Soil LED Raspberry Kush Upsizing From 4-20 Plants, 2017

Thanks bud! Do you add cloning hormone ? Like the old dip the clone in stuff.

I don't put the hormone on my clones unless I'm putting them in cubes. I have put in hydroguard.
I dip my clones! And awwwwwweeeeee #thosebabiesthough

Interesting. I was think that it would just get washed off. Does it cling to the stalk in cloning?
Okay buddy it's time for that TERPINATOR. 1 ML only. And the royal gold or whatever, you can add that back also.
Interesting. I was think that it would just get washed off. Does it cling to the stalk in cloning?

Mine is a gel so yes it sticks on there, plus I poor a drip or too in the rooter hole. I don’t know if it helps but I just do it lol
Day 3112/12
Howdy y'all happy Friday 420 Friday Folk!
Thanks @Troy01 will add 1/2 a teaspoon or so to the fluid. I will be hanging a light over this system. One small flourecent.
Just watering away with the mix
QG pt 3 bloom 1.5ml/l, and Gao Calmag+ 1ml/l ph 6.2 ppm 660.

Picking out a few dead brown leaves. Done leaf are turning red.

Seedlings are cool, not sure if that SD is going to pop out it seems to be showing some green. Going to wait a few more days, maybe it's just root balling....(far fetched idea) anyway, two will go in at once if I do it again, last of the SD seeds and I don't think I want to abandon that strain so I'll be forced to buy new But seriously, I do want SD. Very badly....

Anyway tommorrow will be halfway! F so happy. Finding the limits of my room. Man theres so much planning in this harvest, planting, cloning, harvest and curing thing.

Cheers and thanks for popping by!!!! Love the help and support, by everyone.

Okay buddy it's time for that TERPINATOR. 1 ML only. And the royal gold or whatever, you can add that back also.
Gottch @TheMadDabber,
Dabber question just to help understand.
1ml/l terp 0-0-4; royal gold 0-1-0 and Carboblast 0-1-0 will be added next watering!!
With pt 3 0-4-4 and Calmag 1-0-0. Do you add all those together to see what NPK were giving?
And/Or to you need to scale per ml to add?
What I mean is since I'm adding 1.5 ml/l pt 3 and 1ml/l everything else
I'm using part 3 (0-4-4*1.5)
= 1-8-10/ml? I think I should be aware of these numbers lol not because I know something but because they seem to play a roll in telling me something. I just need to figure that out ha!!
Howdy Folks! St Patrick's day. Don't green out!
Planted my last two SD seeds. Hope these catch. Sofar I mess up two seeds and not sure why the last one didn't pop. A JB popped also.
The green crack and og are here they look ok I'll be watering with a spray bottle. I have them sitting in a container in a pool of water in the germ tray. Last time I couldn't dry the soil out, I think it was sucking moisture from the tray up or rockwool pulling moisture from everywhere. Anyway, I probably watered too much also. This time I'm taking a few more cautions.
The cloner appears to have missed one stem and that cut wilted so I guess it's working awesome! Lol. Man Troy if I see roots in 7 days that will be a good day! I didn't put the pump on a timer yet. I'm too afraid the sprinklers won't start up and sprinkle lol. I just want to see some roots.

O yea I also mixed some feed
QG Pt3 bloom 1.5ml/l
GH calimagic 1ml/m (I ran out and bought this. It's the closest to what I was using)
Terp 1ml/l
FH carboblast 1ml/l
FH royal gold 1ml/l
Ph 6.3
Ppm 810
BTW, smells awesome in there! The smell daily is stronger. It's sweet something I guess that raspberry! I had this next to a sour d last time and I thought all I could smell was ITSO glad to have this all alone to enjoy!

Waiting till lunch for a green beer!
Thanks for popping by.
Frost up folks!
Hello 420,

Sunday Sunday Sunday

What do I have going on?
I put the timer on the cloner. This is how I dialed it in...literally.
On 1min 40sec
Off 4min
As mentioned one of 6 clones dried up. Will need to build something for proper spacing of sprinklers. So there are two Raz and three Le Raz looking for water. I mixed about 1/2tsp of rooting hormone powder into the water. No bubbler yet. Will dump out fluid in a week...maybe roots will be there and I can take down the system!
Seedlings were misted yesturday, will keep a close eye not to overwater again...misting clones three times a day and seelings when soils dry.

Mixing nutz at ph 6.2-6.4 ppm 670-820
RH 30d-49%n
Temps 27d - 21n
QG pt3 bloom 1.5ml/l
GH calimagic FH carboblast&royal gold 1ml/l.
No more burn tips, will keep watch.

I did notice that yellow leaf in flower are still hooked pretty hard to the plant. Now I don't pick them unless they fall off when I touch them. I'm starting to water when I think they are light enough, I was waiting too long and too many were drooping bad before I watered. So maybe I'm learning I'll see if my fly traps pick up anything....flying around.
Some pots are really taking water! Like daily almost all are every second day. 2-3 pots are about 4-5 days between water and are pretty small.

All in all, things are looking good in there. Thanks for the help everyone, so awesome to have this site at my fingertips.

Let's share :)
Congrats on the babies! Woot! I always see roots on clones about Day 10 if your counting;)

Have a Funday Sunday! :passitleft:
Thanks that's the beauty of a journal I just flip back!
I'll take a puff of that.
Omg some good laughs in your video.(#... ) I kinda want some Reese pieces now....or chicken cashews lol.

Cheers thanks for stopping by.
Day 33 of 12/12

Howdy Folks!

Well looking good the yellow leafs seemed to slow down. Thank you to everyone telling me to stop picking them. Lol. Seemed like when I did, more leafs turned yellow. Not I shake them if they fall off I take them. The seedlings are making their way, I'm being more careful thus round. Troy's suggestion of the internet box was good! Mine are on my satilite box and we seem to be popping and stretching green stuff so things are cool. Tge cloner is awesome! Cuts are looking good! I'm misting the dome for seedlings and the clones. So far no hum dome on, looks like one of the old clones is still alive so that's good too. I gave up on them. Nature is amazing.
As for the flower, those big bushes I'm still thinning out the lower possible popcorn bud shoots. The bottom area is getting thin now and air can pass. I still have some very thick areas I need to tend to. Learning more about what to do preflower lol. Those two bushes are f bushes.
Ok some pics

Thanks for popping by!
They are really looking good.. I love checking in on the clones. Your cloner is a great little invention. Won't be long until you have them in soil.
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