the bowl didn't make it but the other is doing fine. It came out of it's shell awhile ago. I guess I am just used to you chatting away so when you become quiet, I am like OHOH..lol

Thank You Your Highness For Allowing Sir GiG And I To Have Our Fun!!! It Has Been Much Fun!!! GiG, All I Can To You Sir, On Your Comment About Chelone Formation For Spears, TOUCHE!!! But Forming Gladius And Pila Formation Were Exactly What I Meant, As I Was Speaking To What The Romans Were Saying/Doing When Defeating The Greeks/Everyone(FOR AWHILE AS THE BEST INFANTRY IN THE WORLD). As In When The Greeks Were Forming Phalanxes, The Romans Were Saying Form Testudo, The Better Tactic. Sorry All For This Interruption Of The Queens Thread

No problem James, all that talk has me anxious for the next season of Spartacus. I usually like those types of movies, loved the 300! That's about all I can add to you and Gig's conversation..sorry..lol

Not much to update on, the coco in the widow looked dried out, had watered it for about 3 days I think. So I gave it some water and bloom booster. Some of the bud sites still look kind of dried out or the pistils look a bit malformed, should I pluck these? Or will it correct itself in time? I am really amazed that she hasn't hermied with all the stress she has been under. And honestly, I have kind of been neglecting her since the other plants bit the big one. I really just want to start over but I want to see her through too.
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