Redmud's Upstairs Back Deck Outdoor Grow

Yeah $40 is a smoking good deal if I didn't have all the parts and pieces around my house it would have cost more than $40

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Good work, Macgyver! Lovin the diy..
Oh yeah, your plants look amazing as well!!!
I forgot to add that since I'm making compost tea the bucket and bubble ring set up is what I brew in too.

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I went to work on the revegged and pollinated Bbk yesterday, I trimmed her up and buried the branches. Then snapped a few pics of the group. LL is getting big I can barely see the Bbk in the middle over her.


Looking great redmud..Nice colour man.. Has it been warm lately?
Yeah it has been in the mid 80s around 27c and this week it is suppose to be around the mid 90s glad I got sips built I would hate for them to go dry.

Thnx Norcal I love it here I drink my coffee out there in the mornings sometimes stare at the mountains and contemplate.

It looks like the sister crop worked as an early warning these little bugs started in on the morning glory and mint so everything got an Azamax spray starting with the girls
and the fluxed
super rooted reveg pollinated Bbk lol started growing again

Thank you wbfarmer been working hard at it they shot up and started spreading out when I added the sips I think it has more to do with the stretch of fall setting in than anything. That Lunar Landing is a juggernaut nothing slows it down when it gets going it just takes its time building the foundations. It will start budding later than either of the kush's then pass them right up and finish a little later.

I don't really need to worry about the smell the neighbors have grows going since it became legal to grow in Oregon

That's just 4 days. I bought that on amazon as a kit for around 40 bucks. Can't beat it in my opinion.
Make sure to keep frozen bottled water around. You will need to keep water cool, root fungus loves warm water. Expensive units have chillers, that's were cost shoots up. By second cloning run you will have issues in your setup if not cooled.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
How are you managing odours?
Hi there Oldbear I was working on a roof in the heat yesterday installing some extra ventilation on a grow warehouse that's having heat issues right now, so I forgot to say welcome to my journal. Do you have a journal going? I'd like to follow along if you do.

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