
You got this!

If your lights are set to say 8am ON to 8pm off (how we run ours in flower. 8am ON to 2am OFF in Veg)

Then just go and watch them with your eyes snd see what’s happening. Every day if you have to - there’s a big power spike when they come on all together with fans and stuff. What if its a basic electrical problem and then a safety thing?

yeah to infinity and beyond you’ll go with an app enabled sensor m.

Find out the real reason its happening and counting harvests in seconds. Nothing beats eyes and skin for sensors.

Trust me.
Six Shooter Auto at Day 84...

The bud back building (one time) did cause the main cola to bulk up But it also allowed the lower branches to grow up similar to a topping at the stem !

She is 48" tall...

5 gallon bucket with a GroBucket, ProMix HP and Mega Crop one part....

Day 84 Six Shooter 13 Oct 2023.jpg
I know, it's just terrible. I offer much solace, mate. Try to look at it like this, Chuck: At least now you know whut don't work.

(traditional container-growing! har!)
Well I know it's not SIP related but, I was planning on using it for the SIP run.. I think I have to scrub my Fish Hydrolysate idea for this run.
I've never made it before but this morning I opened it up to find white mold floating on the top of it.
I don't know if it's safe to use so I have a little homework to do before I decide on my next step.
Sometimes when the plan changes you have to change the plan.
Busy day I guess, not only did I have mold on my fish Hydrolysate, but it never fails.
Even though I have this Dosi Zookies auto in starter soil I think it soaked up some of the goodness from the surrounding soil. Every time I put something in this homemade Bokashi soil it burns at some point and this time it's starting at the jump with an auto.... Oh well the timer is running now and it's going to be what it's going to be.
You can't see it real good in the pic but it's there.

Well I know it's not SIP related but, I was planning on using it for the SIP run.. I think I have to scrub my Fish Hydrolysate idea for this run.
I've never made it before but this morning I opened it up to find white mold floating on the top of it.
I don't know if it's safe to use so I have a little homework to do before I decide on my next step.
Sometimes when the plan changes you have to change the plan.

I had a white film on the top of mine, but not a fuzzy mold, more like a fatty exude. If you've made LABs as well, you could spoon off your white gunk and give it a shot of LAB to try and fix the microbial balance.

Busy day I guess, not only did I have mold on my fish Hydrolysate, but it never fails.
Even though I have this Dosi Zookies auto in starter soil I think it soaked up some of the goodness from the surrounding soil. Every time I put something in this homemade Bokashi soil it burns at some point and this time it's starting at the jump with an auto.... Oh well the timer is running now and it's going to be what it's going to be.
You can't see it real good in the pic but it's there.

I've use high power soils, including homemade bokasi, and it'll stunt your seedlings. They'll go dark green and then yellow cause that baby tap root is longer than you think and it'll find the hot layer at the bottom.
I've started using a fermented alfalfa in place of bokashi, and then use my LABs in a foliar spray, but the effect is still the same - burned seedlings.
That seedling dirt needs to be super super weak if you want a fast start, and coco is waaaaay better than peat! Peat caused me nothing but moldy vegetable seeds, fungus gnats, and swamped seedlings. To hell with that crap! (Just ask Bill how he feels about it. )
The only things I add (in very small amounts!) to seedling dirt are rock flours (not lime!), Great White, extra perlite, and a little Ph Up cause my water is acidic. Lime is powerful and scary stuff, it'll go Rambo if you use the wrong amount and don't let it cook, save that stuff for the big box and just ph your seed water.
After 10-14 days you can transplant them right into the frying pan, they are so hungry that they can usually handle whatever hot stuff you throw at them.

That's my recipe for happy seedlings, YMMV.
I had a white film on the top of mine, but not a fuzzy mold, more like a fatty exude. If you've made LABs as well, you could spoon off your white gunk and give it a shot of LAB to try and fix the microbial balance.

I've use high power soils, including homemade bokasi, and it'll stunt your seedlings. They'll go dark green and then yellow cause that baby tap root is longer than you think and it'll find the hot layer at the bottom.
I've started using a fermented alfalfa in place of bokashi, and then use my LABs in a foliar spray, but the effect is still the same - burned seedlings.
That seedling dirt needs to be super super weak if you want a fast start, and coco is waaaaay better than peat! Peat caused me nothing but moldy vegetable seeds, fungus gnats, and swamped seedlings. To hell with that crap! (Just ask Bill how he feels about it. )
The only things I add (in very small amounts!) to seedling dirt are rock flours (not lime!), Great White, extra perlite, and a little Ph Up cause my water is acidic. Lime is powerful and scary stuff, it'll go Rambo if you use the wrong amount and don't let it cook, save that stuff for the big box and just ph your seed water.
After 10-14 days you can transplant them right into the frying pan, they are so hungry that they can usually handle whatever hot stuff you throw at them.

That's my recipe for happy seedlings, YMMV.
I have to do something about it.
I've been having this happen since I started making the soil and I just can't seem to nail it down. Even when I use just a pot of starter soil they do just fine, but within a week or two of transplant they burn. This time I'm using rain water that someone suggested but it still happened.
I'm going to look into your suggestions and see if I can get it nailed down.
Thank you 💚
Busy day I guess, not only did I have mold on my fish Hydrolysate, but it never fails.
Even though I have this Dosi Zookies auto in starter soil I think it soaked up some of the goodness from the surrounding soil. Every time I put something in this homemade Bokashi soil it burns at some point and this time it's starting at the jump with an auto.... Oh well the timer is running now and it's going to be what it's going to be.
You can't see it real good in the pic but it's there.

Yeah thats why i transplant up i had terrible issues with hot soils and overwatering with starting in bigger containers mj’s pretty hard to kill good luck :Namaste:
Same here the soil I potted cuts into was fine but you can see which ones didn’t have big enough root zones to cope with the hot soil ,some flew throw up fast others stunted and burnt



Taken two weeks but new growth is coming now
What's in the square container ? Is it nutrients mixed that you lift up and water via black dripper line ?
Looking forward to seeing them take off
Ive been meaning to show you guys under the tarp tons of feeders
i can see budsites forming the side with the big light is still showing signs of cupping i may raise it
also i tied the co2 bag to the top will it do its magic like that or is it sucked outta the exhaust?
Pull 'm back if they're cupping. At this stage they are doing perfect, give them a wee break, the light can come back up again when needed! Looks just gorgeous. Excited for you! How about you, Tequila? Pleased?

Pull 'm back if they're cupping. At this stage they are doing perfect, give them a wee break, the light can come back up again when needed! Looks just gorgeous. Excited for you! How about you, Tequila? Pleased?

Im Anxious abt this lighting issue i think the ac light has a sunrise /sunset feature that may have been going on at the time :nervous-guy:they normally answer faster than this…. Averaging 60% humidity so i have a dehumidifier otw thanks for the reassurance res!
What's in the square container ? Is it nutrients mixed that you lift up and water via black dripper line ?
Looking forward to seeing them take off
The square tub I fortunatly is a cutting propergator
However the sack at the side is what you say and full o worms working it over it’s my soil mix rich as

Off to see today and foilar them a big ass boost , hard to compare and would be easy at this stage to say the peat coot wins but they react differently to water so is u fair given the incorrect watering peat is always more forgiving in that respect
The one that didn’t get much water shows bettwr growth like the peat so I am gutted they got stunted but I am sure there on amends now
I have to do something about it.
I've been having this happen since I started making the soil and I just can't seem to nail it down. Even when I use just a pot of starter soil they do just fine, but within a week or two of transplant they burn. This time I'm using rain water that someone suggested but it still happened.
I'm going to look into your suggestions and see if I can get it nailed down.
Thank you 💚
I was gonna say, at least you can use this experience to figure out the limits, but you can’t really, can you? I’m just remembering what you said previously about not having enough control in this “system” or random chance either, Hahaha. Tough one.


New Topic! You know, I found out in person, and then had confirmed by a lot of other growers, that SIPs receive well-developed bubbler cuttings, and seedlings, with breathtaking vigour.

To be specific, I mean long roots (12 inches plus) with the beginnings of a fish-bone pattern already apparent at their very tips. I know, I know, but they just leap up - plants like this in a new SIP. Take it for what it's worth to you. And if anyone out there has something to contribute regarding these specifics you are encouraged to speak up, regardless whether it appears to support or defy my supposition. And it is a supposition, by the way, I hope that was clear.

New Topic! @Bud Bokashi You’d certainly be happy with an all-coco SIP if you wanted one, and you could still choose organic but in this case you'd need "available fertilizers"; you can even add custom bacteria and fungi from home or retailer. I recommend Great WHite or both NPK RAW's Veg and Flower microbe packs. I use NPK now, excellent response and price. Plus, comes in a wettable powder, making it of use to both potted and DWC or other full hydro product. Whettable powder is just a non-reactive sand that sinks out of the way of yer werks and has no pH or food value. (Always remember that pH Is a thing, like you do). You know, after this process has run through a few plants, one day you will have transformed it into soil.

For the philosophers: On what day did it wake up coco and go to bed soil? Nice try, there wasn't one.

My reality is that coco is 10x the price of peat/perlite, and I don’t have the money. That’s all there is to it. I love coco and it’s variability within the mix, it can't turn into true mush, usually. There's much more variation within a single bag of coco: good. There is much variation product to product, company to company with coco: bad-ish.

Anyway, I’ve used coco alone in a SIP plenty, including a big one. Was really good. If they were priced the same I’d choose the coco (with some peat smuggled in), but the best coco price possible to me is, honestly, 10x my best price for peat/perlite. If I had enough income I’d do it for sure too, but I don’t. I’m in a bad spot there.


New Topic!: My priorities/big bills, Mortgage, insurance, taxes, services, pharmaceuticals and food, those I can do. For everything else, currently, I'm forced to query as to the potential for any financial aid or meaningful support from an outside source.

Honestly though, such a priority list feels a very natural scenario and doesn't bother me psych./emotionally, just physically. lol! Besides, I've been a free person with choices all my life. Pretty good scenario, and one that makes me partially responsible for my fate. I'll take that.

And so far, support services at all points have been on-fucking-point (For anyone not in-the-know, in mid-September I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer). It helps, a LOT, that I am at the very tip of the triage spear. Which is to say, as a "curative" case of esophageal cancer I am a rare beast, relatively speaking.

In my readings after the initial diagnosis, but before my cancer was "staged" and doctors were prepared to discuss outlook in detail ('staging' is, essentially, an attempt to discover whether the cancer has spread), I came upon some concerning, stark, data. Which is, that an esophageal cancer diagnosis has a 80% chance of being diagnosed as palliative. Which means, you ain't getting better, the most those 8/10 can hope for is that the progression takes 5 years and is only bad at the end. Fat chance. But that's for the 8/10's diagnosis, and wouldn't you know it, so far, I'm in the 2/10, so I have a shot at more, much more.

Keeping in mind that I can drop back into the 8 any moment, and without prior notice, I count myself to have won the lottery to be among the 2, and not the 8. OK, bad example.... but if I had the power to choose to swap places with one of the eight, the offers coming in would hew pretty close to the, "my total financial value" bone, of all 8 palliative cases, regardless of their wealth, comfort, or even prestige.

I receive everything BEFORE the eight. Before the 8 million, in fact. All the tests, O.R. bookings, high-end ICU equipment, and everyone but the Chaplain (thank god) will drop tools and rush to my bedside at the faintest, "beep", and in medicine, "when" you get help is everything. Thankfully, I understood this when one of the 8 million, but it still stung, and we can do better for them. Anyway, I want those 8 to know how much I appreciate their grace under these conditions and I thank them for my chance at the brass ring. For the 8 million, again, we can do better, and I feel we must.

For an example of an excellent mixed public/private system, I would look to the Netherlands. When I lived there we had a baby, so I have some experience and interest there. I love what they are doing, it supports the public system very well while maintaining great ethics, and populace loves it too. Very high support across full demos.

Oh, here's a weird tip. If you are curious to make a mini-SIP from a Solo beer cup, I discovered that for me, the best wicking-foot container I've tried so far are those x-large flavoured creamers you can get from 7/11 or the grocery store. Or, the premeasured, single-use coffee grounds containers for full-auto coffee systems. Use a hot girthy needle, to make the holes.
Oh, here's a weird tip. If you are curious to make a mini-SIP from a Solo beer cup, I discovered that for me, the best wicking-foot container I've tried so far are those x-large flavoured creamers you can get from 7/11 or the grocery store. Or, the premeasured, single-use coffee grounds containers for full-auto coffee systems. Use a hot girthy needle, to make the holes.
Wonder if 3d printing a buck of a solo cup with a half ball on the bottom of it and then sitting a solo cup over it and heat it up with a heat gun weather it could be reformed at the bottom to make the whick 🤔
Wonder if 3d printing a buck of a solo cup with a half ball on the bottom of it and then sitting a solo cup over it and heat it up with a heat gun weather it could be reformed at the bottom to make the whick 🤔
absolutely. 3-D printed whole SIPs are a thing.

edit: also nice if you can make the wick structural and take weight. Removes having to add much more inside the rez to prop up planter floor, increasing liquid capacity.
Yea I know I could print a SIP but quicker and easier if a SIP buck would work
Agreed. I had an ammendment to that comment, that it would be great to design the piece as having structural significance. It'd help avoid putting more in the rez to prop up floor - which always hurts overall liquid volume partially. Corrugated, perforated plastic pipe works well as CUP for large SIPs and as purely support given its low mass and thin profile. As we go micro the choices wane considerably for support. That's where custom prototyping shines.
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