Stinky Snid's Nursery & Flower Shop - Welcome To My Perpetual Adventure

Im sure youll have plenty in a few months. .
I sure hope so, I'm hoping for a twelve week auto run. These widows have worn me down over the past 130 days. I'll be happy to see them finish in 80-90. Thanks Pennywise :thanks:

Just passing through looks like some more awesomeness from the Snid section of 420!
:high-five: you bet brother :high-five: I've got to keep things exciting not only for you all but for my pleasure aswell. Sharing the journey is only part of the adventure... :Namaste:

I'm definitely in for the ride here - sounds like a cool mix of beans :)
I originally thought this Blackjack was supposed to be like the dark devil, but apparently it's just a normal looking strain. The diesel Berry has got my taste buds tingling already, last one I grew was magnificent smoke. Glad to have you along Peaches :ciao:

Nice lineup..
Yes sir, :thanks: if one of these don't germinate I'll drop a train wreck in your honour. It's looking like one of these diesel Berry's are a dud, but I'll give it a couple days.

We.'re gonna see some funky . leaves for sure ., can't wait!
Hopefully not funky, don't want a repeat of my the last batch of widows. I'd like a smooth sailing sprout to veg phase, no hiccups. It'll be an exciting grow that's for sure, I can't wait either... :hug: thanks for stopping in G2heal :circle-of-love:

*weekend update in Progress*

KiG Everyone :green_heart:cheers
:cheer: February 12th Update :cheer:

Ask Stinky Snid Anything - Sharing Knowledge 420Style

Harvest note for Ruby. She's all trimmed up and hanging, was not too bad on the fingers. Very sticky :) here she is before and after. Her final living pics are below too...


An update on the sowing process. So far I've got all 3 Trans Siberian seeds to "poop" their taproots and have been sown in their red pots. One Diesel Berry has also been sown in its green pot. One DB looks to be a dud, but I'll wait another day or two to make sure. The Blackjack is so far the heartiest and was planted in the appropriate black pot. I've not decided wether I'll put them in the tent or have them under cfls first. Bugs are at a minimum currently (winter) so I may boot my propagation cabinet up again. We'll find out by next update :thumb:

So I guess it's on to the meat and potatoes. Let's have a look at this week's progress in the two Tents.
(Attention, turn up the brightness for maximum viewing pleasure)

:passitleft:Interlude :passitleft:

Auto-flowering Tent
Temperature : 71>63°f / Humidity : 30>24% Rh

The Widows
Day 132













Notes ~
The auto tent is winding down now. Ruby has been harvested and is hanging up to dry. The final are close behind and will wind up hanging in a week or so. Emerald had been flushed and is merely days away from her demise. I'll likely wait until the drying cabinet is vacated before doing the deed. Amethyst however is showing not too much amber and is awaiting her flush, which could be any day now.

:blunt: Intermission :hookah:

Flowering Tent
Temperature : 70>62°f / Humidity : 34>30% Rh

Atomic Bomb
Day 80 +69







Notes ~
You can clearly see the so called "Snid Signal" stalk in that pic. There's major branches coming from all over her lower trunk. What a freak of my own creation :) her buds a splendidly coated with trichomes and glisten in the lights. Its aroma is exquisite, watermelon candy and citrus overtones, delightful! Her lower buds now exposed to weeks worth of close up LEDs has definitely made some gains in density and maturity. We are approaching the 10 week mark, so it's time to start looking at trichomes and determining a flush date. My Sniddy senses are tingling :rofl:

Liberty Haze
Day 54 +48




Notes ~
Growing like a champ, this girl has got it all. Once those fan leaves begin to get removed or grow out and die off, the buds will be exposed. I've only clipped the inward facing fan leaves to uncover the middle of the plant. Leaving the outer ones to power the oil and trichome factories. As you can see there's no sign of any major deficiency, she's healthy as can be in my eyes.

Skywalker Kush
Day 52 +48




Notes ~
Super skywalker Kush Leia was very dry last night after my procrastination over feeding her. A few of her stems had fallen over sideways, not limp but very weak. She's perked right back up this morning though as you can see. Her resinous coating is something to behold, it's incredibly covered with trichomes at this early stage of flowering. This will be a plant to watch, I am very excited to see this flourishing Jedi become a trained apprentice.

Skywalker Kush
Day 49 +41




Notes ~
Wanna be Jedi Rey, is not so feeble anymore. The force is strong with this one. She's enroute to being bigger than her sister. Not quite as wide and laden with smaller Colas, but taller and with 4 major Colas that are already nicely developed. No issues to report for her, all is well with her foliage and feeding cycle.

I hope you enjoyed today's update. See you next time...

KiG Everyone :green_heart:Cheers
Looking good Snid, i want to see Rey finish out. One of my SK has several smaller tops in the center like yours does.
The central part of her is going to produce for sure. Each one will be relatively the same size. Take my last Bubblegum (Maude) every bud is pretty much identical. Good luck with the Star killers :)

Those look amazing. Marge is a winner for sure, and the shiny green leaves on Rey are among the best on the site :)
Well!...Humbled to the max:Namaste: That's really putting it on heavy, I appreciate the ultra kind words mouser :thanks: Rey and the other photos are all doing very well and have not had any nutrient issues to date. I've not defoliated much at all, they just look great and happy with every leaf. Thanks again mouser:adore:, you're too kind.

Hey snid what is the stink like on that liberty haze?

So far it's still a subtle aroma. Like I've said before I'm horrible at defining odours... But it's a mild sweet citrus and something else too, other than the weed smell. Lol. But I can't describe it.. Cheers Keltic :ciao:

Hey snid awesome as usual. I pulled the plug and ordered the GS1000 to finish my "candy cane" with. Jezebel is gonna be awhile yet under the 12/12 and I need more light in the tent.
Don't you mean pulled the trigger? Pulling the plug seems backwards :rofl: My Gs600 is a great light, runs a little hot but I've got good ventilation. The lenses on it are very intense, not much of a outer footprint but the inner levels are superb. I think you and candy are going to like the addition. Congrats brother,:high-five:

KiG Everyone :green_heart:cheers
The central part of her is going to produce for sure. Each one will be relatively the same size. Take my last Bubblegum (Maude) every bud is pretty much identical. Good luck with the Star killers :)

Well!...Humbled to the max:Namaste: That's really putting it on heavy, I appreciate the ultra kind words mouser :thanks: Rey and the other photos are all doing very well and have not had any nutrient issues to date. I've not defoliated much at all, they just look great and happy with every leaf. Thanks again mouser:adore:, you're too kind.

So far it's still a subtle aroma. Like I've said before I'm horrible at defining odours... But it's a mild sweet citrus and something else too, other than the weed smell. Lol. But I can't describe it.. Cheers Keltic :ciao:

Don't you mean pulled the trigger? Pulling the plug seems backwards :rofl: My Gs600 is a great light, runs a little hot but I've got good ventilation. The lenses on it are very intense, not much of a outer footprint but the inner levels are superb. I think you and candy are going to like the addition. Congrats brother,:high-five:

KiG Everyone :green_heart:cheers
Thanx snid I'm looking forward to it. She needs more light and I am tapped right now with the cabinet and tent. Oh well gonna have to keep the cabinet for autos and the tent for photos:thumb:
the pots you are showing with the new line up in them how many gallons are those? And your autos are they in 5 gallon buckets cause In thinking I remember you saying something about 3 gallons being plenty of room for the roots......I think and just want to be clear. Because if I used 3 gallons instead of 5 I could run 6 plants instead of 4

Ohioboy can't stop!! Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly

Atomic Bomb
Day 80 +69

Notes ~
You can clearly see the so called "Snid Signal" stalk in that pic. There's major branches coming from all over her lower trunk. What a freak

Call it the Snid Signal if you want. When I look at that trunk and think about what you did to her it makes me think of a certain notorious book. Maybe you could write a sequel, 50 Shades of Green.
"Mary Jane, Mr. Green will see you now..." :thedoubletake::adore::rofl:

That is a beautiful trunk!
Stinky Snid's Nursery & Flower Shop - Welcome To My Perpetual Adventure

It's one of your best posts so far.

WW's were funky because they were healing from your absence, including your biggest fans. ;)

I thought they represented your resilience and never say die attitude towards your garden.

We are all judged on our harvests and yours says "there is always hope."

I've admired your grows for almost a year now and there isn't a dull moment. So much to learn.

Much love from my green space!
Re: Stinky Snid's Nursery & Flower Shop - Welcome To My Perpetual Adventure

Thanx snid I'm looking forward to it. She needs more light and I am tapped right now with the cabinet and tent. Oh well gonna have to keep the cabinet for autos and the tent for photos:thumb:
That's the spirit :thumb: more light more cabinets more everything :) glad to hear the good news brother :Namaste:

the pots you are showing with the new line up in them how many gallons are those? And your autos are they in 5 gallon buckets cause In thinking I remember you saying something about 3 gallons being plenty of room for the roots......I think and just want to be clear. Because if I used 3 gallons instead of 5 I could run 6 plants instead of 4.
Your logic is sound. Those pots are roughly 11 litres/ 3 gallons. I've never grown an auto in bigger pot than that, my research led me to believe that it adequate for autos. Also having 6 or even nine in my 3'x3' rather than four is definitely yield enhancing. I don't like wasted space, I like a full canopy:) you're on to something ohioboy :thumb:

Hey I was wondering why your White Widow autos are going so long. Is that unusual? I thought like 90 days would be about the maximum amount?
It's likely my fault for stunting their early growth. Autos that go longer than 90 days, I like to classify as "super autos". These are quite common, or so I've found. If a breeder says it'll be 9 weeks seed to harvest then it's usually a smaller plant. But I've had autos veg for 6 weeks, then add 9 weeks of flower that 15 weeks. 105+days depending on amber preference. These are strains that like to be trained and I'll get the most out of them.

Call it the Snid Signal if you want. When I look at that trunk and think about what you did to her it makes me think of a certain notorious book. Maybe you could write a sequel, 50 Shades of Green.
"Mary Jane, Mr. Green will see you now..." :thedoubletake::adore::rofl:

That is a beautiful trunk!
Where does one start with that:rofl: I've honestly considered writing a book. But it would be much to make it non encyclopedic in nature. But a very interesting concept to say the least :thanks:
I worked her over like nothing I've seen before. She was getting trained from day 4 or something ridiculous like that. It was quite the project, I would not have done it without the you guys cheering me and her on. Come by anytime KingstonRabbi :Namaste:

It's one of your best posts so far.

WW's were funky because they were healing from your absence, including your biggest fans. ;)

I thought they represented your resilience and never say die attitude towards your garden.

We are all judged on our harvests and yours says "there is always hope."

I've admired your grows for almost a year now and there isn't a dull moment. So much to learn.

Much love from my green space!
Sigh... Thank you G2heal :thanks: it's been the longest 3 month ever. Things are back on track in the garden and on the job front. I hope things smooth out and I can finally close that chapter of my life. I owe alot to you my dear, for your strength and determination to persevere against the odds. Happy Valentine's day :circle-of-love: my best wishes to your hubby :Namaste:

KiG Everyone :green_heart:Cheers
Re: Stinky Snid's Nursery & Flower Shop - Welcome To My Perpetual Adventure

That's the spirit :thumb: more light more cabinets more everything :) glad to hear the good news brother :Namaste:

Your logic is sound. Those pots are roughly 11 litres/ 3 gallons. I've never grown an auto in bigger pot than that, my research led me to believe that it adequate for autos. Also having 6 or even nine in my 3'x3' rather than four is definitely yield enhancing. I don't like wasted space, I like a full canopy:) you're on to something ohioboy :thumb:

It's likely my fault for stunting their early growth. Autos that go longer than 90 days, I like to classify as "super autos". These are quite common, or so I've found. If a breeder says it'll be 9 weeks seed to harvest then it's usually a smaller plant. But I've had autos veg for 6 weeks, then add 9 weeks of flower that 15 weeks. 105+days depending on amber preference. These are strains that like to be trained and I'll get the most out of them.

Where does one start with that:rofl: I've honestly considered writing a book. But it would be much to make it non encyclopedic in nature. But a very interesting concept to say the least :thanks:
I worked her over like nothing I've seen before. She was getting trained from day 4 or something ridiculous like that. It was quite the project, I would not have done it without the you guys cheering me and her on. Come by anytime KingstonRabbi :Namaste:

Sigh... Thank you G2heal :thanks: it's been the longest 3 month ever. Things are back on track in the garden and on the job front. I hope things smooth out and I can finally close that chapter of my life. I owe alot to you my dear, for your strength and determination to persevere against the odds. Happy Valentine's day :circle-of-love: my best wishes to your hubby :Namaste:

KiG Everyone :green_heart:Cheers
I was wondering what plant training you did on those. Was it only LST or did you top as well? I jumped in mid journal sorry! I saw huge colas and just had to see harvest. I love plant training this is a 4.5 weeks old white widow

my new dwc Afghan Kush run and flowering mothers
Allo Stinky :thumb:

Ye a rare visit from the notorious fuzzy well i'm not to sure about that, but indeed rare !

So some where along the lines i was checking ya grow journal out & noticed Blue Lab Soil PH Probe which got me rather interested !

That was some 80 odd pages back, i've not had time to flick through all the journal just yet to view data etc but i checked out the last several pages with little reference to PH tests during the grow ?

OK a little experiment ah... perhaps to see the change of soil PH before watering with nutrients & after or just watering to 24 hours later to see if the PH buffers back to ambient PH levels of the soil used etc ?

So what did you find out Stinky any conclusions or thoughts on the matter...

Mmm ye done some thing like that awhile ago a 2nd opinion will go a long way if we're on the right tracks ?
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