Smokerjoes 2nd Journal

Yeah about 6 days early. Had to so there were room for the other plants that take a month longer to finish
Hey everyone today I will go over my method to flash dry perfect buds every time with very little thc loss.

Sure you can flash dry in a toaster oven or in a regular oven or on top of a hot appliance or radiator but these methods either still take to long or they get rid of much of the thc.The following method has served me well over years of fine tuning the method I have had overdry buds only once out of 100 or so flash dries.


You are gonna want a rubbermaid container preferably; square or rectangular is preferred


Get 2 or 3 paper towel segments. 1 goes at the bottom of the container to line it and the other two you are going to wet and then squeeze so they arent soaked and then fold those to fit the lid of the rubbermaid container. Put the wet towels on top of the lid. Be sure to fasten the lid on 3 of the 4 corners. This is done to let steam out.The heat causes the water content in the bud to turn to steam. Some condensation will occur on the underneath of the lid so wipe that dry when the time comes to check the buds more on that in a bit. Set the buds on top of the paper towel lining the bottom of the container. Make sure they arent clumped together and have a bit of seperation from each other.


Put the rubbermaid container in your microwave after you make sure the lid is sealed on 3 sides only. Set the microwave to 10 minutes.(longer for bigger quantities).To do this press time cook on the microwave input in 1000 then press power and set it to 3.(4 or 5 depending on the microwave power but always start with 3 to make sure you dont cook out all of the thc)

Final steps

Halfway in to your cook time open the microwave take off the lid let the steam escape and wipe out any water that built up on the underneath of the lid. Rewet the paper towels and ring them again so they arent soaked. Again fasten 3 corners of the lid and put in for the remainder of the time. If you follow this to the letter and find your buds are still a bit moist then add a extra 2 minutes and repeat all of the steps. Your buds may still feel a bit damp but it will dry naturally in about 10 minutes once they are taken out of the microwave. That really smooth taste and smell wont all be there or maybe not at all but the thc is what you ultimately care about. There will still be a bit of the minty chlorophyll taste but thats not much of a issue. I advise you to crack open a window because its gonna smell like you are cooking brussel sprouts or some other gross vegetable that shouldnt exist.
Hello everyone!

Today I will cover how to do a budwash. Most people haven't done this and it makes sense as to why you wouldnt want to purposefully expose your fresh yield to water. Years ago when I started budwashing I was also afraid of the water but after washing only half of that crop I can firmly tell you that washing your buds is the way to go. The bud smokes a lot smoother and is a lot better for your lungs to wash out all of the contaminants i.e hair,loose pollen,dandruff and skin flakes,dead leaves and dead bugs and especially any fertilizers or poisons. When you smoke unwashed buds you are putting your faith that none of this stuff is in your bud . Even as a organic grower who never wears clothes that were worn outside into my garden I still washed out so much crud that I felt bad for the decade or so of smoking I did without even considering these factors. So if you follow what I am about to impart then you to will have happier lungs and your nugs will sparkle. Before I continue on that keep in mind that if you do this process before your normal hang dry then you will be adding a extra 2 days to the drying time. While not critically important it still may be a factor you wish to consider. For myself the difference in the quality of the smoke is just to great to pass this up.

Smokerjoes budwashing technique

First you will need at least 3 containers that will hold water such as a bucket or a rubbermaid bin heck even a empty trashcan will do. I use 2 additional 1 at the far left of the containers that hold buds that have not been washed and 1 at the very end that will hold the buds that have been washed but not yet hung to dry.

The first container consists of hot water and baking soda. Make sure to stir around the baking soda so it isnt clumped or in a pile at the bottom of the container.

The second container consists of cold water. The colder the better. This container you will want to add lemon juice and peroxide.Be generous. You really cant use to much but you can use to little. If you have a lot of buds to wash be mindful of how much you will need for the second wash once the containers of water are all dirty.

The third container will consist of plain room temperature water. You can use a better quality of water. I just use the city water though. This last container is used to rinse all of the residue from the baking soda,peroxide and lemon dunks.

Once you have your 3 containers 3/4th full with the varying temps of water. You take your first bud by the bottom of the stem and submerge it in the water. Dunk it up and down with a flicking motion with your wrists and gently turn it as your dunking it. Do this for 15 seconds and then hold the nug over the container you just used so most of that water solution goes back into the appropriate container instead of crossing over into the next one.

Do the same for containers 2 and 3. So dunk it for 10-15 seconds. Make sure it is fully submerged. As you are dunking rotate it while dunking. Hold over the container let drip until most of the solution has fallen off then go to the next bucket and repeat. I change my solution every 4-6 plants but you may be able to change it more or less depending on the water level and the amount of ingredients added to that water.

Once done hang your buds so they can drip dry overnight. In the morning you can place the hanging buds wherever you usually do. Its important that when you dry the buds that they not be touching or else they will just transfer moisture to each other and take longer to dry fully. You can dry them however you like but what I do is use orange yarn and tie around the bottom of the stem then to a hangar and so they hang under the hangar and let gravity do its thing.

Well there you go. Hope you try this method out and let me know what you think or if you have suggestions to improve it let me know. Have a great day
Loving your daily quick post classes Joe. Keep up the good work...
Ive never tried it with already dried buds but Im thinking it will work as if you were redrying and recuring the buds.
Congrats on the harvest Joe :) looks good! I'm not a fan of flash drying personally, but your way definitely sounds like a step up from how my friends throw theirs in the oven >.< and nice bud washing post.

Hope you and the family are well this holiday season :love:
Hello everyone long time no see but ive been around here catching up on journals and all of that. Shortly I will be uploading my week 9 of flowering pics of the phulbani. I increased the dark period about a week ago to 14 hours and the plants are responding a lot better but its nowhere near ready. I fear if these plants get even another 4-6 inches taller they will have to be harvested as is some of these monsters are over 5 feet tall that is with constant sideways training. There just isnt any more room for them. The lights are all the way up and many of the plants stems are at or near the lights even with constant bending downward.
You wont lose any weight by snapping them over (this deep into harvest time)a few inches down from the top. Its a weed you can't kill it that easily. Sometimes you get lucky and the bud bulks up even more at the break points. Either way its better than pulling early.
Soil ph meters are almost useless to be honest. The soils ph will be different in many areas. The runoff is a better indicator but even that will be off but it is better. Soil acts as a buffer and so the ph doesnt matter as much in soil as it does for hydroponics. I also have the meter you speak of as well as hannah instruments ph tester but I only use to test the ppm in the water to make sure I follow my own nutrient plan. Yes you are right hydro but the issue isnt that at all. Its that its 9 weeks into flower on this strain in which noone seems to know how long it takes to flower. The tops are already past the tops of the lights even as they have been bent several times. Everyday im bending down 15 or 20 branches. The colas look like they would on most plants in week 3 or 4 of flower and im trying to get in 2 more grows before the end of july.
See what im saying these plants are just not indoor plants at all I feel that they require the sun and artificial light just isnt enough for them. I would consider myself a expert and I cant contain them because they dont stay down. When they were young I trained them as I wanted them. Into little bushes but the problem was they didnt put out many sidebranches for me to train and now so far into flower they are still stretching. I feel this strain is for sure designed to be a 10-15 foot outdoor strain because if I didnt bend them at all they would be over 8 feet tall certainly. With as much training as I have done they are still 4 or 5 feet tall and not at all suitable for a closet garden situation. I will keep them going to see what they put on between now and next weeks photos but if it isnt enough to warrant all of this extra time then they are gone and new seeds will be in. I have set aside a extra area for them to be under cfl until these are done but they just never seem to be done. I could of had another batch in here about to flower next week as is so we will see what they do. They are outgrowing the height of the light and im not gonna waste time on spindly pathetic colas when I grow monsters otherwise it just wouldnt be practical or make sense. So I want to see at least 10-15% additional bud growth each week until they are ready because I just dont have the room. My ceilings arent vaulted and the crossbar for the lights is at 4.5 feet so it is imperative to keep the plants to 4 feet max. If I ever grow this strain again it is going to be because I crossbred it made it stable with a short bushy plant. The one good thing is there is very little smell associated with the plants we love to smoke and so there isnt much worry on that end.
LOL ya they remind me of strainhunter videos. SO long and stringy I have never seen anything so thin indoors. Its gonna be tuff to get yield. I promise myself after this grow no unknown seeds again to much time wasted.
Good evening smoker. How many hours of light are you giving them. The one I had in the greenhouse never finished and I germed it in March and chopped it in November. It's some good smoke the way it is but I'm sure it would be really good if a person could get it to the finish.If it was down to 10 hours of light it may help. It also may help with a heavy dose of P. this is as close as I got it before it froze.
10/14 right now. More p you say? Im pushing the p already I will give more then
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